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� ' __.:...f.-ic' . <br /> :"�.�'.:.� . �'.�::i�:�__-'"L:.-_ . ' <br />- i_ — .. v-_. ��—,.-�-.—i—,_^"— _ <br /> � !� 'x`.�::•5:.� „ .. , . ' - ,'. ... - _ -.:+_..P�...�:..._. <br />.._ ; -.:_."' � ' �' <br />. �� ' vy j _ " _ . _ - . .�n __ <br /> _ .F.,r' S < t.,�„ t -t <br /> � f 'i .` '_ ' _ 'f � f i'. . , �-' _ 4 _ -° ci - _ . <br /> �-i �Y - �i�^� � ��� �_ .S . S_ ' �L ��E �P.X.. . sdr .0 S � _ <br /> .i•' � : - « ` �• ' k ' . '�' 'F � i o . <br /> . <br /> . .. . ,_, . <br /> `+. '.. - .. _ .- �n�....�.T�k� ' �.v. , � `t- � , ._ t .—... [r . ..._ .., . _t.._ �..» _..� _... - . �-C� _ <br /> �f`. , _ <br /> � <br /> 1�.T. .. �� . 5� .__ ��....,-.G� _ "S_ ___ ...._Cn.._.. ... _ <br /> . �:l: l <br /> _��� V - <br /> _= �C. <br /> _�c". '. •.R�- ' ��� �.�: <br /> A� <br />+�w.Yr���� �4�t. � .vQ•'.'.�. <br /> . ~..� t�t, _ • " , ��'! - iioo�L�� =-��� ^�-2,, <br /> _ i . - �._ . . . <br />__-'�� t: . ' ` ,r` '�.<,. . <br />����� . � r. . <br /> _ , •Y :'- Finaada!Regaits and AdBWo�!Docttm�ts.Truscor mli PT�,�n wr�a�g�.afi t�otsig, dd�cr�,��an� fit�e�any ad�iio_�nalt .=.7.��' .`°� <br /> � •.�, , . or infotmaiion geneficia�cYmay deem reasonabiy ne�satp• eriect.coatinue.and preserve Tmscor's obLgauons • ` , <br /> �� � documeats or oatificatioas that Beueficiary ma�y consider �sary�P ° <br /> tm�ier this Securiry Iastcomeat aad Bcaefic�arY s liea s[atus onn We P�'oPF�Y• � <br />.�y • (� , - . . <br /> �,� , 6. wAR�AN'�.Y OF 1TFl,E. Tn�Wr wanants that Tnutor is or wiU be lavifi�lty se'szed of ilie estate aonveyed bw t� ':. . <br /> �� ` � Savrity Insaumeat and has the right to iaevocably gcaut,convey,and sell the Propercy co Tmste�.in trust,pnd►po <br /> av i Ls unencumbered.eacePt for eacumbrances of record. f <br /> �� '- - s�,- sats.Ttastar also cvarrants that dte PrapertY� . - <br /> �r}� �'�`°� . 7. DUE ON SALE. Leader maY. at its opuon. dedare the eatue balance of the Sec�r� Debt co�n�.��3�o t�he = <br /> � -, payat►!e uPon the creatioa of.or coauacx for the creation o u�abttransfer or sate of the Property. � } ; �. <br /> �� —�-�� .? restricxions imposed by federal law(12 C.F.R.S91),as aPP� <br />. �'4�t . .`'-'_'_. . `. � _. -- . <br /> � � ._ 8. DEFAQLT.Ttasdor m71 be in defanit if any of the foltnwing occur: ,, � ; <br /> ' cesentadoa m connettion with the S�Debt that �;;c ;�*:- .- <br /> 4; ' � ' _, F r a u d. Consamer Borrower eagages in fsaud or material misieQ :;- <br /> '�P <br /> , � is an ope�end home equity F l a n• - t`�, <br /> � � ead home lan fails to make a payment <br /> P a y a t e a i s.A n y C o a s w a e r B o t r owet on aa y Secuied Debt that is an open ��Y P ' <br /> � � � wheu dne. . <br /> � r 1 . <br /> �°- - - - �,Any actitsa ar inacaoa bx the Borrower or Grantor occuis tbat adversety affects the�p�?Yuedrinsurance n�the _ �'�, <br /> �_ '�is wclndes.but�s not limited to,the following: (a)Grantor fails to mamtain recN <br /> p.,,�„ ��the Pro ert} (c. Grantor �mmits�vas*e or otherwise desauctively uses or fails to mamtain Y _ <br /> � f..; " : erty; ) P r Grantor fa�s w pay taxes on the <br /> ` -�: the�'mpercY sach thst the aaron or maction advetsely affeds L..nd. s sec, ity�� �is seaior to the lien of this ��° �` x <br /> `� . � Pmpetty or atherwise fails w act and thereby causes a lien w be filed ag,sin.�t We G�or dies and Leader's securiry is a� �• <br /> A ` _ . � Securi Insuomea� (e) a sote Cnantos di�s; (fl if more than one Gzanmr, any Gr.mtor aad sub�cts � ' <br /> '� - ,-�-� t5i �' • •�p!G^et,•;�s t�n tbmn¢h emineut domain;(h)S lua8ment 1s filed 8g8iDSt o �^ �� . , ,• <br /> ,=_r-- �,�- Gr�am�1rand�Pe�ty W��on tLat advetsely affects Lender's interest; or ti) a prior iieBLuI.i�; .a:c�..�.^>es ca e �� <br /> ` ' pmpert�,aad as a result,Lender's�utecest is advezsely affected. " �1 '-: <br /> -Y �1,• :. . ., <br /> �.:. . • .4::''i smwer is an exeauive offcer of Ixnder or an affiliate and such Borrower becomes indebted to �. � . �'�L„„; <br /> •,•�.}y+. �• Execattve Oflicers.Aay Bo amouat thaa the amount pemutted undcr federal laws and regulations. 'r'�rn:�'-�i�: <br /> � "� ' - - 4�• Lender or another ieader in aa aggce8ate � _ <br /> ,` �. : • �,� <br /> _E,_ � g_ �DIES ON DEFAULT. In additioa to any other temedy available under the terms of this Security Ins�ment. <br /> � InstNmeat ia a naanner provided by law if Trustor �� ' �n, : <br /> � g� may acceletate the Secured Debt and foreclose diis Secauity <br /> �s+j ' ' .`'` `, is in�t.In some iustances,federal and state law w�l�eqwre Beneficiary toprovide Tnutor with notice of the right to .; ." <br /> ,�;�..., . . , caue.or other notices and may establish time schedules for��eciosure acaons.Each Tmscor�ests a wpy of any notice . <br />_ �.1,� . of defaalt and any notice of sate there�m d e r b e m a i l e d t o e a c h'C n u t o r a t t h e a d d r e s s Provided in ection 1 above. .�:;<:;- <br /> + � fees aad ct�arges,aoctued interest and principal�shall become •� ?�:' r ., <br /> r ; _ � Ac the optlon of ttce Beueficiary,al1 or aay p������ by Jaw, upoa the occ�urence of a default or aaytime <br /> ,�_ . � �;a�ejy dne and payable. after SivmB � ��;' .' <br /> _� `: <. `:: :T�- <br /> s, ':,� . If there is a defa�k. Tiustee shall. at the mq�est of the Benefciary. advertise and sell the PropenY as a whole or ia ,.,`. <br /> �;,�:: . • ;, . s arate parcels at publsc aucaon to the lughest bidder for canh and conve}r absolute title free and ctear of all righc,title . ._. . <br /> (.:;.: . ' _ �d interest of Tnuwr at such time and ptace as Tn�stee designates.Tn�stee shall give noace of sale iactuding the dme. . . ,. ��'{. <br /> the appHcable taw iu effect at the time of <br /> a .:,'• � � tecros and place of sale and a description of the propercy to be so�d as cequired bY : .�;:,. <br />.:��'<:�.•. . the pmposed sale. .:�<;' <br /> �°�•.::.• Upon sale of the property and to the extent not prohibited by iaw Tivstee ahall malce and deliver a deed to the Property ` ��� ��'r...;,; <br />-.�'�"�� • sold which canveys absolu[e dde to the purc6aser. and after h`:st paying all fees, charges and coscs. shall pay to _ <br /> :s,.:.'• � ' .' Beneficlary ail moneys advanced for repairs. ta�ces, iasuraace. lieas. assessmenu and prior encumbrances and mterest , . �•; <br /> �"��°- � ��,' thereau, and �he princi al and incerest ou ihe Secured Dabt, Fay�ng the surP.lus.,if any. w Trustor. Beaeficiary,maY ,•`"�.� _ <br /> � .:;:.: <br />_.:�;.:,.�. • ,� � purchase the Property.�e recItats in any deed of oomeyancc shali be prisna facie evcdence of the facts set forth there�n. <br /> � ``• ' � 'Ihe acceptance by Beneficiary of any sum in Paymen�ar Partial PaYment on the Secured Debt after We balauce is due or i s , <br /> r�, �:'::• ' � accelesated or after foteciostue prooeedings are filed s1�a11 uot coastirute a waiver of Beneficiary's rlght to requisc complete <br /> �, . c�re of any ealstiug default.By ndoefea����n���on Tnutor's defaalt.Beneficiary does not waive Beneficiary's .`„ : <br /> �;.�::" ..�.. , sjght to later consider the event a ePP : <br /> •C .�.'• ` . .. . � <br /> #, � • 10. EXPENSES; ADVANCES ON COVENANTS:A'iTORNEYS'�ES:COL�LBCI'��NnCm'05�S.�s in p�rm urg hch <br /> -�.:��`� • any covenant in this Secorlty lnstrument. Tsustor agrees to PaY � . <br /> :i•:,;;,• covenants or pmtecti�g lta secudry interest in the Property.Sucb expenses�aclude.but are not limitcd to.fees incurred for <br /> .,.:�;:. . ;nspecting,preserving,or otherwue protecting the Property and Beneficiary's security interest.These eapenses are payable `�:.� �. <br /> ; �� . .: . . on demand and will�bear interest from the date of payment nntil paid in full at the highest rate of ia[erest in eifect as ' <br /> . � . . , ; provided in the cerms of the Secured Debt. Trustor agrees ta pay all costs and expenses incurred by ige�ount ma�y <br /> ;:�;�. ,. . collecting, enforcing or protecting BeneficiarY's rights and remedies under this Security Instrument. I'h <br /> include.but is not I�mited to.Trustee's fees,court cosu, and other legal expenses. To the extent permittedsby the United . . <br /> � States Bankruptcy Code.Trustor agrees to pay the reasonable atcomeys f:es Beneficiary incurs to collect[he Secured Debt <br /> ' . u�nt;l e(ea ed.Trustoruagrees to�p y f r�anylrecorddation costs of such eleaese��s Secunty lnstrument shall reinain in effect <br /> •j'�� � ��. EJ�����p�, LpWg pIVD HAZARDOUS SIJBSfA1�1CFS• As uscd in this section. (1) Environmental Law , <br /> .�:�':� �.`. � means. without limitation,the Com rehensive Environmental itesponse. Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA. 42 <br /> �: :,`' � ` O.S,C. 9601 et seq.), and all otherpfederal, state and tocal laws,regulatioac, ordinances, court orders. attorney gen�ra! . <br /> :�;� �' opinions or interprenve letters conceming the public,welfare,environmene or a hazardous substance•and iz) . <br /> " ""�' � ! H�ardaus Subsian� �ueans a�y toxic, radioactive or hazardous matenal, waste, pollutant or contaminant w�ich has � :1... <br /> ` ' characterisGCS which aender the substance dangerous or potenHulty dungerous to t6e pubiic heaith. saiery. wc;t�e o� <br /> �`'�,'�� '. � ; environment. The term includes.without limitanon, an substances defined as "hazardous material." 'taxic substances." � <br /> �...: - <br /> ��... "hazardous waste'or"hazardous substance"under any nvironmental Law• <br /> {:. :. • . <br /> �:'.;;. . � . Trustor represenu,wattants and agrees ehat: <br /> � .. . �, A.Eacept as previous�Y disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Beneficiary. no Hazardous Substance is or �vill be �. � <br /> ,s;__! , located. stored or released on or m the Property. This resmcaon does not aQply to small quanticies of Ha7ardous k <br /> ''- �� ` � Substances that are generally recognized w be ap ropnate for the norma]use:►nd maintenance of the Propcny. <br /> . �. <br /> � .,: ' B.Except as previously discloseG and acknowledg in wnting to Benefcciary.Trustor and every tenant have been, arc. <br /> �: and shall remau�in f���i compliance with any applicable Environmental Law- ; . � <br /> :' ,.. C.Trustor shaU immednately�ot�fyhBenefic�a�1ti�n ���vrEavimmm�taleLaw�cori em•.ngthc Propeny In�uch n E ` : <br /> �i' , .. U1�jr! n! aiiuui ' C . '�y° � : . <br /> , event.Trustor shall take al(necessary remed�a!action tn accorJai��z W�����Y rm'ir�r.'.i":�"`-'" :odv,J o�a . • <br /> r •�. . <br /> .:'�'.::cs ' �� e,,...,n^v rF�•��f •9�99 'J__-- � <br /> - ' . .vir�t�..� � . � . <br /> N.'� <br /> i. . . <br /> '- <br /> F' r��5 - 't. •yi �.&. � . � .,, c• _ <br /> W.. .t 7"�"'.r�• . - _ . _. .. .. _ _ .. ... . . ._ . �•t .. .. _.. , .1:_ . . _ , ._.. . .. .. , . . . . _. . ' .. .. ._ - �O� _ . _ - . <br />