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<br /> 'fOGE7'HER WITH all the improvements aow or hereafter erecxed on the property, and all easem�ts, �.. ,� f`
<br /> °�.�• a�ypurt�nauces, and fixwres now or hereafter a part of the PI'aPatY• � �Placements and additions shall nlsfl be . <E �
<br /> - -. - ": - �ir� N J . F. .�.
<br /> ,. <�.;:� covered by tLis 3eaixity Insm�ment- Ail of the foregoing is refeaed w ia this SecutitY Insmm�ent as the"Property." ,, • ,.
<br /> M..''_.... - ti G.: Y .`-r '. .
<br /> -;, `,:; - BQRROWER CQVENANTS that Borrower is lawfiiUy seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to
<br /> ---; :., �<�- and that the Propecty ' .� `:Y.:-:.�z-:d,�....
<br /> a{... grant and coavey the Fcopert5' �s u��. exc�t for e�wnbrances o f reco r d. Bo=rower � `_rY
<br /> ,' : the title to the Property againsc all claims and dem�ds,subject to any enc�mbrances � � t .
<br /> � � � : wairants and will def�d generally `- � .•
<br /> � M of recard. b� __ �� ,r `:
<br /> �� •i ,_� THIS SECURiTY INSTKUMENT cvmbines w�iform caveaants for n�ioaal use and rmn-nniform covenants with � - ..
<br /> ` ` `� -
<br /> _ ,�. :: �.�qr.�� limited v�iations by jurisdicaon to ws�sriridite a uniform sautity insmsmeut cavering ieal PmP�Y• Q - _;
<br /> �. -�,. LTDiIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L,eQder cov�ant a n d agree as f o ll a w s: � �.:f� �'` '-
<br /> �i� .-, ; ` ` � 1. paym�of prmci�al�Int�t: Ptepaym�t�1��- Bornower shall prompUY P�3+ahea due the _ .�t�.
<br /> �• and lare charges due uuder the Note. �i ' r `
<br /> � �� principat of aad iaterest on the debi evidenced by the Note and�9 Pr�al+�t _
<br /> �-'�y 2.. F�ds far Tases�msu�e. Subject w applic�bte iaw or to a wriuea waiver by Lender, Borrower shall ��r
<br /> � •� , '� I�Y to Ixnder on the day muntbiy payments aze due ander the Note,imril the Note is paid in fiill,a sam("Fuads") ,. � :
<br /> f �' ° for. (a)yearly taxes and�ts wluch maY a�ain Priority over t�s Sec�ait3+ Insuument as a lien oa the Property; � M `4 '
<br /> ,,. teats ou �he P[operty, if AnY; ��) Y�Y � � PT�P�Y �n�'-rnnrr ` 4 °4 °
<br /> - (b} yearIy leasehold payments or gcound eazl mo e insuiance premiams, if aay;and (�anY '` ;{,�,
<br /> 4 � ` ° , p��; (d) Yearly Aood'msmauce Premiuu�, if anY;(e? Y Y �S ..
<br /> � " � - "" snms Payabte by Bornower ta I.ender, in accor+daaoe with the provisions of patagcaph 8,in lieu of the payment of - �:
<br /> : �.:
<br /> '' . < s: mnrtgage in�,.a� premiums. These items are called "Escrow Items." lender n�aY,at any time, collecc aad hold � :
<br /> ;. �,
<br /> - r loam may requine s • �.
<br /> .�'�ILL' . �• Funds ia an amouat not w exccxd the mtuci�m amount a l�der for a federally related mongage .
<br /> �'' for Boirower's escrow acxount under the fede�al Real Estate Settleme°t Pr°°�ur�s Act of 17/4 as amended from dme •
<br /> '�'�5�' � ��` to ttme, 12 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.("RESPA"), unless another law that applies w the Fnnds sets a lesser amouut. If = x.`
<br /> `r� ` �. ` :��� so.Lender may.at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not w exceed the lesser rsmouac. Lender maY - ,
<br /> ��::. � of a�nent data of expendituces of�e '` '''.,,
<br /> ..."� : eswnate the amount of Funds dne oa the basis and reasonable e.s6mates � .� ._
<br /> �� • licable law.
<br /> , �x.. .,-., � `, Escrow Iter� or othecwise in accosdaace wfth app , oz entity
<br /> ,;�-f;:.'.........:.. .: '`.�' The Puads shaU be held in an institutio� whose asits are insured by a federal agency.instrwoaentality � :-4... .�_,•� .
<br /> w ...: � i the Funds � ,; '`° :
<br /> �` , , (including Lender, if Lender is such an institadon) or in any Aederat Hame Loaa Bank. Irender shall aPP Y tz
<br /> �r,,•-•:,. .' � ` w pay ttte Escrow Items. I.eicder may not charge Borrower for holding and aPP1S'�S� Funds, annuaUY analY�inB ,
<br /> :�:,,�. , . { °. t h e E s c r o w I t e m s, t m l e s s L e u d e r p a y a B onower interest on the Fuads and apglicable r,•, �,,3,,y.
<br /> _; +- � -- ;. -:n-. the escmw accoun�. or verifying .
<br /> =�°: �_ . � . � su a cU e. However,Ixnder may ze4niie Borrower to pay a one-t� charge for an , .•�.�::_.
<br /> s law pezmits Leadsr to make ch arg ;� ::�':.:r;:;.�,-,
<br />�� ..,:;; �� _ licable.law . _ .
<br /> ; ;,. . : _� indepeadent real estate tax reporting service used by Lender in connecaon with tLis loan, anless app ;;�::;;Y.
<br /> .`:;�..�.�:: . ...•: . .' .�,.''� pmvides otherwise. Unless aa agreeu�eut is wade or applicable law requires interesc w be paid, Lender shall not be _ �:-:e`.:..,.
<br /> ` ' required to pay Horrower aay interest or eamings on the Fnnds. Bonower and Lender may agcee in wsiting,however. a;� 4'
<br /> ;;., _ ;,
<br /> .:z::�:��. • ' ` ` that iaterest shall be paid on the FRmds. I.ender shall giveto Borrower, withaut ccharge.an annual aceom�ittg of the ,S , .,`, >,,:
<br /> t,'; � 'y F�mds.showing credits aad debita to the Funds and the purpos�e for wtrich easb debit to the Fuuds was made. The :, -
<br /> ••;z; : . - Fuuds are pledged as additional secnrity for all sum4 secured by this Security Insmsment. ,�. � ;' -
<br /> :�� 15�.�:(' ' . . '
<br /> �, :.�;� � : lf the Funds held by l.eader exceed the a��s P�� to be heid by appllcable law,Lender sha11 accouat w
<br /> �2t : • .
<br /> Borrower for the e�ccess Funds ia accardance with tbe requirements af apPlicable law. If the amonnt of the Funda held
<br /> ,:� ; `' • ' .�•' � by Leader at any time is not sufficieat to pay the Escrow Items when due,Leader may so notify Bomower in writin8.
<br /> ��'�::�`,' , :`' and,in sach case Boaower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make . •` s;,.
<br /> " ��;�.` • � '..' up the deficiency in no mnre than twelve monthlY paymeats, at Lender's sole discretiou. .. . �'�''-
<br /> ..�L`: � :•� .,: Upon gayment in full of all snms securod by this Se�curiry Instnimen� Lendet sha11 promptly n�fimd to lBonower �,•.�� ,;_
<br /> � �` airy Fuads held by Lender. if,under paragraPh 21,i,ender shaU acquice or seil the Property. I.ender, Prior w the -
<br /> r� '% . ' acquislrion or sale of We Properiy.sha11 apP1Y anY Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a ct+edit , • �"`
<br /> k : . �:
<br /> �� � against the sum9 secured by Wis Seciutty Instrument• '�:'
<br /> 3, ppp}icatton of Paya�tte. Unless applicable Iaw provides otherwise, aIl payments received by Lender under -
<br /> .�-��a` ',:`� ' � �• t charges due under the Note; second,to amounts payable ': .
<br /> , • , paragrapbs 1 and 2 shall be applied: fust,to any prepaymen . .,
<br /> . . ��`-`` under paragraph 2;Wird.to interest duc:fourth, to principal due:and lasc.to any late charges due nnder the Note. ,._ ��..
<br /> ,�:�'�����:. 'f�; • laeas. Boaower shall pay all taxes,assessments. cdarges. fines and impositions attributable to the .,. . ..
<br /> � . 4. C�arges,
<br /> ���°��t;': � Property which m3y attain priority over this Security Insttument, and �e o!1 f n t azd in tt���manner. Bo ower
<br /> •�, "{, , .. . . Bonower shall pay these obligations 9n the manner provided in paragraP P
<br /> '<F:•:'i:.':... Fotm 3028 9/90 .
<br /> NHBR/ISKA-Single Aamily-PNlSNFI�.MC IJNII'ORd! INSfRU11HffiRP � . '..
<br /> � ., . .• g
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