<br />105221
<br />7*10, Ow 11@0"halo Mimes Cnrdan Ps-Irk Inmis anrl gieli t11 jam&
<br />Shand and z1fa.
<br />Five unts Bank- Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />in thi prim Pig 'vAn of -52, 000;.00 .#vidggeedby now
<br />...... . . . . . .
<br />7basesise of
<br />is AW4"--* to *0 "mot) Of His -1, Igo at P"fers"M orthe covessaft MW &iM"Nnb or.
<br />di* 1111i 110P OMMWmd hWv* afostMoe does bnvW nd cMvvY to UWW" no rcafflfto described
<br />Pop" Ised"'is Hall
<br />Couty. Nobradis.
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter of t6 5wtheast QU;Prter
<br />(SEISEJ) of Section Twenty (20), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9),
<br />Wsst Of. the 6th 'P-M: Hall County, Nebraska, store particularly" described as follows--
<br />Beginning at a point on the Southeasterly line of DeVMonte Avenue. said *nt.
<br />being Five - Hundred Sixty (560) feet southwesterly f"m. the northwesterly earner
<br />of Lot One (1), Block Five (s), Bel Air Addition to the City of Grand
<br />Nebraska; thence running southeasterly parallel to the southwesterly fine of safd:
<br />Lot One (1), -a distance of One Hundred Twenty-Six feet; rurinfrig
<br />southwesterly Parallel to the southeasterly line of l)* Montt A'44nu*j-� :4e' distance of.:''',
<br />Sixty-eight (68.0) feet; thence running northwesterly, paralf,*Vto tt4'-smthwosterly
<br />UFO of said Lot One a distance of One Hundred Tw.enjV::,-Sj. 1 (1126.0) ffttj: thence
<br />running northeasterly along and upon the southeasterly ff rie of Del Mo to -4venue,
<br />a distance of Sixty-eight (68.0) feet, to the place of,beginhing.
<br />To"ber with all buildisip, WWmnwnts, ftauvj, d0lets. WIlYs. PmWways. 80MAMS. -40U6 privileges and
<br />.tasted WIV0011 Of in ic- lee Pe"Alift thew* and the rents. issues and profit&, mralbas and remainders
<br />Wmf,. Wv&q4 but " XWted to, hftd% no coo1bg equipment sad such personal
<br />pro"M t It attacbed to Use
<br />ianpsmemeats was to POWWtute & 1xim.; all of w", Wdml* replacements and additiam thepejo, Is hereby deftred
<br />to be a part $the real estate "c"Ve�- the lien of this Nwrtm, and all of the fortIP1200,09 referred to herein asthe
<br />Modogor ftirther CoftvftMtj and sot", *�'A Mortpgee. as follows'.':'.
<br />TO WY 21a ju
<br />-,I!! M�r*d In *4 Maft_vm_* ,utl the Note.
<br />2. TJOL Uodmw is the owner of the Property. has two right and authogity, to wor4W the Property, and
<br />INUTInts that the 1100 crested hereby Is a tint and prior lien on the PmPrtY. except as may OUMMse be set forth herein.
<br />E3 The Pro" Is subject to a MwWp wherein
<br />is the Mortise. recorded at Book-. P*e- of the Mo4W Records of county,
<br />Nebraelta, vtM Mortpp is a lift pd" to as lien mated hereby.
<br />13 oUft prios fUdas or exembranices:
<br />& Tank Aswdr Ms. To pay when dua, AU taxes, special, asseisments and all other charges, evirait the Property
<br />upom Wduen 60100A by Uor4W, to add to the Payments required War the Note secured hevi*. , inch amount as
<br />MW be 0M.Mialit to @MW* tit UW40W to Ply swiltM49f ON941ftents or odwr dorps a they becovir &w.
<br />41-'Vilwd " TO kftV th*11sparessmUsnow or benihei locates, on the n11 estate dw-t%ed herein Insured
<br />10d" dMWbY fiwwdlliub other 112=61 as MkM%V9" MY require, in wAunts and with empwit"Wamptable toth
<br />*" me � ad ivia lot-11IM" to Ulf *~. In came of km weft: wear pdWn dw U0400* is authorised to
<br />10109, MOM A" "IMPodbe, In its ftmilon, A "m Hereunder at its sole "doe. &utholized to either apply the
<br />peoesads to the nagormift of the PhOwtY of UPW the Wdebw&wn secured hereby, but` psyerenis hereunder "I vin-
<br />L 0 benw Five Tames 011411 Immum- Notwithstanding AnY913109 cm9sined Is psespoplu 3 w4 4 hereof to the
<br />eft" My. MW4W dw "Y to aw W=4W at the time of Ply1ft the Mathir Widiamts, of ~pd and Interest,
<br />am*4vwftk of the yady &=a, sr woo board juvauff pgagsiunw. ad gm"d rngs (I, =Y) vbkb may act" a
<br />"aaft aver ft U~- ON W NMA*1y estimated h time to time IPY the 160pow. IU asamb so paid WWI be
<br />MW by dw UWtPV* iiftivat MWnt and 44W to Um Mment of the lienks in respect to which such amounts were
<br />*Pod'" T$La va" it t& WwWPVW' be!*WWN am ~ as MMU" security for the Indebtedness secured by this
<br />X N too - Mar4ponesisall PW to Nwrldwe the Maosuit of any deficiency between the actual tares. assessments. insurance
<br />P""M ad P*UW mob and the dIP09ts btmwdtr within 10 dDYS After demand is made upon AbrtMr requesting
<br />i. X@P*' MWSIMa Md t'W- TO PVMPUY "9111f, MtM of febuild any buildinp or Irnprovements now or
<br />kWAft" OB the FMPN"Y- to keep the P10" In good co"llcm and repair, without waste, and (" from mechanic's or
<br />OUMOM 09 #xPhMdY SM100140filed to the lien hereof; not to =110, suffer of permit any nuisance to exist, nor to dimin-
<br />his Of iERWf the WIN@ of the "rty by any act or arMulon to act; and to comply with all trquirements of low with
<br />respect to the hoperty.
<br />