awe grt11r orated tMatfitr to I as sow at f411100*11:
<br />I. Beat fldrrowa will: pity the kxjebtedam : as beervinbefore
<br />__" 1 * . '_k r 0 P 1 9 !^*M, :a. 1�.iiv'c ai wtr�2 ia7 ^m Nail-
<br />_ Ole atiy i+n11fistsent dtie flit!. . .
<br />2. - 'ihttfrla�tbeewith. sad isatlieia�sw�-titte-matthht' :'..
<br />Ar 4 BriMc'ipal and incest payable under the Mini; of the
<br />■ae d bri ft, the 1>txrorra Wf PO M the Lt seder, on the
<br />ik% &Y Of reach Month used the and ttoee is billy j*d. the
<br />following fettles;
<br />(a) AaKmt wft`idC111. W pro W the hltitlee.f)rnW with funds
<br />to 0y tfle ens s W4W kMENI'age prxafWM if ft instrument and
<br />the WN SUM d hereby are insured. or a xWthhk charge (in lieu
<br />Of 41 maft/�W atr:transe Premium) if they are bald: byy�the
<br />ft.O d U`bo �v9 jqJ fo&ms.
<br />)) 1 #ad io ioag as said Wore of evert hate and this instru-
<br />ttetat .*!icJiiNwolcc am rob, Peed ettrder:tfw'pMiaioses of the Na-
<br />AM ati aoiottbe s4fa4ftlt 1114comadate in the
<br />hem& of Ow btay.. ttni vi *06th posh' fib, ita due date the annual
<br />trtwrWV iiutarattot: pneitl(uat its draier'.t.s: (uphill! such holier with
<br />fields to. PRY s+tdt.p ti(ktit: ' _010,'�arlr of Housing and Ur-
<br />ban DeuKiopnteat pttr>vr�ttt f o fhif.Nli/iiattal Housing Act, as
<br />amn del. aid applicyliii lteau)aridat zthereunder. or
<br />(11) If aid so-(ling as said time of even dais lead this instru-
<br />mat are. h& by the Secretary of.Housing and i dr an Ikvetop.
<br />ftm, a *Awhly charge fin tier of s mm Me L:iLransv, preriium)
<br />wbkh s be; in an amount equal to otse- twrei�ih 4I• °121 of or�-
<br />httrif (1/2%]M eenmm of the average otustandtrg. bo9:ence due on
<br />the teeth oompaged without taking into account dWkh*imcies or
<br />Dr<DaY»ntt:
<br />(b) A shell C*W to the ;hound rears, if any, next due. plus the
<br />premiums that will next become due =i: payable on policies of
<br />fire and other hawd insurance covering the property, plus taxes
<br />MW sssessnients next due on the property (all as estimated by the
<br />Le3sdef) kit 1111 sums already paid therefor divided t� the number
<br />of months to lapse before one (1) moruh prior to try. dare when
<br />such grouted rents. premiums. taxes and assessments will becotrc
<br />ddk4 remt such sums to be held by 14nder in trust to pay u. c s
<br />g:oiind retms, premiums, taxes and .i•(ttxsal assessments; and
<br />(c) AU payments mentioned in the taro preceding suh<ections of
<br />this puagraph and all payments to be trade under ;he note
<br />secured hereby shall be added togethr , and the a,� ;zgate amount
<br />thereof shall be paid by the Borroxrs• nuh month in a single pay -_
<br />ment to be applied by the Lenders:} 11trr ioifowirg items in the
<br />order stet forth:
<br />(1) prtrniura dWpa under the contract ctC fj.wjranee With
<br />the Secretary of Housi #s'and Urban Developmer:i: pre rnonsi::;1'
<br />Cbuge Oil- !ka of nrortg4e insurance premium), as the case !ruby,
<br />be;
<br />(p) ground rents. taxes, assessments, fire ani other hazard
<br />inwra m premiums;
<br />(111) interest on the note secured hereby.
<br />(IV) amortirution of the rrirctritt of said note; and
<br />(y) late Charges.
<br />_Arty deficiency in tbe'arswunt of such aggregate nhmthly pat -
<br />winr. shall, unless made good by the &xrower pri6t to the rt.
<br />&M- of the next such payment, coalaatust an event of default
<br />under tbt s rnongage. The Lender Tray collect a "late charge`' rot
<br />to exceed four Cents (it) for each dolls (ft) of Cwh payment
<br />t
<br />89-11,
<br />10 5
<br />more than fiRceri it!) days in lumps to corer the extra expmw-
<br />invrlved in htut4littg delinquem pay=ments.
<br />- — =`r Trinrir al of the pyatentsS a by the Borrower
<br />- -
<br />under (b) of paragraph 2 pmeedistg sheet( exceed tht; sanount of
<br />paynaeM ar<ttttdty made br else Leader fix gs'ottnd twits, taxes and
<br />11116sdteesifi or isaittaiipt prer11ti1ots11. ii Ai ante nuy be, - uch ex-
<br />am. if the loan is cm. . u the option of'dw Borrower. shah be!
<br />credited by the Lender oa udMQMM paYwants to be made by the
<br />Borrower. or refsrtded to the tlbrrowe If, however* the monthly
<br />payments made by the Borrower under (b) of paragraph 2.
<br />preceding shall trot he sufrKi M to pat droutod tenet. taxes lad
<br />assessntertts or insurance prerrimm. as the case may be. when the
<br />same shall become due and praya k. then the Borrower shall pay
<br />to th. Le -da any +mount •vec:stW-.ta•malte up the deficiency. on
<br />or before hue date ., isen pa) ioei, . of -su. ` ground rents. takes,
<br />aswesstteents. or insurance premiums shall-be c'kie. if at any time
<br />the Borrower shall tender to the leader. in wxordom with the
<br />provisions of the mote sacred hereby. full pnyrneat of ttae entire
<br />irAebtedness represented thereby, tht: Lender sbail, in cosnputittg
<br />the amount of such indebtedness. credit to the account of the Bor-
<br />rower all paymerts made under the provisions of (a) of parttQaph
<br />2 hereof which the Lender has not become obligated to pay to the
<br />Secretary of Housing and Urban Development tend any balance re-
<br />maining in the funds a=mulated under the provisions of (b) of
<br />paragraph 2 hereof. if there shall be a default under any of the
<br />provisions of this instrument resulting in a public safe of the
<br />premises covered hereby, or if the Lender acquket the property
<br />otherwise after defs.:k. the Lender shall apply, air the time of the
<br />commencement of sxr h proceedings, or at the t%iie the property is
<br />otherwise acquired. ttti balawe then remaining in the funds aw- .
<br />cumuated under (b) . Mz#VAp . Z. preceding, as a credit agtit;si
<br />the amount of prircifk.t.fer;vw wrjS unpaid -under said note,
<br />and shall properly a4j.irst tiny payrrtettts which shalt Have been
<br />made under (a) of rat: agraph 2.
<br />4. That the Borrower will pay ground rents, taxes, assessments.
<br />water rates, and other governmental or municipal charges, fines,
<br />or impositions, for which provision has not been made
<br />hereinbefore. and in default thereof the Lender may pay the same;
<br />and that the Borrower will promptly delisrr t?ae official receipts
<br />therefor to the Lender.
<br />S. The Borrower will pay all taxes which may be levied upon
<br />the L.eruer's interest in said real estate and improvements, and
<br />which mar be levied.wpor. this instrument or C. v debt secured
<br />hereby (ben only to 1M.- extent that such is not Omkibited by law
<br />and Ori6. to the extent That such will not make ta1L� loan usurious),
<br />but euiwkng any income tax, S&Im:Ar federal, �itgVsed on
<br />Lendal and will file the officiai tTuirs showi3j :such payment
<br />with the lender. Upon violation4f ibis, or if the
<br />Borrower is prohibited by any law now or heruif'ter existing from
<br />paying the w•hoWor any portion of the aforesaid taxes. or upon
<br />the rendering of any court decree prohibiting the payment by the
<br />Borrower of any such taxes, or if such law or decree provides that
<br />any amount so paid by the Borrower shall be credited on the debt.
<br />the Lender shall have the right to give ninety days' written notice
<br />to the owner of the premises. requiring the payment of the debt.
<br />If such notice be given, the said debt shall become due, payable
<br />and w1io.-tible at the expiration of Sgid ninety days.
<br />6. 'riot should the Borrower fail to pay any ,suite or keep any
<br />covenant provided for in this instrument, then tfte Lender, at its
<br />option. tray pay or perform the same. and all expenditures so
<br />n 4
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