<br />Maki . "ta 105156
<br />• MORTGAGE LOAN NO. "1 916 FHA
<br />zHMAUMW1lIVMMMWWM-TW Dennis G. Wadkins and Jane H. Wadkins, each in his qrld._
<br />each athers!
<br />Morl"lor, Whother Omer
<br />tUpp. Tiii* Hundred and no/100 ---------------- --DOLLARS
<br />Tlwrl -11I §WMAgod Lam Asaociedow GMAMW [AMC NIUMIM61111 00 62 *Mftafs"*Of
<br />�by
<br />ve* MMOCIOM. Cwtilloft Ift-19 916 FHA as booby pate. ctavoy said soa10 0 WO do MW ASNIOCIATIM As hMwsft
<br />iaorI I *W- seaft, dhoW is HO Covoty, Ndwa*a-
<br />Lot Ten (10) in Block Eight (8),, in Schiw.,r!!s.v"kddtion to the City of Grand Island,
<br />",.Nebraska,
<br />talletber, silk all the tviowda, befeditaments and appurtenances tbereunto belonging, including attachoi.fkM 60"WkW. &I rristda nj fill s.
<br />winilow shadw blials, mwwbWows. avrainqlp. heating. & conditioninS,aind plumbii* aid water equipomt aM woetwories th=W.pvmW*wa.
<br />idilIpalors. aid iAber G6s wW equowt raw or hereafter attad" to or used in connection Wilk UM ftil MM
<br />" w be-coo the uW ftxt$W%.1a**Weed and does hereby agree that the motjollim shall so win pay all taxes and Uppoevots kvid or
<br />asntsa 1 "Wil pimmiaessaii! 4" *ftmod&W and the bmd secured thereby before the acme *W become debnqwnt,.tafkvhbapproved
<br />iastxsam upon the buNimp ova said prentLaes situated in the sum of $6,200.00• able- to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to slid
<br />fag
<br />A&SMIATION the policies for oW insurance; and not to commit of permit any wage on or about said Premilorr,
<br />Is caw of dersuk in the pefformonce,31F 2my of the terns and conditions of this mor4W or the bead OWME.0t *P'Aw Morigave shell.
<br />hereby .141114
<br />as detood. be institiml to mWe POOMM Of the MM"d ""%iWS WA the MMWW be( iS .' Oft 404 UN over W the
<br />as "m all the nuts, flew n sod inciome to be derived from the•InortpSed VMnins dwwg sack fine as the o-dow—w— 1111011 nsaris
<br />raiysid; and the sompWshall have the power to appoint any Wpa,tw jWn13 it may dv*g for the puirpon of q 10 . IMM prss ONNS and Iftelims
<br />out of rand income IN expesees of ravoki , said pis said aw%M�y
<br />COMMUMM sad jdihwed in renting and 4— ibe' wire, .ind. of cui*jft rentals theralroo; tar hubsce ramislig, if my, to be
<br />allied he= .11 M,
<br />towaird , e Of said *W-d$W t v; these uWAvof the rum%wpe my be czerchod at 'bol dwft do "bum tairsoda
<br />irrespective of my temporary "-No of the am.
<br />These hum* S, hewn .are upon t8e CconCtion,lbat if the raid Moorgagor ftH repay mW lam cis or Won do F of Sid ahmn by
<br />Psymavot; pay wooft to wA ASSOCIATION of the sum specified in IM Bond secured hereby so iounfUt ad J= Ott - lkem.000twon
<br />Un T""i"hany ofeach MW every vmmh.vmil aid loon is fully paid; pay all taxes sad aw"Mosts kww "dam thk Morov
<br />4"d On Dead =PPW thereby. before dehmqvmyJujrnbh&Ppr0Wd insurance upon the buildbigstherwaindwas6OWS 6 200.00 1 )AI
<br />to nd MWATION; repay to uM ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by it paid for vm* 4ws, amoaid*6 and 140;� WA i"W" as
<br />the anoximia IVJ tote thereon from ate of payment all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to psy;porvak so waste esvoW pronbaiikesp and coo*
<br />with Ma the agreements and omwiliumof the BMW for 6,200.00 this day given by the said blodppor to aaW ASSOCIATION.aW comply
<br />with all ok requkenientird the Constitution sad By4Awsof said ASSOCIATION; them these praevilt shad become sal ad void, otberwiw they
<br />shah rPantie in fog f%xs*j*d may be furft*wd at the option of the said ASSOCIATION after figure for three mositim to n*c =V. of said
<br />payments oar be throe mmidw o sneers in making said monthly payments, or to keep said comply with the agronneou and cosUgmaef "good;
<br />ftd1l1n-W&i arses to hift srece iver appoi0tod forthwith in such focedmue ptocftd*p.
<br />If theri is may dww in owners*,of the real estate moripsed bmi". by Ole or oth"Wime, them the evitim ressirtird b"Wift" boft
<br />eaters/ stall, aR the optka of The 14Wtable 9vililiog sad Laos AmacWfios of Grand falmd.Nebruka.beenat — iaasaadisub dtte awlpysMs —WAIND"I
<br />Aptilm stollen. and the mosAW ett,sisieg dw sailer veil bad. and way uttm bod for my additiosd advasoas avails tielastadar, siB, fmosai the
<br />4W of ewdw of MW option. bear ilffilmat at the Roximem lellal raw. sad this rnortgap my tars be foesclimod to smi0y the mono dais m mid
<br />beind,ad my other boad for o"diusel adveawn. topilm with all onto poid by s aid The F*dablir SwIffing staid Loss AnDcisUn of Grated lalmd,
<br />Ho"Ob4by. k"Mace. lam and "Wonvots. and obencting ritunk*chorps. with interest theretais, fircits doe of payournt st the wAximitean
<br />I
<br />100
<br />AS:1 is the SM4 mew ad hereby. while this vW*W remains n rfftot the Mftow my hereafter advefte viddAiNd Son; to ft
<br />vok - mW &M. their mips or socemors in istmo, whidt sano shall be within *e security of this inortVp the mor as the fustis orkoselly
<br />SOMWIV".
<br />the total amount of principal iebt to excaed st any time the'464%04 amount of this mortM.
<br />ARWWthis - 211 .,Oaf
<br />0220go&y tomber A. D., 19 89
<br />STATEMMENRASKA. On this 21st day of September 19 89 , before aw,
<br />• COMY OF I IAU the Modervived. a Notary Public in and for said County. p"Wsallyeasae
<br />Dennis G. Wadkins and Jane M. Wadkins. each in his and tier own Who are P"10"Ift1w"10
<br />riqht, and as spou&e of each other
<br />WA16be howworedporson s whose sow s are aWn" to the above Via! nwtMews and they Waray
<br />atksatwrWjd the sail Prasir+t�see+ to be their volw"Iyact "de-0.
<br />R11 NI S5 rwy him " 14"Id sw the data aforrmA_
<br />49 k,
<br />My Uvaiviovies;bn txpk"
<br />dde
<br />stases w
<br />T_
<br />Ito
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