<br /> �
<br /> 16.Misr.ei"aneous Provisions
<br /> !a;Burcow�v Not ftelsaaed.EMer,sion of tha time tar pAyrnent ar moddficatlon ot the sums secured by this Deed o�Trust gran!ed
<br /> by Lende�[o any euCCe�eor fn Inttrest o�Bo�TOwef Shall not opereta io relvaaa,in•ny m�nnrcr,the IIabllity ot the orsyin.i Borrow•r
<br /> and Borrow�r's successors in+nterrst. Le�der shall not ha rectuired to commence prcceedings agsinst such successor or rotuse to
<br /> extend time fcr G>ayment or otherwise modity amartization of tha surns secuted by t,tils Qeed of Trust by reason of any demands �
<br /> made by tlie nriginal sortov�er and Bonower's successors in int�rest. � �
<br /> (bJ Lenc'ar::Powers.wthovt affectinp the liabiiky of any other p^rson liable for the payment of any obligation herei�mentioned, �
<br /> and withou.:;itfiecting the iie� or cfiarge of this Deed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then or theretofore reteased as �,
<br /> securRy for tl�e tuit amour.t o! ai!unpaid obtigations, Londer may, from time to time qnd whhout notice li) release any perso�so �
<br /> liable,(ii)exte���d the:naturity nr alter any of the terms of any such obiigstions,(hi)grant ether i�dulgenees, (iv)release or reconvey, �
<br /> or cause to bs reieased or recoiveyed at asiy time at Lerider's opcion any parcei;port6on or al!of the Property,(v)take or release any
<br /> other addkioiiai security tor ar.y obiigation htre+n mentioned, or (vi) make compositio��s or other arrangements with debtora in �l -
<br /> relation theret�.
<br /> • 4 �
<br /> {c) Forbsani��co bv ler+der Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender' eimioy.a+�.righ reunder, or otherwise �
<br /> afforded by aF,:licable law, shal: rtot be a waiver of or preclude the e �13iS�e���eKF�s�r ed� The procurement of �.
<br /> insurance or thr �ayment of taxes or other liens or cha.ges by Lender hail r�dT�iaA�`�er of len r's ght to accelerate the
<br /> maturity of the inrfebtedness secured by this Deeti of Trust. t•"9�,e.";�.Qi3!s+!r,��+� )
<br /> ld) Succesaors and Asslgns Bound;Jo6n2 and 5evxd Lisbt�ty;Capdona. e covenan s a 'herein contained shali
<br /> bind, and the rights he�eunder sha0 inure to, the respectile successcrs and assigns of Lender and Trustor. Ail covenants and "
<br /> agreements of Trustar shali be joint and severa�. The captions and heaJings of the paragraphs o4 this Deed of Tr�st are for
<br /> conven?ence aniy and are not ta be used ta interpret or define the provisiores hereof.
<br /> (e) Requmst tor NoUces.The parties hereby request that a copy of any notice of detauh here�nder and a copy of any notice of
<br /> sale hereunder be maiVed to each party tu this Dee�of l'rust at th��dress set 4orth above in the manner presr_rihed by applicable
<br /> law. Except fnr ar,y other natice required und2r applicable law r�be given in another manner,any notice provided for in this Daed of
<br /> Trust sha�l be flivr.n by mailinc� such notice by certified mai! addressed to the other parties, at the address sei forth above. Any
<br /> notice provided for in this Deed oi Trust shall be offective upo�mailing in thct manner designatsd herein.If Trustor is more than one
<br /> person,notice sent to the address set forth above ahall be no;ice to 911 such persons.
<br /> (f) lnspection. lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Propesty, provided tliat
<br /> Lender shaii give Trustor noti�e prior to any such inspection specifying rtasonable ca�se theretor related to Lender's inierest in the
<br /> ?roperty. � � �
<br /> {g) fleconveyance. Upon payment ot all sums sesured by this Dee<i of T:ust. Lender shall request Trustee to�,reconvey the � '- -�
<br /> Property and shall surcender this De� of Trust and al! notes evidencing indebtedr.ass securea by this Deed ot Trus"`to Trustee.
<br /> Trustee shall reconvey*he Property without wanan(y and without charge to the person or persons legsily entitled therOtQ. Trustor
<br /> shali pay atl costs of recordation,if any.
<br /> (h1 Personal Propsrty;Security Agceemant.As additio�al security tor the payment of the Nots,Trustor hersby gra�ts Lender under
<br /> the Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code a security interest in aIl fixtures,eGuipmcnt,and other personai propeny used in connection
<br /> with the real estate or improvements located thereon,and not otherwise decfared or deemeci to be a part of the real estate secured
<br /> hereby. This instrument shall be construed as a Security Ao-eement under said Code, and the Lender shall have all the rights and
<br /> rem��dies oF a secured party under said Code in addition to t:�c rights and rerttedies creeied under and accorded the Lender pursuant
<br /> to this Deed of Trust; provided thgt Lender's rights and remedies under this paragraph shall be cumutative rvith, and in no way a
<br /> limitaticn on,Lender's riqht�and remedies under any other security agreement signed by Borroever or Tnistor.
<br /> (i! Uans end Encumbirences. Trustor hereby warrants and represents that there is no defauft under the provisions of any
<br /> mortgage, deed of trust, IeasQ or purchase contract describi�g all or any psrt of the Property, or other contract, instrument or
<br /> agreement censtitutirg a lien or encumbrance against all or any part of the Property (collective, "Lien,"), existin� as of the date of
<br /> this Deed of Trust, and that any and all existing Liens remain unmodified except as disclosad to :ender in Trustor's written
<br /> ciiscloaure of liens and encumbrances provided for herein. i rustor sha(1 timely perfo�m all of Truator's obligations, covenants,
<br /> representations and warranties under any and all existing and future liens,shall promptly for�•�ard to lender copies of all notices of
<br /> � deTault sent in connection with any and all existing or future Lisns, and shall not without Lender's prior written consent in any
<br /> ; rnaniier modify the provisians of or allow any future advances under any existing or fu�. o Liens.
<br /> j. Ij} Applicatlon oi Payments. :�nless otherwise required by law, sums paid to Lender hereunder, '.�cluding wi2hout limitation
<br /> paymencs of principal and interest,insura�ce proceeds, condemnation proceeds and rents and profits, shafl be applied by Lender to
<br /> the amounts due and owing irom Trustor and borcower in such order as Lender in its sole discretion deems desirable.
<br /> iK1 Seversbftity. If any provision of this Deed of Trust canflicts with applicable 1aw or is declared invalid or otherwise
<br /> unentorceable,such conil�ct or imialidity shall not affect tfie other prnvisior.s of this D;ad oF Trust or the Note which can be given
<br /> etfect without the conflicting provlsion, snd to this end the provisioris of tliis Deed eS Trust and the Note are declared to be
<br /> saverable.
<br /> (p Terms.The terms "Trustor' and'Berrower" shall include both sinflular and plurai,and when the Trustor and E3orrower are the
<br /> same perso�(s),those terms as used in this Deed of Trust shall be intcrchangeable.
<br /> Im)Goveming Lew.This Deed oi Trust shall be floverned by the laws of the State�f Nebraska.
<br /> Trustor has executed this Deed of Trust as of tha date written atrove. .�
<br /> /,
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<br /> Tru r r Trustor
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<br /> 'r:� t988 N�tlonel Bank of Commeree Trast snd Sevinpe Association,Lfntoln,N�bnsk� -
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