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Exhibit `•`"! <br />All that portion ...of; tic, certain strip of land of tapering widt%_ : : ": _:::;:;'; <br />situate. the Sfil /411$114,. d..*V.X 4S1l /4 of Section 32, T. 9 S., R. 9 <br />the SlXi :'htucipsl. Maridiiik eft• 144 County, Nebraska, as heretofore acquir <br />Isla > iL ad Company (predecessor to Union <br />8acilic <br />'.ftodt. A. - 0 by Deed dated June 30, 1879, ., Recorded <br />dull' 4 J *79.• in�'' BQok a;. :. s at pate 125 of the Records of said <br />County, ,{zPoiBr extends northop'i distance of 2000.00 feat f <br />t :.. line draim at <br />right angles to the htmitaftor described csnter1lax ¢ "ik `abaadizn "ed mein <br />: track of the G% d Island Branch of said Raliift L ly <br />constructed. 4ni ipsrated, at a point thereon the <br />.: r�rs.s4 fi4C'' distant <br />northerly ceanirad' along said centerline, Er ar. c1%�e . s '1 i�f . 444 Section <br />32, to a� .11ne dr6" rirgxit eagles to saidl to to l : at 's lit' t6iEreoa that <br />is 1,606.80 feet 8ierant saitherly� iwasursd along; 'ii` �� �narcarliasf from the i <br />north line of said Section 32, said acquired strip of land of tapering width <br />being adjacent to the north -south centerline of said Section 32 and 14.00 feet �= <br />vide at the north line of said Section 32 and 38.00 feet wide at the south ' <br />line of said Section 32. <br />Also, all that portion of that certain strip of land of tapering <br />width situate in the SL►IANW1 /4 and HE1 14Sfi1 /4 of Section 32, T. 911., A. 9 W. <br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian in Hall County, yabrasks, as heretofore <br />acquired by Hastings and Grand Island Railroad Comipany (predecessor to Union <br />Pacific Railroad Company) from N. D. Holly by Dead dated Janis 30, 1879, <br />Recorded July 1, 1879 in Book 8 of Deeds at page 123 of the Records of said <br />Hall County, that extends northerly a distance of 2000.00. foot from a line <br />drawn at right angles to the hereinafter described centerline of the abandoned <br />main track of the Grand Island Branch of said Railroad Company, as formerly <br />constructed and operated, at a point thereon that is 1,602.80 feet distant <br />northerly, measured along amid centerline. from the south of said Section <br />32, to a line drawn at right angles to said centerline at a point thereon that <br />to 1,606.80 feet distant southerly, measured along said centarlins, from the <br />north line of said Section 32, said acquired strip of land of tapering width <br />being adjacent to the north -south centerline of said Section, 32 and 80.00 feet <br />wide at the north line of said SE1/4MJ1 /4 of Section 32 and 72.00 feet wide at <br />the south line of said NE1d4SW1 /4 of Section 32. <br />The above described parcels of land containing a total area of 4.59 <br />acres, more or less. <br />Said centerline of abandoned main track, hereinabove referred to, is <br />more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point in the north line of said Section 32 that is <br />2,614.70 feet distant easterly, measured along said north line, from the <br />northwest corner thereof; <br />0 <br />a* . <br />t� <br />_._.f- <br />