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<br /> :`a.; . .. � .. . . . . . . .
<br /> ' ASSICNMENT OF RENTS RIUER 9`�' 1Oa6�8
<br /> THIS ASSIGNMENT OF fi�NT5 RiDER fs made and executed this �9th day of January . 1999 • and Fs
<br /> incorpQrated into and shaU be desmsd tu amend and �upplement the htortgage or Deed of Trust, hereinefter reterred to as the 'Securky
<br /> fnswment', of the same dat�, E:Mn by the undersfgned, herehafter ref,erred to es the "Qorrow,ar', to secure Borrowers hdebtednesS, ,
<br /> hereinaker referred to as the •t�ote", to UtdITED NEBRASKA BANK
<br /> , here�after referred to as the `Lender', o! !he same date and Coverhg the
<br /> propertv descrbed � the Security InsWment and bCated at:
<br /> 4129 NORWOOD DR4V� Gf�AND �SU1ND NEBRASKA 68803
<br /> (Prop�rty Addrue) -
<br />� . � '
<br /> wrrNESSErH:
<br /> WHEFtEAS, Borrower and Lendar have agreed that any rents and profits attribu�able to the property shouid constftute eddkbnal securi[y
<br /> to 4ha Lender tor the peymsnt of thA Note;
<br /> �IOW, TNEREFORE, It is agreed that the Security Instrument shaN be amonded hereby and deer�ed !o inckide the tolbwk�p provisions:
<br /> t. Assianment af Re�ts and Lender Rental Col�ection Rqhts. Borrowcx herehy .bsolutsly Rnd unconditior.ely assigns ell re�ts, issues
<br /> and pn�fRS of the property to Beneficiary. tender shaq hava the right, power and authority du�+ng the conrhuanco of the Security Inst!'uma�t
<br /> to collact the rents, issues and profds cf the property and of any personal property bcatt�d thereo� w�th or wkhout takhg possessbn of the
<br /> pro;,erty atfected hereby. Lender, however, hereby cansents to Borrower's colfection and retenibn of such r�ts, issues and prCFKs Ss they
<br /> accrue ttnd becom9 payabla, so bng as Borrower Is not, at such th►e, in dotauk with respsct to payrnent of any hdebfedness secured
<br /> hsreby, efr in the peAortnanca of any agreement hereunder.
<br /> 2. l�ppointment of Receiver. If any event �f default n respect to the Securtty instrume�^,d sFatl have c�csurred and be contlnuing, Lender,
<br /> as a matt�3r of right and without notice to Borrower or artyone clalming under Borrower, and w$houF regard to the vaiue of th� Wst sState or
<br /> the interest of the 8otrowe�theren, shaU have !h0 right to apply to any Court having jurisdicti�n to eppoh4 e receiver ot ti�e pruperty.
<br /> 3. Rklht to Possession. 1� case of defsuk in the payment of the sai9 princ�al Note or hterest, ar any part thereol, as It shatl rr�ature,
<br /> or in the aase of failure lo keep or psriorm any of i'�e convenar.ts cr agrcrements contahed h the Sr�curky Instrument, then the Lender, ks
<br /> succossors or asslgns, shall be and is hereby authorized a.nd empowered to take Mnmedlate possessfon of thg�ald premises th�cein
<br /> descr�sd and to collect the rents therefrem, and to eppy thrs proceeds thereot to the payment of the Note. ''�
<br /> 4. ADDI,+cation nf Rents. Issues end Profds. Ad rents collected by Lender c�r ihe recoiv��r shall be af>plied frcst to payment of the costs
<br /> ot management o! the property and collection of rents, including, but not tlmked to, receivr�rs fees, premiums on receiver's bonds artd
<br /> reasonsble ariomey's fees, and then to the sums secu�ed by the Ser.urity Instrument. Lender �and the receiver shall be Ifable to account on�y
<br /> tor those rents actually roceived.
<br /> 5. Construction ot Pr�ivisions. Eech ol the provisions contah�,d h this Assig�ment o! Rents Rider and the Security Instrument shall,
<br /> unless otherwise specificatty requced, be co�strued 'n accordance with Nebraska law, ard in the event any provfsion herein of thereln
<br /> contained shall be detertnineJ by a court of cornpetent jurisdictan to be unenforceab�e, the same shall be construed as thouph suCh
<br /> unenforceable provision were not paR hereot or thaxeof.
<br /> 6. EHec:t of Rider. Except as specificaly m,odif'�ed by or inconsistent w�ith this Assignment of Rents Rider or by any other applicabla
<br /> rider, all of the te�ms and provisans c:��tained h the Scacurity Instrument shall continue h fult force and eHect.
<br /> IN WI7NESS WHEREOF, Borrower has exer.uted this Assignment of Re/�ts Rtd n t te fr ted above.
<br /> ���
<br /> eonow�r pAUL L KULP
<br /> IN �
<br /> eorrowsr�R M LP
<br /> - COUNTY OF HALL � ss:
<br /> On thls 19th day ot Januarv , 1999 , before me, the undersigned, e Notary Public duly commissbned end
<br /> quslitied lor seid county, personaly carr�i PAUL L K[JLP AND KAREN M Kf1LP HUSBAND AN� WIFE.
<br /> , to
<br /> be the Identical person(s) whose name(s) is/ere subscrbed to the foregolnp Instrument, and he/shelthey acknowledee the executbn thereof
<br /> to be hts/her/their voluntary act and deed. �
<br /> w�tness my hand and Notariel Se at GR/�ND lSLdND , N�BRASKA h sald county, the
<br /> date aforesaid.
<br /> .�,y�//Q r�yC, %O �
<br /> '`,;. '�> f:,�4�� /�� ✓ ���
<br /> �, . �.�.'h'Y.S�,a^ Notuy PubMt I {�M . MC ��.�
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<br /> _ '�;> r��. .�/r .,41,'r .
<br /> My Commissbn exptres: AUGlJ T 12 2pQ� ��' � �`' , !(,', t�
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