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1-4 F�MILY R{DER <br /> (Assignment of Rents) : <br /> THIS t-4 FAMILY i�IDER is made thfs 11th day of "' .18�V8ry , 1999� and is incorporflted hto anC shali be <br /> deemed to amend and supp�ement the Mortgage, Deed of Tnist or Security Deed (tha "Security Instrument") of the same date given by <br /> the undersigned (the 'BoROwer") to secure Borrowei's rvoce ro The Ov�rland National Bank of Grand Island <br /> (the "Lender") <br /> of tna same date and covering the Property descrbad in the 5ecurity Instrumer,t an� bcated at: <br /> _ 300-3D6 W. Ecaypt 5treet Cairo NE 68824 <br /> �Proyrrty Addrnes� - <br /> 1-4 FAMILY COVEPiANTS. In additian to the covenants and agresments m,ade in the Security Instr'�ument, eorcower and Lende� <br /> further covenant and agree as failows: <br /> A. ADDITIONAL PROPERTY S�BJECT TO THE SECURITY INSTRUMENY. In addkbn to the Property descrbed <br /> in the Security Instrument, the ta!lowing kems are added to the Property dF±scr�tion, end shall also constftute the Property covered by the <br /> Security Instrument: buiiding materials, appliances and goods of e�^�y nature whstsoever now or hereafter bceted 'n, on, or used, or <br /> intendad to ba used in connectbn wiih ths Property, inF��;ng, but not 6mited to, lhose for the purposes oI supplying or distrd�uting <br /> heafing, caol;ng, eiecVicky, �as, wnter, air and fight, fire prev�tion and extinguishhg apparatus, security and access control apparetus, <br /> plurr�bing, bath tubs, water heaters, water clos�ts, sa�ks, rangbs, stove,s, re'rgerators, dishwashers, d}sp�sais, washers, dryors, ewnings, <br /> storm w�do�vs, stcrm doors, scr�ens, blinds, shades, curtains and curtain rods, attached mirrors, cabinets, paneiling and attached tbor <br /> coverings now or herea!ter attached to tho Property, sil of which, G�cfud�g repiacements a�d addRbns thereto, shalt be desmed to be <br /> and remain a pa:t of the Property covered by the Securky instrurrsent. All ct the foregohg together wRh the Property descr�ed in the <br /> Security Instrument (�r the leasehoid estats if the Sacurity Instrument is on a leasehold) ara referted to in thls 1-4� Famiy R�der and the <br /> Security Insirument as the "Property". <br /> B. USE OF PF30PERTY: COIVIPLIAld�E WITH LA1N. eorrower shall not seek, agree to or make a change in the use of � ,_ <br /> the Property or ds zoning classification, unfess Lender has agreed in writing to the change. BoROwer shail compiy wkh a!I laws, <br /> oidinances, regulations and requ'vements of any govemmer�tai body applicabb to the Property. � <br /> C. SUBORDINA7E LIENS. ��cePt as pertnitteQ by federal law, Borrower shall not albw any iien inferior to the SecurRy <br /> Instrumen, to be pe�tected against the Property without Ler.der's arior writtsn permission. <br /> Q. R�NT LOSS INSURAPICE. eorcower shall maintsv� insurnnce against rent loss in addition to the other hazards for which <br /> �nsurance is requked by Un'rform Covenant 5. <br /> E. "BQRROWEFi'S CaiGF1T TO REIMST/�TE" [�ELE7ED. Un�form Covenant te is deleted. <br /> F. BORROWER'� OCCUF'APJCY. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, the first santence in U�itorm <br /> Covenant 6 conceminfl Borrower's occupancy of the Property is deleted. Ail remaining co•�enants end agr9ements set forth in Uniform <br /> Co�enant 6 shal� remain in eHect. �\ <br /> -��x <br /> G. ASS�IG�IMEPJ?' OF LEASES. Upon Lender's request, Borrowor shau assgn to Lender all leases ot the Property and ail •�� <br /> securfty depos�ts made in connection wRh leases of the Prop�rty. Upon the assignment, Lender shall have the rght to modity, extand or � <br /> teminate the existing leases and to ettecute new leases, in Lenders sole discretion. As used � th�; paragraph G, the word "lease" � <br /> shail mean "sub�ease" if the Security Instrument is on a leasehold. Q <br /> H. ASSIGNMEN7' OF RE?dT�s; APPC)INT'MENT OF RECEiVER; LENDEFi iN PC3SSESSION. 9onower ebsolutery � <br /> and unconditionally assgns and t�ansfers to Lendeir all the rents and revenues ("Rents") of the Property, regardiess of to whom the RentS � <br /> oi the Proper±y 3ra payable. Borrower author'¢es Lender or Lender's ager!- to coliect the Ren4s, and agrees that each tsnant of the A� <br /> Proparty shati pay the Rents to Lender or Lenders agents. However, BorrowPr shall receive the Rents until (i) Lender has given Bortower � <br /> notice of defauft pursuant to paragraph 21 of the 5ecurRy instn:ment and (li; Lender has given notice to the tenant(s) that tha Rents are <br /> to be paid to Lender or Lender's agent. This nssignment of Rents constitutes an absolute assignment and not en sssignment for <br /> additional security only. ' <br /> If Lender gives notice of breach to 6onowor. (i) al! Rents receNed by Borcower shal! be held by Borrower as trustee for the benefit of <br /> Lender only, to be applied to the sums secured b�i the Security Instrument; (ii} Lender shall be entRled to collect and receive all ot the <br /> Ps�ts ef the Property; (fii) BoROwer agrses that eacn tenant of the Property shail pay ai! Rants due ond unpaid to Lender or Lender's <br /> agents upon Lender's wr,tten demand to the teneint; (iv) unless applicabie law provides othenvise, ali Rents ccllected by Lender or <br /> Lender's agents shal( t+e 2ppl'red first to the costs ci! taking control ot and managing tha Property and colle^ting the Rents, �cluding, but <br /> not limited to, attomey's fees, receivers fees, premfums o� receivers bonds; repair and maintenance costs, insurance premiums, taxes, <br /> assessments and othar charges on the Property, and then to the sums secured by the Securky Instrument (v) Lender, Len�er's agents <br /> or eny judicially appointed receiver shali be liabb to sccount tor only those Rents actualH reCeived; and (vi) Lender shett be entAled to ' <br /> have a receiver �ppainted to take possession o! and msnage the Prooerty and coliect the R9nts and profks derived hom the Property <br /> withcut any showinA as to the inadequacy ot ths Fropbrty as securky. <br /> If the Rents of the °roperty are not sufficient to cover the ccsts of taking control ot and managing the Property and o( collecting the ' <br /> Fients any funds e:�erided by Lender for such purposes ShaM become ndebtedness of Sorrowsr to Lender secured by the Security <br /> Instrument pursuant to Uniform Covenant 7. <br /> Borrower repressnts and warrants that Borrower has not executed any prior assignment of the Rents and has not and will not ' <br /> pertorm any act that would prevent lender from exercising its rights under this paragraph. <br /> Lender, or Lender; ggents or a judicially appointed recefver, ,hail nut be requ'red to enter upon, take control ot or maintain the <br /> Property before or aftar giving �otbe of defauft to Borrower. Huwever, Lender, or Lenders egents or a Judicially appohted recsNer, may ' <br /> do so at any time when a defauk occurs. My appl�aYson of Rents shall not cure or waive any detauR or invalidatu any �ther rght or ' <br /> remedy of Lender. This assgnmerst of Rents of the t�roperty shatl termhete when aA the sums seCUred by the Security Instrument an'� <br /> paid k� h�IL <br /> 6. CROSS-DEFAULT PROVISION. BoROwers defauk or breach under any note or agreeme�t in which Lender hes an ' <br /> interest shali be e breach under the Security Instrument and 1_er,der may invoke any or the remedies pertnkted by the Security Instrument. <br /> BY SIGNING BELOW, F]orrower accepts and agreas to the terms and provisi�ns containad fn this 1-4 Family Rider. <br /> �''G` ��>�c2'3!�c�L <br /> B�«�w•� Ga Eilenstine —(�eaq <br /> l ///,7'/7�/1� ( j`/��/�l n�� , <br /> «ew.� Linda �i g t(ne —���� <br /> d (Soai.l <br /> 9onow.i <br /> Bor;owN -.--iJ98�� � •... � _ <br /> MULTISTATE 1-4 FAMILY RIDEA- Fannie Mao/Froddie Mac UnHorm Instrument ' <br /> F:�az.�r�a�e�c�) Fortn 3170 9/90 <br /> eaooe <br />. is <br />