Unless Lender anc3 �anower othenJ�se agree in writing, any payments or pro-
<br /> ceeds from insurance shall not extend or pc�stpone the dL�e date c�f the monthly payments �
<br /> provided in said instrament of indebtedness, or chanre t�le amot��nt of the payments.
<br /> 5. Eorrower sha11 keep the described Propert� in good candition and repair; shai!
<br /> promptly repair, or reglace, any improvem��nt which may�e ciamagzd or destroyed; shall
<br /> not coramit or penr�it any waste or deteric�ration of the real escate here�r�above c?escribed,
<br /> shall not remove, demolish or substantially alter anv�f dae im�:ovem�ilts on Lh�Frop-
<br /> erty; sliall not c�mmit, suffer or perniit any aet to be d�ne in c� upon thc:Property in vio-
<br /> lation of any la�v, ordinance or regulation; and sha11 pr�m}�tly discharge��t Iio*rower's
<br /> cost and e�pense all Iiers, encurabrances and c:harges le�ied, imposed or assessed against
<br /> the described real estate or any part thereof.
<br /> 6. Borro�ver shall keep the Property in complianc�:vith all applicable laws, ordi-
<br /> nances and re�ulations relating to industria� hygiene or envircnmer�tal protectit�r, y
<br /> (collectively rcferred to herein as "Envi:otjmental La�vs"). i3on�wer shall keep the Prop- �
<br /> erty free from all substances deemed to be hazardous or toxic under any Environmental �
<br /> La�vs (collect►vely referred ta herein as "Hazardous Materials'°).. Borro��er her�eby war- �
<br /> rants and represents to T_ender that there are no Hazardous Materials on or und�er the �j
<br /> Property. Borrower hereby agrees to indemnify an��hold h�rmiess Lender, its directors, � �
<br /> officers, empioye�s and a�ents, and ary successors �.o Lender's interest, fram and again,t
<br /> any and all claims, darra�es, Iasses and liabilities ari�ing in connection with the presence, �
<br /> use disposal or iransport of any I?azardous Materials on, under, from or about±he Frop-
<br /> 7. Borro�ver shall not sell, transfer, assign, convey or furth�r encumber all or any
<br /> part of or any interest in tne Property hereina'bove described, either valuntarily or invol-
<br /> untarily, �uithout the express prior written conseirt of�.encler or as other,�ise herein per-
<br /> mitt�d, a.n� in the event of any such sale, transfer,assigrLment, conveyance or transfer in
<br /> violation of this provision, Lender shall have the option to decl�tre all sums secured
<br /> hereby irr�nediateiy due and pa}�aUle.
<br /> R. If Borrower fails to perform the cevenants and agreemei.ts here�n contained, ' ,
<br /> Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to nrotect the valuz of the property and '
<br /> Lend�r's*ights in the Prop�rty, includir.g the payin�;of any sum secured by a (ien wllich`
<br /> has priority over this Deed of Trust, appearing in Court, paying reasonable attomey fees
<br /> and en±ering the Property zo make �Ppairs. Any amount disbu.rsed by Lender under this
<br /> para�raph shall become an additional debt o�Borrower secured by th;s Deed o�Trust, to
<br /> bear interest fram the date of disbursement and said amou�t, together with the then
<br /> unp�id principal arriount, shall bear:nter�st at the highest lawful rat.e uniii refur:dLd by .
<br /> Iiorrower.
<br /> 9. The proceeds of an condemnation award are hereby assigr�ed and sllali be paid
<br /> to Lender and shail be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust, whether or no[
<br /> then due, wit:�any excess to �e}�aid to Borrower.
<br /> 1C. Any extensions or modifications of ihe loan s;ranted by Lender to ;�r,y si�cces-
<br /> sor in interest of Bonv��er shall not op�rate to release th� liability c�f ihe original Bor-
<br /> ro�:�er or Norrower's successors in interest. Any forbeas�atice by Lender in exer�isin�;any
<br /> right or remed}� shall not 5e a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or rem�dy.
<br /> t 1. Anv :lotice to Borrower provided for in this Deed of Trust shall be given by
<br /> �elivering it or mailing it by first class mail unless Nebraska Law requires nse of another
<br /> method, at the I3ocTOwer's last kno�vn address.
<br /> 12. 7'his Deed af Trust shall be govezned by Nebraska La�v.
<br /> 13. Lender shall give notice to 13orro�ver fotl�win� Bono�ti•er's breach of an�r
<br /> co�•enant �r agreement in this Deed of'I'n�st and the Uebt�vhich it secures. The n:•� ,:e
<br /> shall specify (a)the default, (b)the action required to cure the defaul., (c) a date �� less
<br /> than ten (10) days from the date the notice is given to Borwower by which the default
<br /> must be cured, and(d)that failure to cure the defai�lt on or before the date spe�ified in the
<br /> �totice may result in acceIeration af the sum secured by this Deed of Trust and sale af the �
<br /> Ptpperty pursuant to the p�wer of sale herein granter' The nc�t�ce shall further inform
<br /> Sorrower of th��ig}it to reinstate, after acceleration, and the right to bring a court action
<br /> to assert the nonexistence of a default or any other defense of Boxrower to acceleration
<br /> and sale. If default is not cured, on or before the date$pecified in the noiice, Lender, at
<br /> its option rnay require immediate payment in full of all sums secure�by this lleed�f
<br /> Trust without fu.rther demand and may invoke the gower of sale and any other remedies
<br />;;
<br />. ,
<br />