<br />�
<br /> •
<br /> 18. Borrower's Right �o Reinstete. It eorrower meets c9rtain conditions, Borrower shau have the right to have
<br /> enforcement ol this Security Instrvment discontinued at eny time prior to the earlier of: (a) S days (or such other perbd as epplicable
<br /> fflw may speci(y fo� reinsteternant) before �ale ot the Pro�erty Flirsuant to eny power of sale Contatned h th4s SeCf�rity Instrument; or
<br /> (b) entry of a }udgment enforcing 4his Securfty Insuvm9nt. Those cond�ions are that Sorrower: (g) pays Lerttler ali sums which then
<br /> would be due under tF:is Security Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had oCCUrred; (b) cures any detault of any other
<br /> covenant or ag•eemonts; (c) pays aii axpenses incurred 'n enforcing this Sacurity instrument, includ'ng, but not I'imRed to, reasonable
<br /> attomeys' ises; snd (d) takes such action as Lencte� mey reasonabN rsqulre to assure that the t�en ot thls Security 1nsWrr�t, Lande�s �
<br /> rights in the Property and Borrowefs obI'gaCan to pay the sums secured by this Security InSVument shall Continue unChanged. Upon
<br /> reinstatement by BoROwer, th}s Secur'Ry Instrument end the obligations secured h�y shall remakt fulhr eHective as k no acceferatan'
<br /> had occurre�. However, this r'�ght to reinstate shall not apply n the case of ncceleratan under paregraph 17.
<br /> 19. �ale of Note, Change of Loan Servicer. Tr,a tsoce o� a Partiai �neerest in the Note (toeecne� w�h thkt Securtty
<br /> InsWment) may be sokf ane or more tknes wkhout prbr notke to 9onewer. A sale may.result in a change h the sntity (knokr as the
<br /> "Loan Servicer") that collects monthy payments due under the Note and this SecurRy InstrumenY. There abc�may be one ar more
<br /> changss ot the Loan Servicer unreiated to a sale of the Note. If tnert� o � change of the `Loan Servicer, Bortower will be qiven wr�tten
<br /> notice of ihe change in accordan�e wdh paragraph 14 above and appficabie law. The notice �viB sta2e the name and address of 4he �
<br /> new Loran Servicer and the eddress to which payments shouEd be mado. The notice wiU also contain any other intortnatbn requked by �
<br /> applicabfa lew. �
<br /> 2@. Hazardous Substances. Bortower shatl not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release ot any �
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shatl not d�, nor aibw anyone etse to do, enything aHecting the Property ihat O
<br /> is h violetbn oi any Ervironmentai Law. The precedhg tw� sentences shall not apply to the presence, usA, or storege on the � •
<br /> ProFarty of smaY quantitys of Ha�rdous Substances that are generaty recognized to be ap�roprfate to normal resfdentla! uses end to
<br /> mav�tenance ot ",h� Property. �
<br /> Borrower sh�11 prompily give Lender written notice of any investgation, cla�rn, dem�and, lawsuit or othpr actbn by any govemmentel �
<br /> or regufa4ory aguncy or private pa..Yy involving the Properry and any Ha7ardot�s Subs4ance or Envtonmenta� l.aw of whlch Bosrovrsr has
<br /> ac4vai knowledge. If Bortower fearns, nr is notified by any govemmentel or regulstory authorRy, thet any removei or other remed►atbn
<br /> of any Hazardous Substance eltectv�g the ProQerty is n�sssary, 8orrower shan promptly take aN necessary rometllal �C•Cans In
<br /> accordanca with EnvFonmental Law.
<br /> As used in this paragraph 2a, "Hazardous Subs4�n�es" are those substances deEhed as toxfc or hazardous substances by
<br /> Environmental Law and the foib�Ning substsnces: gasoline, kerosene, other Hemmable or toxic patroleum prod�cts, toxic peslfcidss and
<br /> herbicides, volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or tormaiclehyde, and radioactive materiais. As used h this par�flraph 2G,
<br /> "Env'ronmental Law" means federal laws and lews of Ehe jurisdict+on whsre the Property is located that relate to heakh, satety ar
<br /> env'ronmental protectron. ' " �
<br /> NON-UNIFONM COVEf3ANTS. Bortower and Lender further covenant and agree es folbws: ` '-
<br /> 21. Acceleratiors; Remedies. Lend�r shail give notfce to Borrovsrer prior to acceleraUo�tol{owing '�.
<br /> Borrower's breach �ot any covenant or agreement i� thia Security InsVument (but not'prior to
<br /> ac�efe�afion under paragraph 17 unless ap�pldcable law provides otherwise). The notice shall s�ecity:
<br /> (n} the defa�lt; (b) the action rer�uired to cure the defa�lt; (c) a dat�, not less th�n 30 days hom the
<br /> dat� Zhe no4ice is �iven to Sorrower, by whict� the default must be cuRed; and (dj that fallure to cure
<br /> the default on or �eTore the date specffied in the no4tce may result in acceleration ot the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument and �afe of the Praperty. The notice shalt further inform
<br /> Borrower oi the �ight to re6nstate after accelerat�on and the right to bring a court a+�tion ta assert the
<br /> nnn-existence of a detault or any �ther detense of Berrower to acce(eration and sale. tf the default is
<br /> not cured on or before the date specifled in the �ottce, Lender at its o�tion may require tmmediate
<br /> payment in ful! af all sums securec! by this Security lnsUument without further demand and may
<br /> invcke tne povsrer of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law. Lender shall be
<br /> entitied to coliect all expense�s incurred i� p�rsuing the remedies provided i� this paragraph 21,
<br /> includ(n�, but not limited to, reasonsble attorneys' fees an�J costs of title evidence.
<br /> If the power of sase is invaked, Trustee shail record a notice of defaul4 in each cor�nty in which
<br /> any part of the Property is iocated snd shall maA copies of such notice in the manner prescrit�ed by
<br /> appiicable law to Borrower a�d to the other persons prescrtbed by applicabie law. After the time
<br /> required by applicabie law, Trustee shall give pubiic notice a! sale to the persons and in the manner
<br /> prescribed by applicabie law. Trustee, without demand on gorrower, shail sell the Property at public
<br /> auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in the notice of :
<br /> sale in one or rnnre parcels and in any order Trustee determines. Tcustee may postpone sale of all
<br /> or any parcel oi the Property by public announcement at the ttme and Qlace of any prevlously
<br /> scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the Property at any sale. :
<br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bfd, Trustee shatt deliver to the purchaser 7rustee's deed
<br /> convey+ng the Pr�perty. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shail be prima fecie evidertce of the Vuth :
<br /> of the statements made therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the totlowing order. :
<br /> (a) to all costs and expenses of exercising the power o! sale, and the sale. includiRg the payment ot :
<br /> the 7rustee's fees actually incurred, nat to exceed 3 °,6 of the principal amount Af the note
<br /> at the :'rr.� �f the declaration of default, and reasonabie attorney's tees as permitted by law; (b) to all
<br /> sums secured by this Security instrument; ansi (c) any excess to the �erson or persons IegaUy :
<br /> enUtled to it
<br />� c. itecanveyance. Upon payment of ail sums secured by this Security !ns!!ument, Lender shall request Trustse to reconvep :
<br /> the Property and shall suRender thfs Securky Instrument and all notes evldencing debt �°cured by this Security instrument to Trustee.
<br />� TrusteE shall reconvey the Property wkhout warranry and wkhout charge to the person of persons legaiy entkled to it. Such person or
<br /> person; shsll pay any recordatan costs.
<br /> F
<br /> 7;.
<br /> 23. Substitute Trustee. �ender, at ks option, may from time to t'vne remove Trustae end appoint a successor trvstee to
<br /> any Truslee aQpointed Fcereunder by en hsWment r�orded in the county In whiCh ihis Securky Instrument fs recorded. WNhout
<br />� conveyance of the Property, successor trustse shan succeed to eB the title, power and dulies con[erted upon Trustee Nereh and by
<br /> 4� aPP�icable law.
<br /> 24. Request tor Notices. Borrower requests that coples of the �otices of defauR end sale be sent to BoROwei's sddress
<br /> which is the Property Address.
<br /> 25. Riders to Lhis S�ecurity InsVument. u one or more rfders are euecuted by Borrower and recorded topether wkh
<br /> this Securky Instrument, the covenonts and egreeme�ts ot eacii such ri�er sheti be 4�corporaPed into and shall amend and supp{emsnl
<br /> the covenant5 and agreernens of thls Security InsNument es �ihe rkfer(s) were a pert of thfs Securky instrument.
<br /> - � Form 007E i/BO
<br />