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<br />89 '105317
<br />T31:* ,ma^ C) 7 rVST is r;aY ti 3 _ � th _ _� day of September,
<br />b� ra,u among eat• 7!uz!,T Daniel licbsack andJL_Mu fit, Liebeack
<br />FjmgierEl&nk Me#"[ Association,
<br />and senk lciary, Firs"iier &ink, Naiional Association, Omaha, Nebraska, a
<br />Cc% p;za 1 a.a n. roanized and existing under k'se Enwrµ of The United States of America, whow address is 1700
<br />r.:c4l +rn ;9r(: i, aaaad �t,�, ?iturr sa.aa. 3Z102 -2113 (held a "Lender ").
<br />TML i(T, 17R in of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein created, irrevocably
<br />r,r, an3r, 2 <<<i r.t n1JJ)ys to Tr;;vcv, In trust, witii K c:t ,tor of sw lt+�, the following described property located in the County
<br />r
<br />/', - �...... 1. . . 1�...... .., .._,..•......... .- ..- w-- .�._..._.._�.........ww. ...... _......_,��,..�..r.. . S\Wto of 0V'3brasl"iY.
<br />Lo- Eight (8) 1 -n Cedar Park Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />1ia11 County, Nebraska.
<br />wyx,
<br />e i;i�h rr2:s t1r a,dtlre3ss of 1212 West Koenig Grand Island
<br />�myhe'braska 68801 (herein "Properly Address"),
<br />y
<br />TCGG i HER with all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, rights,
<br />r-.r,t., t- -� r 7,M b and authorities given herein to Lender to collect and apply
<br />r e ,, rcnz..`, levy, -Kies, minr:rrai, oil ar d gas nr ?t ;,,rid r- ofits. water, water rights, and watmi stock, and all fxiur
<br />�.ch Wd to t �a property, 4'I c.g ^ hich. including replacements and erldi "stns tftereto, shalt be
<br />and romnin a year: of the properly ccwvrsd by this End o6 Trust; and ali of *10 foregoing, together
<br />.
<br />.rty (Q: tia„ leas a c.s3 sate V thi„, C w ae. Trust is on a leasha!d) are herein referred to as the
<br />.
<br />' 9 to Lam' DEER (i) thz rep irnira" ? "his +^debtadness evidenced by Borrower's note dated
<br />t: r 3 1909 (i�er�,.a i, ;ra the trrincip. -j sutra of Twenty thousand and no 100-- -
<br />s'
<br />------- _ zllarc, with iniorest thereon, providing for monthly installments
<br />r,a r "inn• l ,.d int ^.CSt, with 2ho tstapce of the indebtedn�,g, if not sooner paid. due and payable on
<br />:tale payment of sli other sums. with interest thereon. advanced
<br />'
<br />i�
<br />in r:,=7dance, herevsA to protect the security of this peed of Trust; and the performance of the covenants and
<br />tit i
<br />z* arsseraaeroas of Borrower l,arein contained; and Ol renewals, extensions and modifications thereof; and (b) the
<br />rc P�ymcnt of any futuTta edVastc^. with ;n;er" its therr;•gn, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21
<br />r
<br />yr ,
<br />t : ,ter scar do "Future Advances "). i . ` ; •
<br />covenants that Boaov.er is lawiuliy c-eized of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to
<br />y the Proporty, that th n Props}rty i^ unencumbered. and that Borrower will warrant and defend
<br />i'
<br />,;,s tdtie to the Prep-arty age nsY H li claims and demands, subject to any declarations, easements or
<br />r4tzea'u?e of oxcepta Bras to cnl.rflr!�7s in any title insurance polio; insuring Lender's interest
<br />w,.
<br />r,
<br />