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r <br />f , <br />f <br />0 <br />UNIFORMCOVENAt+t1'R. . BariowusrtwitdLaWla rcoratattt aid agmeagallows: 41, 89---105277 <br />1. ft stI4" TWO "It I A pelt MSat tpi Law Cheep, Borrower Wha11 promPUy pay when due <br />the printdpAJafardiatetiest oM thedibt evide1 cod byAmNoteandmy prepayment *W latecharges due under the Note. <br />2. ruff lsrTmaandLrstsserMea. Sobjecita i lk A I i lawortoawrittenwaiverby Lender. Borrower shall pay <br />--- Ws 11beour er..err.te. w • tom'_. t�l� ,....a.R�:!r:ss.:<< - <br />oamweilBi of: (a) yoft taxes and maesateMu whits sway attain priority over this Security lasuurrnerit; M yearly <br />iwehoid pyntaNt< err *rowtd r" 'm thetropetty, if aaty; (c) yearly hazard itwrraricR premiums; std (d) yearly <br />Mortgagee it sirmae. ift#sy. -rmit: i - WWCWhd "Comm items.•' I may caimate the Fwds-dueon the <br />beekofc- 0' dotssadiwsoMtibierittistaiesofttsitwrs ;tRertaiwitettsti. <br />The Fwmda tiWlb� 11sidittae:itsstidrtiow tsedsposits aacoottnaoiwhich areitrsured orguaranteedby afedera� or <br />shale m acy (iaclodiig Lssslder it f. �ier is instil as isstitatioa). Lender shell apply the funds to pay the escrow items. <br />Leader tray sot cliaqj far bolding sad epph isig the FWidsr NWVjing the acwmt or va*img the escrow items, unks <br />Lady pays Borrower interest an tie Fk ads and applicable taw permits Lander to taake such a charge. Borrower and <br />i.tisider zany agree is wiriting that interest shalt be paid on the Funds. Unless an sgrteiment is made or applicabk law <br />ragmiras *am to be psrid. l,drdet"sat be required to pay Borrower any interttt or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shell - Towa. without chm*�"misioal mmunting of the Funds shoring credits and delft to tlraFwids and _the <br />ptrpae(uraAiA each debit to the FiNii�s lem no& The fun&am piedgadassdditional security Whkillumsecusid by <br />tlsisSsarity Isstrtmatna.. ��; <br />U the amwmst qlt U Fwtds lead by Lender. together with the future monthly payments o('P4n& payabk pries to <br />the due data of the aadow ileum~ Halt exceed the attioimt required to pay the escrow itests when due, the excess shall bej <br />At anion all of the F b I am ssuiciert� t to the credited to iBorrower hen due, Borrower shall payments pax to any <br />ttniotmt ieoessary to twlfrt.ap the deickney in acre or snore payments as required by Lender <br />Upon psymese ithi A& of all sues secured by this Security Inaturnent. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower <br />my I=& held by Leader. If unnder paragraph 19 the Property is said or squired by Lender. Lender shall spoy, no later <br />then« i moom ely prior to the aerie of the Property or its acs on by Lander. any Funds held by Let d& at. the time of <br />11h, iotaaiaeicredit spaiasl the SUMS MUU4 by this Secaroeyfnstrinnent. <br />3. Pisfs■sMis. lhslest apipfnrabk lawn provides otherwim all <br />payments mceived by I.aider under. <br />lttraprapis 1 and 2 a4iAlbe applied: Arts. to lattaitarges due udder the Note; secood,to pcepayrtient chargesdue under the <br />Note; bird. to amomatpsyable under paragraph 2; foAnk to interest due; sad last, to p Ompandue. <br />4. Csarpt L him. Borrower shall pay all taxes a»narnents, charges, hires asmd impositions attributable to the <br />Property whale stay antis pnoray, over this Security Instrument. sad kosebQiid.payments or ground rents„ if any. <br />Borrower shall pay these obligatwas in the manner provided in pngra* Z:or if w* in that manner. Borrower ahAl1 - <br />pay than on time directly to the person owed payment. Borrows shalt pg oissptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts ' <br />to be paid tender this paagraph. If Borrower nukes these psytnents directly, Borrower shalI promptly furnish to i eider <br />reoesipts "Wesciwg the payments. <br />Borrower 1111611 peampdy disehage any bees welts ban priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a) <br />Wass is writing to the payment of the obliiptiva new ed by the Jim is a mister soeeptabk to Lode.. (b) coateats is Bond <br />tie lien by. or dekads apaat afineim at of tht: No ins, kpl pncnftgs which w the Latirifest's Opinion operate to <br />prevent dwenforceatent of the lien or torkitur+e of say part of the Property: or (c) *vim frost ilte hoiden of the lien an <br />anear t •� to Lem s:+ . ' s t1m }.'"!. to thb oecssrity Iatr tCt: -a deta-�iaes tbat any P:. a• <br />tine Property is subject to a lien te*4 may attain priority over the Security ITAuw txt, Lender Wray give Borrower a <br />siatice itfattifyiug the Jim. Bor[om6 shall atnd* the lien or take one or more of the AiWans set forth above within 104ays <br />of the giiving of notion. <br />Il. IiLass6t+A IassRaaes Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing ins hereafter erected on the Property <br />iittswred afwst losby Arc. hazards iac L40 within the torte - attended coverage" miil� tiny other hatardstorwhich Lender <br />regwiires itlrWAMM Tbis im arasce'tsia be maintained is 10* amiounb and for Hein periods that Leader requires. The <br />0 111 rpvtetes� praidid irtg the inauram shall be ehom ,t� torrower subject to itn&es approval which shall not be <br />AA iMwtasm policies se d renewals snail'be accepmble to Lander and shall include a standard mortgage clause. <br />fader shell have the right to hold the policies sad rrenewsia. if Laxkr requires, Borrower shall promptly give to Lander <br />all reoeipts of paid premiums aid thmttpwal Motion In the evert of loss. Borrower slraW°igive prompt notice to the insurance <br />Curieramid Leach. Lander may 111114ceproofof Ins ifoot miade promptly b!!*rro*wr. <br />Utslen Lander and Borrowerotherwise agree in writing, insurance pi Webb shall be applied to restoration or repair <br />cf tees Property damaged. if the restoration or repair is economically leasi'Me, and Leader's security is not lessened. if the, <br />asst o i ' in or repair is not ecoat w*dly feasible or Lender's security would be lesstwed, the incur w= proceeds shalt be <br />@POW; la dwe saris secured by tJtpsf< Security Instrument, wbatba or not t11a due, with any excess paid to Harrower. If <br />BortownAndone the Property. or don not tsaawer witka 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has <br />o/wrd toss k a claim. tilers Fender may colleathe insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore <br />the lhgw.,, or to pay Taxes secured by this Security Instrument. whether or not then due. The 304ay period will begin <br />what thattadm is given. <br />UAIM IRMder ad Borrower otherwise agree: in wntw&any application otproceeds to principal shalinot extend or <br />Vmpoae the due date of dw monthly psymats referred to in Paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If <br />Hader pangrap1119 the Property is aoqum d by Lenkr, Borrower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting <br />Ross dAtssaga totse Properly prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extentof the sums secured by this Security <br />LastrtiaaM imnaedis/ely prior to tee aagwisitim. <br />AL lMrl6setalfaM and Maisilemi a allh a Ip Laaasttel& Borrower shall not destroy. damage or substantially <br />CWW tie Property, Alba the Property to deteriorate or commit waste. it this Security Instrument is on a leasehold, <br />OL-m rw eliall ccagPly with the provisions of the Jesse. and it Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the kasehold and <br />firtitiesboR not meTgemiirsi.ersdreragrees wirbe rnerger in wriring. <br />7. PreNetisa of 1,411111689% 1RiON is dw INOWtl; Mwtpp isssraMCe. If Borrower fails to perform the <br />covenal s and agreements contained in this Security Instrument. or there is a legal proceeding that may signikantly affect <br />Larder's rq*b in the Property (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy. probate, for condemnation or to enforce laws or <br />rpWatioas). there Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights <br />la I prop - I�ctider's acticwis nay include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security <br />IaNrirrMeAt. apparing in court. paying rtasotiable attorneys' fees and entenng on the Property to make repair. Although <br />leader may tike action under this paragraph 7. Lender does not have to do sees <br />' Any wwx.ntsdisbursed by Etnder under this paragraph 7 shall betsmie additronal debt of &mower secured by this <br />Security Instrument Unitsa Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment. these amounts shall tear interest from <br />the dote of doburrm"i at the %Ole rate and shall he payable. with interest. urmh notice from lender to Borroues <br />