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105344 <br />tie. MMcMeaean Proeiaieas. <br />(4) ffartew - Nat Iflelaseed. Extension of the time for payment or modiIcaiion of amor nMon of the sums secured by this <br />DW W Tru gmriMd by Lender toany succaew in intmsnof ewowor shall notoperale-to rshsae, in arty manntrr.ltw ffsldliryf. _....._r` ._ . . <br />Of fhe original 9orrowarand Borr&&Ws successors in lnt west Lander sMil not be required b commence prbces flos =Wffat. <br />- su ads fw` wailoaxd omsforpayntant orotiterwtss aimoniza oti n otime wma <br />secunedtj it �iect af.TnJSt - -- by reason of atty demands mace by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors In interest <br />(b) I.stdsr # f+sstisrs. Without a8scb'ng the liability of any other person liable for the payment of +any.ebligatfan. herein• <br />mar>tioned.nd willil t)1N aftelling the Ilan or charge of this Dead of TnM upon any portion of Ue Properly ncdittwr ortltsisfnfotts <br />rlNSaisd sir aacuriCy for tihe full amount of ail unpaid obligations. Lender may. from time flooring and wwkKd: novae (0 tyfsraui ante' <br />Pierson Soli", (ii) extend the maturity or alter any of the terms of any such obligations. ( iii) grant odw indulgences. (iv) r+sleass <br />a reconvay. or cause to be released or reconvsyed at any time at Lenders option -any perciel. poftn'or atlict ttie Property,. <br />(v) take or release any otl±wit or additional security for any obligation herein mentioned, or (vQ make compasi wis or otter, <br />arfarVements with debfbri�n relation thereto. <br />(C) Fvrbeetwice by Lender lief a leafier. Any torbeatance by Lender in exercising any-right or remedy hemundon. or <br />otherWise afforded by'applicable law. shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exerciser of. any iuch right or remodw. The <br />procurement of Insurance of t —he payment of taxes or au,er liens or charges by Lender shall not be a walver, of Lendaeo right to ; <br />accelE Ate to mat rity of �. �. r, debted teas securgO.*...;lhis used of Trust <br />(d) Succe"m aee:lt404136 BOWM, Joktt silit Seidel Liability, !tea The covenants and 4iti ltrents hersin.con= ' <br />tamed shaft bind. and lira r s hereunder shall i fir® t� % the respsr ire, <br />sors and assigns of Loiter and TErglttif�' iii .,; <br />covenants and agreemett vii Trustor shall be point" ;;tevWall sis:t�ans and headings of fhe paragraphs of this`asig,,of • <br />Trust are ttir ti .. <br />ccirxsjrtiartpt 'Ittly surd are rti7t to De uapaEt .intet+ptEtdr �-Ane the provisions he rsof. <br />(e) isv.Kl rs; The parties hereby rsgtiier�GSat a copy ci any notice of default hereunder and a copy of any notice . <br />Of safe hereu 4tir' be ma> +sd to each parry to this l Trust at the address set forth above in the manner prescribed by <br />spplicable law. Except for any other notice required'+dNer applicable law to be given in another manner, any notice provided <br />far in this Dead of Trust shall be given by set <br />marlin g such notice by certified mail addressed to the other parties. at mosoress <br />fortis above. Any notice provided for in this Deed of Trust shalt be effective u M� <br />pore mailing in the manner designated h". n. N `' �� ' �•:•. • ' <br />Trustor is more than one person, notice sent to the address set forth above shall be notice to all such persons. ' <br />(f) a Opacilo i Lender may make or cause to be m,,txte reasonable entries upon and inspections of the property, provided <br />!&adt wKW shall give Trustor notice prior to any such Is spection specifying reasonable cause therefcrt —W aced to Lender's <br />inwest in the Property. c <br />(9) Meoawyanee. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust, Lender shall request Trriige to recotWep� the' <br />Property and .4i4 surrender this Deed of Trust and all notes evidencing indebtedness secured by this Deed:of trust tbrmplim <br />Trustee shall recortvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or parsons hvwy entitled *web. <br />Trustor shall pay all costs .p+ recordation, If any. <br />(h) Pareottal Propsrtr- Security AgreewAmt As additional security for the payment of the Note, Trustor hereby grant <br />Lender under the Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code a security interest in all fixtures. equipment and other personal properly <br />used in connection with the real estate or improvements located thereon, and not otherwise declared or deemed to boa part of <br />the real estate secured hereby. This instrument shall be construed as a Security Agreement under said Code, and the Lender <br />shall have all the rights and remedies of a secured party under said Code in addition to the rights and remedies created under <br />and accorded the Lender pursuant to this Deed of Truz, provided that Lender's rights and remedies undgrtl,is paragraph shall <br />be cumulative with, and in no way a limitation on. Lerrr",w's rights and remedies under any other security aoresment signed by <br />6orrowsr or Trustor. <br />(i) Llsm asd lEncur dwances. TrusWK hereby via, rents and repmsents that there is no default under the proylslor,s: fats any <br />mortgage, deed of trust, lease or purchair, contract (1 +'scribing all or any pan of the Property, Or other contract, instrur�+� or <br />agreement constituting a lien or encumbrance agilinstoil or any part of the Property (collectively. "Liens "), existing as of the <br />dais of this Deed of Trust, and that any and all exisllgQ Liens remain unmodified except as disclosed to Lender In Truslor's <br />written disclosure of liens and encumbrances prov. bled for herein. Trustor shalt timely perform all of Trustoes obligations, <br />covenants, representations and warranties under any and all exisiting and future Liens, shall Pramptly forward to Lender copies <br />of all notices of default sent in connection with any and all existing or future Liens, and shall net without Lender's prior wxitren <br />Consent in any manner modify the provisions of cr a;JCw any future advances under any existing or future Liens. <br />Q) AppNcstsn of Payments. Unless OtherwisEre�julrred by taw, sums paid to Lender hereunder, Including without limitation <br />paynr,ents of principal and interest insurance prec(ItWzi, condemnation proceeds and rents and profits; shalt be applied by <br />I.ctridier to the amounts due and owing from Trustor and Borrower in such order as Lender in its sole discretcrvd6ems desirable. <br />tk) 130mablM1y tf any provision of this Deed of Trust conflicts with applicable law or Is declared irivalld or of evise <br />unenforceable, much conflict or invalidity shall not affect the other provisons of this Deed of Trust or the Note;►ro be � <br />Wi "effect wtttlout the conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of this Deed of Trust and the Ncte al:e declared laj1 e ` <br />eever"abla. <br />ZQ Tome. The terms "Trustor" and "Borrower' shall include both singular a od plural, and when the 7uy4cr and Oaom*er <br />WO the some person(s), those terms as used in t his` �'ed of Trust shall be interchangeable. <br />(m) GoverM Low. This Deed of Trust &UM be governed by the Taws f the State of Kiebraska. <br />Tr executed Is Deed of Trust as of MO dale written above. <br />asks, TrWUW (V th E. Clark Trustor HusbWW) . <br />irW L. QLaM, Trliatw Wife 11' A. C1ask Trustor Wife) <br />�J <br />1 <br />t <br />i <br />