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p111 ItEli1 CW TRWT <br />iilOMeMMf) f1eAY Tfr! r>Mi11et McMMMef <br />• fMnws+ stl'>' wMtNwtAwMsMMSI iMMwMwtffra. tltteMtw. rr ,ss+.diwtfuetrruNi.aOrttalTtwN <br />forNset ausedefTnwlaNaeldeest+. uMltlMlrNlf «wM.yIM.W4oblyaYmNfM$settI- arm fanlp�.Yt <br />�' = - DMIINT4MLf1i0i1Mf11�. M1Yrif�NallM�fRMlM1�!' lrirMMllMtlM. 11 •M/111f>t/!�►iIW�M.TIIIIWISIMi <br />... `..: a. fawMrrlMrt wnMN MrM tI1M., vise frr•OSAM b NrMn M1nra Mtf.wtWiOn o! Ms D••d o1 TnN <br />(Ml l -J Haft <br />(Shari L. Hour <br />MUrf" TO D1L811 Of TRtItT <br />105265 ~ . <br />etMa MleaaeaMtlrYgaalontat�tlhe <br />I'.OMM'M er ideaalealYl. taltaMata <br />oastiffe w poem GMT a M -nd rwuM emose ado so wftivfblwLV 011IM11 AMMUML UM. <br />- w .�ww�,•.fft�f�f.offfraneww�s. «� <br />13 �. aw�AMrMfeFfMelfTTOOe�feffiiTSaeweTtAat <br />TMiMrMwIWTSMMwIoyoMMMwraroaMMNS�sitMOMNlinwt� f3• MMTruMutt .rtlltofwlytilMO.MrfAiMNtoaM►, ThoNrwtwtrtN./Ma•N+.IM1Mfrit <br />iwtiaifSraelan. MallerpbydeastalatlMlrtyMNtttrtsoftas ANN~ VM UWWM W.fggnofIMaaeaaMMld*tei ltfbaaweeteMali$pproaMysr*MMMM <br />AMwaMeMtMaedIr /MMIttealaellla.TMffaeeawaetN , ft MM811rMilaflMrfMMMfM. alNrruM• fflonMq►« MIMttWNa1 .Mw+Mr+MyMMWMMOOM�MTnut <br />eMYMM11aMiMMfYIdaSMtpanasi deMtaMalp.StateMt ISAGOVAIsi abelift!y~sifaealMNdMeetsnw fiftI NMMMOrMuMO.'af•IOwIMwI / o•tq <br />MM oaad M TNN <br />iy a. NANM Oil NMR To 0"af "M M BTM <br />TMMnawM(• IMrlrwowMrlotaolMtNlaraMwtNwfMefMMM�wrT WiaTtunupetstMrselsNfMlr• e+ iM/ MosMn .TlMfi•aowa ( p,syr / osohsttlNrnit <br />maw Sra eta. M trMn� /.rMbNsi MMr ri�M N disaw4w e heamse " PW@k M M+erow The ft"C" r(•) "wow NMa a" My Mayo AVOID aWA S NNMnMIOA of <br />aaeaaaeaadal a" byasapAia0tlrfaaatar .Mta)rwawRivrie4tt 09111 aewiseaesitebNfOrtMpwpwoeaaatfotdietOMt• S+ SMOpptlrtunHYWtetfaktthtNrftoRtsveeeONlMla <br />aewtt M a ds%W upset StS Oka/ elf In*. <br />CI C. 0 MM1ATON OF NONINUM <br />Purauaal Near Fana MOwM1Y 1 fkdMclioef ACI(SOCONMI/QI slow fNMMO StatWwoe tlrStaN of Waaraaki). qte eOttOwwt•).00 hatabTtlesignatatltaroei. <br />fnef+d' ducribed M seta °oetttpa11, a eeorftesyad' aMacited 1 tar9 n and fneo mated haws by Mtia raftt"w. <br />r <br />'i <br />DEED Of TRUST WOM FUTURE ADVAMM MROVMION <br />TNO 0990 W YAUST. 06"0" a a the ar,wrrday of S.ltl N111 !!'. 4,"M. by sad ar AW4 Mute TrUMW. Michael J Hors . <br />Cwrj.L.- Herat_ hiss strand nrr3 wife _ ___....�.wttosen+.rtregwii4afs IM Brentwood Wgy- Crand• <br />NE 62201 -7256 t�k =��'� Prti�e•trustee.�ii�>m i� aCkbuCh:_ a AkjJ;jj Qf._A e NE SUft Bal"„.ASSn ;t <br />•r , <br />trawtitrtiliA� tlreeseaaP rand. Aland. - L.M1l:Q2J- M_ (twain Tn1•dMr7r: <br />«ewMSeMtsberwy. ve f?Ielilt..:__BSfIk <br />wtss.errrilitt.ewe,MSis PLO- fiQx_ l52L_. GIt/'#[ 1d. Man <br />d..��.�Dl��ta44L__.._ r_ ._�__— — irnt►an a • <br />ridli <�t. <br />FOR VALNAMM PAT10M .Wkid"Ilhor4wwriefs+deMrhWhet�M I"grWlsfew cream. tMfseet tawAwhisflNabYSCknowlM0yW .6oAMilt ' <br />ttatary NrayaCMfy G!wMk�..totvlsys Md MM M 10 Tttaeaa. tee MUST. MATH P'OMM OF ME. tot the banaftt andaecuhty of Landow. under and eubWe fnUa• <br />$00100 sad EOAfibMra IlliiialMfltl tlYtj{iMh. seta rose pteparfy. dwribo M MOON <br />Lot Seventeen 07y., .01ock Two (2), in Brentwood Second Subdivision In the -City of Gran <br />Island, Hall. Cdwntyi Nebraska. <br />T"mw tam am b""". M WOvintan10. traturea, etfMN. aleye. paefapewaye. MMrttMta. tight$. petwrteps, and apputtenafua located thereon or to anywise <br />owwo" Starves, ate Mr two. rwrrea and proof&. fewnwns and renratndeta thweot. Including. but not hmtted to. floating and cooling epuipA+ant and own peweOnat <br />Peopetty W41 isaflKMfto WW WWowwWnfsso as to const,tutea fixture. and together with the nnRlNtead of marital interests. it any. Wtuch informs arehorsey released <br />MdewYasd.aMef MnCh.MCMtdw1/teptaceetsfASaed addtttonalMtalO. rehwebydeclaradtobs a part of the restettatasecuredby the loon of thisOsed atrustarfaateof the <br />faeeploig bolt wfened so h~ N Mta'preperty'. <br />Thin oast el TntM Map eacrrfe (s1 the eeynienf of the prMNpa earn and interest e.Mencad by Eorrowerl nose and /or eradd'Sginsmem dried September. <br />2s. 1920 hWNgs &lurdyd&laot Ceteboitr - 1it-20114_., nlne original principal amount of 00 _andenyandan <br />IaedrlrCMr01N. exNrW im and tetlNrUale thMe01 or therelo and any and all future advancN and raadrances hereunder pursuant to one at mfNe prorllilaWy notes or credit <br />ftmosienN (itaNie tatted °Meta" ). (a) the paynWnt of ottw o umt advanced by Lander to protect the security of the Not#. (c l the performance all coveinanle and agreentani <br />al owmwr bw km hwow ,ate <Q ati Mdaaladnea$ &ad obl'getwn•Of liarowar W l.i e%LW whetter direct indirect. stHOlulaot Conlrngeril andethellm affsrng b/ nOt1. <br />«fMfMr.ewartltalar,aepattatae. <br />iaeeoaat. q �'tsAYiN eta seer'ir�w.f`raf SNri Oaad' yr ?`r�sr. catarrlantx and agraai iron landN os tpllovia r <br />- s / orwerjtMl' r�lAtM/ alaMMt` NIMR> M► r�1rM ,lelertwa�AMSN(wklwnendwlheprwl ergs tad< r¢• c^ �rraton. aneanyfeesorcharpe$ proraNia�4'A.�[+lr+riec:t,rttf�y <br />Wad N <br />'.} 7 ,W" this ti0""guthontylC&Mitil llfyAird' wet" At( aithe hen created hereby na:4tyt and prior ,*no,a ` <br />WAS Plopwey0"00•s•`rMyoth -I tea be ilk tirlklhMtWA .andIhaasKubon and deMwitil #1ruatdoss mat y, olate any contract of other oMWtiontowhich <br />lait>t/sr MleMaal �N !s °- P . <br />TMsAssiso aalTO p" weld n d SO tax". sM aelaMn& &V aagfNr <br />Charges spinal the Property and. upon written dem$nd by kendsr. to pay to <br />1My YH aertaoiMte w eANN Mrs landw b pay sYth Yxes Maoor*rite a cMW Chwga as INV became due <br />a. iahaMN�Tateajffts/ raMeMyityviadeverNgaAO"by Kra, haw allKlyd /dwdhrnfttalNm`exNndedCnVara�a .anOfuCllotherhaiarnfaeLMdermay <br />raoitis M, tteMM" atewaiii taetptwea6000OMtslaLander ,end sigh lass ttsysS&to one Landow in caw of toy under, suchpouctes thettmuttoautntx +tad to adjust <br />c.~endlMMlwa~.setib, thwewhowe ndahallfavasneOpNeflaapOtyingagprparta this tnwt anceoroceads(,) to any tndebtodnes sWurrtdnetebyanon$uan <br />SOON M lettser ntay d*WW* W. fit) Items eafraww N be MaSe tee Rte repo, t of raeferatfon of the ►nopert y cr t,q for any owner purpaea of object eattslac tart' ra tender <br />MHM+WAaAI W*Viameet we asoli eTrumW0* Wooskowdeacwedhanbir bNOptfochpayTenta- MtooltpraceAnyeppb cabonbtpruceao stotndebtedaesftfa•t <br />Mrllrafetai► tMellOt+ lMrllYaeYiteOtan1P symentalinNrtA N60 arC UreanyQe ►autf(hareynQarvrnereunder <br />b OdgUaa11/a 40000 and CN PINOO 900 !ewes, t)Orrnwew Malt keep IM Ptupwly ,n g•.c cona l,an shl irCt,r Art.ira lnomptiw to -vast Or ropts;s an, <br />'Miyrelfro ipt !srhKnraaybeda!ee*$doidealwoyei Mal not GofrtfrivoWpefmdanyaNNotCete fofatrai6tSfeVropnrfr aryiaf-tICW* „a aamonShit7WLltaf,t5;',alter <br />any OANawwyrrovMnta *r!$Ontwyl ► waehHt/ flsNwrfuletHtem, t. futtNOeperen, fanyaLlrabatloreennwc; pontre4f :�p$rry.�.v;�aa +r;�•rfa + =ytaa aari�.rnr�-::e urra�.,+etren ana - <br />af` +!eWYa ' dNC++I tH/ dtKnugsalMarorljust$ Ntangetye+, s$ lrl6ens 'erxumbrencesanocharpesfa.:aa • ra�CE�/ crnS567tr, la; jt: r. g! f� [+b'.,,(•crtyeltat%yp�rtthCraot <br />;r <br />