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3v-" luacuu <br />Skft of w.a.fMl. <br />Deed of Trust, atManft <br />ft <br />0 —M3 <br />Ift *asi'+a:='irad. ("S`icwity tanumam,l) ism&* utsi ' Satember 29 . <br />- _ -- i1t -OP TRICK A GLYMl AttY3 jcw 1 y.&�L YML___wl�.fta±trs�aa, )_u�cS -- <br />( " Borrowe.% Thctrustee is COLUl1111US FEOE "LL SWIMS BANIf <br />al:UWW- FEDEiM .- SAVINGS awe (--rmose - )..'!'k batetkiery is <br />wwler the im of NEBRASKA mad whose ,e is 1371 26TH Wh �01xaa1°d atad exhtatg <br />COLUlIfIR , NE ' AA601 (•'lwaderr'). <br />t M�MaassnlM TIM[ the Barrowes in amskUmion of the debt and crud hereiaalter described atad crw4d. ad the subs of Oar Dollar <br />(fl), to Was is hang laid by tht Troatee. the receipt of whidt it Ikrrby acknowledged. does by tbew preacats gratst, bargain said sell, <br />00M ad coafinn..unto tfae Trustee. forever. all of the following dna*W sad amt. situated lying tuadbeiWis dw Com" of <br />HALL . mad State of Nebraska. to wit: . <br />LOT OWE (.i_ )-,AM TIE WEST TEN FEET (MIO -) OF LOT TWO (2) PLEASANT VIEW FIFTH SMIVISION, <br />CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, MALL COUNTY.- NEBRA4SIt4..'• <br />THE RIDER. Td: Ti ' DEED OF TRUST ATUCHED HERETO' AND EXECUTED OF EVEN. -GATE HEREWITH IS <br />INCORPORATED HEREIN AND THE COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS OF THE RIDER SWLL AMEND AND <br />SUPPLEMENT THE COVENANTS AND [AGREEMENTS OF'THIS DEED OF TRUST. <br />winch has the address of 933 PLEASANT VISI DRIVE . BRAND ISLAND <br />frrwH <br />Nebraska 68801 ("Property Address' ). <br />uw cok) <br />Ties Have AM Ti HOM the premises above described, with all the appurtenances tiiertusttn be cin>tn,g iv v#:inchMinZ aL k!ittit>s, <br />06wo isay OW fighting fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used• in conmecxbaa with s4jtlPal estate unto the <br />TnWee, and to its successors and assigns, forever. The Borrower represents to. and covcftxtac with. the TiT,stee. that the Borrower <br />has good right to sell and convey said premises; that they are free from encumbrance; and tMv the Borrower will warrant uW defend <br />the !ante aiaaat the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and the said Borrower hereby relinquishes all rights of howAwtad, and <br />all sarital rights, either in law or in equity. and all other contingent interests of the Borrower in and to the aboveikescrilied premises. <br />tf - ;astendon being to con►,[,' hereby an absolute title, its fee simple, including all'riots of homestead, and other rights mW intertats <br />alt ,t>rtiiirs9aid, •;. , <br />!191i►ii� **ajo. and these presents are executed and delivered mr-a the Trusts, in trust. mwever for the following Wuposes: <br />, ll►hstrttas ty� �orrowr On Abe th .day of SWt ember .19 89 <br />*."In of FiftY —Six Thousand '.'wren 1*.Anlred and No /100 ------------ - - - - -- :rowed -- the [.ender <br />—�r <br />,_-- --•- -A Uollsrs (S 56.700.00 ). for wtikii ' <br />"a the Borrower has�y��sc$-�d (tP ttv: l4sirler Borrower's pr spry note of even date. bearing <br />Were" at the rate of per cvtitum ( 9 -W� Vii) per annum on the unpaid behuift until paid. <br />The said principal and interest shall be W)ible at the office of COLLV*M FEDERAL SAVINGS OW <br />i'r'' COLUMNS. or at such other PI�ue as 11W hot ri fli'ijY the 6altt, <br />atit0. desig We•in writing, in monthly installments of Four Hundred Seventy — §i x and 77/10() --- • - - -.A» a,. - - - =: <br />47 ��, ). comttsencing on the first day of <br />l! .'siW qo. the first day of each month there�� until the principal and interest are fully paid, except thatMbayment of <br />gisssil and :etrrest. it not sooner paid, she!l be due and payabtc on the first day of October <br />]Ii'. 19 ' <br />i3liyi` lortn is us" in connection with mortpapas insured under the one- to four•faiTi(Y WdQean, cf the Natic4saF Housing Act which pro - <br />vidt.lor periodie M xtpapa Insurance, Premium payments. <br />Form HUD-9211436T 110-87 Ediaan) <br />Pape t of 5 24CFR 203.17 {a) <br />Rep mad 2-ft <br />• � J <br />[IN <br />a <br />r <br />�C <br />} <br />uw cok) <br />Ties Have AM Ti HOM the premises above described, with all the appurtenances tiiertusttn be cin>tn,g iv v#:inchMinZ aL k!ittit>s, <br />06wo isay OW fighting fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used• in conmecxbaa with s4jtlPal estate unto the <br />TnWee, and to its successors and assigns, forever. The Borrower represents to. and covcftxtac with. the TiT,stee. that the Borrower <br />has good right to sell and convey said premises; that they are free from encumbrance; and tMv the Borrower will warrant uW defend <br />the !ante aiaaat the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and the said Borrower hereby relinquishes all rights of howAwtad, and <br />all sarital rights, either in law or in equity. and all other contingent interests of the Borrower in and to the aboveikescrilied premises. <br />tf - ;astendon being to con►,[,' hereby an absolute title, its fee simple, including all'riots of homestead, and other rights mW intertats <br />alt ,t>rtiiirs9aid, •;. , <br />!191i►ii� **ajo. and these presents are executed and delivered mr-a the Trusts, in trust. mwever for the following Wuposes: <br />, ll►hstrttas ty� �orrowr On Abe th .day of SWt ember .19 89 <br />*."In of FiftY —Six Thousand '.'wren 1*.Anlred and No /100 ------------ - - - - -- :rowed -- the [.ender <br />—�r <br />,_-- --•- -A Uollsrs (S 56.700.00 ). for wtikii ' <br />"a the Borrower has�y��sc$-�d (tP ttv: l4sirler Borrower's pr spry note of even date. bearing <br />Were" at the rate of per cvtitum ( 9 -W� Vii) per annum on the unpaid behuift until paid. <br />The said principal and interest shall be W)ible at the office of COLLV*M FEDERAL SAVINGS OW <br />i'r'' COLUMNS. or at such other PI�ue as 11W hot ri fli'ijY the 6altt, <br />atit0. desig We•in writing, in monthly installments of Four Hundred Seventy — §i x and 77/10() --- • - - -.A» a,. - - - =: <br />47 ��, ). comttsencing on the first day of <br />l! .'siW qo. the first day of each month there�� until the principal and interest are fully paid, except thatMbayment of <br />gisssil and :etrrest. it not sooner paid, she!l be due and payabtc on the first day of October <br />]Ii'. 19 ' <br />i3liyi` lortn is us" in connection with mortpapas insured under the one- to four•faiTi(Y WdQean, cf the Natic4saF Housing Act which pro - <br />vidt.lor periodie M xtpapa Insurance, Premium payments. <br />Form HUD-9211436T 110-87 Ediaan) <br />Pape t of 5 24CFR 203.17 {a) <br />Rep mad 2-ft <br />• � J <br />[IN <br />a <br />r <br />�C <br />