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a'-�5-1999 C+EED OF TRUST , /� �, Page 2 . <br /> Loan No 866905 --- (CoMinued) ��I���j(j�°��. ''a ' '_ _ <br /> F <br /> owned by Trustcr,and now a hereat�er attached or atllxed to tihe Aeal Properry; together wMh ap a�ssions.P�S, and additlo4�sto.atl <br /> repiacemenis of. and a11 substltuHons tor, 8ny ot s:ach ptoperty; t;.�ei topetl�with aa prooHeds (i�dtxllnp with.out Osidtation 8� lnst�rartCe <br /> proceeds artd re�ftmds ot premiuress)lrom ar+y sale a other�SpasHio�of the Prappxty. <br /> Property. Tho word"Property'moans coNeclivety the Hetl Praperty and the Persorwl 1'roperiy. <br /> Reel Propeaty. 'Rw wwds'Real Property'mean tFw property,in0s.�sts and�iphts descxR�ed above In Ihe'Convey�nCe end GranC'seC�on. • <br /> R�eiadad Dotumenls. The wcuds 'Re�ated Dc�cumanls' mean end !ndude wilhout Bmitatlon eN promissory notes. credlt <br /> epreiements.enNronmentel agreamsnts.9uerar+Ues.sectxity�agreuman4s.mortBa9es,deeds of 6tut,end a9 ather Instruments,n�ntd and <br /> iu <br /> documenis,x•hettier nrnv o►lierenfter e�,.ti�,exacuted in connec8ore v�lth tl�indetae4ness. <br /> Rer►ts. The wad'Wents'means s9 prasent and futuae renfs.revenues,Income,issues.roYalfle+�Rrofits.artd ott�benetNS derived hom the ' <br /> ProPertY• <br /> Tn3atae. The wcrd Trustes'means UNtTED NE9RA.SKh BAN9C und arry subsUhds or sucC�.�trvstees. + <br /> 7rusiaro The worc�'Trustor"msans bny and a8 persons and endtles execuBnp this Deed of Trust,ksdudir�g wttliout prt�itaUon eA Tr�st�s named <br /> above. <br /> THfS DE� OF TRUS7, I�lCLUDIN� Ti� ASSiGPliNQtT C�F RE7fT5 AtiD Thl� SEC4JRITY INTERE$T IN 1'f!E RE!!TS ANO pEFI!iOd+IAL <br /> PpOP�R7Y,1$GIVF.PJ TO SECUitE �i)PAYMEAIT OF TF�INO£HTEDNF_S8 AND (2)PERFOAMUiI.'E QF A!!1f Al�ACL OBIIfiAT7C:OdS dF <br /> TRUSTOfi UNDEA 1?iE KI�TE, TB�E R�1.ATE.D DOd7Nui�iMT3, A180 THIS DF'ED OF 73i1)ST. T'WS dE�'D O� TRt1ST, INCLULIINii TFE <br /> ASSIGNIAE?iPl'thz RENTS fUVD TFIE SECtRtITY lNTFREST iN Tif RkNT3 AJ�PfFtSON.AL PSiOPEATY,18 AL�O GilifE!!TO SECI�FiE AMY <br /> AlOD ALL OBLICiATtONS QF TSIU5VOR l3AA�A 7FIAT(�RTAlN G�QIiS'1iii�T10@!LOAN Af3REEME7(T BETWEEl1 TRIJSTOR APIO LEIIDER OF � ' <br /> EdEA! DAl'� FiEAEWITN. M�l( EVEriT OP DEFAULY lpit�A 1'F� �OtISTRtJCTIOId lOAN AGREEME]�IT'. OR ANY UF 7HE FiELATEO <br /> DOCUfAENT3 REFERRED TO T}�RE1N,SHI1L1.AL$O BE AN EVENT OF DEFAl.�T 1JP10Zfi fiil3 DE�D OF TRllST. TF�NOTE AHD T!i!3 <br /> i)EED OF'TRUST ARE GIVEIV ANu a4CEP'rEp ON TH�FpU,OWINCi TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT IWO PEqFORMAHCE. Except�oEhe,wise provided!n thfs Deed of Tnuf,Tru�ta sheN pay to Lender ap amounts secured by thts Oeed <br /> ot Trust es they become due,and mtisli strir,tly and in a tlmely mannet petfortn ep ot Trustor's abQqatlorts under the Not�,this Deed M Trust,an�the ' <br /> Re�.stsd Oocume�is. <br /> POSSESSION AN�MAINT�IANCE fJF T6�PAOPER7Y. Trusla adrees tFwt Tn�stw's possession and use ni the Prc�perty shall be govorned by <br /> the to:lowing provislo�s: <br /> Posses�lon and Llse. UnGi tha xcurrsnce ot an Even!of Dataufl,Trusta may (al rematn in p�session and control ot thg Prppe�ty, (b)use, <br /> operale or ms��age the Propsrty,end (c)c�llect any Renks fr�m the I�rop�rty. <br /> D�ty to Malntaln. Tntstor sliatl rrsa:ntain ths Properfiy In lenantabie condition and prompqy perfpm ap repabs.replapamenls,and meintenance ' <br /> ngcessary to preservo fts value. <br /> Hazardous Subsiences. The terms"hazardous wasle'"hezardous substance,"`dispose!'"release,•ertd lhrealened release'es��ted In lhis ' <br /> Deed at Trust,shaA have the same mearangs�s set forth In the Compcehenslve Ernfrenmentel r�esponse.Compersseyon,and LIaDI�Act oP <br /> 1580,as amendPd, a2 U.S.C. Seet(on 960i,el seq. ("CER(�q'j,lyie guperiund Art�endrt�enls and ReauthorizaUon!�c!of 59@6, i�ub.l.No. <br /> 99-439("SRftA"�,tr,a H�zardous Materials Tra�sporiadon Aat,48 U.S.C.SS�ccHon 18Q1,et seq.,lhe Ftssource Co�gecveyon and Rscovery Act, <br /> 42 U.S.C.SacHon 690?.et seq.,or ottusr eppAcabta state or Federel favrs,rule�,or regulatsau adopted pursuant ta any of the lorepoinp. The <br /> terms"hazardous wasle"and"hs�rdous suhs!ance'shad e}so inctude,without IlmitaBon,petrol�um and petroleum by-produci�or any(ractlan <br /> thereof and asbestos. Truslw represenis and warrants to Lsnd�fhat: (a)Durinp fhe period of Trustors owrrershtp o0 the Proparty,there has ' <br /> been no use,ger+eralion,manufacture,storags,hgatrtrent,dfspcasal,relAase q�threatened release o!arry hazardous waste or substance by any ' <br /> persan on,under,atrout or from the Praperly; (b)Trttsior has no knowledge ot,or reason to beAeve that there tias boen,excepf as�+revipusty <br /> d'isclo>ed to and ecknowfodged by Lender in Mrtiting, (j any use,generayp��ma�uf��{� storago,treatrr�nt,di5posai,release,or ihreataned <br /> reiesse ot any hazardous waste or subslsrrce on,undar,ebout or hom the Property dy any prior owners pr occupants of the Propeity w ifi)any ' <br /> actual or threatened IiUgaHon ar�aims of eny kind by any person relatlng to such matlers; and (c)Except as previously disclosed fo and ' <br /> acknowledged by Lender in writing, (I) neither Trustor nor any tenant,contractor,agent or oth�fluthorized user ot the ProRwrly shetl use, ' <br /> generale,manuiaciure,store,hoat,dispose of,or releasd eny hezacdous wasle or substanos an,under,about or hom fhe Property and (il)any <br /> such aclivity shall bo conducted in compfiance with aA appticable iede,el,sG�te,and tocal Iaws,re�t�etfpng end ordinances,inCludny wlthoul <br /> limitation those laws, regulalions,end ordinances descriped above, Trus�a au{hwiz�Le��r e�t�agenis to snter upon the Pro�ty to <br /> make such ?nspections and tests, at Trustors expense,as Lender may da�m appropriate to detertnine compHance o}the prpperty yvlth th� ' <br /> secUon ot the DEwd of Trust. Any inspeciions or tests mede try i..erder sha8 be for Lenders purposes only end shall not be Cqnstrued to r.reefe <br /> eny responsibiiity a Iiability on the part ol Lender t�Trustor or!o any other person. The repressnisHons end warranlies contalnect herein are <br /> hasad on TrustW's due diligence in investSgaling the�roperly fw hazardous wes'o end ha�rdous substances. Truslor hereby (e)relsases and ' <br /> wafves any Puture daims against Lender for(ndemnily or contribution tn Yhe event Trustor bacomes Aable for cleanup or other costs under flny <br /> such laws, and (b) agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Lender egainst any and uli clafms, Icsses, RablRHes, d8rnages, pgneldes� and <br /> expenses whtch Lender may directiy or fndirectly sustafn or suffer rasuiting trom a breach ct tlds secttan ot the Deed of Trust or as a <br /> consequence of eny use,g�neralion,manufacfure,siorage,disposai,reieesa or threalsned release ef a hazardous waste or substence on lhe <br /> properties. The provisions of this sectlo� of the Deed of Trust, induding the obligatton to Indemnfy, shap survive the paymsnt of the <br /> Inds6tedness end thv satlsfacifon and reconveyancE,of the Oen o;this f)eed of Trust and shall not be eHocled by Lender's ncqufsitlon o}any <br /> Inleresl In Ihe Property,whether by loredosure or olherwfsp, <br /> NWSance,Yeaste. Truslor shall not c��use,canduct w permH aiiy nWsance nor commil,pormit,or sutfer any strfpping of or waste on or to the <br /> Property a any po�tion of the Property. Without limltlng the generality of the foregdnQ,Trttstor wiil nol remove,or grant lo any other party tha <br /> right lo remove.any Hmber,minerals Qncluding o8 snd gas},SoU,g�evel or rodc produCts wtthput the prior wri8gn�pnsg�t pf Lende�,� �_ <br /> Removaf of improvements. Trustor sha9 not demoGsn or remove any Improvements hom the Rea!Prpperty Kilhottt the D�a��n consent <br /> of Lendcv. rLs a cond�tion fo the removel of any Imprr,vemo�ts,Lert,ler nay r�q t�TNSior to maka errangerriAnls satlsfactory to�endar to <br /> replace such Improvements wit!�Impro�ements ut a;�6ast A <br /> equaS velue. . <br /> Lender's Right to Enter. Lende�a�d tts age�its flnd representatives rr�ay enter upon the Reat Property at ell reasonabt�UmoS to ettond to <br /> Lender's iMarests and to Inspect the Property Ior ptnppses of Trustors comptiance wlth the terms and condiUo�s of!hks Deed of Trust. <br /> Complfance wlth Govemmenta!Aequlremenis. Trustor shai�promptty comply with a!I taws,ordlnances�$nd rggulations,now or hereafter in <br /> eNect, ot stl government�l �uihori!ies app!icnble to the i�se or oCCUpancy of the Property, induding wifhoul Gmitatlon, the AmgriC8n5 Wflh <br /> Disxbilities Act. Trusioc may,-.enlest in gaod faith eny such taw, ordinance. or rogulqHpn 8r�d�yi;hhp�yt�O�ppg� d�ri�flny proCeedlnQ, <br /> inc;u�ng approprfate sppeals, so long as Trustor hes notffied Lender in writir�g prior to dcirig so and'SO IEng as, in Lender's sole opinion, <br /> Lendels inierests in fhe Property ara nof jeapardizad. Lersder may requ!re Trusfor to past sdequgte seCUr!iy pr s$�r��y 4ond,reasonably <br /> saNsfactory to Londer,to protect Lender's interest. se <br /> Duty ia Protect. Trustor agrees neither to abandon na leave unariended ihe Praperty_ Trustor shaA do eil pther acts,in edd'rHon to those acts <br /> set torih above;n this sectfon,which from the character and use of the Property nre reaspn�b�y��ry to protect and preyirv9 the Prpp9r(y, <br /> DUE ON SALE-CONSENT BY LE�tDER, �ender may,at its option,declare Imrr,edistely due and payable afl Sums SeClxed by�hl5 099d of TrUS� <br /> upon ihe sale or transfer,v,ithout the Lender's prior written consent,of a�or any part of the Ree!Property,or arry Interest in fhe Rea1 property, q <br /> "sa�w fransier means the convayance ot Real Property or sny righl,tl!te or irtterest iherein;whether Iegai.bersfic�e�pr equtteble;whether Woluntary <br /> a invc(unle�ry;whe:.ier by autright sele,dead,installmenl sale coMract,fand cnnttact,confract for deed,{easehdd fnlerest wf�h a ferm grea���h�n <br /> three(3)years,lease-option conlract,or by sale,assignment,or transier cf arry bene}ICfal Interest in or Io an land trust hoiding dib to ihe Fleat <br /> °�oPe�h+.a by any other melhod of conveyence o!Real Property tn(qrest, II any Trustor is a c Y <br /> trartsfer atso Includes eny change in ewnership of mae than hven � �0�������"�h�P°f pmned tiab�ity company, <br /> canpen interes's,as fhe case rnay ba,of Trustw. Howevar,this��A��M t2,.%)c!the votinp stock.Pgrtnership Inferests or lim;:ad IiabHity <br /> faw or by Neb,�eska law. pPtion shalt not be exercised by Lend�It such e.�,erc{se is prohlbited by teCeral <br /> TAXES AY.D LICNS. The foUow�ng provislans r�latina to the laues end Ibns on f?�prpp�,q�e a pari of thls Deed pf Trusf. <br /> Pa�ment. Trusfor shall pay when duo(and in all ever.ts prfor to delinquancy)aU taxes�spec(al t�C��a�smenu,Chflrges(Includlnq wgtet <br /> and sewer), fines and imposiuons levied egainst or on account uf 1he Property�an�shaA pay v�hen due eti daims for wOrk done on or for <br /> services rendered a maleriai{�n{slxid fo the Property, Trt�tor ShaA melntafn the Property free p{ag�er�►���p�{�h,aver a equal to the <br /> interest of Lenc7er undx Ihls Deed of Trus1, g <br /> ot Trust. �cept for the Nen of texes snd�srr�enls not due and azcept as oll�w{se provided In thls Deed <br /> R!ghl To Contesi. Trustw may;vithhold payment of any tax,assessrrrenl,or daim in cortnectlon wtih a good 4elth dfspute over the obNgayor� <br />