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!. Coodwonallow. The proceeds dt any award or etaiiit for damages, direct or consequential, in eonnec�tibn"4ViIR y <br />e0tiderrtrri0onoraMterisiitirtgofittsrPropsrty, arpatltfterebf, ortorconveyanceinlieuofcondenlnation ,ar+etterebyasttignad <br />W4 shall ho paid a Lerida►. <br />In tha event tX a tiolal takktg of the Property. the proceeds *halt be applied b the suMli secured by this DoW of Trust, with <br />OW dxotiee. ilFany, paid to ft. owe in the avonl of a partial faki of fife . uM m Borrower and Lender oowiiriee <br />1111"inwtitirtg tMrweheltbeappliedtotMsumtslcundbytl lMofTTsu hpropvrtionoHMproceedsaeise"Jo <br />_ _ <br />fail raarMM value Of the irwriedialNy prior 10 We data of bkft with the belarxe of the proceeds paid to BOrrower. <br />N the Propety i>i aburtda Dried by 8ortower, orit, after ;n oft* Lender to Borrower MtN the condomnoroNers b ma o atrt <br />awa!N.d or s1M�tF i saawt ltirdareagee� Borrower Vila b raepctrtd to Lender within 30days after dw dais such notice isntWsd _ .... _ .. . <br />Lamle►is sulhorited to tcoMact and apply the p roc aeds. N Lenders option. Marto r Woragorr or [pairoll the Properly or b. <br />Mss sums newel by Mtie Dstd of Trtiec I , <br />LkAinLondarartdBorrowero# wwise aaresinwrilif+ p, snyauchappiicationofproceadstoprirw4Wo WnotaxW4or <br />p tkIMte due daft of go monthly irtsWlrrterots ►affixed io in paragraphs t and 7 hereof or charge the amount of such <br />{ in 11111- Bomvm rNgRdmaaad. ExMnsi000lftomoforpaynwtorntodif icationotantorimfionolVwsui 'nsewuradbythia <br />`. Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any suc Ass or in interest of Borrower shall not operait W raises*, in any mwww, the <br />iiabiliyofthe original Borrower 04 Borrower's successors interest Lender shall not be required tocommence pr <br />against such successor or refuse b extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums sscund� <br />Deed of Trust by reason of any, dergand rrtado by the original Borrower and Borrowers successors in intiarwl. <br />11. freibeaMA"Ce by Lames►Naga WNwr. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />oMterwrae gff M@d by 6001itntb ,111tis, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such ngM or The. <br />procurere0 tofinsurgnct- otthepaythM►tottaxesorottwl a worchargesbyLo ndershailnotboawaiverofLrandsr 'sr - so <br />accelerate the m altnity. :of the Indebtedness motored by this Deed of ius'l, <br />1L 1tlet "ms GrmWelin All remedies provided in this Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative to any o4tw right or <br />remedy under this Ono of Trust or afforded by law or equity, and may be exercised concurrently, independently or <br />13. 3MOCasaors axed AssfBas Bound; J06M and Seer" Liabtift, CapMons. The covenants and sgraemsettts hw <br />contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and assigns of lender and Borrower, <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. All covenants and agreements of Borrower chap be jpint and several. The <br />captions and headings of the paragraphs otthis Deed of Trust are for convenience only and are not to Doused to inttrpretor <br />define the provisions hereof <br />14. Nellee. Except for any notic W- quiredunderapplicablelawtobegiveninanothermanner ,(a any notice to Borrower <br />provided for infttis Deed of Trust" ,-, <br />rust st ,sit lze given by maiiing sox,°) ciotice by certified mail addressed to owar Nthe Prgparty <br />Address or at such other addraes kaillorrower may datgi%* by notice to Lender as provided twain. and (b) arty notice to <br />lender shall be givern bytedfied maii, return racy perequeeMt&.ItLander'aLaddrass shtad herein or to such otheraddre"as <br />LandsrmaydssiignagebynoticetoBorrowerasxwidedherei "I T, far -I r.e PmvidedforinthisDeedofTrustshallbedowned . <br />f.6 have been given toSmower or Lender where . in the m&nVier designated herein. _ <br />M ibsOM Deed of That Oortrr[wq Low; The form of dead of tr;ist combines uniform covenants for <br />natiot . an" and non- uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security Instrument <br />covering tail property. This Deed of Trust shall be governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which the Property is iwAled. In <br />the event that any provision or clause of this Deed of Trust or the Note conflicts with applicable taw, such conflict shall not <br />affect olherprovlslonsoflinis Deed otTrt taVWVa ►,. Cifc �. rveneffectwithout the conflicting prov (sions.andbthis <br />end the provisions of file Deed of T(tist irifd'Attli f loll dsdlpt6 a severable. . <br />M Borrowsr'e Gopy Borrowerishal tlefucn(sfti r %o)lf�ftte�*y of the Note and of this Deed of Trust atthe time of <br />execution or after recordation hwe$.. «� <br />17. TraneMr of the prOpetfy; Assumption. If all or any part of the property or an interest therein is sold or transferred by <br />Borrowerwill'" lender's priorweRt* :consent,excluding(a)the creation ofa lien or encumbrance subordinate tolhisDasd <br />of Trust (b)theerealic io(opurehdapmoneysemr1yinMres fori housew. dappliances ,(r,)atransferbydwiaettoaw, orby <br />ep�alleoreof law upr. d�thola pi.'tt ;rst v r'1d, :;hagrartolartiy16= ants► —. Iintsrestofthrssy:ar;trWmnotconW <br />Option to purchase, Lebd'er may, Ott l rder's opikit. declare ail fi fe sums secured by this Deod of TrusUabe immodiWyy ddue <br />and payable. Lender shall have oat WW such option to accelerate if, prior to the sale or trarftter, Loh(w and lhoplfrebn to <br />whom the Property is to be sold or tWansferred reach agrewrrdifrt+Z in writing that the credit of such person Is sa>iiiilitclory 10 <br />Lertdsrandlhaftheinlatest payable onthesumssecuredb) *, 1sgsedofTrustshallbeatsuchrole asLendershalltV #nstif <br />Lender has waived the option to accelerate provided In tara'peragraph 17, and if Bortower's succesaor in inier& has <br />executed a writlert assumption agreement accepted in writing by Lender, Lender shall rtilease Borrower from all obligations - <br />undw this DOW of Trust and the Nob. <br />H Lender exercises such option to accelerate.. A ender se#0 mail Borrower notice of acceleration In accavdiui ce with <br />paragraph 14 hereof. Such notice shall provide a period of nct i ►3r 5 than 30 days from the dab the notice is m4if;�t y«i)f:an which _ <br />Borrower ma pay the sums declared due. If Borower tails t;� day such sums prior to theexpiratlon of atraa� renod, Lender <br />• may. without further r:Cttiii;e or demand on 8orr�*,wa *, ir►voke any remedies permitted by paragraph tl�titertpoi. - <br />•' NON•UNMtN011tl< CX3�tiilIANTS. eorrawer siren U.arider IurMter eovtmnattt and agree fie IoNows: - <br />1d. AeeslsrsMon; IteonedlN. Except as proMii . in pararrsph 17 hereof, upon Borrower's broki'T of any ca ortarti or <br />agreementot Borrower in this Deed OTrust including the coviirsants to pay when due any sums secured by this 0oldiat Trust. <br />Lenderpr2arto acceleration shall mat r-o licetoBorrowerasprovidedinparagraph14hereofsped }yins;11)t;hebt.8 A ;Mthe <br />My �lred to limpermitled h brescr ; {3) a dab, not toss than .'sDtfays from the date the notice is msiTedir;�Sarr*~,tcy which <br />cttmust; and( 4) thatfailuretor�t, resuchbreechonorbeforethedatespecifiedint *^ cticemrayresultin <br />ort of th+cured by this teed at Th trgUnd sate of the Property. The notice shall furtherfntorm Borrower of the <br />imtaM aiaation and the rig►;t.fts caring a court action to assert the non - existence of a default oorany other <br />f Borrowieralioriand sale lr�lsw? breech is not cured on or beforethedate specilled in lM notice, Landerat <br />ption me all of the sums seca,rad by this Oeed of Trust to be immediately due and payable without• further <br />nd troy e power of sale artQ any outer remedies permitted by ap plicable law. Lender &W be *V MW to <br />eoflsctallr__ em-M 1 bsalaandexpsrtsesint. uirredinpursuingthsremediesprOVkMdinthePa ragraphl4,including,tautnot <br />limited b. natarttbia ney�s lose <br />Is Mss power of seta is�voked, Trustee shall record a notice of default in each county in which the Property or some part <br />t W401istotaledandSWmailcopiesofsuchnoticeinthemannerprescribedbyapplicablelawtoBorrowerandbtlteother <br />persons preectlbed by applicable law. After the lapse of such time as may be required by applicable law. Trusses shall give <br />Public nonce Of SAW tuft persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustee. without demand on Borrower. <br />" 00 she Property at puliftimuctlorf to the highest bidderat the time and placeand under the terms closignaledin In notice i of sale in oft or nwre parcels and in such order as trustee may determine. Trustee may postpone safe of all or any parcel of <br />she PrOpsry by public announcement at the fire and place of any previously scheduled sate. Lender or Lender' nee <br />iwm.v twwF�p ttw Propery at any sale. <br />Upon retNpt of f �T``r iaymentoltfte price bid. Trustee shall deliver to the purchaserTrustee's deed conveying the Pro"sold. <br />Tltsr�tzi.�l� _ saw' a��tlLapricnaizcieevldd. �csot.: setiuihtffliestiiterrrertibmadetherein .Trustasstt<fiappfy . <br />Via Proceeds Of sale inMs following order( a) ball reasonable costsand expenses of the sale. includin ,butrotlimiledb, TrusteesNeeofnotmomfha %olthe rosssafe price. reasonable attorneys feesandcogsof Min eviclone ; <br />(b) to all sums secured by this Dead of Trust and (c) the excess, if any, to the person or persons legally entitled thereto. <br />It. ierrearsr'e NBAI r flsitafltle. Notwithstanding Lender's acceleration of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust <br />Borrower shall have" right b haveany proceo&Xia begun by Lender to enforce fhe Deed of Trust disconb nued stony time <br />prior to the earlier b occur ol(i) Moe Mlh day beforethe sale olthe Property pursuantto the power of sale contained in fife Deed <br />of Trust (ii) entry of a judgmatt w1kircing INS deed of Trust if: (a) Borrower pays Lender all sums which would be then due <br />under this Dead of Trust ilia NiIble and notes securing Future Advances, if any, had no acceleration occured:(b) Borrower <br />cures all breaches of any other covenant: or agreements of Borrower contained in this geed of Ttust, (t) Borrower pays all <br />reasonaNeexpenses incurred by lender and Trustee enforcing the covenonts.end agreements 018orrower contained in thin <br />Deed of Trust a nd in enforcing Lenders and Tru s1N's remedies as provided in paragraph 18 hereof. including, but not limited <br />to, reasons ecattorney'sfeet, and( d) BonowartakessuchactionasLender ms/ reasonablyrequiretoassurethatthelienof <br />this peed of Trust. Lender's interest in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the surns secured by tl'as Deed of Trust <br />sham continue unimpai red. Upon such payment and cure by Borrower. th1s Geed al Trust and the obligat,u��!- scc'ored hereby <br />shall temam in fu it fioco and effect as if no OCCllfAatron had Occurred <br />