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�;` , <br /> ,�.. . _, , <br /> I7. 'frxns�`er af the Pr4perty or a�iene�ieial Interest'sn Borrower. If all or any part of the Property ar a�y interest in it <br /> is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial intarest in l3orrow�er is soid or tra,-rsferred and Borrower. is not a natural person)withaut <br /> i�ender's prior writien consent, i.ender may, at its option, require immr,ciiate payment in full of all sum; secured by this <br /> Security tnstniment. However, this option shall not be execcised by L.ender if exercise is prohiEited by fedua!law as of the date <br /> of this Security Instrumcnt. <br /> If I.ender exercises this option, Lender shall givc F3orrower notice of acceleration. The notice shal� prov��z a period of not � <br /> les, than 30 days from the date the notice is deliverrd or maited with9n which Borrower mnst pay all �utrs sacured by this <br /> Serur�ty Instr�menc. If B�rrower fai(s to pay these sur,�s priQf to the expiration of this periiid, L,ender may invoke any remedies ^D � <br /> permitted by this Secnrity[nstniznent without farther notice or demand'on Borrower. � <br /> Y8. Borro�rer's Right to Reinstate. If Borrowsr meets cenain conc�itiuns, Borrower shall have the right to have E"i' <br /> enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to [he earlier of: (a) 5 da,ys (or such other �.�eriod as Q <br /> appticabie law may specify;for reinst�tement) before sale of the Property pnrsuant to any power of sale contained in this � <br /> Security Instrume.nt; or(b)entry of a jui�gment er.forcing this Securiey Tr�strurnent.Tt�ose conditions are thai Borro�er: (a)pays �ll <br /> LenQer at1 sums which then would be due undei•this Secarity 3ratrument and che`Note as if no acceleraf,ion had occurred; (b) � <br /> ccres any default of any other covenants os a�3reer.ients; (c) pays ail expenses incurreci in enforcing this Security Instrument, � <br /> inciuding, but nc�t limiteci t�, reasonable attor,�eys' fees; and (d) tukes such actior. as Lender may re�sonably require to assure <br /> that the lien of this Security Iristrument, I.ender's rights in the Property and Aoirower's obligation to pay the sums secvred by <br /> this Sec�rity Instrument shali continue unc:hanged. Upon reinstatement by Sorrower, this S�.,curiry Instrument und the <br /> obligations secured hereby shall remain fuliy effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However, this right to reinstate st�alt <br /> nflt app[y in the case af acceleration unc;er paragraph 17. <br /> i9. S�le of Note; Change of Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial intereet in the Note (together with this Security <br /> lnstr�ment)may be sald one�r more times withaot prior notice to Borrower. A sa!e may result in a the entity(known <br /> as the "Loan Service�")that col[ects monthly�ayments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There also may be one <br /> or more chznges of th�Lczan Servicer unrelated to a saIe of the IVote. If there is a chunge of the Loan 5ervicer, Bormwer will be <br /> given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph S4 above and applicable law.The notice will state the name and <br /> address of the new I,oan Servicer ard the address to whic.t: paymenu should be made. The notice wil! a{so contain any other <br /> information required by applicablA law. <br /> 20. Iiaz�rdous S��bstanc�.s. Bormwer shall not cause or perrnit th� nresence, use, (�ISPOSIlI, SIti5�8�2, or r�lease of any <br /> Ha�ardous S�bstances on or in the Propen}�. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the <br /> Property that is in violation of nny Environmental Law. The preceding two se�tences shall not apply to the presence, use, or <br /> storage on the Property of small quantities ef Hazardous Substances that are generally t�ec,�ognizeci to be appropriate to nortnal <br /> residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. <br /> Borrowc� shall prompely give Lender wr.tten notice oP any investigation, claim, demand, laws��it or other action by any <br /> governmental ur regulatory agency or private party e�volvirtg the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental law '- <br /> of whict� Bor;ower tias actual knowledge. If Bo:rower Ieams, or is notificd by any governmental or regulatory`�uthority, that <br /> anv removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affectir.g the Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptly takc <br /> all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. <br /> As used in this paraaraph 20, "Ha7acdous Substances" are those substances defened as roxic or ha7ardous substances by <br /> r.nvironmentai i,aw and the following substances: gaccline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic <br /> pesticides and herbicides, vc�laciie so�vents, materiafs containing asbestos or formaldehyd�,and radioactive materials. As use.d in <br /> this para�raph 20, "Environmental Law" mcanc federai laws and faws of the jurisciiction where the Property is loc;ated that <br /> relate to hea!th, safety or environmental protection. <br /> NON-UNIFORM CO`✓ENAAI'I'S. Borrewer and Lender funher coven�nt and agree as follows: <br /> 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lerder shali give notice to Borro:ver prior to acceleration foUowing Borrower'� breach <br /> of any co�-enant or agreement in this Secarity Instrument (but ..�; prior to acceleration under paragrn�h 17 unl�ss <br /> appiic�bte law pn�ti�ides otherw�ise). The notice shall spetify: (a) the default; (b) the action rey�ired to cure the default; <br /> ' (c) a date, not less than 3a da��� from the date t1�e notice is given to Borrow�er, by which the default must be cured; and <br /> (d) !liat failure to cure the defa��lt on or befoee the date speciCed in the notice may result in acceieration of the sums <br /> secured bp this Secorit�� Instrument and sale of the Prclperty. 'fhe notice shafl further inform Borrower of the ri�ht to <br /> rcinstate aftc� acceleration ane� tl►e right to bring a cnurt action to assert the non-e•xistence of a default ar any other <br /> defense of Borro���er to acceleration and sale. If the deiault is not cured on or before the date specified in the notice, <br /> Lender, at it�s option, may require immediate Qaymeiit in fuil of all sums secured by ihis Security Instrument without <br /> furiher demand and may invoke the power oF sale and an�• other remedies permitted by appiics�hle law. Lender shAl! be <br /> enritled to collect�11 expenses incurred in pursuing the remeclies rovided in this ef <br /> to, reas�nable attorneys' fees and costs of tit�e evideroce. � Pat's'g�Ph 21,incivding, bat not limited <br /> lf the po��•er of sale is invo�Ce�, Trustre shall record a notice of defautt in eacl, count3� in which any part of the <br /> Pro�rty is located and shall maii copies of sach notice in the masmer prescri�red by appli�cable law to Borrower and to <br /> the other persons prescribed b��applicable law. After the time required by applicable la�v,Trustee shall give�ub�ic notice <br /> of sale to the persons and in tbc manner prescribed by applicabfe law. Trustee, without dems�nd on Borrower, shal! sel! <br /> tiie Propert��at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and�lace And under the tern�s desi�nated in the notice of <br /> salc in one or more parccls and in any order Trustee determines. T�tistee may postpone sa1e of al! or any pnrc�l of the <br /> Yropert�� by public announcement at the time and place of any previousiy scheduleid sale. I,ender Qr its designee may <br /> purchase the Property a:an�•sa1P. <br /> Form 3028 9/,90 <br /> Pape 5 of 6 <br /> � <br /> �_ <br />