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DISTRICT COURT OF HALL COUNTY <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />ARIZONA PACIFIC, L.P., <br />Plaintiff, <br />VS. <br />Delbert D. Theasmeyer; Lois A. Theasmeyer; <br />Gary F. Voecks; Judi A. Voecks; John Doe 1 & <br />Jane Doe 1; and all other persons /entities <br />unknown having or claiming any right, interest <br />or title in Lots 7, 8 and 9 in Double "R" <br />Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />(First Cause of Action) <br />C.W.S L.L.C; John Doe 2 & Jane Doe 2; and all <br />other persons /entities unknown having or <br />claiming any right, interest or title in Lots <br />10 and 11 Island of Section 11, Township 10 <br />North, and Range 9 West of the 6th P.M. <br />(Second Cause of Action) <br />NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS <br />TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: <br />200108908 <br />i <br />You are hereby notified that on the i> hday of <br />2001, Plaintiff filed its petition and action in <br />Dist ct Court of Hall County, Nebraska, against the following <br />parties and the land itself, made party to these proceedings, as <br />more particularly set forth hereafter, the prayer and object of <br />which is to forclose plaintiff's certificates of tax sales on <br />these properties, to foreclose the taxes and special assessments <br />therein, and subsequent taxes, interest, costs and fees; and that <br />defendants be foreclosed of all right, title, interest, claim, <br />lien and equity of redemption in and to the real estate, to -wit: <br />Description: <br />Lots 7, 8 and 9 in Double "R" Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />(First Cause of Action) <br />1 <br />Y <br />