, 9
<br />i06loo
<br />1. It all or up pact . of tie prl�rtj a., ul interest of lrutarm if gold, truiferred or littler encubered eitInt the written eoafeat of
<br />Ike Imuficiul, tie kntliciul sir declare all out settled Ir thin Trait heed to It Itsedistely die and payable aid INceed to tie ru dief
<br />available to it uder the defult provision costaiasd lereia,
<br />it. All of tit followinl estate skill be deemed at event of defult lereuder:
<br />A. trutort stall lave failed to like payment of ul instillment of itincipil or ittetest or up other sun treated hereby vita doe:
<br />It. Titre its Wasted a bread of of dtfasit alder my tart, Coolant, agr#mit, easditioa, pravisin, rcprefutatiom or tarrull catmitfd
<br />it We kA of least, Ala nott or asp other loon itstrunt mired hereby;
<br />C. Then in beet a defult 11 the Ttmtett Is tit lnynst of W prior or ltbsetsest it" or etcubruce it respect to all er up put of
<br />tie stopgap;
<br />d. 1/4/1411 thdl file a Weltul petitloa is buttnptey or skill he adjadicatd bulsalk at iuoltut, or Hall Cola u usiltmemt tar the
<br />benefit of creditors Is reflect to Ala ptopettp; or u action to enforce may lies or eacamlruce or jfdlmsts alaiut the property is
<br />contained.
<br />11, it tk& evtit of up defult. Ile kteflciul may declare all indehtthen secated leteiy to Is die ud payable W tie me shall Written
<br />lecon die an4 parskle sitiott W premutna -1, dazed, proieit of iitice of lip klid. Shreattet, the Bcefficlui sty:
<br />a. titter If pertoa or by Beat, tlti or witloat brispist up action, or proceeditt, or 11 receiver Appointed by a Bout and dtlut record to tie
<br />adejucy of up secaritr, alter spat ud take ponsesaloa of tie property, or All put thereof, to Its ova Wane or it the sue of tie trutce, Cod
<br />do W into wkitk it deem mosur and desirable to preserve tie tall*, marketability or rentability of the property, or part tiemt, or
<br />Interest thereit, intent tie intone tieretras or protect the sectrity Waal ud, witloat tahist possenion of tle property, see far or
<br />allergist collect Ake rests, Fences std profits thereof, iaclidisg those put die ud upaid, ud apply ale tame, laws casts and "Pellet of
<br />operation and collection, iiclading attorter fees, spa amp ladebtWeess sectred lately, all is tack order u Ike Beneficiary W determine. the
<br />entering spa ud taking posaessioa of the trut estate, the collectiat of $met rests, issues ud profits Cod applicAtiaa thereof a. aforesaid
<br />dill tot cue or waive up defult or notice of defult kereuder or inalidate all act Aid is region# to tick detutt or patient to tick
<br />notice of defult Cod totdtbtudiag tie cottisunce is possessioA of Ike property or the collection, receipt ud ypliatiot of tests, inues qr.
<br />profits, Trutee or tie kteficiarr Be be entitled to exercise every right provided for in up of tie you iutruerts or by law 'Falk Murmxf;:
<br />of Coy event of defult, iieliditl the right to exercise the power of file;
<br />1, commence u action to foreclose title Deed of Tract u a tortgfge, Appoint a receiver, or sWi4mill enforce up of the covenuts Ixatxe,f;i
<br />e, deliver to Mutes a written declaration of defult and demud for gale, Cod a wrectem notice of defult Cod electing to eau* front em"
<br />Interest it the property to be gold, which notice Trutee stall ease to be dill tiled Cot record it the official records of the coaut'D 'i n tlt.0 t
<br />tie property it located.
<br />It. Slodd the leuficiuy elect to farerim by exercise of the power of sale herein coitaised, tie kteflciary shall notify Mmtee mrrli rdin;i
<br />depfit witl Trutee thin Deed.af Tent Cod CkPi cote Cod sack receipts Cod evidence of expeadi n-tv made ltd gectred hereby as Trutee sty reocn,
<br />Cod flog rNwewt of the letei'lcter .,. the herd ee shill calls to be recorded, piblitked ud del urni to Master each kti'm fit Wult Cod ktice of
<br />Bile u ties rewired by Inv mi hT thLe BeA of ?rut. Trutee stall withoat detud oa irotla r, after sack time u mar them lie nyfired by In Cod
<br />after rmrdutin aL' eel kliiw of bradt erxi: after notice of Sale lawimg been giver u reoiied by In. sell tie ptperty it the time ud place of
<br />sale fixed•bt It La ant fctize'4f- ita:e.-2UJir.- a a whole, or Ice separate tali ol•.pucelw or items n Trutee idsil dtet .espediett, lad it aardt,erder
<br />u it may detanina, at pablic fiction to tie iigiett bidder for calk ud stain•6 - &iver to not pucluer en vw,+jmera.Jaeml a deed to stn property
<br />gold, couistert with the In ties is effect. genital# it the Trutee's deed stall be grill facie evidence of alto lath ¢t 11P. statements made
<br />Wrote. Mtatee skill apply tie proceeds of the sale is the following order: (a) to all reasouble costs axd.cepnser.zf *- -tale, iteleding bat tot
<br />limited to Trutee's fees of sot tore tin 11 of tie gross sale price, reaeanalle attorney fees Cod costs of title evideiee; (i) to all out settled
<br />by this Deed of 11t; ud (e) the excess, it may, to tie pertoa or person Legally entitled thereto. Ivy pertoa. inliding the Ietefieiur, W
<br />pmrclne said property at said sale. Trutee may is tie inter provided by in, postpone sale of all or uy portion of tie property.
<br />13 Tnftee Cod tie Beieticiaty, Cod tack of them, fkali In entitled to enforce payneit ud perforauce of Any itdeltedAtu or obligation secued
<br />hereby Cod to exercise all rigite Cod powers uder this Net at-rratit of oiler All you iutruegt or otter agreement or log lair nor or bemIter
<br />enforced iotwithttuding some or all of tie iidebtedness ud c4li.faticos oer.,Lad hereby thick sal tow or hereafter be othei%lxe• cectred. littler by
<br />mortgage, deed of trut, pledge, lien, assigneit or otherwise.' neither lie w:eptuce of thin Deed of least: wr its eiforcelemt, thettee by mutt
<br />action or pantont to rte poser of tilt ur OIL pufets herein Wataiaed. fill. prejadice or is gal final 4tfe'tt Tiiitee's of tie Beseficiwr.'a riot
<br />to realise 1101 or enforce Col other Reality sow or lereaftxc held by Trutee or the kseficiary, it being agreed that Trutee Cod Ake texeficitry,
<br />and sack of ties, skill be entitled to enforce this Deed of Vast aid may other security row or hereafter laid by tie leteficiul or Trutee it sick
<br />order ud fuser u they sty in their absolite discretioa determine. lo remedy herelr costerred tpon or reserved to Trutee or Iemeficiur is
<br />Wailed to to excluive of All otter remedy kereia or by In provided or permitted, bit eack stall be caulitive Cod skill be it addition to every
<br />other reai4 gicei lereuder or An or hereaftee existing at In or eiaity or by statfte. dvery power or remedy gives by sty of the 1011 intmeate
<br />to Trustee or the Beneficiary or to flick ether of them wag Lie otherwise entitled nay be eremised, coxcmrrestly or iadepela mill, from tixe to tine
<br />Cod u often u sal be deemed espediut by Trustee or Ser:t%zierl, Cod either of thew mar rm-wh isconistert remedies. kWng herein shill be
<br />contraed as prohibiting tie Beneficiary Arno: etnkiig a deficiency jadgeseat against frostum lh eke extent such action is permitted by lit.
<br />It. Traitors hereby resmat a copy of;aq office of defult and that asy eatice of sale lereuder be nailed to Trutors at tie address get fortb
<br />is the first paragrApl of this Dead of ?rut.
<br />15. The Beneficiary nay, by a fritter iutrsaert execsted Cod uktowledged by Beneficiary., tailed to Traitors Cod recorded is the Gouty is
<br />Aick tie property is IocaW dab by otherwise coaplliig with tie provision of the appiicible- law of the State of klratka, sabotigte a nccesmor to
<br />tie Trustee and herein or Wisp Wander.
<br />li. this Deed of Trait applies to ad: inns to the benefit of sal bids all parties hereto. their heirs, personal repreteatatives, simtstoro
<br />Cod usiga, fke tali'Beteficiary' shalt scar Lie cvatr aid folder of rkc mule. whether or rot are: as aeeficraty arela.
<br />IT. Iiti01t affeetim/ the liability of Uy. other ;error liacie for tie myfeat of lay onirtatin terere stitiotei, and withost affecting tte lien
<br />or charge or Ilis Deed of Trait apace any portion of tie property sot aec ar tteretofore release, As seswr:ty for the fall payrent of all unpaid
<br />obligation, the Seseficiary mil, from tile to tits atd wittaat aatice: (a) release air persons sa liable: Ill exteni tie #aturity or alter Coy of the
<br />tern of an sack obligation; (e) Brut other itdolgeaces: (dl release or recouey at the Beaeficrary's option Coy parcel, portion or all of tie
<br />property; (e) take or release all other or additional security for lay obligation herein settioied: or Ill wake corposilioms or other art ugeouts
<br />Pith debtor# it relatics thereto.
<br />.,
<br />