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awreviver mad [meow Cw4em" ad scree as 161111awc <br />I- 'Picot Oor-owa will pay the i det PA tu.sskwisbellbre <br />le n idi I Nvillep is reeerved topayAleedebt in whole oi in part on'. <br />arprA,cipal and i-11 P <br />i. Weby. ok lorrwAw will pay kv ik L evader, 04 Ilk first day Of MA <br />tutuan11- voil-tbe asidw* is faly paid. thrAillow4g. Sam. <br />(a) A wen aqW to the rowid m*04 if AMY, WAI die, Pto the <br />pohcraa et( lore <br />ftda*w husid *Ww"coveliag the 01AP-11 Y-PlIMMUSAW <br />sackpise before or*filwA*bpnorio*adaftwheo$wAlmaW <br />rem premtwm taxes and asesaments will be ccim ddulaco, swit <br />VAM to beheld by t4vider in Mist to pay said Itnuad rents. <br />PIPtNiVIRS, UXCS sad SPKiW AMMOMM AW <br />(b) AU payeam ontilowd in the preceding subsection of this <br />paragraph *4 an payments to be made under the am secured - <br />bmby " be added together. and the aggregate amount thereof <br />shall be paid by the Borrower each month in a single payment to be <br />applied by the tx.Kk to the following items in the order so forthi. <br />(1) 0110" Cents. taus. assessments, fire Lid Weer hazard insur- <br />amp j-- <br />Off) iMeI ' 104 the Note secured beM)Y. <br />(1111) am anhation of the principal of said now. and <br />(IV ) taft dm ges. <br />Any y in the amount of sucit aggregate monthly payment:' <br />sWL unku mft good bj; the Borrower prior to the due date of the <br />next swk;w <br />youtt. comfitute an event of default under this <br />nwregage,_i3w Lender may collect a tme charge" not to exccou four. <br />cots (it ).-tier each dollar (f 1) of each payment more than fifteen: <br />(15)days� days' in arrears to cover the extra expense in%olved in handli*- <br />(a)of pomgmph 2 preceding shall ex the amount of pay'ftovw, <br />actitaity made by the Lender for groutul rent, taxes and _­==v�c4L <br />or insurance premium% as the case may be. such excess, if the loan is <br />came. at the option of the Borrower, shall he credited by the <br />under ma.sifteilum paymenti to be made by the Borrower. cr. <br />rtrun""I" The Borrower. 11, howetti%lbe monthly payments Imik <br />1bydw.*)M." under (a) of psrsgts;fi I preceding shall not lad <br />,- <br />suWjiit9 to pay ground rcots. taxes 94 aWL9MnM Of insurance' <br />VtMkora, as the caw may be. when the same shall betrmc due and <br />ps7 siw�kiwm the Borrower shall pay to the Lender koyamouAt <br />neamw9,, to make up the deficiency. on or Wore the elItc *ti-m <br />psyr*,%t! 4 such ground rents, taxes, assessments, or imurar" <br />premiums shall be due. If at any time the Rwro*cr,41nall ten&.1 liz) <br />the Leader, in accordance with the provisions of tlrem'e secured <br />hereby. full payment of the entire indebtedness represented thereby, <br />the Lender ". in emputing Me anicion: of such indebtedness. <br />credit to tie account of the Borrower any balance remaining in the <br />fWA111 SWUMW&kd WMW the P(OVISWAS Of (8) Of PVMUPh 2 hereof. <br />N tleere aeall be a "uh: under any of the provisions of this <br />intriaiwat resulfift in a poblic mile of the premises covered hereby. <br />or if the Lender acgijim. the property default. the <br />Leader shall applti;,itit4iz time of the carnindritei6ent of such <br />r t P 1 <br />j r i C or at the One the property is otherwise acquired. die <br />'Ndaace tfteat reaueim4 in the foods mummloixl under (&) of <br />patagraph 2 prece", as a credit -against tfift anitiant of principal <br />dice remaining pripM',iinder said hope. <br />4. That the Borrower will pay fecund Mts. taxes. assessments. <br />**kt rater, a" 00" Sov"SOMW or MOOOM Clearsek Intl, or <br />impoutiow for w1wk provision jen oak bow *AWe kneialietm <br />ad in default tkm.d the Under nmy pay the sate; and that tk <br />1111orrower * will pro"lily deliver the official rectipa dkrdw In the <br />Lender. <br />S. The furmwcr will pay all taxes which my be levied upon tit <br />tender's CS1&W &M iMPONOCRO, and WMk <br />may be WO&I u" tilt: iowurnent or the debt secured hereby (but <br />only to tM extern. that sw* is not prohibited by law sed.only to the <br />extent that stash will am mirkti tilit-Jou ummiouiN but excluding any <br />inow to. State or FedvA imposed ' on Leader, and vA W the <br />QWicial receipt dm*ft web paywat with 9k Leader. Vprm <br />violation of this undertaking. or if the Borrower is prohibited by any <br />law now or hereafter existing firtim paying the4hok or any portion <br />of the albiesaid taxes. or upon the rendering ofatiy court dexxee <br />prebibitino the payment by the Borrower O(Nny such taxes, of if <br />such law or decree provides that any aniouat so paid by the <br />Borrower shall be v"Ied on the debt. the Lcadiw s.lealll have tk <br />right to give ninal!t*ys' written notice to the OWW&T of the p"im <br />requiring the payment "of the debt: It such notice b&jim, the said <br />debt shall becafttime. payable and collectibli at The expiration of <br />aid ninety doys.- <br />6. That should• the Oorrower fail to pay any step im, keep any <br />Covettant'liffivided fit- in this instrument. then the Lender. At its <br />option. may, pay. or perform the same. and all expenditures so made <br />shall be added to the principal sum owinS on the said am, shall <br />befskmurri hereby, and shall bear interest at the ato set forth, in the <br />•said note. until <br />7. That the Borrower hereby assigns, tramilet s *4 sets over to the <br />tender, to be applied toward the payWat of the' note and all sums <br />secured hereby in can of a defaA * the 90formance of any of the <br />terms and conditions of this instra".tellic awme. all the rents <br />revenues and income to be derived from,ilia s*d, pitmises during <br />such time as the indebtedness shW rmvaia vg'Otii4 aaid the fender <br />shall have power rp appoint any Vent or &VM it may M4'v far• tht <br />purpose of repair=4 said premises and of rcndq The same W. ' <br />collecting the rent:., revenues and income, and iii imay pay out of said <br />incomes all cxpcnw of repairing said premisa m(A necessary <br />commissions and expenses incurred in rengingirrit managing the <br />same and of collecting rentals lbeWroin; the Wince remaining, it <br />any, to he applied toward the discharge of said indebtedness. <br />8. That the Borrower will keep the now existing or <br />hereafter erected on the property, insur;;d a atity, lie required from <br />time to time by the Lender againit, W% by Gii., Qrd other hazards, <br />casualties and Earifingmies in sa�,&mg*PW'wd for such periods as <br />may he required by the Lender and will pay INkimptly, when due, <br />any premiums on mil insurance. provision kr payseffit of witch <br />has not been made hereinbefore. All insurance shall be carried in <br />companies approved by the Lender and the policies and renewals <br />thereof shall he held by the Lender and have attached thereto Im <br />payable clauses in favor of and in form acceptable to the Lender. In <br />HUD-92143DI-I <br />it <br />