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<br />Ti1U9TOR READ TM DEFORO SK3h1ING. rt ? r
<br />r141or Is about to sxactlte is a Deed of Trust and rql a mortgatg5�ni3 °�gtl�±S(s"?r
<br />- ... of aYS.provided for in the Deed of Truat providee substantially different rights and - obligations to Trusior.thasz.R
<br />oft delvA or breach ot` obligatlon under tlhs Deed of Trust Including, but n to. the Lender''s right tft
<br />_ by tits Trufter without any jiudiClat proceeding, Truebr rapresenb a warrants 1 this.ack $
<br />nOwlsdgaR!1x1.1!is'
<br />T ex ,ol the of Trust
<br />_
<br />R.
<br />yap uu HuabaM) (Y E. Clark Trustor`
<br />l % %•' -l.
<br />! - L: lClaft Win)
<br />Trttstor
<br />t
<br />ter.
<br /># 01MID OF TRUST. is made as of the 27th day M SY�turtlbst: ,19 89
<br />--•. $,� at dratTiojlg .� � r ,
<br />r,
<br />r.,.
<br />Yatsetstrt}± F_ Cleric A Pttv11L p, Clark, Hftcharnri t Wife arrrl ttenry R. C1a>rj ;L f°
<br />e ikatm d a Wife �' j '" !
<br />I
<br />*101*` n0 address is 107 West 4ti't._ Goad to and, tE &MI, ( herein "Trustor," vrhethe
<br />William
<br />.tEt1b''r7�Ms� i G. B1�- t�++•,w+. a aramber of f� NE SfiaCe Bdr Aeon. � • . ;'i,�• : :.. '
<br />'•gin. - <<<, :fir, -;
<br />tffldtpli Mailirhg eddies is v_n_ ta.,: ��ant tY T�.1 rva. g8g2 .. �.
<br />- - - - - (herein T1iae 5, •,
<br />the Five Paints Bank
<br />i9*nMiciary. - - :'•
<br />whose,fn4iiiogi address is — P.Q._Bnx 1507. Grand Island, taFT 68802 -1507 herei
<br />Ft VALU IKE CONSIDERATION, including Lender's extension of credit identified herein to Ye M4t h E. Cldr)t. `' '.♦': t,
<br />phy.mt ' A + rkr Huisbatid & wife, and Roxy R. Clark
<br />(herein "Borrower", wt',ather one or more) and the trust herein creatilid.. •;''r, , :;'
<br />acknowledged.
<br />;1 bdped. TrUStor hereby irrevocably grants, transfers, conveys and assigns to Trustee,t+l'
<br />TFOJST; WfiTli fbF SALE, for the benefit and security of Lender, under and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter a*
<br />IvIft the re( AFCCter , t MCribed as follows: Lot Tiro (2) in Block Eleven (11) , Ln Bonnie Brasr llydditiVa.' Zo
<br />the 1,ity„of� aarA. 10 Ante, Hail County, Nebraska (coasmonly known as ,1509 W. 4th, Grand lsl `• °
<br />f f'iltia. Ps id Cd wNa to vskw. & omam a Deed of TrMt :haoacded as am neat x09 -10" in the office of the ' 144096tw Of Deeds a Ili LU 17XI*y, Nsbraaira.
<br />l- fig rwlith all buildings, improvements, fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, rights, privileges and appurte
<br />nancae located thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto, and the rents. issues and profits, reversions and remainders thereof, and . •. '` r
<br />Such personal properly that isattached .a t3te improvements Was to constitute a fixture, including, but not limited to, hosting and
<br />cooling equipment; and together with the lrn rneseaad or marital Interests, if any, which interests are horehy released and waived; all
<br />of which, including replaearnents and aWVd vmM sreto.Is hereby declared to be apart of the real estate secured by the lien of this
<br />-. Deed of Trust and all of the foregoing being referred to herein as the "Property ".
<br />l.r
<br />is Dee ¢t1 Yfust st*.! - secure (a) the payment of the principal sum and interest evidenced by a promissory note or credit
<br />1q�tv9lere�ant dsdhau? gF)P71d84..— _ , having a maturity date of _ 1Q4V °•
<br />' �. �. :• :', :� Iii'
<br />`::: set !11re or unt of S X7•_000.00
<br />and any and all modifications, extensions and renewals
<br />tit ,v*f or therelb and any and -all future advances and readvances to Borrower (or any of them if more than one) hereunder
<br />putty —.A W one or more IG�'i:wissory notes or credit agreements (herein called "Note"): (b) the payment of other sums advanced by '
<br />I Laiani wrd protect the sac 'z1 °hits! Note; (c) the perfornAnce of all covenants and agreements of Trustor set forth herein; and (d) all
<br />preafarrt and future Indeh(WO!,foa; jard obligations of Borrower (or any of them if more than one) to Lender whether direct, indirect,
<br />absolute or cor!A#�,- sr„ fir: ' itr r 21risi g by note, guaranty, overdraft or otherwise. The Note, this 0eeed of Trust and any and all
<br />other exocuted in connection therewith, inctuding without limitation guaranteas, security �.
<br />agreements and issi 9t ,t mY'r of leases and rents, shall be referred to herein as the "Loan instruments ".
<br />Trustor covenants an t .;gBl'eee with Lender as follows:
<br />t. t ayraeM of IndiptWinnras. All indebtedness secured hereby shall be paid when due.
<br />2. Tilde. Trustor is "I 4 w•nsr of the Property, has the right and authority to convey the Property, and warrants that the lien
<br />Crrowled hereby Is a first area prior lien. 'cn the Property, except for liens and encumbrances set forth by Trustor in writing and
<br />60wWsd to Lender before execution c°ir•;,% Deed o! Trust, and the execution and delivery of this Deed of Trust does not violate any
<br />E c,>Srttaatct nr other obliostim: ttc'which Tr Yv:ir is subject
<br />1, Taxes, AMeesrrtelnhk, Tapay bay! etli �tairquencyall taxes, special assessments and all other charges against the Property
<br />V hereafter
<br />E : levies.
<br />i s 4t
<br />a¢I €e Proper .,, ,t Ft a
<br />damage by lire, hazards included within Iheterm "extended covhvage ". and
<br />such oifiM se Larder may rerluri'h;, d and with companies acceptable to Lender naming Lender as an additional
<br />narnw insurfdi. writ: jaac *able to case of loss under such policies, the Lencler m nuthorrzed to adjust. collect and
<br />Compromise, all cIsI tft.arts,,,g'y w #,44,V. all have tr:a option of applying all or part of the rnsuranuo proceeds (t) to any indebtedness
<br />s(bieurad hereby and in saterdtr'ua Seer ter may determine, (ii) to the Trustor to be used for the repair or restoration of the Property
<br />or iiiii) for any other purposi oir ctiod &vt,v%ctory to Lender without affecting the lien of this Deed of Trust for fire full amount secured
<br />hereby bMore such payment ever toot dirge. Any application of proceeds to indebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due
<br />date of any payments under the Note;. rah ,o,4rs any default thereunder or hereunder.
<br />S. Eseresr. Upon written drrmand'►bir. 1,•ertder. Trustor shall pay to Lender, in such manner as Lender may designtite, sufficient
<br />bums to enable Lender to pay asthap dome dusone or more of the following- (i) all taxes, assessments and off ter charges against
<br />the Property, (ii) the premiums on the,i:!operty in- uranre roo dreg hereunder, and (iii) the ptet uut►!° itrt : r :y m. aatgago +rrsurance
<br />required by Lender.
<br />L Me11111Mlarlee. 11100" site CAM* P "wit Laws. Trustor shall keep the Property in gotid Condition and repair, shall
<br />promptly repair. or replace any ireprlt�,iwnent which may be damaged or destroyed, shall not commit or permit any waste or
<br />detatiorabon of the Property; shall nrt te+move, demolish or substantially alter any of the improvements on the Property, shall not
<br />Commit,si+81or or permitortl,atesto be dons in or upon the Property in violation of any law, ordinance, or megutatujn, and shall pay ind
<br />prof »ptfritlrcYaarglriht'trrrt;te? srycost and expense all liens, encumbrances and charges levied, imposed of assessed against the
<br />' Praperfyir (x!" anti ptk't.° tt�t.'ftfsi :l -'., . .
<br />dowsw I! erCsaYly :•s hereby assigned all compensation, awards. damages and other payments ur leliilf ifiete.i rt1tter
<br />" P'roteeV. iY1r; l JMe+aicf —, toll" condemnation or other taking of thg Property or part thereat, or for cartvoyance in lieu ut c ondel1163-
<br />Con. LentiWid.411 thtk ?fi t." a1 its option to commence. appear in and ptosecuid in its own name ally nctifjit or I,rc utsNAmps nnft
<br />shall also be Mj!tikMdW:� a rib any compromise or settlement in connection with such taking or daftilUe in ttie t),,pflt riny ttotTlcrjj Of
<br />- wzassrrrf .rs{uabr�jssi,�ir.vso-ts! - - ..
<br />Mwtint.! prRMCs .rHrc.7r.,tfantlkswosAftsc4tmi t ix4 t %tr#*#
<br />