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saa� at M.asMl� DeW of Trust <br />89- — 105240 ��1- ��ss��rx -�►�� - <br />I" a" at ?me, rubiritT 14*V 140. 1 k m6 old- September , 29 <br />_ ,tic ;son c.• �+r.R— '. <br />( "Bom wee" ). The trustee is CO1.U118115 FEDERAL. - SAVINGS BANK - <br />( "Tcmtee ")- 7010n!efaary. is <br />dX.lil lLS 1FEOEi1r _ SAiiIN6S BANK.. , whidt is.ftvm w aced exatias <br />ender at mast of i#*WMSKA , uW whose aalikm it 1371 26TH: AVENUE <br />COIUiI�JSI !E de6iD1.. i"tsi�tr ")- <br />ib111=Wk Ttda xite earrown in: aaeskWatiwt of the riot ud rrau tsaranmfta described Md QV01 d. 4W the stirs of One Doihr <br />n1 us*.iitlttiia ltilasEi by tine of which is hereby adutowkdpd, does by th* reac*s vw. ttsirpia md'sek <br />oosway Sad 0"Ifilrm,, nano the Trussae, furor., for the following dasribed teat 4atate. situated WW.. ad.bdal it the Cunene of <br />iMLR sun$ lf�r! f.Nora" towit: <br />1.OT11; . t 0 •1N- SLOCK 10: C'1F:: €J F1V #" 1". PLACE . AN AWIT ION To THE' CI TY OF SRAND ISLAND. <br />Hkt, COWTV. WBRA%A. <br />TilE -RIDER TO THE DEED OF TRUST'47TACKA MNERETn AND EXECUTED OF EVEN DATE HEREWITH' IS <br />IN( OMMATED HEREIN AND THE COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS OF THE RIDER SHAD AMEND AM <br />SUPPLEMENT THE COVENANTS ANO AGREEMENTS OF THiS DEED-OF TRUST. .. <br />which •hits the address of 2027 N SHERMAN 19LV0 GRAND I SLAiii1 ":. <br />ti. . <br />Nebraska <br />68803 ( "Propeny Addrest "); <br />'Bee !fsve eta! To Hold the pr: nixr. above described, with all the appurtenances ther unto h:lar.&g &-A inc.udias :1l hew**. <br />plwwbiti� sitd lightin jt futures and equipinuent now or hereafter attached toot used in connection wish said real caste tie a 1* ' <br />TtWm asd to its successors send assigns, forever. The Borrower represents to, and covenants with, the Trustee, that the !or4 er . <br />has do4 riig)tt to sell and convey said premises; that they are free from encumbrance; and that the Borrower will wtarrarst sad defend . <br />the barer "Ping the lawful claims of all person; whonnsoner; and the said Borrower hereby rdiagtiislres all ridhlt of homestead, sad <br />iM 'sinrital tots. either in law or in equity. and all 0her contingent interests of the Borrower in aid to the al Ro4tkdbed prdnisa, <br />the inieration being to convey hereby an absolute title. in fee simple, including all rights of hocncWttffwt;:. And other dots and intef is <br />as sroxeaaid. <br />!' Alwys. and these Presents are esecuted and delivered unto the Trustee. in trust, however for the .following purposes: <br />Mi�iwia. the 1>lmrower on the 29th day of . 19 borrowed from the I.ettder <br />the vm of Forty -Eight Thousand Two Hundred Fifty NO /100 <br />------------ .. -' - -- ------ - - ---- ...._ - Dollars (f 68.750.00 <br />'"----- ___.._.._-- - - - - -- - ), file: which <br />two tiye 8WoWer ` 4%�,�t�ted t Isve �tq the Censer Borrower's promissory note of even daub: bearing <br />lntetw -at the rate of i•trt� d , t+er centum { 4.5000 %t-xr annum on the unpoW balance until paid. <br />The illifi'priacipsl and interest sWt be payable m the office of COLtOS S FE(*R) l ; SAVINGS BANK <br />ice- COLUP". -NE . or at such other place as the holder of-, the note <br />may desipate in writing, in asow* 4wallntews of Four Hundred five and 7`2/100 -------- - --W_- <br />- lisiiars (t `ct�-7 !. commencing on the first day of <br />it - :1, . ant/ *aim first day of each month thetet aRentil the principal and interest are fully paid, except that•tRr Tttfai y1 ieni of <br />pria �i mW interest, if trot sootier paid, shall be dux and payable on the first day of October <br />This form is usilQ;9fts Li6r1f1fction *1th monptsj" inaurad under the one- to tour•farnity ptogramo of the National Houoktg Act- titr9fah pros <br />vifit:dbm'"tiodit*dekibaoe fnwrance Preniiurn oftoyWnts. . <br />Pape i of 5 <br />(ri <br />'r'rt <br />:�Jy' !, }fie.• �.1.- <br />