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a <br />F <br />/aaa[e atN !fir oorutraal tttade IatBewsr or if the Lender acquires the property otherwise after default; the <br />1 vii! Leader shall apply. at the time of the commencement of such <br />Pray tie , as hereiabefore promdiugs, or at the time the property is otkrwise acquired. the <br />prewidad. <br />hit is rtesertred 10 pry tk debt in whole or in part on bolas= then remaining in the fords ammuiated under (a) of <br />soy iftWIMettt dde dik, <br />Paragraph 2 Preceding. as a credit against the amount or principal <br />then remaining unpaid under said note <br />a:ly piyfrei`oto -- - - - — - -- — — -- <br />Eby. the payaDie under tie tams of rift; nine Waxed 4. That the Boaower will pay Ercwnd rents. taxes, assessments. <br />we pay to lie Ladder, on, gk !seal dry of cKh *rater rata, and other gov+tra scow or rrtwticipal- cltugk fug or <br />atottth nosh lk aw auyte is lay Arid, the io"wiitg sums: IMPoaitioras, for which provision hat hot been trade ben iabefom <br />Amelia defsurh lureof <br />(a) A sum egatai to tie gnmi d rents. if lay, next die. plus Ike <br />pre tniaaaa tint volt (text becom die rand payable on policies of fire <br />and dlier hazard insurance cowriag tk property. plus taxes and <br />amsarrenta next dw os tie propmy (mNrat imo iamm i p a1r Lewder) <br />Mat &Mauna abrady paid tierefordivided by the amber of months <br />a dam bafae one (1) oxM prior to Ile date when such ground <br />rear► preaaicans, taxes sad sareasmeats wilt become deliquent. such <br />wens to be held by Leader in (no to pay said ground rents, <br />prtentiwae� taxes and special aaaeaanatts; and <br />(b) AY payoneate mentioined in the preceding subsection of this <br />Pw�apla and all psym ass to be made under the note snared <br />hereby shalt be added together, and the aggregite amount thereof <br />shall be paid by the Borrower each month in a single payment to be <br />applied by the Lendes to the following items in the order set forth: <br />(1) gt+owd RKS- taxea.asseuments, rive and other hazard insur- <br />nape ptrnta o tee; <br />(11) interest on tbL-.* le seeured hereby. <br />(111) aaaortiaaarn at the principal of said now and <br />(IV) late charges. <br />Any deficiency in the amount of such aggregitta monthly payment <br />shall, unless made good by the Borrower prior (a the due date of the <br />Next such psyroweL constitute an event of default under this <br />mortgage. The Lender may collect a -fate charge•, not to exceed four <br />ants (44) for each dollar (f I) of each payment more than fifteen <br />(15) days in arrears to cover the extra expense involved in handling <br />delinquent payments. <br />3. Thu if the cola! of the payments made by :lie Borrower ruttier <br />(a) of pwwaph 2 preceding shall exceed the amount of payr6ents <br />actually made by the, a ender for ground rents, s2 :es and asW"r►rents <br />or insurance preourrtrT, as the case may be, s;ub excess, if the loan is <br />current, at the oplikar.clE the Borrower. shall lot audited by the ., <br />Lender on � 3taymerus to be made by the Borrower, of <br />rt(WWW,d to the Borrower. if. Nw rmr, the monthly payments made <br />by the 16.0ower under (a) of paragraPh 2 Preceding Shall not be <br />sYl6, <br />36 pay gusstted rents. ttxesand auesxtnimts4w insurance <br />prertA ire' ' as the Caro tray be. when the same OWN hecome due and <br />payable: theta the Borrows shall pay to the Lender any amount <br />nearttit T;6 make up the deficiency,, ,on or before the date when <br />gymixtt.rof such ground rents. U11-0i assessrraents, or insurance <br />ptentnowshatl be due. fiat any ;dint the Borrower shall tender to, <br />Ik Leader. in accortfitnce with the provisioes of the note secured <br />hereby. NO payinelf6tl the entire indebtedness tgRvsented thereby, <br />tie Lender shall. in cwnpwting (be•amount of such indebtedness, <br />credit 1C> the account of the Borrcwer-.any balance remaining in eke <br />futudt atxuarttriated tender' the prnkisio ;es of (a) o f paragraph 2 hereof. <br />If them "sW be a dirkult under nay, of the provisions of this <br />inatrwnent sescahiat� in•a7 Pub c- auto of the premises covered hereby. <br />t the Leader MAY pay tie same: said tsar tk <br />Borrower will promptly deliver the official "cdpts therefor to tie <br />Lender. <br />S. The Borrower will pay all taxes which maybe levied upon lk , <br />Leadee s intenat in said real estate and imprrlvanenes, and wYeA' <br />may be levied upon this instrumem or the debt secured hpftttiv'(but <br />only to the extent that such is not prohibited by law and "r" to the <br />extent that such will not nuke this loan usurious), but exci"ag any <br />incoaro tax. State or Federal. imposed on Lender, and will rate the <br />ofrxW naipt showing such payment with the Lander. Upon <br />violuan of this undertaking, or, if the Borrower is ptniibited by any <br />law now or hereafter existi* fivym paying the whale or any portion <br />of the aforesaid taxes, or uprtm the rendering of any court decree <br />proWling the payment by;tbr Borrower of any such taxes: of if <br />such law or decree provides shat any amount so paid by the <br />Borrower shall be credited on the debt, tie Lender shall have the <br />right to give ninety days' written notice to the owner of the premises, <br />requiring the payment of the dbt. if such notice be given, the said <br />ddat shall become due, payslip sad collectible at the expiration of <br />said ninety days. <br />6. That should the Borrower fad to pay any sum or keep any <br />covenant provided for in this instrument, then the Lender, at its <br />Option. MY PaY of Perform the same. and all expenditures so made <br />shall be added to the principal sum owing on the said note, shall <br />be secured hereby. and shall bear interest at the rate set forth in the <br />said note, until paid. <br />7. That the Borrower hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the <br />Lender, to be applied toward the payment of the note and a•7j . sums <br />secured hereby in case.of a default in tk performance of ary of the <br />terms and conditions of this- instrument or the said note. all the rents, <br />revenues and inusmty to tndulved from the said pret+its-5 duriq . . <br />such time as the indebtttdnaw!A0 remain unpaid. and the Lender <br />shall have power to appoint ayy agent or agents it may desire for the <br />purpose of repairing said premises and of renting the same and <br />collecting the rents, revenues and income. and it may pay out of said <br />incomes all expenses of repairing said premises and necessary <br />commissions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the <br />same and of coliecting rtntals therefrom: tk balance remaining, if <br />any. to be applied toward the disciatge of said indebtedness. <br />8. that the 0640wer will keep the improvements now existing or <br />hereafter• OTWed on the property, insured as may be required from <br />ti=idlime by the Lender afainst.loss by fire and other haxat4 <br />casjiffler and contingencies rrhttur�4a amounts and for sud,peiirids as <br />ma}' Ise: required by the Lender mid will Pay promptly. ohm due. <br />any pt n—iums on such insurance. provision five; yfdttrt of which <br />has not (seen made hereinbefore. All iraaurartrltt it becar;iuxl in <br />companies approved by the Lender and the p64 6 s and rriiewals <br />thereof shall be held by the Lender and have attached thrrviu "cros <br />payable clauses in furor of and in form acceptable to the lender. In <br />Pages 2 or 6 -- -- - <br />L <br />HUD- 92t4301 -i <br />J <br />;. r <br />