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<br />petlOVrie f�a�ty�y,�a.Fp p ray L �ptof 90 . =titan, of tlr bma for pay nli cx maLfcatan of ut"izatan of the mums aacured by INS S Cjrgy Irst un»nt
<br />by LM i3._�_.' :i l - In 1rMUest a Borrower anW cool oPe+aW w rallies the kaOdAy of Cra c�f{.`�al BorcowN or Borrow++ s successes in InfMN. unrl�r anaa n'ti t r 7allon
<br />.� L w attar to Interest a retOw to extend L•me fir payment or oRMrww rtnddy arnatrzatan of the sums Secured by this Security InatrtirnsfN by ill
<br />- -„ made by Ifw prfg;nal ®ortower or Borrowers succeasas mn intol"t Any forbeararos by Lando in exwclsmng any right or comedy shay not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br />Of any rem or Weedy' The covynanb and egreeANmts d curs Security 1nstNnnent atuiN band and bwheht tfte eucceeaae are
<br />:. tiusoseNra artr AnIpSM iowMO .Point arnd p*will Liability; Coelgmtre-
<br />'' = f+rNW and BOIIoW, atAGO loft prardw* of paryrach 17. Bortovnr's eovwdwft & W ggPe mwft 00 be Pia Wd ieMraL Any BonbMAr who 00-W4 Mill Sa UMV loin r4K4 it" Swunty
<br />dws not eaealts Via NOM: (a) a 00•> WAng If to Security eYbl.•rnartl orvy 10 mwWW. Went and convoy that Barovlorl rvlmil in V* Properly UndtW extend. au Of it'j, luNUear ant malts any
<br />net perrnnal 1, obbgW0 to pay idle urn W=W fly this Swiv'ty Inalri~. and (c) agrasa that Lander and arsy of xf 80170"7" may
<br />_ -- woo r,pard to the wma cif Mk sow4v hourneretv he NON rritAp.1 that BOrtowsr•s WSW
<br />Lean Cflsty)aa N N+e keen accred by Rfs Seamty h- 4euRfent is $W WI Jos law which sets maximum t0W cf&.V9Ss. and that Ise o I! inta>xs•ed a0 that the "li cr dune khan
<br />- - -- eoesLted W b bo t kw" ll tta+xrecsOn vrrlh line Ioen exceed Me perm"of rents, then (a) any such ban cha'pa aJUa bill, reduced by Rte amount necessary Ili reduce this d wigs
<br />�c!!!W +!let±!_ .era (D) any salty aheady ociagond from Borrower which exceeded permtled lints will h rekindled Io Banner Ladder mss choose to male this tNmd by MOXX J
<br />_ ...n r� � Nona a fit mWkg a direct payR f� Bonowee. R es teurtd adduce! pnncoeii. Eta;MoL pa wo be ines ad as a partial MWnw it w+tt>pW any PnPaytm>t cArpe
<br />the Node N ernacttthent a expiation d applcaDM taws fnaa t1M etfect b1 readarra any Fo,_4W 04 the NOW or thus Seeunty Irstnxr►we uneMorceaEM
<br />LegMlaunlAffeNl(gLaxfrip 091ft
<br />.rave .:�- .:..Lands►. sift opbaL may reQllifl rrithedraia PayrTM^t in 1111 Ot W hurts taotxed by this Stictrrrttr trnstrtitrernt cued may invoke airy tarttttyss D by Psra9raDh 19
<br />s:w�s:: +truce L LCtder else take the nMpa Security rrod ra Max wIt SW be pirapron d Daragcoph 17. _ of another
<br />H&I'm Any The notce"be direcaod loft Property Ad drip" of sally Other Siddosa Bartower by
<br />despna ynotiea�lb tondo Anytnotice so Lenders shall be�prvenn by fig dm In i la ter **
<br />- - .Mw hateft or any Other addrm Lender dw,gnata by motioe 10 Bonornr. Any nobce provided for in this Security Instrtrrnenl SPUN be deenned 10 have been Wan b E)orlohrsr a
<br />when given as proaKlW in this paragraph• m mmvtnmch Me Property is located In the evert roar any
<br />pxovisron
<br />Go"rnbtp Lair tweroWtj This Security Instrument shat be governed by tredieral law and lire law of tM lUrisGlCiioh
<br />- lids Serxtrity evltrtirrarhl a the NOW conOkts with apW.NA Lana such conflict shah not allea tither proirlswa of this Security Instrument or t)ts Note which Can be pken atlsct
<br />-_ - OOrAWV pre bion. Tb lift and he provisions of (his Security tnstrarrrtl wd the Note ales declared to be severable.
<br />permif"Wo CW Borrow shalt be giWn one ocnfotmed copy of Une Nole acrd d to SMOY Instrument
<br />•. Ttanefae cliffs, Propw b pro CelaslkiY Rllacoee in BdtTOhvec N all tr am pan of the Property or any Interest Ind is sold or "mfrxtW1 pT d a IMne(udal Interest in Borrower Is sold
<br />--- = ' Borrow Is not a natural person) riMOUt laxfer's rani wMhn co(hSerif Lender may, at rise opUOn. mquie immediate payer, ray: ur. fug of all sumo secured by ihfS Securty
<br />oft oplidn Shah not be exardsod by LerNf�r A exorcise O ptOhabAed by federai raw as of 1M! dUbf W IhIG SBCUrAy InSh'UR�r1:
<br />,seder• exercise, gig OpWm LendM shelf give Bortower notice of seeelerabon. The hobos shall provide a PwW of rpr, acs than 30 days from the date Rte notice Is detimW or mailed
<br />as sums secured by this Sacurily Instrument. N Bommor fads to pay mace sums prior to the expmdbon of this period. Lender may invoke any rernedres permitted
<br />Inn Security i sbtrnant without furlhef notice or detnaw on sormwer•
<br />SOROalaP* Rip" le PkAnWA a. N Borrower meets pettarMZY%kbons. Borrower shalt hays the right to here entorcernent of the Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to
<br />^.,v. ek (a) N lalk -M4 Specify for reristayment) before eerie of the Property pursuant to any power 01 sab contained n thh Security instrument:
<br />this ICtSWrrter , L'n1� catdtiorhs era tftat Borrower (a) Riri Lender all suns which then would be due under tunic Security Insrumem and the
<br />-- eppHwaMOri OOOatrcod; (b) pees any dWa M e. Wy other coverients or agreements: (e) Pigs all expenses im. misd in enforcing this Security Instrument including. but not limited
<br />rwt ramie aNarMYa' lass: and (d) takes srlb".n (nTM as Lewder may fsaXx%&V MWIre to 0=0 that the tree of this Security kriCUnrenl. Lender's rights rn the Property and BOrrOwef G
<br />- - °-� the nrla ewnied by this Seamty. Ur.;n attend shelf continue unchanged. Won reinstatement by Borrow. this Security instrument and the coogations secured hereby Shall
<br />effective as N no acabratbn had oo�uuaa;<'t' liorreuer, this right to reinstate alias not apply in this case d acseierafiom under paragraphs 13 or V.
<br />nit )WIFORM COVENANTS Borrower and "mm further cowans and apes as follows: lit dtie lBeCtrity rrnhtartafN
<br />Aooelwadm; R@Mdbm Lent I snap give noun.IO Bolfoaer pride le accMsrW rt foNOwfnp 009 Ow a b"O Warty covenant OF apneslnwat
<br />- not pale 10 eccolwaion lest I poraprapba 13 and 17 usilass appNeabN Iw peovidaa odnrlr Max , The rtsdee dill spout. (so dw ddarrlb (b) dw aC11 ,11 rsa eed ib Casa dle
<br />_ -= dale, not Ins than 30 dtya from ldffa daft du raodce le given b Brstrower, by africb Cava d*bM nlWt l» coved: and (e)1ha1 faNtas to care tha d~ on a before
<br />in fkta nslioa eny IMA ice elect Awst)on M fM mmw seeaSd by thM SeetrNy ltntriumeM Brad uM of tM Property. This noMee efnr t~ Nrform BoMWW W
<br />rom b retttataee idler soosleralba aradtfsa NHitl to brktg a Corlett aeuon b nsaeA due n,rtaxiaMrloe W • dafarllt Tarr #rty oMS1 AalenM of Bortotr.r to acnfaratton Seel ad* . l
<br />" •+� r cod stied Ort OI Oalow die clot ga'Rilled le did rlottee. Lartdw ere Ns Opuslu rosy raepufre fn ��j5elosll be M:Niad to COpaCti�entaa kkurrod in pUraulnp
<br />--• r--� _ -- nororw.ee aelearedally rig r mwAdkw Putni�Md by eppNeebie
<br />foradese Provided In die ip If - IIL i ndudi g. bw rw -titled to reaonable MMrrwya' fora and COON a!fdffYrmntcmaaez .
<br />..,: power of sale a' RI I, Tmdn shalt row a toff,- d d~ in Seat courtly M widdr any part 01100 Prt:la+ TT Ira I,Cetast rite shall Inelf eopin of such notice in 1hs
<br />of "C" law to sortoriev and to"eawr persI, prsaetibed by app&= M fart AftartbettwtwneolhTx! q alibi c" Mal Trustee "ghe public erotke
<br />ed o;. .� and In tfia mintier preae++tf W bar appal" Inr. Trww. without duvtand on Bono.r... abate wdi ut o Lanai atvi+b+l,.uedon eo m. ffglreat bleder at fn.
<br />�.rra d_ .e. rtd widw gw term dni�talsd in dta notlaa of sal in orte a anon parCMe and la any order Tn acme (tatoarrMkWM TtvsMe aril VwP131111 SAM of ON OF any Penchi
<br />bo pNlbfO aeYgw1,e111M11 N t�fSMfa aced pfel0a a Sidi f>1tYbYw%y schoduMd a ale. LarWar or Ha dooi(om Tay pwChm rw y rt "Ys"
<br />-
<br />r - -- bd71val eieIO W rdww Thu dw's deed ewvs)Mig tho Pmperly. The aeNals M the lihoo is dead shall ba prkna acie
<br />atiM poynR d 1M pek
<br />tinow of do swumm ands O t eirt. Ttta a shall apply no pxoeeeda of this, sale in tl+e following Ondw: (a) to aN expenaae of tr sale, Inckrdiltp, but not NIttIMd
<br />p~s fur Y perirm " by sppMea6N lawamd faeswnW atkit toy ' hies: (b) to aN sums M- ' by ells Slcu ty kwb m w&; and (C) any exaeaa to ow pweon o1 pwoorts
<br />tefa4er in pummoni". �. ._ w w. ITT 19 e,. w�..w m�t nr mw Pmm�y; Lender (ut person. by agent or by iudiciaffy appointed teoelver) shall be entitled to
<br />upon, take possession of and martap the Property and to co!leot the rents of the Property including those past due. Any rents collected by Lender or the fWW steal tie applied Net
<br />payment of Ms tzeb of mensigemert of the Property and collection of rents. tnduding, but not limited to. toeewer s tees. premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable altorneW tees, and
<br />to the sums secured by this Security tnsh ale -ent.
<br />-= Roconve ionce, (upon payment of all suirr secured by this Security instrument. Lender =halt request Trustee to recOnvey the Property and shah Surreflder cots Stfctmty instrument and
<br />- .loans eytlee rh'a Anh, eanffrA by Mb SeRL"ry Ins"ment to Trustee Trustee shall recorn" the Property without warranty, and without charge to the person or persons k%ally entitled to
<br />Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs_
<br />= SubWbris Tha row. Lender, al is option, may from tuna to lime remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the
<br />%in which this Security Instrument is recorded. Without conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee shaft succeed to all the Mb, power and dimes conferred upon Trustee herein
<br />by sppticabb Iaav
<br />- = Retluheat 1011tOdOss. BOnpvver regae5ls'Mat CO�e9 O} itme nOtmeeS o} deta:a':' a� sale be sent t0 Botrbxe► s address which rs the Prop -coy Address. BOfIOwBr 1Urihef requests that
<br />- �'! 1tY? tnOUL'ee d defauh and cab be NL'GI: TJ Qaeh person who ms a pally hN'r301 eY doe atltlress Ot such person 581 forth harem
<br />f.+w. �.� dLia gwetrrity IriatrretlarM. t cne W tmbre ndeB Bra executed by BCrlltt9r and recorded tOgetha with this SSW my Instrument. ih9 eovenarnt9 and agreemant4
<br />of each such
<br />ment [Chao
<br />°° s:.:.T be kncotporated into end shall amend and supplement the covenants and a3reemerrts of toms Servmy Instrument as rl the rder(s) weco a part d this Secumy Instruhedr
<br />- - - - -- _ -, 0 AAriiustable Rate Rider II Condominium Rider D 2-4 Family Rider
<br />❑ Gradivated Payment Rider p Planned Una Oeveropr^ent Rider
<br />❑ Other(s) [specify)
<br />SIGNING BELOW. Sar ower accepts anal agrees to the terms and covenants o37lxned r•.t this. Seacu" (nstrumetr end in any nder(s) executed by IBorralaw and recorded with A.
<br />t
<br />' ✓ ` (Seal)
<br />o
<br />[Sptaxe 8"sp. TRis Line For AC owkdgmelf:)
<br />d Nebraska I .
<br />h. ss:
<br />.��..,,` _ •Hart ,.
<br />_ tttis,Sf;.____�JyQy r�tnhPr rig• - before me. a Notary Public in the State of N h r c a
<br />Schmidt and Rit.ii. I_.- Schmidt (Husband and Wife_)
<br />_ ____ _nnn!h. knbarr la Lr? the person(s) named in and v:ho C� Ccuird nee 'l;m- srT:,g rnstn,�:enr and aCknonzdgeci riat they azecu:ed the same as a
<br />act and deed.
<br />Cwn nission Expires: '
<br />aWSSA►NOTtRySfefea4tieldr¢ a NOTARY PUBLIC
<br />-= -'Nebraska 1 Mycu"M.Exp. Aug. Is, 1"2
<br />) ss:
<br />—rity 01: )
<br />m the day Cf
<br />appeared
<br />19 . before me, a Notary Pub!rC in the State of
<br />me personally known to be the person(s) named in and x110 executed the foregoing instrument. and acknoAledged that oxeautod the Same as
<br />;53-NE
<br />,r
<br />r
<br />••
<br />