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/ ' <br /> , COVENAN75 <br /> 7. F�ti-r.�nts. Borrower aprees to make eil payments on the aecured debt when due. Unleaa Borrower end Lender egree otherwiae, e�y ' <br /> payments Lender recelves trom Borrcwer or for Borrowar's be�aTtt wfli !>e appl{ed ifrst to any amo�nta Borrowe� owes on the aeeure�! debt ' <br /> exciusive of in�erest or G:fncipnl,seco�xf to fnterest,and ihen,to principol.If psrtial prepayment of the seeured dsb:accurs for any res�an,k wili ' <br /> noi reduce or exaise eny schadulyd piiymenf until the ser.ured deb*_!s pald!n fulL : <br /> 2. Ctalma Against 7'tUe.Borrower wifi oey�II taxes,ass�asmants;:and�other charpes attributable to the property when d::e and wiii defend title <br /> to the property against any daims whir,h wouid':mpair tha lien oi this deed of uust.Lender may requ�re Borrower tc assign any rights,ciaima or � <br /> de!enses wh�ch Borrower mey have agr�inst parttes who supply lnbflf or muieriqts to(mprove or mai�tain the prc;,erry, <br /> 3. Insurence. Borrower wiil keep the property inaured under terms acceptebte to Cender at er's expense and for Lender's bene(it. All ' <br /> insurance policies shAli include a standard mo�tgage clause in favor of Lender.Lender wi!!be named as ioss payee or as the insured on any such <br /> insurance policy,Any insurance proceec's may be applied,wRhi�lender's Ciscretion,to either the reatoration or repair of tha damaged property ' <br /> or to the secured debt.If Lender ins�rance,Borrowe�agrees 4o meint'ain such insurance for as lo�g aa Lender requires. <br /> 4.Prop�rty.Borrower wili keop tha prope+rty in good conditio�arrd make el!repaira reasonably neceasary. <br /> � <br /> 6.Expsnses. Borrower agrees to pay a!I l.ender's expenses,includir�g reasonable attorneys'fees, if Borrower breaks any cov��ants in this deed ' <br /> ot uust or in a�y obiigation secured Oy this doed ot trust. Borrowar wiN pay these amounts to Lender aa provided in Covar�a��t S oi thia deed of <br /> trust. ' <br /> 6. Priw Sxu�ity Interosts. Unless Borrower first obtains Lender's writte�consent, Borrower will not make or permit any changes to nny prior ' <br /> security intnrests. Borrower wilf perforrn aIl of Borrower's obligations under any pr'ror mortgege, deed ot trust or nther security agreement, <br /> including Borrower's covenants Lo make payments vihen due. <br /> 7.Asslgnmcrrt of Rerrts end Proflts. Borrower assigns to Lenaer the rents and profits of the pro�nrty. Unlesa Barrower an<t Lenda�have agreed ' <br /> otherwise in writing, Borrower may collect and retai� the rents as long as Borrower is not in defsuR. If Borrower defaults, lender, lender's ' <br /> agent, or a court eppointed rocefvar may take possession end menage the property and coilect tho rents. Any rents Lender coilects shall be <br /> applied first to the costs o( managin� 4he property, includin� court costa and attorneys' fees, commissions to rental agenta, end any orher <br />, necessary related ezpenses.The remaining amount of rents wi I Yhen apply to payme�ts on the secured debt as provided in Covenant 1. <br /> 8.leaseholds;Condomirduma;PlanneJ Unh Devslopmentr..8orrowar agreea to comply with the orovisions of any fease if this deed of trust is on ' <br /> M a leasehold. If this deed of trust ia on a unit in a con�,..minium or a planned unit development, Borrower will perform all oi 6orrower's duties <br />, W under the c44ena�tn,bylawa,or regulntions af tM condominium or planned unit davelopment. ' <br /> ��'M 9. Avthority ot Lendi�r to Pariorm for Bonow�:. If Sorrower taiis to perform any of Borrower's duties under this deed of trust, Lender may ' <br /> perform the duties ov cause them to be performed. Lender may sign Borrower's name or pay any amount if necessary for periormance. If any <br /> Gj consVUCtion on the property is discontinued or not carried on in a reasonable manner,Lender may do whatevor is nocessary to protect lender's ' <br /> � securhy interest in the property.This may include completing the construction. . <br /> �lender'a failure to perform will not preclude Lender trom exersising any of its other rights under the law or this dead of trust. � ' � ; <br /> � Any amnunts paid by Lender to protect Lender's security interest wiil ba secured by this deed of trust. Such amounts will be due on_demand <br />� and will bear interest from the date of the payment until paid in full at the interest rate in effect on the secured debt. <br />� 10. Detsutt end Aeceleratlon. If Borrower fails to make any payrnent when•due or breaks any covenants under this deed of trust or any <br /> obligation secured by this deed of trust or any prior mortgage or deed of trust, Lender may accelerate the maturity of the secured debt and <br /> demand immediate payment and may i�voka the power of sale and any othbr remedifls oermitted by applicable law. <br /> 11. Aequest for Natice of Default. It is hereby requested that copies of the notic�s of defavlt and sale be sent to each person who 's a party <br /> hereto,at the eddress af sach such pc son,as set forth hetein. <br /> S 2. Powe�of Sale. If the Le�der invokes the power of aale, the Trustee shall first record in the ofiice of the register ot deads of each county ' <br /> wnerein the uust property or some part or parcel thereof is situated a�otice of default containine the information required by Iaw. The Trustee <br /> sha!I also mail copies of the notice of default to the Borrowar, to each person who is a party hereto, and to ather persons as prescrited by <br /> appiicable law. Mot less than one month after the Trustee records the notice of default, or two months if the trust property is nat in any <br /> incorporated city or village and is used in farming operations carried on by the trustor,the Trustee shall give public nctice of sale to the persons <br /> and in the manner prescribed by appplicable !aw.Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell the property at publ�c auction to the highest <br /> bidder. Pf required by the Farm Homectead Pretection Act, Tn+stee shatl offer the property in two separate sales as required by a�plicable iaw. <br /> Trustee may postpone sals oi all or any parcel of the proper4y by public announcement at the time and place of any previously scheduled sale. <br /> Lender or izs designee may purchase the praperty at any eala. <br /> Trustee'sedeed{shall be p�mah acie evbd e ce of the triutheo�f the statamernt econt ined the eenaT ustes�sh II app!�p oceads�o�f�the sale�inthe <br /> foitowing order: ja) to all expenses of the sale, including, but not Eimited to, reasonable Trustee's feos, reasonabie attomey's fees and <br /> reinstatement feAS; �b)to all sums secured by this deed of trust,ond�c)tha balance,if any,to the persons legally entitled to raceive it. <br /> 13. Foroclosure.At Lender's o�tian, this deed of trust may be foreciosed in the manner provide by appiicable law for foreclosuro of mortgages , <br /> on real property. <br /> 14. Inspectlon. Lender may enter the property to inspuct it if Lender gives Borrower notice beforehand. The notico must state the reasonable <br /> cause for Landdr's inspection. <br /> 15.Condemnation. Borrower asrd�s to Lender the p•oceeds of an award or claim for damages connected with a condemnation or other taking <br /> ot al{or�.ny par2 of the property. Such proceeds wili be applied asYprovided in Covenant 1.This assignment is subject to±he terms of any prior , <br /> security agreement. <br />, 16.Weivsr. By exercising any remedy available to Len�nr, Lc�de��does not give up any rights to later use any other remedy. By not exercising <br /> eny remedy upon Borrower'a default, Lender does not waive eny right to Iatar consfder the event a defeult If It happens again. <br /> 17. Joint and Severei Liebility; Co-signera; Successors end As:signs Bound. All duties undes this dead of trust are joint and several. Any <br /> Borrower who co•signs this dee�d of trust but does not co-sign the underlying debt instrumentls) does so onl to ' <br /> Borrower's intereat in the property to the Trustea und9r ihe tern�a;of this deed of trust.In addition,such a Boerower agre�rs that thscLender t nd <br /> eny other Borrower under thiR daed of trust may sM�nd, modity or make any other changes in the terms of this deed oi trust or the secured <br /> debt without that Borrower's consent and without releasing that&orrower from the terms of thia deed of trust. ' <br />- The duties and benefits of this de�ed of bust sFall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. <br /> 18.NoUcs.Unlasa otherwise required by law,any notice to 2orrower shall ba given by deliveri�g it or by maili�ig it by certfiied mail addressed to <br /> Eorrower at the property address or any other addresa that Borrower haa give�to Lender. Barowor will give any notice to Lender by certitied <br />;` mail to Lender's aGdresa on page 1 oi this deed et uutt,or to any ather addresa whlch Le�der hae�desipnated.Any other notice to Lander shalf <br /> if; be sent to Lnndar'a addresa as atsted on pepg 1 of thit daed of tru�L <br /> Any rtotice shall be deemed to hsve been given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner atated ebove. <br />`' without�Lendor'�Propsrty o►�Bmsflcld IntK��t In ths Barrowsr. If ail or any part of the property or any I�torest In iY ie sold or transferred ' <br />'j,, payment if the 6orrower rie not anneturol peson endds beneffclal In eresp inRthet Borrowerei aolddob tr nsier ed.Howe�ertl Lendermmey+not <br /> demand payment in the above�Ituationsif ft fe prohibited by federal law aa of the date ot thle deed oi trust. <br /> 20• pkmw�Ysne�. When the oblipatfon aecured by thie deod ot truat ha� been paid, snd Lender hae no turther oblipatlon to make edvances <br /> under the inatrument� or agreementa secured by thfa deed of trust, the Trustea sheli, upon written roqueat by thp Lender, roconvey the trust <br /> Wcperty. The Lender shell deliver to the Borrower, or to Borrower'e succeesot in intarest, the truet deod and the note or othar evidonce of t�he <br /> obligetfon w setisfied.Bonower shall pey any rocordatbn coats. <br /> 21. Succ�ssw Trusts�. Lender, at Lender's option, may remove Truateo end a ' <br /> ; sub�titution of truatee ai roqufred by epplicable law,ar.d then,by fitine the substituto�of truetee for�eco dtin the of�fice of than�egiatepol deeda <br /> of esch county In whlch the truit property, or�ome pert thereof, la situ�ted.The succeasor truetee, without conveyance af the prope�tv, ehall <br /> y!�; sueceed to aU the power,duties,authority and thie of the Truttoe navned In tha deed of truat end of any eucceaaor trueteo, ' <br /> d <br /> ti <br /> �-' . <br /> '�;, e,wKCRx arsTeMa,n�e.,eT.c�ouo.MN 60301 It•t00•�i7•3J�11 f611M CiC?�MTO�N!!lt�171 IPIy1 2 oI II � <br /> �,,'� , . , — - <br /> �'�, <br /> �� <br /> ' , <br /> , <br /> � <br /> i <br /> ,f.+ _ . �.._..._ <br /> �� ' �_ <br />