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pEEO OF TRUST �10538'� t <br />11115 DEED Of TRUST. matte thrs4th of October , 1q8�,,, ,,,, by and among -- V. LAVA ne Ce,e :ham :. Si le :,tF <br />whose nrr °gnot*iss is #28 -St. Joules Place, Grand 1E91aad ME 68803 <br />(herein "Truster" ); and 5M Off WOOD RIVER . whose tmoiling address P.O. Box 4879 Wood River, NE ; f <br />,her e)* "Trust**" rsrd ••B#n#fk)ocy ). 58883. <br />FOR YAlUA@IE CONSIDERATION. incWdhV the indebtedness indentilied herein and the trust herein created, the receipt of which is hereby <br />octsno- w4hed. Tnistor kreVOSoNaC srgrtts, transfers, conveys, and assigns to. Trustee. IN TRUST. WITH POWER OF SALE, for the benefit and <br />security pi Spwfkic i; under xf subiect to the to m andcondiliaus of this Decd of Trust, the reo! proWy described as follows: <br />hot -Tw aty ;,zisht 1 -28) in 116ck- Seven- (7), Unit Three, Continental Gardens, an Addition <br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />i0GET11ER WITH, oil rents, profits, royalties, income and oth':1:.�N nefits derived from the real properlp rnl leases or subleases cov36mg the <br />Not prepyi. or any portion thereof, now or hereafter existing �x anfered into, and all right, title and interest of TruSt.�;r thereunder; all ins <br />errt <br />teresls,.esttie or other claims. both in low and in equity, which Truster now has or may hetgiifter acquire `in'the real Iiu grty; all easamanla; <br />-tights•of -way, tenemen!t.,,:ftereditaments and appurtenances thereof and thereto; all oil ar;' gas rights &'#id prn. fits, water rights and water <br />Mock. all right, title anr�. > Iteest of Truster, now owned or hereafter acquired, m and to any land lying wtifi n the right- of-way of any street. or <br />highway adjoining the real' property, .:,=1' and all buildings, fixtures, improvements, and or hereafter erected lharaon or <br />belonging thereto, (herein referred to �:s "Improvement" or "Improvements "); and any and oll awards Made for the taking by eminent! domain <br />or by any proceeding or purchase in lieu thereof, of flit whole or any part of the real property. <br />AU of the foregoing estate, property and interesthp eby conveyed to Trustee herein collectively referrd4'4ti as the "Property ". <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST SIIAtt SECURE: <br />icr) idle, �w R�Y.znt a# indebt dress evidenced by f 1 �or's note of cNen date herewith in the principal sum c -- 'Sixt�r, fire - - -- <br />thouiand and no/ 100---- r•----- -------------------- Dollars (S 65jit3dC.0 <br />r..r..- <br />i'Iogelher with interest nt, *e rate or rates provided; ir1w •fin, (her6h., together with any and all renewals, mp4ificatians, and ex'ennivhi 16(44n,f. <br />i �ferred to as the "tlott":`f; rioth principal aid intet%sS on the Note being pa-tit to in accordance with the'lotins set forth t(tm'xit1, r +�.tv� shoe to <br />which is hereby made, the•finol payment of principal and interest, if not scones poid mid it no renewuts, modifications or onforit tons' Ma made, <br />due and payable on , January 31, 1990 and all renewals orextenaio» xher�of , <br />(b). The performance of each agreement and covenant of Truster herein contained; and <br />(c) The payntent of any sum or sums of money with interest thereon which moy be hereafter paid or adiwace.d voter the ttwnL of this Deed of <br />TWO. <br />(d) The payment c f any future advances necessary to protect the security or any future advance made 4,tfie option ahIlse parties; and <br />let T1.wpotformonce of on obligation of any other person named in this Trust teed to a beneficiary. <br />TO MITI CT THE SECURITY OF 7111S DEED OF TRUST, TRUSTOR HEREBY COVENANIS AND AGREES AS FOLLP#Sr <br />1. Payment of Prind#ol'arid Interest. Truster shplt promptly pay when due ilho pdreipol of and interesf :on she indebtedness evidenmed by the <br />Note, and oil other chirgps grid fees as provided brilic;•11ote, and the principfit •af hold interest on any Fylut•rt- Advances secured by AM% Deed of <br />Trust. <br />2. Werreely of Titte. Truster is lowfiilly: SEiiCd:"1Lid possessed of good end indefeasible tille-ond estate to tha Property hereby conveyed and <br />has the right to grant end convey the 1t:operly; iho Property is free and clear of all liens an! encumbrdain except liens now of record; and <br />Truster will warrant and defend the title to the Frn ietty ogoinst nil claims and demands. <br />3. Meirrtett oca snll Complience with laws. Truster` shell keep the Property in good condition mid repalf pod shad not rammit waste or permit <br />inipairment or deteriorolion of the Property and shag conl4ly -with the provisions of any lease if this Deed of Trust is on a leasehold. flo urrprove- <br />mmt now or hereafter erected upon the Property shall be altered, removed or demolished without the prior written consent of Beneficiary. <br />Truster shohl compiy with oil lams, ordinances, regulations, covenants, conditions and restrictions affecting the Property and not commit, suffer, <br />or permit any act to be done in or upon the Property in violation of any low, ordinance, regulation, covenant, condition or restriction. Truster <br />slwll tcmphete or restore promptly and in good workmanlike monner any impro•nment on the Property which may be dainaged or destroyed arid <br />pay, when due, all claims for labor performed and materials furnished therefore and for any olterations thereof. <br />:r. kierske. Trustor, at its expense, will maintain with insurers opproved by Deneficiary. insurance with respect to the improvements and <br />4erscnol property, constitut'ng the Propt0y, against toss by fire, fghlrinrd, tornado, and other perils and hozords covered by standard extended <br />csv*rrTe erdoremni. in an crtm air equal to at feast cne inmdred percent of the fail rcpfdcemenr value thereof and irt;urcrr.e arainst such <br />01sT famrds and in such anldutils as is customarily carried by owners and operators a; simu!or properties cr as geneficisry may require for its <br />prellInfon. l'ustor -:ill cefilOy v,ith sttthotfier requirements as Denefisinry may (rani tirrfe to limo request for Il;a protection by insura.-rce of the <br />in•ere,ts of flu! recvme rim parties. All insU;aace policies maintained j;ursuunt to tits Dzed o' Trust st! :71 smile Trttsto7 c,id asset ".miry ns in• <br />[r}tar�S, G5 11! ^ir 1f3 ;;'ill's, r: lilt, -151%, shay Cppeur, crlj provide 11aaf !hare ;L;il to rig C0r!CCllatt3r► Cr t11,dsfivul1*0u tr1i1'oJt !to foss. 0-,uti t 5 days <br />l :r; ^r �,+iltert iftit gat',.: la 0cr : >!licit_ry. 1-s the event mil pt;licy ti ^ref ^ ?!er is not rtre wit cri cr Lefcre t 5 emys r•it - +c its ro0ot :;111 tri'e. <br />fir lcr llr� t`tT� rtc!177 S :011.11t,7+ance Ili fief l,r ;r r I. ', _t.. n n r .L. rt 1 1. <br />e`ri: -e =1st,r t.. le(, :r. r:; r.f � �r�a,!+ i I• r o T^ .;t 1. ,,, t:, f., r •r� r.t� 1 <br />:: ! .r,. n .,::;. r..•,-atr 5 t`.,r-r'[tf Gr f}litrrr. tvpn!: of ,. <br />t: f... tu, I ' -,I !: • i' ;1" '.1st'(, '0 !h. 6JS.t..., 0 I"CrIM . _ :ry. '.r'1i! 1 "fc. r1 <br />4° <br />s <br />