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ADJUS BLE RATE WDU age' tO5324 <br />w4 T"atwry iladtlti.!i -maia Cads) <br />THIS'ADJUSTABLt RATE RIDER is day of .»$!���•a?i!� .....:..............w..� and � <br />_ ntterperatal isito and sliilt =lie. deestted ft, _ntp� sad sttppksnair the Mar g l� Deed of Trust or' tiirity Deed (the <br />_ "SsctWtty lonrrme>tt" jE ott tlsrt same dti4c glvpi 1Kr tjte taidtxs�gtte (tle `iAo lower ") to mom Borrowers Adjustable <br />Rate None (the- "Note) to:... �xatlilt�:.. iIACaJ1~» NA�k1CAieticAi... IT #��2�...Asatst��tl1<.�stm...... ..................... <br />t11e at lsrtity illstru peat thud- located ate <br />...... .....: .... .. i..080.. .:... ;w ..:. ;....:. ...........................:... <br />tME 110TE.CCNTAMO MW*VOW A4h+011MMKi:FOB CI Es M THE -MI # ltFZ <br />Alp TIM: MONtHtY itAYMdlT :: Tl! Nol11E.UMCrs THE AMOtM THE S. <br />1M'I'd!EltT RATE CAN CHIME AT AM ONE T AND THE MAXtiMJM RATE 608. <br />MOWN WJBT PAY. <br />AoosTmALCWT -mt. M In addition tothevmninuafs4ajjreeMdWJftUdt in the Security la3iromeaI. Borrower <br />i and Leader ftgnber emenant and agree as follows: <br />A. INTER( "RATE AND .SipNT -MY PAYMENT CHANCES <br />The I provides for an ,floI*al interest rate*( .....#.75 ....'iG. The Note provides for chins in the intjerest rate and the <br />i rlsoethly payments, as follows: :..: ;• >,. <br />d. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br />(A) ClattRe Does <br />The interm rate I wilt pay may change on the first day of .:..Q 1;SJkI•lC ...... .:.........::.:::.19.9 ?:.... and on that day <br />t 2t1a tttotuh thermtf Ea b d 66 <br />everynx. c ate on whtch my interest rate could change is called a Change Date. <br />(s) Th I86X . <br />11190 tttift with t1li-Arni Change _Date. my interest rate will be based on an 1a4eA. The "lndex" is the weekly <br />average yieM as United States Tres securities adjusted to a constant maturity di;- J Y4ar. as made available by the <br />Federal Reserve Board. The most recent Index figure available as of the date 45 drys. Wore each Change Date is plied <br />the "Current Index." * <br />If the Index is no lok r.r 'availabk. the Note Holder will choose a new index which is based upon comparable <br />information. The Note Holder will give me notice of this choice. <br />(C) Cal Wadm *9 Clttages <br />Before each Change „i��e. the Note Holder will calculate my new interest rate by adding .... T.Y1!4..14U o..4Ag...... <br />' ......half .................... p stage points (..2.5.0.......96) to the Current Index. The Note Holder will then round the <br />result of this addition to the nearest qt�utjllhth of one percentage point (0.1250. Subject to the limits stated in Section <br />4(D) below' thi s rounded amount wr. i 0 my new interest rate until the next Change. Mite. <br />The NO'f, Holder will then deter:;i. le the amount of the monthly payment that would be sufficient to repay the <br />6006W prii 4al that i am extrected to owe at thiC, tinge Date in full on the maturity date at my new interest rate in <br />substantially equal payments. The result of this calculation will be the new amount of my monthly payment. <br />t DI [hio''esa w lateral Rate CMt4n <br />The iatt u,i,:rate 1 am required to puiy at the fiat Change Date will not be greater than-10.25 ......;,x;; ;!17�,i Dkc (ion ;. . <br />......6..J.S......:;.::.�b. Thereafter. my interest rate will never be increased or decreased on any single Ch il*.. Aire by mare <br />than two percentage poiats.42.0%) from the rate is(' interest I have been paying for the preceding twelve months. Hy <br />interest rate Q.1 never be greater thaim ...,13.IS......'J,. <br />(E) wive Date of awages <br />My new interest rate will become effective ovVxch Change Date. 1 will pay the amount of my'nsw5tiinntfily payment <br />boginning on the first monthly payment date af(ct thin Change Date until the amount of my monthlyl.pyment changes <br />again. .. • . .. � F' <br />M N�r+e of CMages y <br />The Nqc ltoWer will deliver of tirtil tome s notice of any changes in my_ interest rat( atltd the amgatTts of my monthly <br />'Ovyment before the effective date of any change. Tli+c.�notice will include iAfaYttlation required by f4pitta;be given rate and <br />also the title and telephone number of a person wlid will answer any question I may have regardilxg :the notice. <br />ig. TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY OR A f1ENEIr`1G1AL INTEREST iN BORROWER <br />Uniform Covenant 17 of the Security Instrument s amended to read as follows: <br />Trattaftr 4 tie prowly K a BetteAcial Interest is illerrower. If all or any part of the Property or any interest in it is <br />soil or transferred for if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person) <br />witAout Lender's prior written consent, tender may. at its option, require immediate payment in full of all sums secured <br />by this Security Instrument. However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law <br />as of the date of this Security instrument. Lender also shall not exercise this option if: (a) Borrower causes to be <br />srbmised to Lender information required by Lender to evatuate the intended transferee as if a new loan were being made <br />srd 4b) Lei r. -.s ,:b{} detern�iiic tFiat I.t►iGrr's security will not be impaired by the loan <br />asstt"iow and that the risk of a breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument is acceptable to <br />Lender. <br />"the Im” figure aeailablc u� of tlx: (talc the initial intcrcN r.►tc "a%dclurmincd I'm tiri4 loan wa,..... .... .9.39.. °s. <br />MA74TATE 14'NliTAKE RATE WIt —Apra PoNfo Mac Ur:aann instrurnara icon 31113 85 <br />,. L! <br />a <br />i <br />d <br />