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; <br /> < _ ' <br /> �c� g0�5�s� <br /> abandoncd Property. Borrowcr shall also be in default if Borrower, during the laan application process, gave <br /> materially false or inaccurate information or scatementS,to Lender (or failal to provide I.ender with any mat�rial . <br /> information) in connection vvith the loan ev:drnced by the Note, including, but not ;�miled to, reoresentations <br /> �oncerning $orrowtr's occupancy of t��e Propeny as a principal residence. If this Sxuriry Instrument is on a � <br /> leasehold,'Rorrower shall compiy with the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Propem, the <br /> lexsehojd and fee title shaIl not be merged un]ess Lendrr agrees to the merger in wtiting. : <br /> 6. �ondcmnation.The p:occeds of any award nr claim for damages, direct or conctquentia!, in connection with <br /> any cordemnation or other taking of any part of tl�e Property, or for conveyancc in place of Condemnation, aze <br /> hereby assigned and shall be paid to I.ender to the oztent of the full amoun4 of the indtbtedness that rexnains unpaid <br /> under t6e Note and ttis Securiry Instrument. Lender sha11 apply such proce�ds to the reducrion of the indsbted�ess <br /> under di� Nobe and this Sxurity Instrument, first to any d�linquent amounu applied in the order provided in <br /> paragra�h 3, and thcn to prepayment of principal. Any application of the pracecds ro the principal shall not eztend or ' <br /> i postFone the due date�f the monthly paymants, which ar�referred to in paragraph 2, or chang�the amount of such <br /> ' paymenu. Ar,y ezcess proceeds over an amount required to pay all outstandiag indebtedness und�r the Note and this <br /> Securiry Instr�ment shall be paid ta the eatity Icgally e^*��:ed theteto. <br /> 7. Chargcs to Sorrower and PtoYectie* �F Letldel-'S Rights in t6e Fropeety. Borrower shall pay all <br /> governmentaI or municipa] chazges, fines and impositions that are not included in paz�agraph 2, 3orrower slialt pay : <br /> these obligati�ns on time directly to f6s entity which is owed thc payment. If failure to pay wouid advGtsely affect <br /> Ixnder's interest in the Property, upon Loader's reyuest Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts <br /> evi�':ncing these payments. : <br /> k if Borrower fails to make these payments or the paymenu required by paragraph 2, or fails to perform any other <br /> covenants and agreements contained in this Security Instrum�nt, or there is a iega] proceeding that may significantly <br /> affect L.eader's rights in the Property (such as a procxding in bankruptcy, for conde�nation or to enforce laws or <br /> regulations), then Ix.ndcr may do and pay whatever is necessasy to protxt the valuc of the Propert}y and Lxnder's <br /> righu in the Property, including payment of txzes,hazard insurance and other items mentiontd in paragraph 2. <br /> .Any amaunts disbnrsed by,der under this paragraph shall become an additional debt c f go�,Wer and be <br /> secured b}� this Security Inst:ument. These amounts shal{ bear interest fram the date of disbursement, �the Note ` ' <br /> rate, and at the option of Lender, shall be immediately due and payabte. <br /> Borrower sha11 promptly discl:arge any lien which has prioriry over this Securit}� Instrum�nt uniess 3orrower: <br /> (a) agrees in writing to the payment of the c�bligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to L.ender; (b) <br /> contests in guod faith the lier by, or defends against �nforcernent of the lien ia, legal proceedings which in the <br /> Lrnder's opinion operate to prevem the enforcement of the lien; nr (c) secures from the holder of the lien an <br /> agreement satisfactory ro L.ender subordirating the lie.^.;a this Securiry Instrument. If Lendtr determines that any part <br /> of the Propem ts subject to a lian which may atcain prority over this Securiry lnstrument, L.ende* may givc <br /> Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Bo.rmwer shall satisfy the Iien or take one or more of the actions set forth <br /> above with:n 10 days of the giving of notic�. <br /> 8.Fees. L.ender may coIlect fce.e and charges authoriud by the Secret�ry, : <br /> 9. Grounds for Accelera2iQn of Debt. <br /> (a) Tkf�ult. Lender may, tzcept as limited �y regulations issued by the Secretary, in the case of payment <br /> defaults, require immediate payment in full of al�sums secur�by this Security Instrusnent if: <br /> (i) Borrower defaulta by failing to pay in full any monthly payment r�quired by this Sccuricy Instrument <br /> prior to or an the due date of the nezt monttsly payment, or <br /> (ii} Borrower defaults by failing, for a period of thirty days, to perform any other obligations containcd <br /> in this Securiry [nstrument. <br /> (b) Sa3e �%ithout Credii �1ppr�ovaT. L.ender shall, if permitted by applicable law (including Section 341(d) <br /> • of the Gxrn-St. Germain Deposicory Institutions Act af 1982, 12 U.S.C. 170Ij-3(d)) and �vith �he prior <br /> approval of the Secretary, r�quire irnmediare payment in full of all sxured by this Securiry Instrument <br /> if: ? <br /> �-4R(NE1 t�sai.os r.y�s or e <br /> � <br /> INryW: _ <br /> � ' <br /> ,-"'h <br /> i <br /> 1 � . ] <br /> 9�i��} . \', �, ' 4...�i_ <br />