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<br /> Y�^ -. �.?.- s . � L � L - - .YC _ .
<br /> r 5`_.���.�u�.�C � COVH�ANTS �� ._ : �
<br /> ;i ._ . �c '
<br /> .:. L . � 4,...�'"
<br /> �`.:'4�. `�` z � i. PaqmesAS.Bartower a�eea to make ati paymer�ts on the sewred deht whsn due_ Untess Borcow�and Lender agree ottearwise.any :-`�: ,�L;
<br />_`�:,� �r�;r�t payments Lender raeeives trom 6orrower or for Bottowet'�benefit�nnU he eDD6ed fhst tn anY amoum.a Berrower owes on the secured detrt :.--;;t�,k::', ';
<br /> exGusive of ir-terest or Prine�ei.set�nd to L�teresL end then�print�al.lt Partfel R�eP�a�rc of the seaued debt aaurs tor arry reason.it wIIt �;_�.
<br /> �" t � •x eot reduee or exase arty�ehedided paYmecrt am7 tne sec�ued debt is paid in tu0. °,
<br /> � ' to theproDertY when due and xdit detertd titie :,
<br /> } � 2.tlatma d��Bortower will pay e8 te�ma.a�essmersts.ead cther eharges et�uMhte e Borrower to assign anY dghts,daims or �� �
<br /> � - - to t0�s proPerly �sSr efaims wldcA would imRait�S Q�+of ttua deed a�f tnwK.Lender e�el►reR� r: ,_
<br /> e
<br /> -.�.,..'. . �� d818nSeS which trowei maY have aga3nst Pa(ties who s�DZS1 labor or materiats ta imDrove or matrta�n tlte propartlu �,;c, '
<br /> ,� •y•: 3.�+uasus.Bortower witl tceep the proDertY insured under terms aaeDtabte w Lender at Bortnwefs expeose and fot lead�'s henef+t.AI1 ��. :
<br /> � , _.c insurance OoGcies ahaU inctude a standard mort�age dause m favor of Lendar.Isnder wBi be named ac toss payes w as tfie insured an eny such y � �� ,.
<br /> � ' _.� insurance Par�tr•�►v ins�aance D��+naY be app6ad,vriitt�L�s diseretim nair�wd�i'�uisu�ran.re�,fur as long as lend re4ue��DB� i:� �� -
<br /> Y:-�:•_, .`e , . ' ...: or tn the sewred debL!t Lender reQuhes mortgaSs ms�uance.Bortowet egraes :-:r;•k` -`�::
<br /> _ k ,;-^`"'-y 4.Property.Ba►rower wiil keep tAe property in good eortd'roon and make all rePa'us reasana6N���Y• _
<br /> �,� ....
<br />.:�.'�T,, r fees,if Borrouver breaks enY covena�r'in Uris deed < '
<br /> �s , . ..-- s.6�.eorrowec agrees to v�1►au tsrtaers e�ertsea.indudine!easonae�e aaomevs' _
<br /> ;-�t ~ • � of trust or m arry obfrgattan sewred by t!�deed at m�sL Borrawer wtll palr tl�ese amow►ts w Lsnder as provided in Covanartt 9 af this Qeed of . �Y.. .,�V.
<br /> ' �� % -f ' Y:,.
<br /> � r�, �' ` t� c
<br /> � 6.Pdor SeturitY�.UNess Bartower 1'uat o4tains lende�a written oonsent.Bortower wiU��or�p a it�ch�to� � �,-
<br /> � � �, . � seqp�ry interesffi,Bmrower unU perform aI!of Bartowefs obGgatlons under enV Pfiar mor�a88. - `
<br /> � � � � �< � indndng Bortawers covenarns to make OaY+aeMe wfien due. .Y :
<br /> t_. -r �;• � � 7.Aa� of�end Profrb.Borrower assigns to lender tha rema and profite ot the property.Untess Bortower and Lender have agreed r-.
<br /> $.. � �`` atfi e in vvrtnn9.Barrovu8r may eolteet and retau►the reatts es long as Barrower is eot in Qetaute. H 8orrawer detautts.Len�er.Lendefs ..' ., �-_
<br /> eta'►
<br /> '' - '` eSent,ar a eowt apDO'une0 reeetver may taks Dassessian and manage tha PmPertY end eoitec4 t�e re�rts.MY teins L.eedar totteets shall Oe � .
<br /> '- appGed frtst to tNe tosts af managit�g_the P�oAenY•indu�rtg court wst� and attomeps'fees.camtrtissions to rer�l age�ts,and enY other _ _
<br /> �i�- � neeessary retated e�enses.7Re remainmg amow�t of rerm will the�apDtY to OayrRe^ta on the seolred debt as pravided in�avena*rt 1. ;�..c "•
<br />: �3? � . 8.LeaaoAaiQs•Cor[dortdrt6ane:�ed IJ�it Oev�Op+�..B+ortowar a ees[o eomply with tRe vrovisians ot aay Iease if this daed of vust is on ,;4 �``, �;�- --
<br /> � ;:,:�, •. ��8����{��d e b e Y�f m►st is o�o�a o u�o f M�e w�ar p!a n�ed�iiNt�de abpm�nL Bortower v�nN pettarm aU of Bcrrawers d�ties , ,: _
<br /> Y ;., �i .
<br /> � ,: ' ' ' ° 9.AuStortty af t�der m P�mtarm iw B�owor.if 8usrawe► fada to D�ow�er�na�m�eBwrowei'y�,d e�s�u��a�nt�f�egit a��ry
<br /> t �� penTOrm the duties or eaeise them to 6e Pe�rmed.Lender maY eiSn eo pe i r
<br /> <� :. � . � : :Y cor�soucdon on tAe pmpertV�a diseoMinusd or not cartie0 on in a reasonebte manner.lender maY do whatsver ia neeessetv�0��lBnGet's :
<br /> � ' .. ., s e c u r i l Y Intereat in Ufe P►oDe�N.Thie may indude compfetin9 the tonswctian. .,.z;;_.
<br /> � ',:-�, le�Qers faihue to perrorm will not prectuQe lender from e.ercis�ng any of its od�er dgfus under the Iaw ar tlus deed a f uust. , �
<br /> . �. .. . •. ; `^�.:.���
<br /> � - - � Any e�emis D�d Gy Lender to Proteot lender's seeu*itY!�e+eat will6e seuued bY Usis deeA of trust.Sueh amouMS wi0 be dus an Qemand
<br /> and w�"U 6ear intetest irom tRe Qate of tAe PaYmerrt�urt[t pei0 in fuU at tAe fMerest raGa in ef(eet on the seaued detrt. �' -
<br /> ..�� P ` when due or 6reatcs e�N eovenarts unQer this dea4 of trust or any "�`
<br /> �n:- .�' . , 70.Dotaidt erW As�erat[o�. If Borrowar faits to make anY DaYmeM
<br /> �'��� � . , abtlgBtiOn seetaed bY d�is dead o!Wst ar enY D�'�ar mortBaSe or desd of Lrust. I.enQsr maY acceletate the�N of Me eeaaeC debt and ` ; .
<br /> ;f` . � = QsmaM immadiate Oay�rteeM a�d R+aY immice the power ot tate end e*N uthe��emsd'[es 0���7►�esOta taw. : -�a�;.
<br /> ' � �.. �t.,...,z:•-.
<br /> �.�}� • .. esffid thBL COO�S of the troliC6s O}defdOh Srtd satB b9 880!t0 eath PetSOn wA0 is e p8�[y •!� 'i.cy'.y�
<br /> 11.ReQttest for RcNes of QefmdL h is hereDV�equ -_-.
<br /> �,f{„ ' .' � Aereto.a!tne addcess of eacA such persan,as set fortA herein. -:-'`�:.,;:^.:t':• .
<br /> ,.>.,. . ; :.,�,....
<br /> t�' �
<br /> - ,�':,,' ' '�: 12.Power at Safe.M the Lendet bnmi�es 1lte Oower of seie, the Trustae shaQ first record in the offtee of the regisce►of daeds of eaetf eo�mtY �
<br /> �� ar same P�a Da��l thereof is si�ated a notiee of detauh co�ining the inforrtiaNan requered Dy law.The Twoae •��,k;�
<br /> , � wheretn the vust DroPs*tY iaN :. .
<br /> ,:,�::'...: eto.and to other persons as esai08d by .
<br /> ehaU also mail eopies ot the nottee of dsfeWt to the Herrower,to eseh Qerson vuho is a partY her pr :�.'��r .:•.;.,
<br /> '�.i;c � apaGcabte Iaw.Nat�ess tlian one morth after thep Trustea reeords fhe rtotiee of dafaulL ar two mortMs if t)m t�ust Dro�eiN �s not in any _ _-..L:..f'`�.
<br /> �C . � l' end h�tlm�me ni p es�sedbed by_eDOD ctabl�Tnistee wiitwut de�ttwnd an Borrower,shaU seti the DroD�Rynat D�lic auction to�e N$�nest
<br /> ..,,..� : r±_.
<br /> , : bidder.If reQuiwd by the Fann rsameseead Proteetion Ac4 T�ustee shatl ofter il►9 p�operiy in two separete saitts as requUed by a�pDGea6te faw. : _
<br /> - � � Trwrcee may pastpone sale of atl ot anv 0��af tt�e Oropesty by pubGc announcemeM et the dme and piacs of any previousty seheduted sate. ': �..�.{_'
<br />_ i �.� � ._ LenOer ar ita desigrtee may O u r c h a s e d�e pra y e r t Y rt a r►y saie. '.r_
<br /> ', :r . � Upon reee'�.ofpaYm e�t of the Priee bid.Trustee ahai1 defiver w the pwchaser Trustee's deed wmreY+ng the DroD�Y.The redtiats eorttaineA in .•;'�• � :.
<br /> T�ustee's deed sha11 be prlma faeie endienee of the vuth ot tt+e statements eorrtained therein.Trustee shall appqr the proeeeds ot the sate in the ,�•
<br /> a .,�•.• .. � following orQer: la) to aU expenses ot d�e sale, inetudmB, but not limrted to, reasonahte Trustee's tees, reasanab[e attarneys tees end
<br /> .�:° . , : .�. ;,-.,., reinatatemeM tees:lb)to all sums seewed Cy t1Us dee�of tn+st,end(e)ths 6alenee.if any,to it�e Oe►sans Iaga1N entit[ed to reCetve it. , -
<br /> �'"•: ' �'•. 13.iosadarue.At Lendera option.thia daed of trust maV be fo�edosed"m tbe manne�provide by apDn�[e law for toredasure ot mortgages `� ' . -
<br /> . � on real propeKy � 4 �
<br /> ,..,,.�=:1�_ t4.tr�sDaa9mf.LenQet may e�tter the D�aDenY to inspeq it ii lender gives Bonower natiee beforehana.The notlee must stete ttre reesonabte ,
<br /> x eause tar Lender's inspeetion.
<br /> � ;,..:. • . _.
<br />-: . pra 9 - ,
<br /> ..�-.: . ,. . 15.CandmsumUan.Bortovrer assigns to lender thewiU Qa pp�ied as Orov�Q d in Cave�nant 1 a'iNS assi8nmert�is�b�ect�w�t rms of enY O�b9 . . . .
<br /> ' • of eil ai any QaR of Me DroDefil.���Oroceeds na t
<br /> ��^� seeuritl►a8reemertt. � �.
<br /> �;. .:
<br /> .�,;�;.'• . . :," ,' 18.yyalver.By exercising a�►Y remed�l availabte to lenCer,Lende►does not give up mry righta to later usea�ry ather remeEy.BY�+ot exercising . .
<br /> �.,�,•T, ' any remedy upon Banower'e delau4,�ender daes not waive any right to later wnsider tne eveM a detauft if ii happens a8ain• .
<br /> t.` , . '.� 17.Jatnt m�Sovma! � Coai�so�s%Succeasa»as:d psstgn�BounA. AII dut19s ur�der fhis deed of bvst are�oint and several. Any ,
<br /> i� :..... ...
<br /> ���. Bartower who eo-signs this eed ot uust but does mt cosign the under1ynrsg debt fnsuumenttsl does sa anN to graM and eomrale that
<br /> �;.;,, • .. ! Borco+nrers irterest i�the Dropesty to U+e Trustee under tAe tarms of this deed of trust. In additlon,euch a Bonowe►egreea that the Leeder arA •
<br /> -�- . � , I debt wrthou�t tRh�awteBorrower s en sent ead wiMout%�eas'�9��6onowaere�om As tertn9of tNs d ed ot mist.�deed of Vust ar the secured
<br /> ;•.` _. , r ,
<br /> � �; '�'' � • The duNee and benefits of this deed of trust shaU Oirtd and Esnefit the sueeessors and ass�gns o�Lender and Bonower.
<br /> . 1 _ . •
<br /> ��` •'� _ . � 18.�tottea.Untess ott�arwise required Dy law.any nocice to Bortnwer shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by cortifled mail addressed to
<br /> ��= ; . , Bonower et the Crope►tY addrass a anY oiher aQdress that Borrower has gn�t�cnd ender Ras desif��a ed.Amr othe�►no6ce�o Len�r sha� ;.`
<br /> maii to Londar's address an page 7 of this daad of�rust or to an5►otnar addr 9►+�
<br /> �,.'� .� • be sent to lendee's ad�ess as siated on pago 1 of this deed of uust• � , •.
<br /> $,., .,.. ' ' ;
<br /> �`_��. � Any notice shall be deemed to have been givsn to Bostower or Lertdet when given in th0 manner stated a0ova.
<br /> .,..,... • � � .
<br /> .§:': . • � 19.Trenatar of tho Property or a Be�Rcial b+teres!fn the Bortower.It a{I ar anY Dart ot tho prope�tv at any interest in n is sotd or translertaA .
<br /> ;T:`..,,."- . � withaut Lender's Prior wrttten cansant, lendar may Qemand immediate Daymant of tlse secured deDt. Lender may atso domand immediate
<br /> • � paymem�f the Bortvvver�s not a natura�verson ans a tronelical mterest in tt+e Bor*owei is soid or uansferred. However. Lendor may not
<br /> ��.:�1':. _ . � demand O�v�+ent in the above situaou�s H it rs OroNbited tiy federal 1�w as of the Qato ot this Eeed of uust. s
<br /> � � 20.ReconveYaneo.V7Aen the obt�fla4on seeured Dv th.e dead ot trust has boon pa�d, and Londor has no furthor oCligaron to make advancea F.
<br /> �'• ��� � undar tho�nshuments or ag�eOmonts sticurod OV th�s dead o�ttust, the Zru9tao sAalE, uDOn wnttan raqi�ost by tAo Lendot,reCOnvoy the trust i
<br /> ' ' � � � property.The Lendor shall do��ve�to tho Bor.ower.or to Bo�rower'e successor �n mto►e�t. tAe trust deed and the�ote or other ewdenca of tho
<br /> er ' o0��gat+on so sansfivd Bonower sha��Cav a�Y rQCOrd�bon cests. E
<br /> �....
<br /> ' ' � 21. Succossor Trustaa. Londo�, et lender's o0tion. may �:move Trustoe artd ap0o�nt a buccesso� trustoe by f��st, ma,6ng a copy of tAO �
<br /> �� su�st�tutw�01 trustee as roqwtod bV aDG��ca010 law, an0 then.DV f�hng tRo subsbtut�on o�ttustse tor rocord in the otfica ot the rapisto�ot deeds . .
<br /> �:: '�
<br /> •�:`-�-' oT eaeh coanty�n wMCh t�+e ttvs!D�operty.o►Some Qart tt+sneof. �s Situated.TAe Successar trustee, w�thout conveYance ot t�e proportV, shail :
<br /> . • succoed to all the Dower.duties,outt�oMy and t�tle of tl+e Trustao named�n the daed of wst a�d o}any suecessur trustoe.
<br /> i•�•,�� . , '
<br /> �j�-^�. � � • ' .
<br /> ' �peqe 2 01?1 -
<br /> �if• ., • • . . 3ANacaSi•i-cMC iv: > -:JtiO 61V53S^• • g�:r,f9'l)i� -:?N :C:M'"i6E5�39' " .
<br /> .�} .' .
<br /> i _ �
<br /> '�,. . . -
<br /> .. - _ . . . . . . .. . ..:s�J..... . �. �'. • ' '4. ' •+":
<br />