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Deed of Trust <br />- <br />ei�tMCs <br />"a 0 (W TRS s md e y of bar. 19 Dabobi. e DL. N snat b i [ <br />e � <br />. - <br />Alzarly 1. Malmo ho a � (herek ofW caw ttte ' Teti , <br />_ <br />NQMMEST_AAMK ._ Waite tonazl ♦a iati n .u. ...reciv...t, .. r:_ <br />l a , atthd NORWEST MANX ; Hati not Associaiton , <br />stirwedghe "8onsapiory "),Mrlget�dlisP. . Bose 1768, 6r nd. Island. Nebraska 68802 <br />WIMESSETH: <br />I f TiMS MX 1S C0AFM01, j THIS DEED OF TRUST CONSTITUTES A' CONSTRUCTION <br />SiE•Ct/MYAGROEM I r UNDER THE NEBRASKA CONSTRUCTION LiEN ACT AND CREATES, <br />GRANTS AND CONST/Tf:I71S A CONSTRUCTION SECURITY INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY <br />0ESC1RM8.f #MM*W. <br />T f►d1lt�teatfo sw*k A&ylntheprinctpattsumor IRTY THOUSAND AND NO 100---------------- --- -- <br />w__ "x <br />DttMtre (i ?. M�fii".�tl�iirbdeh6pgil'Mas is evidenced by Fiustors prar»lssory note d t to er , 1A . (hereinatTet <br />ta>MedlMte" Mae'# pslaEAtealtaewdlrraRBer�slicfary and travir�amattxiry.d October , 2994 <br />NOW, TF EF1EF0 , MrV*pu1* -cd rirg: <br />` <br />(a) PV0MWwdlhe ft*, lrayMhW wINP1iiftt ►sat MMrsar, late charges, Prepayment penafts..any future advances, and aN exwWons.. <br />f <br />Or n4, sta1ltcAa w arhd rwiwais Msreol, <br />-: <br />r <br />ft ON4 low Mall oe w sw t, trees o tthatges, together with interest thereon, advanced Io protect the swunty d this Deed of Trust and <br />" M %Vet t a/" 00*V V,e M *W agreement of Trustor, whether or not set tiotlh herein, <br />(c) �r.4. dl &*W Chi atrx10. f1r1 tCe with every term, covenant, obffgadw and agreement of Trustor aonialned herein or <br />! . <br />' atrSDMWM#d by roWwrte co w..Wodw security Instrument at anytime given to secure the Mote, and <br />` <br />tilt fY►e ejmtent of art odhnsr rtrA err future advances. with interest thereon, which may hereMtbre have ireen or hereafter be advanced <br />- <br />;: <br />by MenehClary 10 ThA#x e•TnisWs successor in interest or tide, <br />M of which is hereofr rrtiJll ff * called the -Indebtedness". Trustor irrevocaW grants and transfers to Trustee. In trust, WiTH POWER <br />OF SALE, die kkvit,irt . r.Wi* wd property : <br />LOTS FIVE (5) AND SIR (6) IN BLOCS THIRTY -SEVEN (37) <br />OF THE ORIGINAL TOWN, IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />ttOgaIIIK wtttl 1 s)�glrtiu7ciwhgs, structures, additions, enlargements. modiilcadons. repairs, replacements, and improvements now or herea/br - <br />:,t r <br />kcated Moraw W aMequipment machinery and fixtures (including, without limitation. all lighting heating ventilating cooling, air <br />condit a ft, sprinldfng and pkimbing fixtures, water and power systems, engines, boilers, ranges, ovens, dishwashers, mirrors and mantels, <br />carpeting, turrm ta, oil bumwv, aNvators and motors, refnigerabon plants or units, cornmunicadctrr systems, dynamos, trahsfom s, eW&kal <br />egtripnMW, abnw "screen windows, doors, awnings and shades) now or hei ealier attached ra..or built in, any building or improvemol f•- ; ;i <br />taw Of A**A MV#Xaf#d thereon, (!r) all easements and rights of way appurtenant thereto. (w),40 lessehdd estail, right title and inwest of <br />TAWX in and tb ON leases, whether now or hereaMm, existing or entered into (including, without timlfadon, all cash and security deposits, <br />a fie renfak +u►at MpoQits or payments of s similar kture), pertaining thereto,: M pN rants, issues, profab: and income therefrom (su oct <br />tti /tk s'ipht bf Tittator tb odbct and apply such rents, Issues, Profits and income silt Moy become due and pAyAb a so iong as no event of <br />default a f "kt r dx }, (s�) a9 royalNss, m/neral, oIl and gas rights aril pwfirs; W-0* , water r gtA'3, arty! �r� stork, (tr; 9.0 tertasrr_rtts, <br />'; •;; <br />ftenditanhsnts, '' s and appurtenances belonging, used or es'tr3yr d in cork*!fon tterewi ,,`rt: and (viii) all proceeda, d conversba, <br />'? <br />va'untary or lnvdt ti�tary, o/ any of the foregoing into cash or liquidated' claims (Irk1:r�V, wit mi limitation, p*tmeds of insurance and <br />co rtde►ttrrstiontiwards), ail of whkh is herelnahsr cdbct rely called the "Trust Prier". <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY OF THIS DEED OF TRWi , r: RUSTOR COVENAtY, AN&AGREES AS Fd"OWS: <br />1. Two. Trustor covenants, warrants and agrees w&e 156)ic ficiary, its successortand assigns;. lf6at Trustor owns the Trust Property free <br />from any prior "a or encumbrance, that this Deed of Trust is and writ remain a vaNd mid :« 1creeable first lien on the Trust Property, <br />Mat Trusbr, at its expense, wiN preserve such tithe and will maintain this Deed of Trust af -a.lftt and paramount Vert upon the Trust <br />Property and will torovw warrant and defend Mai Wdify and priority of the Men hereof against the elan,. -3 of so persons and parmos <br />� <br />: whcntsaNer. Trustier,. ilf /!hr expense, wilt cause ft Deed of Trust, and eac.?r oiaendment of supplemwm heretp, to be Ned and <br />t <br />recorgW as a mortgagor of the Trust Property In such manner and In such p4ce and will take such lrcrtott as in the opinion of 3'rcxtlge <br />may be required by any present or future few In order to perfect maintain ang'protect the: ,Ten of this Deed of Trust, as the same may <br />be smervtr? der strppfe rionted from time to time. Trustor will make such fuWW assufance"i or assurances to perfect its true to the Trust <br />r <br />Property as play be W*od by Henef ciary. Trustor hereby rekngLOthes all ty#$r of dower sma ? ,Voad in and to the Trust M perry. <br />2 Pay ad of IrtdebAedness. Trustor shah punctually pay the principal of and ►gait on the /ndeUMN ,A .,, secured hereby, <br />i <br />3 C011e61000M of An>pnpvertwft Trustor shat) complete in good and workntaniike mantnsr any bWldings, improviiments or repairs MkMg <br />dierelo which may be begun on tfir Trust Prop" or contemplated by die ban evidenced by tits Note secured hereby, to pay when <br />afire ail ooea and kabimmos incurred thank% and not to permit any construction lien egair t such Trust Property. In Me event <br />oorhet MM17 of buikkV$, rMprovements or repairs are contemplated, Truster also agrees, anything in this Deed of Trust to Me contrary <br />itotwrtlhehrKhV, (a) tio.pmmptly commence any such work and to complefr die proposed Improvemern promptly, (b) to cornowe the <br />s ._... same in accaMWX* a►tM Me plans and specifiMlians as approved by Beneficiary, (c) to comply with aitche terms of a building. loan <br />- . <br />agreement if arty, brMresn Trusbr and Beneficiary. Me terms of wftioh ant Mcprpotated he�Nn by reverence and made a part f t�+.r w, <br />(0) Iii ialbw Bertdiciary" b i+ispect the. Trust Ptopedy at aN times during con hXbon, and.fe) to replace any work or materials <br />. <br />un$S#&si *Vy b OWNW iary wiMtln tiMeen (15) days eft'er written notice from Benefkiary isf:;trch fact. I <br />4. Funds AiMornent of Charges. Subject to eppkable law or to a written waiver by Beneficiary, Trusmr.shall pay to Beneficiary oit'ttre <br />- <br />Aw day d Bach month, or such other date each iTorith as maybe specified by Beneficiary, until the lildobtedness is paid In 40',, a sum <br />(ItereirtaMw C&*d tie "Funds') equal to 1112th ttlft'he yeary taxes and assessments, which may atta4t,: p iofity over this Deed tit Tr rest <br />OW grot,�o rents on Me Trust Property !f any, plus I/ 12M d" yearly premium lnst , ,, for hazard insurance, plus 1112th of the <br />yoarry pi W40m InstatMrnertts k► mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated i0h!Wly and hoin time to time by Beneficiary on <br />ftbaslt of asaeesmertd and bills and moonable estimates thereof. The Funds shall14�4rrsld in an institution, the deposits of <br />. <br />accounts of which am km~ or gurarMSed by a vsdaal or state agency including 8xbtk 1aiy 8&rofttary shall apply the Funds to <br />, <br />Pry safa 1. kot, f6tit*r*nhi, Ma nsixe prarkm mid gnamd rents. Beneficiary Shall not be requiiE4�f fo pay Trustor any interest or <br />t <br />eevNngs on the Funds. Beneficiary shalt give to Trustor, wiNatd charge, en arraual accounting of die Funds showing credits and <br />debits f0 ft Fund% and die purpose for whkh each debit too the Funds was made. The Furls are pledged as additional security for <br />ft hheteiSarckfets Secured by this Deed of Trust. If tht amount of the Funds held by BenWiciary, together with the future monthty <br />inetaMnentla =ands <br />d f peyabtir prior to ft &* daft of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shaft exceed the <br />affw" required b pay said taxes, assesanrertts. Insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall be. at <br />MOWS OP66 r, *WNrp VM* repaid to Tiede►or credited to Trustor against future monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of <br />the Funds held by Beneficiary shall not bo sufficient to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, <br />Tru�ar s/ielt pay ro Beneficiary any arnorrhtrt+rcessary rb make up the deficiency within dNfty days from the date notice is mailed by <br />Benelitiery R7 Truster <br />requesting paymenr t)tereol Upon payment Fn full of all indebtedness. Beneficiary shall promptly refund to <br />• <br />iiwACm any Funds held by Bertofheiary. h the Trust PrOleny is sold under the power of sate or the Trust Property it otherwise acquired <br />by Hertefitiery, Benef�crary shalt eplrly, immerlia[e!y pri0irfo the sere of the Trust Nroperry or its actluisition by Henetrciary, oriv i ands <br />hail dY Bs�teficiary at the hots of apjNetahCnt a, a credit against t/t8111dbbTedrless. If Beneficiary executes a written wamer cr Trustor a <br />w)liyrfti+lns unite► this 118rdgranh 1. Try ;for covenants artU agrees to pay, before the same tlacome dermquent, mi taxes, ocs e . ;menr.s. <br />! <br />