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<br /> �li �, , . -. .t� r.°t. 5 �y<.,� _ .� . s . � .}p' fi�.� .4� �st .r , , q� ,-`C .r�` _r _ ,Fc �F F•( � t
<br /> . � a • 4 � f � f (F� .- . 1S f% ( :f( i C _ � :� . [ � 4.� [t _ ...[� '
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<br /> 6 Y`� � T� / �(iL�'�Si` .
<br /> r "tF_ .-,. , �, . .
<br /> t p S �
<br /> :_� �_ g TOCEET?rItER WPE'H all the improvemeau now ar herEafter erected on she prnperty.and all�sements.a�urtena�cxs.auci � _ � '
<br /> +<<�`_ ._ _.:.,. . .t T E .,' '_
<br /> —,`��. ,,•_• . -.�_,..�-},.. fixtdres aow ar heceafter a part of the praperty. All rep1ac� and additioffi shatl also be coveced by this Sea�ity �-.�:f;;. <-T
<br /> , 4 .L.�= wi w 'fif "L .
<br /> r • .. Inscrument.All of t�e foiegoing is referred to in tAis Security I�eut as the"P�operty." ��;.
<br /> +1 .i:4� H. [.� ' . ,c ' �,
<br /> —�,�. '_ <�..�• BORROWER COVEDiAN'FS thaz Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate he�y conveyed and has tl�e right to grant and ,„ ,� �;..
<br /> � } ` ` oonvey t6e Prapercy azed that the Propert7�is unencumbered,exc�t for eancmbrances of recorfl. Boaower wazrants and will `� �`-4 _`
<br /> �:
<br /> .�: -
<br /> . �= - defend generatiy the,tide w the�Property against all ctaims and demands.subject to arry enc�mbranoes of recocd. .c�
<br /> -- ;r'�• - _ �' `�4- 'FHIS SECiJRTfY INSTRUMEPiT oombines uniform oQVenants for national use and uan-anifc+rm rnvenants with {imited _�;`��
<br /> y •(.. . < r�,
<br /> • ' ` �` variations by jurisdicaon w constitnte a nniforcu sec�uity inmument covering real ProPertY- ,
<br /> " UiVIFORM COVENANTS_Borrower and LendeF covemnt aad agree as foltows_ {� �.°� _
<br /> 4 5 . t �• LL � `` and l.ste C6acgcg. Bomawer shal3 prompdy pay when due the �
<br /> <<`,`- �` ,; 1. Pay�e� og Frindpat a�d iate�t: Prepaymeot �
<br /> '� �'. principal o€and inte�est on t6e debt evidenced by the Note a n d anY P�Y��az►d tate c h a r ges duc under ihe l�iote. �,,_
<br /> ��_` '` 's � Z.�ds�or Taxeg and l�rauce.Sub,ject w applicable law or to a wriuea waiver by Lender� Borrower shali pay tu � , � �.` :.
<br /> ,j�t.�.',�-:_ ' 4 Lender ott t6e day moutlilY PaYments are due under ahe Piote.uretil the Nnte is paid in full.a sum�^Funds")for:(s►)Year1Y�s � �t. . -
<br /> �. 4 �` and as.�essmen�whicit may auain priority over t h i s S e c u rity I n s t t e t m e n t as a liea on the P t o p c�t y:(b}yeatl y tease6old payments i ` °
<br /> ��- � ;: or grou�d ra�ts.on the Property.i�any:E�)Y�Y 6a7ard or property insurance premiums:ld)YeartY ftoo�inswance gr�miwns. � ti•F
<br /> ` . > if airy- (e?Y�IY��Se insucance premmm4,�f any�asid(�ai►Y sums PaYable by Borrower w Leader.in accordance with � ` � ,. .
<br /> �'� ���
<br /> �4 ` . �4= tlse provisions of paragrapb 8.in li�of the payment of mortgage i�cs!*�RCs premiums.These items are calJed"Esciow Items_" f�-�r
<br /> �.E -�� . ` ..� Lender may, at auy time.colleci and hold Funds in an amoont nnt to exceed the maximum amount a lender fw a federally � ,� .
<br /> '*'� `�' . � retated mortgage loan may require for Borrower's escrow acxoum under the fedetal R e a t E s t a t e S e a lement P r a c e d u c e s A c t o f � � .-
<br /> _��•,`"��`��_•'�`"`.�_.._,':_: 19T4 as amended from time w time. 12 U.S.C.5ecxioa 2601 et seq.("RESPA"),nnless another law that applies to the Fands � } :`^_r.;
<br /> '` �'� ' :; s�s a lesscr asnount. If so. Lender cmy. at any time.collect and ho[d Funds in att amount aot to excee�l t8e lesser amonnt_ �
<br /> � " � ; Lender may estimate t3te amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable esFimates of expeodiuues oF future i
<br /> � Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance wit6 agplicable law. `` : '`:
<br /> _f �:, -. : ` :. '
<br /> �.,,.� . .. �: The Ft�nds shall be deld in an instiwtion whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, insuumentality. or eaaty
<br /> :.r:;. . (induding Lender.if�.ender is such an insrirution}or in any Federal Home L�oan Bank-L�ender shall�Pply the Funds ta pay tlse _N
<br /> � Escrow Items. Leader may not charge BcTCrower for ftolding and applyieig ti�e Funds.anuualty ana171�ng the esrrow accounc.or f `: ` ..
<br /> F' �'. �' t `. ` �'
<br /> �'-�� ` verifying the Escrow Items.uniess Lender pays Borrower interest on tIte Funds and appiicabte taw permits I.eader to urake sacb
<br /> ,�,, . . ,�
<br /> -� ;� . .. a charge. However.I.ender may require Bormwer to pay a one-cime rt�arge for an i n depen dent r e a!es t a t e t a�c r e p o c t i n g s e r v i c e
<br /> �,_,___-:..°...:_.._��,ri':.: nt is made or ':�,.:x �'..:�.
<br />- _:..;,,, . useci by Lender in cormectioa widi this laasi. enless applicabte Iaw pmvides o�emise. Unless an �� ,�,�,.�-. ,—_
<br /> .� ••..�.. ::.�;�� required PaY �+ � .
<br /> .�:,,; �,::':'..�^: applicabte!aw requires interest to be paid.Lender shall not be to Borrower interest or earnin s on t!w Functs. - . °�Z;. -;
<br />_ �..4 �.: � ;
<br /> Borrower aad Lender may agne in writing. howe�er.thai interest shall ba paid ou the Funds. Lender shaU give tn Bortower, � �_
<br /> ..-`;��`��.�:. v,.. without charge.an annual accounring of We Funds. s6owing credits and debiu to the Funds and the Fwcpose for ahich each .� `•?';-
<br /> � `� , debit�to the Funds was made.'1'he Funds ace Qtedged as additioaal security for all sums secured bY this SewtitY lnstrument. " � �
<br /> �.,,�3;` , . _ . ' �}:
<br /> °��;: � `� :r If t6e Funds held by Lxnder exceed the amounts pernritted eo be held by applicable taw,Lender shall accaunt to Botrower
<br /> ' ���a.
<br /> ' � - �r for the excess Funds in accotdance with the cequirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds hetd by Ixnder at any `t•�:`'''•.',;:
<br /> ' �� time is not suffccient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in such case Borrower r; �'
<br /> �J'F:` - • • ' - - shalt pay co l.ender the amouat necessary to make op the deficiency. Borrower shaU malce up dte deficiency in no more than _� �;:.,_�_�
<br /> ,_,��-:; • .... -
<br /> �:;, •: �, '� , tweive monthly payments.at l.endec's sole discreuon. '>• �
<br /> : ��s , • . ' ', Upon payment in full of all sums secured by [his Security Instrument. Lender shall promptiy �retund to Borrower any �;;
<br /> . . Funda hetd by I.ender. lf,under paragraptr 21, Lertder shall acquire or seU the Praperty.Lender.Prior to the acquisition or sale . . :{_'
<br /> • . '.°? ' of the property,sha1I appiy any Funds keld by Lender at the dme of acqu'ssiuon or sale as a credit against the sums secured by
<br /> s::` � this Sccurity Instrument. �`,
<br /> .: �... .• . • ' '�� �
<br /> `- � <<•.. .• • � 3.Applicatton oY Fayments.Untess applicable law provides othernise,all paymentv received by Lender under paragcaphs �• .
<br /> '�:: . � .� � ' 1 anc12 shall be appliad:first, to any prepayment charges due under the Note: seconcl.w amounts payable under paragraph 2: ; .
<br /> !'':-�-' '� . _ , .�' : tAird,to-interest due: fourth.to principal due:and tast,to any tate charges due under the Note. ��',:��. ;•..
<br /> .;�.`�:.� . � . . .
<br /> 4.Charges:btens.Borrower s;�all pay all taxes.assessments.rharges. fines and impositions attributable to the Praperty •� �- -
<br /> ;'�,:�,:, .. . ' which may attain priority over this Security ir.strumen� and teasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay •
<br /> � � these obtigations in the manner provida!:m paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner. Borrower shalt pay them on time direcdy .. , ,.
<br /> � �, �' ' .. tu the person oured payment.Borroa•er shalt promptiy fumish to Lender a1R notices of amuunts to 6e paid under this paragraph. ,
<br /> ,��, ;,;�.�. � � . � !f Borrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shalt pramptiy fumish to Lcnder receipts evidencin�the payments. ,
<br /> ��;s. !�:••• ' ` Barrower shalt promptly dischar�e any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unles.s Bonower:(a)agre�:in
<br /> "� • �•.' writing to tNe payment of the c�bligatian secured by the lien in a manner accepwble tu Lender:(b)wntests in guod faith the lien :
<br /> ', �.��� � „ ' by. or defen�ls against cn5�recinent of thc lien in. Ieg:ti pruk��tinrs whicb in thr L.cnJer's opinion operatc to prevent the
<br /> .'.; !.�•�. � cnforcement oF the ticn;or irJ.rcxures from the holdcr ot the lien'an agreement sati,factory to k.endcr subordinatino the lien to ,
<br /> � - : this Securiry tnstrumritt. Ef k.ender d��:nnines that any part uf the Propeny is tiubject to a licn which may attain priurity uver _ ,
<br /> � � this Sccurity in�trument. Lcrtdcr may grvr Borrutirer a notice idcntifying Ihc lien. Borcowcr shall ..•►titify the licn.or u�kc onc ur . •
<br /> . � more uf the actiun.ti:t furth abuve within IU Jay�uf ti�c��ving of nntice. •
<br /> {::�::` . Form?028 9190
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