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<br /> : �� In accordance with the provisions of the Nebraska Farm Homestead ��, �: =
<br /> ����'� E '.� ,
<br /> ��� � . �.0. Protection Act Neb. RRS 76-1901 et seq. GRAND ISLAND TRIIST & FINANCIAL , 4 }� �:
<br /> � �r�'. .., ..r.�� ,`•:.°: SERVZCES, INC., TRIISTBE , the undersigned trustor f� the attached Deed of .
<br /> Trus� hereby ackaowledge: . "` ;
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<br /> � i ,�::� i. That we understand that we have the right to make a designaticn of a _� �� • �
<br /> � L Redem ti�e Samestead in the Deea o£ Truet iz accar�anc� a�~•.h t�s ` ` :--
<br /> �.•4 .- " P
<br /> � provi.sions of the Nebraska Farm Homestead Act; `
<br /> - �G - - = . -��-
<br /> � �•� ' � 2. That �e �urther understand that the execution of this Waiver of ; ;t ��'
<br /> �� ;
<br /> :' � '�='-" Redemptive aomeatead co�stitutes a waiver of rigbts otherwiae available to . __:;._,._
<br /> �;_,_ _:....:. . .. . :.... -° .
<br /> -°."�i� .. _.�:':.,:� � ose of affording the opportunity to retain a homesicead in '�r �:a � ;
<br /> o, �� us for the purp , �3, � �
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<br /> � '� `"' 3. That we hereby waive the riqhts available to ua to designate. a L ;'- ;
<br /> � '4� �h�` redemptive homestead in acaordance with tbe Nebraska Farm Homestead ;
<br />.�t .�'` � ?.� Protection Act, and hereby waive the rights we may otherw3se have `�`
<br /> �'"�� . } �` available to us for the purpose of affording an opportunity to retain a �,���. `
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<br /> x�-�41„"..-,: �-..,, •� GRAND ISLAND TRUST ^��t�;'_:�_;
<br /> ., .��4;.: ., .'..,�,;: -,, FOR TAE ROBEAT L. SIEMERS AND , 5 -°`<;
<br /> ;.'{,r:t'`:. ;. .� � � BETTY J. SIEMERS REVOCABLE TRIIST :-
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<br /> � :.� ..f� by .. . " r� `
<br /> -� �; . dyar, c en an st Officer
<br /> 1;:� � � ��'�;; �r 8 Island t & Finanaial Services, Znc. ,. ,
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<br /> . �,:;i� . ` ` .;� COUNTY OF HALL )ss �•
<br /> yr 3, `
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<br /> � ti: . �•' 't• ' .
<br /> �`�'' f�'� � �� �`• .� The foregcing was acknowledged before me on January 12, 1999 by �
<br /> :..r;_ --.. .
<br /> x�;;:�._ �: - . , E. J. Thayer, President and Trust Officer of Grand Islancl Trust &
<br /> ' � ,, Financial Services, Inc., a Nebraska corporation an behalf of Grand Island �
<br /> :�..-�����: ' � � Trust & Financial Services, Inc. , Trustee far the Robert L. Siemers and
<br /> �;a; �••i . . . .
<br /> .,k , Betty J. Siemers Revocable Trust.
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<br /> ;�.-♦"`�',. ° NtyComm.E�p Mny31,3999 Acknowledgement
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