(Sect► a '7Ns UM For AcMowMdWWWj
<br />ATAIM OF Nebraft
<br />t4.0 , Nel lbuscfh , a NoWy Pubic in and fa said, WAft and stater, do ho*W �dw* that
<br />Ali M WW Mahreew M. Wait aaa goal* oersmra pwWO* qwmnd
<br />iY dWm ms and b Wv) !yawn b mw to be Ile prran(s) who. being imbnrhed of th+e WtOS of the brpoho inatnantPrt hhsvt emuted
<br />!iri�ms. and aoiweMMdpad Said YraYrarrwrt to t 1St and v*mftty ad and deed and that_ _, ItM
<br />4iwecow6 Seine irairmreart for tier h
<br />PWPOW S►4crSra tthrrirr see /orth.
<br />iftleu my hand and oNAM seed tape i day of SSntantbw
<br />SEAL
<br />Ildwy Raft
<br />�- hirly C.arnrriniort 1 '. ... ,
<br />Erpirra: � a ,
<br />1j:1 NCiii -20 d fliu m
<br />This kmWO A rap VIOP ed by. &Warily (ilia dWSi Savtrt�, a FSdWW lMvjW t3pnik 0. MILMIUK"
<br />fita ihs Ohl !t IN
<br />Va,-y.cTf rnrrsr, lk4wi u,%12reh pan
<br />oaprr e�!•
<br />,iii►
<br />r.
<br />ri.
<br />i
<br />89=105262,
<br />NOttOVORM oO9S M & Borrmo mm Lmmr low card t and arm 0 t mmm
<br />It Apaiirrm6so I ROOS W& Lm W shall Abe noNas to nommu pap► Im aooalwA, - fall, rq BorrumWe bnmh d any
<br />f :
<br />oawrm er sys mt M M its Sesu ft bwbum M pR rot pior b modusdoR modor pamprsph 13 or iT udeee applicable Yaw pawdse
<br />atherwbsi. The nalbe dell a WW- .p tap deb* '04 So aotbm rMr6sd M can IM ddm% (c1 a dole mat tees than 30 drys tram fire
<br />deal VW (oft Is rra its Nomtimrsr. 6y whfoh the ddrA curet be amid' ale M 00 An to etas the dit* on or 01 in the dale
<br />Op "M It Mrs mdos may remA 0 moedtett m of the wmw wand by Mate GsmAV YwMetwrrt and sob of Vw Ploparty. The rtrr W shell
<br />faaMrer iMartm Benaww d tlha t1Art M rsitalaie stir aeealwattom and 11aa :1Mat ten' 6rMt all natal sattsn b aeaett the nan4m6ft oa of a
<br />or @W *AW dddeft ditw+Pon Is heldemAsm crap WL N Me ddaml b rat &AW an w ballwo Ow drlm epaled In the fwliae;
<br />ydduft
<br />�.•.•1r �- t/['1R- 7fa11fi1���� ilmil AwfleAdi _a •*�-
<br />�.�..�
<br />Ynele tap p4wmr apt asap and. way OMIT rwMiae.p�mrawlrl by appiOeMla Yrw. Lwmdlr alrel brt whMed � aadmat all a4alaM Ylalared in
<br />""-I" 0!!m1M!d. M tlrii PM4010 a _bell tr, .ho lmel Ow" tk MW AW atlRrraya' flee chef goo of No atYlWAIL
<br />' K hha Pmer d cab to Mtielrad. ThOse shall mtssrd a nofoa d ddbtt h each me* N %%* any pet d Mrs R"Oly b bossed snd
<br />WO mO oapbe M no naffs M on aarwer preeariet bj! IPPk bb flaw Is ionemer sari Is trio mbar parsons pnembW by appiiaiab
<br />Yaw. IIAer tap theta natrYw a appieaiie Ywr. TmwMs ahe6 9hra putlo ahehlai ae asap to tap peraams sat Ym Mrs m mwr psearbari by
<br />�=..
<br />appdoile Ira *do" %*" damsmd am Maim ,Shelf all ft PopNry at perks av" M tits 110 W btddar *** Ow ad Am,
<br />scat renter tltrt tetiaa deeyaeMt M tlrs mains d sale iA oms a mtomr M� amt M cry order TmrMae IaMrtetiree. TnteMe mey.:poahoea " ;
<br />.
<br />I& of M a any pwW apt the Repeft &I p ft aamotweemr A it 1M times send pie* of cry preMwray tadawdWd Sels lei � or. Ns
<br />dMl�Mla may pwduea tap POWely d my eels. ,
<br />_ ttNeR wow M psyatwrt a IIM pAea iid, TttwMe ehei ddMer b tap ptroftsiar Tnaehas deed corwayiha lilac Plgrariy. Ttap +aollMtR in:,..,...
<br />.
<br />"Tarehe'a dead shale be prima *m te.enidemoe of tine tnrli of the arlw met mate therth. TmWm Mall apply ft pooarla O, ft
<br />ten lets toiowYrs order. (y ao all apmaees at 1M Safe. iwb t but rot &A@O tb, Tnretee'a tees as pWwMftd by app- cattMr• i•andipt�,;;;
<br />tonebN aMontepP :ees; b aft sums eeaaad by tlde SeouAy lrreMamwrt end (ej any sroeaa b tha parson or pwaara tapiy wrMMYd <:_'`;
<br />20. Landu In Povemn 0n. Upon aeadwatfon undr pwWlph 19 at sbwtdo "* of the fi'opwty. Lander k pa "'W..
<br />svM or by bd*IV appoYrded asoai a dW be arMsd to ~upon. talra poeaaasion of slap mera0e iris f+bopuly end 1f ro tic! tie
<br />rwris d the ffoperty irahaA VWW free! due: Any rwrte coMchd by Lander or On rmal"m shell be applied to perik Oven o600
<br />Oil d the fiapway and coisotlon of rwhta, Wl Wit but not tt+rried to. MOWS lass, prwrJWM Sir jeoefrer'a- bonds arc"
<br />reaanrwble attangs' bar, and Om b the sum aeaaad b'i'' thle Saauay Mel WWIL
<br />!. AieafwyafdaIL Upam Prom m d all erase teaaad by *b Sm MV MdmwAK Lwhdar shmi rigi "''fifirrWS ills V0,60 W— yrthe
<br />ihifPrry and and aunmtr Mfr Sea ft Yhebumrrt and all nobs Admch- debt aacausd by Mite 1;rlm* higtmarrwrt to Vusoiie:
<br />;
<br />Tdraiw shell noarwy Mra Mbopary wMMotrt wamaiiy and wihout ohardr ao tap parson ar parsons lepetiy enlwed b hL Such person:: pr .
<br />so oil a SW pay am maeortYtron noels.
<br />?Z. &*dkft Thahm l,wrder. at hap► %ftm,, *my *arm lima 10 tape remove Timm and appoint a wxweeew tituaha la 44
<br />Tmaahr oppah" herwatder by an Metunwa recorded nrfhs oouhy In which Vft Ssoudy bdnnm M k egg ed. tAl td =m%*"
<br />of tap ttithperty, Stroaesar tniatsa efrat succeed ro all tthe Htle, power attic caeca oontwrsd upon Tnuates hanih and by appMrwbYh eerie►:
<br />Z'J. Requed for Nobbles. ftmv n *m a that copies at tap notices of ddmA and seM be and ten Bamwar'a addt m
<br />,
<br />~ k the tritrpwiy Ad*W& 8omnwW UVW r@*MW del copies of the nation cf dolat end sale bo *ant to each pow, wha is a
<br />party fatrelo at Nw auibws of euth parson eel loth hw{aMh.
<br />Z4. Akf✓•ta fxe frith Safwarliy Mtatrumnttt. ti one or more rldws an sracaaled by Borrower and tscadad ta9ehfrr: wihti; ,fhle
<br />Seourfy b"bU AK the ooywramN and apswmwah of each such rider dW be hrorparMW brio end shall amend and %qn nanf' the
<br />oar llmts and aprarewrts of this Smft YwWm wo as N #w rider(s) wan a pro of this 9aaaty lnonxm*.
<br />[3 Ad mftb figs Fddw a fCapdwnirr4am Rider Q S•t Fang ilklaar,
<br />Q ,Aa*mw Plow Amer 0 Flwrmed Until Owelopmwt War
<br />BY OO NNO MOW. erjrrftW aoapb cab MWISS :10 the tame and oawrrenfs oaabhred in this SPWV MsWnw4 and M irnr ddersi;
<br />y,��.,
<br />omu%d by fro m-wer and mcmded with 0,
<br />-
<br />aw 01"1" Ron" Ahn Rallort
<br />aorrorwr �
<br />(Sect► a '7Ns UM For AcMowMdWWWj
<br />ATAIM OF Nebraft
<br />t4.0 , Nel lbuscfh , a NoWy Pubic in and fa said, WAft and stater, do ho*W �dw* that
<br />Ali M WW Mahreew M. Wait aaa goal* oersmra pwWO* qwmnd
<br />iY dWm ms and b Wv) !yawn b mw to be Ile prran(s) who. being imbnrhed of th+e WtOS of the brpoho inatnantPrt hhsvt emuted
<br />!iri�ms. and aoiweMMdpad Said YraYrarrwrt to t 1St and v*mftty ad and deed and that_ _, ItM
<br />4iwecow6 Seine irairmreart for tier h
<br />PWPOW S►4crSra tthrrirr see /orth.
<br />iftleu my hand and oNAM seed tape i day of SSntantbw
<br />SEAL
<br />Ildwy Raft
<br />�- hirly C.arnrriniort 1 '. ... ,
<br />Erpirra: � a ,
<br />1j:1 NCiii -20 d fliu m
<br />This kmWO A rap VIOP ed by. &Warily (ilia dWSi Savtrt�, a FSdWW lMvjW t3pnik 0. MILMIUK"
<br />fita ihs Ohl !t IN
<br />Va,-y.cTf rnrrsr, lk4wi u,%12reh pan
<br />oaprr e�!•
<br />,iii►
<br />r.
<br />ri.
<br />i
<br />