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NoN-Uhivoitm Com^Nn Bortowel an! Lender funbercovenant &M&Vft as fol low; 8$.05289 <br />It. Audwada; MeNnOw tmWW 60 al" notim'M ftiewo pft to waleratim fallawft %mwWs <br />km* lo *& ImaroMMOM ftt piw to aP-1, ile tlh-vadwww90*13md17 <br />valets appNeelik law protridoe edww*). IU aMm " vM111. (a) the Malt; (b) the wdm rmpdred to cm ft <br />ttttteutrei lw*& %mft In*waft and Weeftie IN"aly.nie -adee " IW&a falbm Borrower eMe d& to <br />irliwiaia OW am"I&O OW 60 do* to W" At Mount W" to mew ot iaweitlowee of a aftok a my OOW <br />ft -"WW er;ai; anti nay G&W Mmmis I. <br />now an "*"M inCop a My— im" ft rrtoaiirs laps Is *b parltprapi <br />rtitieote. <br />a ttatice <br />be" film" a"" am "Ofte(SM& 1& praurtisdby applieaiie law h Borrower soli bathe <br />G&W mow forte W Milk" law. MW &e twee no*" by 0"liel",Tr"n olt"give PA& astire of <br />siftfse the Wwa ftd is Me mw~ Vaifrdba by ap$lenlie law. Thwme, witlim demand m Borrower, aliall a& ft <br />h"Uty apailewnd"totic W"W"er a tie twee and *mood W*rdeterion"Voted [aft NO&O'dewle in <br />tae w mart o 1-A <br />P** amosawmaft at ft ties aM obft of any p"Imtsly atied" sale- Usditr tar its dtxi:aele no Weliam de <br />ING"" MAM),eale. <br />upon"leitt of <br />to, Tm0ft% feet =m, Aft, by oppNeAk &*.. hied reamitaiiiie MWoeyii! fees: M) to. A111111111111111 isecarWily t3trt *011ift <br />perm orpk legally entitled t6 it <br />20. LwAw i Is PenmMe. Upon acceler*64M under paragraph 19 or absnd�i�t of the FIrm", Lender -(in <br />persm, by agent -or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entitled to ank-ir upon; like ponessicn. of and manage the <br />Property and to collect the rents of the Property including those past due. Any ;Imt!� 0';:Nxted by Lender or the receiver <br />shall be applied first to payment of the costs of management of the Property and tol W-.Aiiin of rents, including, but not <br />limited to, receiver's fees, premiums en receiver's bonds and reasonable atwrrrpys � f�.'-zmd then. to the sums secured by <br />this Security Instrument. <br />21. Xftvaveyaw_ Upon payment of all -rysmi secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shot( request Trustee to <br />reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidevi•ing debt se�3". by�this.Socurity <br />Instrument toMmee. Trustee shall =­Mvey the Property without warranty and withniat ch "'' ii <br />arge V�.J It pawn or pemns <br />Wy entitied.loit. Such person or Vemns shall pay any recordation emits. <br />22. S*Whft Tradee. Lendm ait"itsciption. may from tune to time remove Trustee and appIdn't a successor trustee <br />to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. <br />Without conveyance of the Property,. the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon <br />Trustee herein and by applicable lavh_ <br />23. 99%@M for Notices. Bmaw'er requests that copies of she notices of defxvlts and sale be sent to Borrower's <br />address which is the Property Addresi. <br />24 R16m to 00 Setwity ci,,t or more riders are executed by Borrower and itobrdod together with <br />this Security lnstrumes�i, ah - covenzm;z and agrv;Monts of each such rider shall be incorporated intg "And shall amend and • <br />suppolerneW fft covronts'and strMORMts of the t. Security, Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this purity <br />Instrument. [Check appUesbole box(eQ <br />Adjustable- ft,q'Rider <br />] Qmdcfminium Rider 2-• Family Rider <br />❑ Graduated Payment Rider. C] Planned Unit Development Rider.. <br />)M (Mer(s) [specify) 1•4 Family' Rider <br />BY SIGNING BRUsAw Borrower accepts( ind agrees to the and covenants contAlned in this Security <br />Instrument and in any ri6te;Q exect;.ted by Borrower and recorded with it. <br />................... I ......... I ...... ............................... ...... . .......... ...... ..... (Seal) <br />Frank J:.. Kolar <br />.................. ... ........................ ........ ...................... .. ............................................................ ........ ...... (SW) <br />STATE of NEBRA%K)%,, Hall. <br />On this 27ih 4. -n , of September 19 89 before me. thr• undersigned. a Rablic <br />duly commissioned and qualified iaid county, personally carne Prank E. Kolar, an: Iinmarried <br />rspn 1c; file known to bu the <br />.-identical person(s) whose name(s) are subsoTilupd to the foregoing tnstrument and acknowledged the execution <br />thereof to be his t rii wmary act and decd. <br />Witness my hand and notarf.411,vil"Alat Grand Ion , Nebraska in said contity, ilic <br />date aforesaid. <br />Grand 4d, <br />0. <br />My commission <br />to M90" RLQUEST -OR U"C' NVI'VANCL <br />Too <br />lite undet0gnedi% the Milder of the nwcor note: ,,ci:tircd FIB lhv.'llccdof ltu,,t. Said nI-.tL i,r tioto,togolwi <br />withall other indebtednevi witorvd 1116 flw� Used &,t I tim. lia,,-7 l,01 IMId #fk 1101 VfI11:ITC hcrcl-v dircocti to callLO ­11(f <br />note or rmlvi and ilm I)ced. o! I twl. %S11102 aic deliteted lictchL, aild ((V rc,4111% tl. %% 11holl! uAl 1.111f all 111• CA,Itc <br />oo-$' field fly N4011 41fidef 11115 Dc d (it frit"t ro flit- pefll.ff (It ST!"Illi -i IfFl,ltiv vllwl;-(l 111"'Llt, <br />ftatr <br />1, <br />