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Jq! M <br />^ I D o c> En <br />FS I n n L N F- ► o -4 o rn <br />= if = " D T N L� 7C �-4 rV r-~ W p CL. <br />? ~ W O i1/� ri fa r n oo c0' <br />s .^` <br />QUITCLAIM DEED WITH RESERVATION OF LIFE ESTATE <br />200108857 <br />BETTY SCHAFFITEL, a single person, Grantor, after reserving a limited life estate <br />to Grantors, and in consideration of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) AND LOVE AND <br />AFFECTION, does quitclaim, grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto LINDA S. <br />MOORE, PAMELA J. CAIN and TERI J. RUCKER, Grantees, the following described real <br />property in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />A tract of ground located in the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW '/4 SW ' /a) <br />of Section Twenty -One (21), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th <br />P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a <br />point 559.4 feet west of the southeast corner of the SW '/4 of the SW '/4 of said Section 21; <br />thence in a northerly direction parallel with the east boundary line of said SW '/4 of the SW '/4 <br />of said Section, Township and Range, a distance of 240.7 feet; thence in a westerly direction <br />parallel with the southerly line of said SW '/4 of the SW '/4, a distance of 96.1 feet; thence <br />southerly parallel with the east boundary line of said SW '/4 of the SW '/4, a distance of 240.7 <br />feet to the southerly line of the SW '/4 of the SW '/4 of said Section 21, thence easterly on <br />said southerly line of the SW '/4 of the SW '/4 of said Section 21, a distance of 96.1 feet to <br />the point of beginning; subject, however, to the highway right -of -way over the southerly <br />portion thereof. <br />To have and to hold the above described premises together with all tenements, <br />hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the Grantee and to Grantee's <br />heirs and assigns forever. <br />Dated: August 31, 2001. <br />Betty Schaffitzel f ' <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />) ss. <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />Before me, a notary public qualified for said county, personally came Betty <br />Schaffitzel, a single person, who is known to me to be the identical person who signed <br />the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to be her voluntary <br />act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal on August 31, 2001. <br />11 GENERAL NOTARY State of Nebraska <br />EARL D. AHLSCHWEDE <br />wt.,� <br />Comm EXP. Nov. 27, 2002 Notary ublic <br />