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• <br /> 1;/.'I`ransfer of tlse Property or a Bene#ida!Inter�st in Bonrower. If all or any p;ut of tha 1'c�optrty or any inier�t in it <br /> is so)�or transfe.ned(or if a trenefi�cial interest in BortQwer is sold or tiansferred and Borrower fls not a natural pe�rson)vrithout ' <br /> . Ifnder's pri�or writtcn aonseat, �:nder may, at its ogtion, raluire immediate paymeut in full of ull sums s � �y this � �� <br /> 5ecurityy Ln.stnim�nt. FIowexer,2his opaon shall not be exercised by Ixncler if exercise is prohibitcd by fedezal law�the date <br /> of this Security Tzutrumerct. �, • <br /> If Lender ezercis�this ogtion, Lender sh2ll give Banrower notic�of acceleraiion. 'Ihe notice sh�lll provide a period of not � <br /> s <br /> tes.c than 30 days from the date the notict is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all suuu secured by this <br />�; Securit}�Instrumeat. If Bonrower faiis ta pay thtse sums prior to t:ae expiration of this geriod, Le�der may invoke any:r.medies � <br /> e <br /> permitted by this Security Insmiment witheut further notice or demand on BorrDwer. <br /> 18. Boc�owcr�s Right to ReL-�stale. Ii Borrower meets certaia conditioas, Borrower shaIl have the right to havc � <br /> enf�orcement of :his Se.°uriry Instnu�ent discontinued ai any tiase prior to the�lier af: (a) 5 days (�r such other period as Q <br /> appiicabte law may spe�ify for reinstatemcnt� before sale of tbe Property p�rsuarit to� any power of salc coatained in this C� <br /> Security Insta�mcnr,or{b)entry of a judgmeni enforcing this Sec�:rity Instrument. Those conditions are that Borrower: (a)pays �t <br /> I.cnder�11 sums which thea would be dne ernder this Sxurity Instrument aad the No.z as if no axeleration had occurred; (b) �) <br /> cures any default of any other wvecbants or agreemencs; (c) pays all ezpens�s ine�rred in enfarcing this Sxurity Instrument, �j <br /> ns s <br /> including, but nat li�nited to, reasonable attorneys' fees; and (d)takes such action as Lender may reasonably requira to assuxe <br /> tt�at the lien of this Security Instnunent, I.ender's rights in the Pmperty an�±Borrowes's otsligation to�ay the sums sec:ured by <br /> this Sect:rity fnst�-ument shall cont:aue unchanged. Upon rainsiatement by Bc►rrower, this Sxurity Instrumant and the � <br /> o�bligations secure�i hereby shall remain fu:iy effr.ctive as if no acceleration had occurrai. I;owever, shis right to ninstate shall <br /> not apply in the case uf acccleratiqn under pasagraph 17. <br /> 19. Sale ot'Note, �haQge of LoaIa Servicer. 'Ihe Note �r a partial incerest in :he h'ote (together with ;his Security <br /> xnstrument)ma�be sotd�ne or mo:e times without prior notice to Bar.���:. A s31e may resuit in a changt in the entity(known <br /> �c rhe •��Serticer")that coitects monthly paym_^nes due und$r the Note W u lsis Security Insirument.'There a(s���ay be one <br /> or more chang�of tt�e Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale�f the Note, if thtra is a change of the Loan Servicer, Borr�wer will be <br /> given written notice of the change in accorciance witt�paragraph 14 above and applicaUle law.Tht notico wili state t;�e name and <br /> a�dress of t�e ncw T.oan Servicer and the address to which payments sUould be made. Tha notice wili �lso cantain aay other <br /> information reqnired by applicabie law. <br /> 20. Haaardous Snbstauces. Borrower shall not cause or the presence, use, �+isposr�l, storage, or release of any <br /> Hazardsus Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shali not do, nor allaw anyone else to do, anything af£ecting the <br /> Prope�ry tha�t is in vio�ation �f any E;�vironmental Th�preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, er <br /> storage on the Properry of small q�tities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognizeci to be appropriate to norn�al <br /> msidential uses a�d to maintenance of the Property,� <br /> Borrower shalI proniptly give Lender written notice of any investigati�n, claim, demand, lawsuit or oU'�er action by any <br /> govetnmental or regulatory agency or private party involvirQ the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law <br /> of which Borrower has actual k.*�owled�e. If Bonnwer leaans, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authority, that <br /> any removal or�cher rcmediation of any Ha7ardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Borrower shali promptly take <br /> all ner.e�sary reme�ial actiens in accordance with E�r•iromnental iaw. <br /> As use.d in this paragrapL 20, "Hazardous Su�sc�ncvs• are�.yose substances defined as tozic or hazardous substances by <br /> Environmentai and the following substances: gasuis`n�, kerosene, other flanunable or tozic petroleum products, toxic <br /> p,sticides and herbicides,volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or fortnaldehj�de,and radioac[ive materiais. As used in <br /> this paragra�h 20, 'Environmental Law" means fedsral Iav;s and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that <br /> rc.a,e to bealth,safety or enviromnental piotection. <br />;� NON-UNIFOFtM CO"✓ENANTS. Bormwer and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br /> 21. Accelerattoa;�te�nedies, Lender sTnall give notice to Borrower��ior to acceleratton following Borrowec's ba�ezch <br /> of any covenant or agreement in this SecurIty L�strument (but not prior to acceleration under paragrnph 17 nnles5 <br /> auplicabie law provides otherwise). T'he notice shall specify: (a) the defaul¢; (b)the action required to cure the rlefault; <br /> (c) a date, not less than 30 days fmm tbe date the notice is given to Borrower, by whjch the defaolt must be cured; and <br /> (d) that fajiure to cure the defauit on or before the d.ate speci[ied in the notice rauy resalt in acceleration ot the sums <br /> secured by this Security Instrurnent and sssle of tbe Property. The notice shali turther inforen Borrower of the rfght to <br /> reinstate after acceleratton and the right to bring a court action to assert the non-existence of a default or any othEr <br /> "' defe�se af Borrower to accelerntion and sale. If the default is not cured on or before t�e date s�ecified in the notice, <br /> Lender, at tts option, may require immv^diate pay�nent in full of atl sums secured by tl�is Security Instrument without <br /> Eurther demand und may invoke the power of sale and any oLher remedies permltted by applicable law. Lender shall bt <br /> entitled to coilect al!expeases incurred in pursuing the remedies prov;ded in this paragraph 21,including,but noE limited <br /> to,reason�ble attorneys'fees and costs of:itle evidence. <br /> If the power of sale i5 invoked, 'I�ustee shall record a notice of default in each coun4y in which any part of the <br /> � Property is lacated and sball mail coples of such notice in the manner pre,ccribed by applicabie Iaw to Borrower s�nd to <br /> the other persons prescribed by applicable lar.After the time required by appl;csble law,Tnutee shsili give publlc notice <br /> of sai�to the per�ons and in the manner prescribed by applicabie law.T�v„�;tee, without demand nn Borrower, shall sell . <br /> the ProQerty at public auction to the hIghest bEdder at the ttmP and place and nnder the terms designafed in:the nokice o[ � <br /> sale in one or more parces and In any order 7�ustee determtnes. TrusteE may postpone sale of ull or any p�tcei of the . � <br /> Property by ysblfc announcement at the time and place of any previously scheduted sale. Lender or its des�ignee muy <br /> purchase the Property at any sale. <br /> ; <br /> t <br /> � <br /> �. <br /> ��@ 6RlNE)issi.i.o� P.o.c w e Form 3028 !9 <br /> q : <br /> �tu����~���� <br /> � <br /> ; � <br /> ... �_ <br />