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R:hibit "A" <br />r. 3 : t +l..VOLc t� ±�tF that . Ort4t,. 4t*# : ,i� ; d�aridc �f 't;Lm Us v'dth <br />ituata la thr.:kw!41 /4:' and H'i:1t+�SEI /4' 'of Section' 32. T. 9 N., . R. 9 K. of <br />tf i Sixth Pried: ' Maridian in . Hsu County, Nsbraslka,; as herategg ' t - acquired <br />by Beatings asd arrand Island >t Ut"d Company (Pradicessor to Miam.,Paelfic <br />Railroad Company) frog A. O. Woodlury by Deed dated June 30, 1879, Recorded <br />July 1, 1879 in Book H of Deeds at pass 125 of the Records of said Ball <br />County, that extanda northerly a distance of 2000.00 feet from a line draw at <br />right Moles to this hereinafter described centarline of the abandoned main <br />track of the Grand Island Branch of said Railroad Company, as <br />formerly <br />constructed and operated, at a point thereon that is 1,682.80 feet distant <br />northerly, measured along said centerline, from the south line of said Section <br />32, to a line drawn at right angles to said centerline at a point thereon that <br />is 1,606. a0 fast distant southerly, measured along said centerline, from the <br />north lime of said Section 32, said acquired strip of land of taporiag width <br />being adjacent to the north - -south centerline of said Section 32 and 14.00 fast <br />vide at the north line of said Section 32 and 38.00 feat wide at the south <br />line of said Section 32. <br />Also, all that portion of that certain strip of land of tapering <br />width situate in the SZ1 /4W1/4 and NZI/4SWI /4 of Section 32, Z. 9 M., R. 9 V. <br />of the Sixth Principal 1AvIdiaa in Ball County, 11abraska, as heretofore <br />acquired by Hastimgis and Grand Wand Railroad Company (predecessor to'Unlon <br />Pacific Railroad Company) from, W.' 3. Holly by _35sed dated June 30, 1879b <br />Recorded July 1, 1879 in Doak H of Deeds at pass 123 of the Records of *aid <br />Hall County, that extends northerly a distance of 2000.00 feet from a 13w <br />drawn at right angles to the heraluftsr described centerline of the abandoned <br />daln track of the Grand island Dti ub of said Railroad Company, as formerly <br />coittrueted and operated, at a point thereon that is 1,682.80 fee' distant <br />mrtherly, measured along said centerline, from the south lam- of said Section <br />32, to a line draw at right angles to said centerline at a point tbAreon that <br />is 1,606.80 feet distant southerly, measured along said centerline, from the <br />scorch line of said Section 32, said acquired strip of land of tapering width <br />being adjacent to the north -south centerline of sold Section 32 and 80.00 feet <br />vide at the north line of said Sff1/4Ni11/4 of Section 32 and 72.00 fast Wide at <br />the south line of said MAMA of Section 32. <br />The above described parcels of land containing a total area of 4.59 <br />acres, more or lass. <br />Said centerline of abandoned main track, hereinabove referred to, is <br />more particularly described as follovit <br />sesinniag at s point in the north line of said Section 32 that is <br />2,614.70 fast distant easterly, measured along said north line. from the <br />northwest corner thereof; <br />J <br />t <br />M_ <br />+1 <br />r' <br />