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K:,v •4'r: inyNl• <br />vr:,. t. <br />•,ra `t1` 1irr <br />r <br />n <br />• pl <br />"�.. <br />ADOMONALTERMS 90 l o�a3� - <br />rt►enf. I have the <br />D ACCRUAI.OIiTNE (ANANC6 CHARGES Roan 1 do not have to pn yinuituioit Out btu all my conttri�i cram kly the Otuaee ch(rpe ° - -- <br />amount owing to YOU in full N my time or in put hom limit ti U it* lend f p any p� <br />�h� will be less if I make an early ppaaytrtent, and II will be higher it 1 pay TWA; <br />or The also nochar e, Thu l Paymmeents wand the 7WalySak Price an <br />t,.ATn� bill; l giro know that flto anwnts shown un the reverse aide <br />on the IAu you will receive each of the Iulmen" exactly on iu due dare: and I know tlsayyl there will be rso refund, 1 prepay because the refund is <br />nothing W rc if 1 am charged on a dolly basis. If Ilse lending institution does t101 compute hl iheninie charge gill •. will the a�wnt of m b �wfllt�,e flpwweld on the <br />tome the <br />one of the tiaance charge iinlemsti by the accounting procedure of the <br />scheduled dues amounts of my monthly Pay�� d nwc you n fu I afacts <br />r in ppail a ny Ime. f l make a spartial prepayment. paymen ! 1 know u t c � imac to omakle my regular <br />will ltd be 1 may voluntan y prepay iM <br />payments until t ve paid all amounts hwed. <br />IMPORTANT TiCE ABOUT WARRANTIES: Iii) SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EILPR EO OR IMPLIED, <br />OF MERCHAN ILITY AND FITNESS FOR AA PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICE UNLESS SELLER <br />FURNISHES BU R WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN UNITED WARRANTY OR panSERVICE CONTRACT MADE Y SELLER ON ITS in <br />OWN BEHALF. Ibl have �iadwill be m s rod orb replace "LIMITED taakee noticee of the limitations omit► tow warranty. contract. <br />nd 1 panlCUl rly i cn of +that any circumstances <br />W�uraris ry <br />his which the manldacturM W M N A <br />which applies 101he goods rr only as lot� as the ware arily or service contract. Ici l have mad. in detail. the f the v d "LI ding I STAL . ON WARRANTY" oine. I <br />if made, accompanies This tract. it ezpiains the conditions and circumstances in which the instullet{ of the siding. siding aeon 12 1-. o >• gutters will w redone. l <br />take nonce of the arrtitatlons the warranty. and I particularly recognize that any implied Warranty wtsrcn plies so the in,nllunn lasts on as long as the warranty nr <br />service contract• <br />pjAptEp IfATi:4NTE 4 x� t'axtiTSiw 1r�I aft" 11116 W ll �i� slap Ir tithed h — ri0lts ANTI 161% IMMr ttxAross It Per to= <br />NMANAfItI I a an tint 1 s h elcleshA Wditt mad retie a OW the nl�llb shall he it iota el sr`'MS Orin sdieA. <br />0� A AIE W f�1N10 ANN COSA=, AO [ FORNATION OR FROST. PRODUCTS A NOT OOAANID A6AMN <br />cum= WA 110 CA <br />BOTER, READ THE SEPARATE 10 LIMASD WARRANTY" WHICH IS A SEPARATE WOMEN INSTRUMENT PFRiAINING SOLELY TO UFACTURED PRODUCTS OF <br />THE PACESETTER CORPORATION AND WHIC "LIMITED WARRANW HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO EACH RESPECDYE DOM IN CONNECTION RN THIS SALE. PACESERN'S <br />10 YEAR IIMREO WARRANTY AND THE FOR INS PROVISIONS REGARONTO CONDENSATION OD NOT APPLY 10 SIDING. <br />Further, The Psoesettit Corporation NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY MIND OR NATURE WHATSOEVER, EIIPAE OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO <br />THE ENERGY SAYINGS I COULD DR MAY ACNI BY USE OF THE PRODUCES). I understand that ANY eaerp Illri s 1 may achieve s dependent upon a iumbAr of <br />THE Es, 1GY RUIN tsar not 1D Oil to, the I quaaUty aid quADIF of Insulation in MY hale, the pilliculif $ire and slFle of boles, the type of quality of <br />coustructla of Ion hall, sip perticalif life so the mu16Ar of openings in my h01111, proper 1loaltorNK of Iherliestlt tllnls c Ielstk eondlCtto l All location <br />of of TIM, sad Alen the type of metre ca for haat111 sad all coaditionlal purposes. 'wo a IIITIn -- <br />SPECIAL•ORQER GOODSi 1 kWw that you have rtle ured my house had its openings us, that you can snake the products to 11 my particular Woke gnu inn uR g. ^ti, <br />prpbbly will not fit an other Muses. so 1 know That 1 ca fart cancel this contract at any lime alter the period of time given To ivy law in which to cancel. After that <br />legal period of lime. l know that I have the obligation 10 y you in full the amount owed. <br />COMMENCEMENT OF THE FINANCE CHARGES linsince charge Tntercsl) is estintaled h, strut within :W days of 1 date lit this c,ulract. except in Tie event <br />YIw <br />complete the installation of the gads and servkcs ow urge r date. then the finr+nce chugs 1lntereH) will beam tsi run on dolt that 'I sign the % in mating Cerlificute. <br />The <br />amount or finance charge I inlemst) may he more or less an the am,wnt disclosed depending on the amounts I pay y1 and my nehness in making payments. <br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAINING TO PROPERTY INSURAN 'AND MY REAL ESTATES 1. 1 promise to keep my u in gad repair and keep it insured for have <br />at <br />icaai n6 w of k. rzPls:cmcmt value by buying a fire and asileaded <br />overage insurance policy. The insurance company must c1 m by you, 3 s kluwi fiml telling you. I <br />a henef ciary clause which says that you are to he id it there is Ions. The insurance company most agree iiul ii ..iii poll; Sou <br />m% <br />the insurance company to pay you directly fa any Imo. u can choose to use this insurance payment to eithe repay any artawnss 1 owe you or to repair my <br />house. I have the option of providing pn�peray insurance through an toting policy ur through a polka rrdependently rib ied and paid itx by me. 2. I also promise that <br />1 will not allow am else a place any Ikns nn mY real saute wit your written permission.:(. 1 promise to pay al es. a,scssmenn and other charges on my real <br />estate when duo. s• I promise to timely make all payments on my pricx s secured by my real estate. 1 also promise 1 will not ezrcnd. mrKw,x change prior loam <br />without your written permission. S. 1f 1 do not insure my house or fulfill otter obligations to my real estate. then y can do it for me if you want (but you do not have <br />Sol. If you do pay any of dose gbhgafrom for me. l agree to pay you on Demand plus interest at the highest I ful contra -I rate of mltm%t Until 1 pay you back. <br />these amounts wdl be added to my Debt to you which is secured by my it estate and house. 1 know that it you o ilk m buy insurance tsar me that you do not have m <br />obtain any homeowner or liability insurance. <br />MORTGAGES I hereby grant, bargain. sell. convey and mortgage to ytu, as le, Cos f my real estate and " ddresi' Designated on the other side <br />of this contract as security for all amounts due to you under this Installment des Contri <br />DUE ON SALES It I sell. kale or give my house to anyone before I have fully p 'd all I owe e <br />anal This contmc . y iiu can cl t I owe under this contract payable <br />at once and I agree So immediately pay you that amount. <br />DEFAULTS 1 will be in default under this contract if: 1.1 don't make a payment w n due: or 2. 1 hreaA an promise 1 you in thh contract: m A. Something she <br />IS, which causes you to lelieve in good faith that 1 do not intend to pay you a% raised. or 4. I defau on any obligations for which 1 u ing my home as collateral: <br />or 3. Something happens to my house which threatens your rights. if any. In it. <br />COLLECTION COSTS: If 1 am in default of this contract and you demand full pay rat. I senders That you have th ri t to se the mortgage 1 have given 10 <br />you and to have my house wW to repay an amounts 1 owe you. Before m)- house is so .you will all that the law ire I u rs d this if you hire an attorney <br />to assist <br />you in the enforcement rat your rights, inchrrling Ilia sale of my houx or a lawsui i afl� t pio c Ileaa� Onab nub s' rid for other related expenses <br />such as court costs, title searches and money you expended to protect my house. If you alb J Y a <br />OTHER RIGHTS: You can choose not to enforce any of the rights under this contract as u en you want without losing he you can lay enforcing any of the <br />rights without losing them. You can also use any rights now or in the future given to you b W. <br />DELAYS: 1 know that you will use your best efforts to install the products I am purchasing o y hnu%e. but I also understand that in s' ions you may encounter <br />delays that arc caused y strikes, a your best effort' delays you have in obtaining matena . or other reasons that arc beyon y r n will not hold you liable <br />for such delays. <br />REQUEST FOR FULL PAYMENT: If I am in default under thn% comract. you can it it it Ilia I owe under rho, cont. %; yah at ce gree to pay you interest <br />on that amount at the maximum contractual rate allowed h) law unlit the amount 1 ow • • use o, paid. aho Anon thal %ou ran + the gage 1 have given to )ou. <br />ARBITRATION: If 1 have a dispute or claim with you concerning The quantity. qu ty or perform 'e of the PPnalucts, l u rstand at in dispute may be submitted <br />to and settled according to the mcdiation•arbitntion program that may have develo d m my commnni I also knx�w that any ision made toy an arbivataisl would be <br />entered in Ofe court having jurisdiction over me and )•ou• <br />SALVAGE VALUE:1 know that the windows, woodwork. siding. brick and , r materials that have to removed by )ou for this installation have NO salvage value. <br />When you remove them. you can have them for whatever purpose you want. <br />SPECIAL SITUATIONS: Die 1n the uniqueness of Mime of the products t at you ,ell. 1 unknunl that in pecial situation% your Regumal Office may have to review <br />and accept this contract. I also understand that this sale oxcurreJ in my ho and that you grist 1 may not have d all this correct information important to this trunsactlom <br />at our fingertips: 1 give you my consent 10 cirrrect any obvious errors th may have occurrrd W en the Monk in this contract were completed. <br />INVALID PROVISIONS: If any provision of this contwt violates the w and m unenforceable. the rest of the c tract will he valid. If any part of this contract requires <br />payment of more interest than the law permits, then you will onl) h e the Fight h, Called from me the amount interest which the law allow% you to collect. <br />COMPLETENESS OF THIS C'ONTRA(T: ibis Conlydcl can „ he .hanged d Nith p„u and I agree m 41111111 <br />NOTICE <br />ANY HOLDER OF THIS CONSUMER CR IT CONTRACT IS SUBJECT TO ALL C MS AND DEFENSES WHICH THE <br />DEBTOR COULD ASSERT AGAINST THE LLER OF GOODS OR SERVICES OBTAIN PURSUANT HERETO OR WITH <br />THE PROCEEDS HEREOF RECOVERY REUNDER BY THE DEBTOR SHALL NOT EEO AMOUNTS PAID BY THE <br />DEBTOR HEREUNDER. <br />INSURANCE CANCELLATION: It I hiss teyoe, d insurance in th„ punhase. I fags caidel such reyueM t„r msurancv our ) iea,un wlhm htscen (15) day, Inns <br />The dale of this contract by notsfymg you or the huh rot Ihs conuacl in writing. I Anow dint ilk cancellatuni at rata %average wdl arranged with t1e mswmice romans <br />and a full refund of my prearium(s) together wit applicable linance charge will he credited to this contract. <br />....o _.._....., u6 .. Throe I tin anv%a Certificate of insurance more full) e,cnhng the insurance covcmge. <br />PLEASE NOTES ifI have mi uesttoIn,% ancc ii,i. icl::�.. �.••••• -••_ •••at•• ••• is <br />the extent that if <br />fed there I% the any rag Nni ec., gp�k su an�rc I1aINr AnuKilhl l I ilia %lu I Inaf' li%C tcl \enagc �ml Niltl�ha barn charge r I rc i� hat 1 oral coverer only nn <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br />I lake notice that either Credit L or Credo Accident and Health Insurance. to h,ah. %%dl he applicable h, thr, ln,tullnnenl Sales Con tic on the receive %ide ooh) of <br />1 have chosen it by si nsog the re - st for ouch insurance Tin,; insu -an,c wilt ono, cover she person ,ognmg the rcyue,t at the ea,t for each Ile of m,urance shown. <br />Subject to accept.-Ince Ati Au r::. - nce company. the msuruice u Ii[ ►.e c(fecr:•• a ;s of lnda) tn1 .y ru ., -rrnuc only for the number of ndmlh %:dte he effective date equal <br />to Ore number of momt.0} C•r' enis. i undcntard that the parttCU;ar maurancc ma•. nut pro%ide or !faga t.•r m% I.,,t few payments, and that Jun That pen,dl of ark 1 <br />will not have any in,uwnc •.:eragr. AI: hrnefm rod pnweeJs of tree rri +uru,ce with Ir p ird to +u .rr r. a timrncsrl mvututinn if it purchusc, the Inca ism Saks Camract <br />to Ilia ester1 of iw late hand an;. balance ,sill t c payable nn me The in annum of Credit L,fe Imurrnce 14 the amount required h, reppay The awl ul P:nnknl,: <br />thereafter. ilk lo ,u a 'ccreow, by the amount „f airh manlhiy paymen• , n .r ,chedu)ed ion da) haw. If I ant ;oind% nhhg.ired Ira the 1n %Ialbnent S %Cisrf6ct with <br />a Co- Butter. an have bulk signed the request for Credit Life Insurance. death t+enefifv will he pa%ahle only wlthrl,rcct to• the first one of u•• 1,' die. Sub] •t h +exclusuxl +. <br />elimination warring period slated in the insurance policy or cenifscane. Credoi Accident and Health lmur.mce i , Inv the he one fit anuunt of I tOth of each mlh'% Ilpa)ment <br />for ear Thar 1 aim tn4110 dimbled due to an injury ors sickness while i awe any payment to vou. however. i undcntand Owl 1 ha%e in tie prevented fr•r wnrkingg due <br />To, i rntai t6sabhity ins mute than fourteen t 14, cunsecuu•re day% tvfure tP.: m,ururce benefit r, paid beak tuthe test day of my town drsahilrr: r aka miw that <br />rd obtain any litsurance from you III am over bS years of age today. and 1 also know that the lu�urasoce covenige provided u) rise may contain a uaimum <br />amount of crNeragr which will not pay In sortie cam. the entire amount that 1 owe yois. Due ur the maaimunl arruruns ••f crv.era tr ,cared m the m talon: h% }. I <br />know That any unposed amount ir. Lscro „f the m,urance u,veragc wdl still have to tic paid. If the hrstailm_m :Sala, Contract a prepaid rri Jul; prior to the Iasi p meat <br />date. any unearned maurroce premrarin.'..d1 M: refunded lu me ui the manner rre•cril>cd by la <br />µ Within thin. Ivl, da%,. 1 'Atli o e .enrn%ale o' mwrancc rare <br />fully dc,cnhing my Insurance cmewge. if the m,uwncc i% not accep'ed I•; t :e• m,uril..c uonpan'. I , 'i r , rr.; ., rrfvud .•t On' In'.m II­- - r rcmnun, 1 ha,e paid <br />(� <br />1• I <br />r <br />tti � ltnw�� • ; <br />i =- <br />f fW.aF <br />