<br /> 11. Condamnetion. The proteads nf 3ny award or payment or c/aim far dameges,direct or consequential,in connection vrith any
<br /> condemnation or cthe�taRing oi the Frust Property,or any part thereof,either temporarily nr permsnently,os for conrieyance in lieu o1 or in
<br /> anticioatron o!eondemna!ion,art hereb�assigned�o and sha/l be pard to Benefrciary. Trt:stor wiN file and prosecttta,in good laifh and with
<br /> due diligence,rrs claim�or any such eward or paymen!,end wrll cause rhe same to be collected and paid to Renef,ciary,and shnuld ii/ai!to
<br /> do so, Trustor;rrevosably arrhorizes end empow�n 8eneficiery,rn the name of Trusfar or otherwise,to/ile,proseCUta,Seitle or C�m�romise
<br /> ar,y such claim and ro co/k.:t,receive�'or and rerain the procaetds.lf the Tiust Property is abendoned by Tivstor,or,aher notice by
<br /> Beneficiery ro Trusrvr thar rhe condemno�olfers ro make an ewa�d or ssttle a claim lor damages, Trustor/aits to respond to Benerciary
<br /> wirhin rh;rry/301 da ys atter rhe dere such nafice is meiled,Bene�ci�ry is euihodzed to collect and app/y the proceeds in the manner indicated '
<br /> he�ein. The proceeds of any awa�d or claim may,afler deducting al/ressonable costs and axpenses,incJudinp attomeys'fees, which may
<br /> have been incurred by Bene/iciory;n the co/lection thereof,at the sole discretion nl Beneficiary,be nsleased to Trusror,applied te�esfantion.
<br /> o!�he Trosr Property,or a,�p�ieu ro the paym�nr o/rhe Oblrgatior,s. Unless Beneficiary and Truslor orherwise agree in wnting,�ny such .9
<br /> application o/preceeds ro i�e flote or Guaranty,as applrcabfe,shal!not extend or postprne the due date o/any regr+er installments ealled �
<br /> �or thereunder or change;i�e amount ol any such instal/ments.
<br /> 72. Environments!RepresentrUvna sisd Wprrsntirs;l�demnifre�tipn;/nspection�nd TesNsrg. Trvstor represonts and warrants[het, extept �
<br /> as disc%sed in writing tv Benefrciary and except w�ere Trustor has obtained ihe requisite local,state,and/or federa/permits and approvels,
<br /> Trustar does not and will not generate nor have in its Qossession arty haza�dous or toxic►t�astes,chemica/s or uther svbstances, the �
<br /> generation or possession of whir.h are govemed by loea/,state and/or environmental laws,crdinances,decrees,reguletrons and statutes �
<br /> lhAreinaJCer 'fnvironmenfal Wastes°). Trusto�/uriher represents arsd warrants[haf it is not present/y ihe subject oI any environmental ut
<br /> inr,uiry,litigation,administrative proceedrng or th�eat thereof by e g�vemmenta/a�rthnriry,and that Trustor shad promQtly notily Beneficiary
<br /> oP same il any of the foregoing does occur. Tivstor also represents and warranrs to 6eneficlary that it is not subject to any judgment,dacree, �
<br /> ordai or citation relating to or arising out of a v;olatian of lacal,state or ledera/environmenfs!lex5 or regulations. Trustor sha!l also provide l�
<br /> � BerteTrciary vihen a�plicab/e with capies ol sll appropriate envJronmentai permits and epprovals. � ,
<br /> �
<br /> ...,-
<br /> Trtistor warranfs and�ep�esen[s�hat fhere are nvt now,nor to the 1'rustor's know/edge a1te��easonab/e investigation have t re ev�r been '
<br /> E,�rvironmenrai Wasres storeo;deposired, treated,recycled or disposed of on,under,or at rhe Tnist Propetty (including tanks�other '�i ` '
<br /> faci;ities rhereon containing such materialsl, which materte/s ar cv»tained materia:s,i/known ta bff presertt on the property or present in soils"'
<br /> or ground water, t�+nu/d require c%an up,removal,cr at/ier remedial action under environmentel laws.
<br /> Trustor wrl!in.dem.nrfy and f,old harmless Bene�ciAry,its successors,ass%gns,smployees,agents,parertL af/iliates end subsidiaries,and each +�
<br /> of them, lrom any an�al/clai.-ns,suits,darnages,liabrlities and expenses ansin�out ol or in tonnecNon with any a/leged or actua/pol/ution "
<br /> vr contamrnation ol rhe�round, water or sir et,cn o�n�a,-:.`,a Trust Property.
<br /> Benef;ciary may at any time hi�e the servrces ot an env;ronmenfa/consu/ting and/or festing company to rnspect fhe :rust Property with the
<br /> costs thereof to be charged to T�ustor. Tivsfor shall not�e/y on such insFection nor shall Trvstor bs relieved thereby oJ conducting its own
<br /> enviroi�mental audit u�taking such other steps as a�e necessary to comply with ersrironmenta/laws and re�u/ation.s.
<br /> 13. T�ustor Not Released. Extension ol ihe time for paymen±o�modification of any amortizatian o(the Obligations granted by Beneliciary ro
<br /> any successo;in inrerest ol T�usto�sha:l not operate to re/esse,rn any martner, the liability oI Tiustor and Trustor's successors rn intarest.
<br /> Qeneficiary shall not be reAU%red!o commence p�oceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time lor paymenr or oJherwise modily
<br /> amortization ol the Obligations by reason of ar.y demand made by Tiustor and Tiustor's successors in interest.
<br /> ;4. Addifi�naJ Covens»ts.ln addition to any otht�covenants of Tiustoi msde in any othar agreement,insirument or document, Trustor
<br /> shall comply wiFh the cavenants set lorih rn any Rider artached and made a pert ol this Deed o!Trust.
<br /> f 5. Schedule oF Leases. Wthin ten(1G/days alter demand, Trusror sha!!fumrsh to Bene/iciary a schedu/e,certi..'ied to by Trustor,_eettrng
<br /> lorth a///eases ol the Trust Property,or any portion thereof,including in each case, the name ol the tenants or occupants, a oe�.:�^!%nn o/
<br /> the space occupied by such te.vant cr occupant, the rental�ayable/or such;;pace,and such other information ar.d documents with resp;c!
<br /> to such leases and tenancies as Beneficiary may�easonably request.
<br /> 16. CovBnants al Tiustvr with Respect Po Leases. �thout the p�ror writien consent ol Benefieiary, Tiusior shal!not,directly or indire�t/y,
<br /> with respect to any lease of space in the Trust Property, or any ponion Phereol, whether svch/ease is now or hereaffer in�xistence:
<br /> (a/Accept or permit any prepayrnent,discount or advance paymen[of rent hereunde!in excess ol one month,
<br /> (bl Carrcel or terminate the same,o�accept any cancellatron, termination or surrender thereo% or permit any event to accu�whr�h would
<br /> occur ihereunder to terminate o�cancel the same,other than termrn.^tion/or nonpaymenl oI rent,
<br /> Icl Amend or modily the same so as to reduce the term thereo% the renta!payab/e ther�vnder,or to changz any renewal provisrons
<br /> Pherein contained,
<br /> Id7 Waive any de(ault�hereunder or breach thereof,
<br /> lel Give any consen.t, waiver or approval thereundei or take any orher action in connecticn therewrth,or wrth a lessee thsieundei whicii
<br /> would have the eflect oJ impairing the value oI the/essor's i�terest thereunder or the property sub�ect thereto,oi of impaiirng the
<br /> posrtion of interest of Bene;iciary therern,o�
<br /> 1IJ Se(l, assrgn,pledge,mortgage or otherwise dispose o/,or encumber its interest in any s�id lease or any rents,issues,profits issuing
<br /> or ansing thereunder.
<br /> � 17. Waiv�r ol Sfetute of L;mitetions. Time is o/the essence in a!!�f Trustor's obligations and duties hereunder;�nd to the extent permitted
<br /> �. by law, Trvsror waives a;!presen;or/uture statutes ollimitation wifh respect to any debG demand or obligaeion secured hereby and any
<br /> action or proceeding/or the purpose o/enlorcing this Deed of Trust or any rights or remedies c��ntained herain.
<br /> !ft. Ass;gnment o/Deposirs.In the event constructifln o/improvements is contemp/ated by the Ubligetions secured hereby, as addirional
<br /> secunty:heralor, 7'rustor hereby translers and assigns to Benefrciary,alt right, trt/e a��d interest to any a od a//monies deposited by or on
<br /> behaH of r�ustor with any city,county,�ub/ic body or agency,sanitar,�distncG uti/ity company,and any other body or agency, lor tha
<br /> instal/ation or ro se�ure the instal/ation ol any utility by Trustor,pertaining to the Tiust Prop6�rfy.
<br /> i 19. Orgsnirelione/ Existence.//Trusior is an organizalion organized crnder the laws o/c stato,it wi//do e//thinqs necessary to preserve its
<br /> exislPnce and alI rrghts and prrvileges under fhe/aws o/rhe>tats of its organization.
<br /> 20. Forbnarenae b y 8eneficiary Not e Wsiver.Any delay by 8ene;icrary in exercising any right or remedy hereunder,o�otherwise af/orded
<br /> by applicab/e/aw or equ;ty,sha!/not be a waiver oJ or preclude the exercise o/such right or remedy o�07 any other right or�emedy grsnted
<br /> hereunder or at law or equity. The lailure of the BeneJiciary to exercise any option ro acce%rale marurify o!the Obligations secured by tnis
<br /> Qeed ol Trust, the lorbearance by rhe Bene�ciary before o�alter the exercise oI such aption,or the withd�awa/or abandonment o/
<br /> proceedings provided for hy rh�s Deed nf Trust sha/1 nof be a waiver of/he right to exercise such option or to acce/erate fhe maturity o1 such
<br /> Obtrgsricns by reason of any p»st,present o. luture event which wou/d permit accelerafion under rhe 5ection enri!fed'Acce%�ation ol pebC
<br /> Foreclosure'herein. The p�ocurement o�insurance, the payment ol taxes o!!he disCharge of liens or charges by Beneficiery shall not be a
<br /> waiver ol Beneliciary's right;o accelerare the maturity nt the Obligatrons hereby;ecured. The Benerciary's r�cerpt ef any aweids,proceeds
<br /> � or damages unde�the Secrion sntitled'Hazard lnsurence'and the Secrion entit/ed'Condemnatio�'he�ein shal!nof operate fo Cuie tl�wnive
<br /> p delault by fhe ;rusror under the Section enfitled'Events of De/au/t'he�ein.
<br /> 27. Remedies Cumu/ativo.AIl remedies provided in this Deerl oI Trust are distinct and cumu/ntive to any other right or remedy unde�thrs
<br /> Deed of T���.cr n.„�i.,.�fa��,,,t3�y p�equrty,and may be exercised concunen!ly,independanUy o�successive/y,and as olten as the ocCasion
<br /> there%r srises.
<br /> 22. 3uccassors end,as�ryae Bound;Numbar, Gender,Joint and Sevesal Liability;Cap.7ons. The covenants an�agreements herein conta;ned
<br /> " sha/I bind,and the rights hereunoe��hall in�re to, the respective heirs,leya/rep�e�e»talives,successors and assigns of Bene7iciary, Trustee,
<br /> and Trustor. Whii�evei used, the srngular n�mber sha!l include rhe plurel,the pluia/the singular,and the use ol any gender sha!l be epplicab/e
<br /> to all genders. All covenants and agreem2nts ol Trustor shall be joint ard several,•provided however, that i1 the Trustor is an individual,
<br /> nothirg confained in t!>is Deed o!Tiust s.hall in any way oblignte a spouse o!the Tiustor to pay the Obli�ations unless such spouse s/so signs
<br /> the Note oi the Guaranty. The captions an�h<adings o/the Sections o/this Deed o/Trust are for convei+ience on/y$nd are not fo bo used to
<br /> rnterprei o�de!ine the provisions hereo%
<br /> 23. Nafico.Except lor any netice required under applicabla law fo be aiven i»anofher manner, la/any nofice fo Trustor prol+ided/or in this
<br /> Deed o/7rust sha7/be given b�•mailing such notice by certi/red mail,ieturn rereipt requesred addressed to Tr�s�o�at:rs maiii�g add�ess set ,`
<br /> lorth above or at such other address as Trustnr may desi,qnate by noPiCe to Bene/iciary•as provided herein,and fb!any notiCe�Bane/iciary `
<br /> ar Trustee si�all be,qiven by cenitied mail,retum iece;pt requested, to Rene/iciary's and Tiustee's mailing address slated herei or to such
<br /> othe�addrQSS as Qeneliciary or Trusree mey designate by notice to Tiustor as pmvided herein.Any notrce provided for in this De'ed of Trust
<br /> sha!!be deemerl to have Leen grven ro Trvstor,Benelicrory�or Trustee when given irt tho manner designated herern.
<br /> 24. Governing L¢�v;Severebility. This Deed of Trust shal!be govemed 6y the'�ws of�he State ol h'ebraska.ln the event eny piovision or
<br /> c%ause ol this Deed of Tiust conllic±s with applicnble law,suclr conpict shal/not aJ.'ect othor�rorisions o/fhis Deed o/Tiust which can be
<br /> yiven ellecf wi7liouf the cor;/licting Frovisions rnd to this end tho provrsions oI this Deed o/Trust are dec/ared to be.sRVe�able. In fhe event
<br /> , , fha�any npplicable lew i�r e//act on tho dete o/the execution o/this Deed ol Tiust limits the nmount of ir.teiest or otAer items wh�ch may be
<br /> law/ully chorged and is interprQted rn e manner s�ch that any payment provided/o�in this Deed o1 Trtist oi rn fhe Note oi the Gud�enf y
<br /> fwhether considered separate/y or togerher with other payments that are considered a part ol th/s Deetd o/Tiust and this transaction�
<br /> violafes such law,such payment is hereby�educed fo the extent necessary to eliminate such vio/arion;l tne Trvstor is entir/ed ro�he bene,lir
<br /> n'such/av�.
<br /> 1',-.Y
<br /> 5'.
<br /> ��>'
<br /> �) � Pago 3 0l 5
<br /> ��,�
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<br />