<br />I S!lt__ day at 'emP i� 139
<br />end_Li _ i-, Fi3Tri ' F Z- nda UVrew,
<br />It- Hal damy.musa�suuwtfw $ veil# �eNdwaiawir�a�ii�t�ir�aFC�taa /w�i.aoa�or�
<br />anpaairlt ewiMiay ttnitr tie terms al tlde tlaiMd'ttlfa # Atamrima wi110 it petneipal duos etch itmliMttth at cirri hfnac Nsbmhs. r
<br />00!1? TIlL TJMU«ii.o.twar s .loermiimcawidamtiarofebewtmot three Tht 6sand Two
<br />tlieraa�tptw�ki3airerrad� .witditi.� es by these p Vn% �o�,9f�tutd n000nan
<br />" tw. wE•# �iMlefors. i�{ itasNrirdsat�eit�ediEtie�ooetyd .....a„ ar'P�`��,...,;- ;,,�,�� „�� `� �a,
<br />ani etKbeaal<s. edwie:
<br />Lrt.,5 ty One (61)', in West Heights Addition, an Addition to the City of Grand
<br />�T�.sland, Hale: ; fcunty, Nebraska.
<br />a
<br />TgWJw with alt boning. air oaaditi usq. 41olAR. sad Plumbing ow*m et ad fixtures. irehtdirg err"”. awnim pe, exams wit h aril
<br />dnrs, end widow ehadm or blinds. used ono or in c+ousactioe wkh aid property, rbutim w seem an now boated on acid property or bsrmffw
<br />pica/ thanes.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME. taaether with rU red simduly thai tamrmente. heoulA emits and oppautaaasces thersua u Vo- ,
<br />begiap, or is oWwta appertaining. !awes, and wrrmat the title to the mans. Said tnorpporg .. hereby covomut., _._ With mid
<br />atartdapn that t he _Y -- — . at the detivwy henwf. the MwM owmoS _ of the p wiles above conveyed and describe 4,
<br />ism are _ seised d • dead and W6font7xis mate of wwitance tbuow.• tmo, tad clear d au owwobnatw. Nail clot t_lwiL _�kll':
<br />worrast ad defend the titis theme $Nee a againet the chums and dsmadn of 14 s whoinower.
<br />rf1OVlDiDALWA1t8.aadtbisimtrwomoti owutedstdtle WwWtoneuntMpynmKofooworeof_ ,.Tj�g�.
<br />Two Hundred and no /10_0- �- - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- Douast>t 2G!& ►.
<br />with isasemt themes. tmpather with arch dmsps and advances, so may to des sail payable to mid nwrtpagte under the tease sad conditions
<br />al w ptamtrary move of area data iax.,rit" nail eetatrd hasby. exectttad by rid a wtvSw _ to said mortgagee, payable as expressed
<br />in aid note. cad to somas the p.tin — d aU the near. and aooditioss contained therein. & term; of rid cote we Iweby taootperoted
<br />hosis by this re6weam.
<br />k is On b lem ice and mpamsmt # W paRiae issr00 t10mt ells matpape ehmitslae cease may lotars advantw xrde to acid suffO Ir-
<br />by said maRpapse. nW,any and aU i*ttdahudtteu in addition to the amount abuve stated which aid mortgagors, or any of them, may ffAtto
<br />said Mortgages. ho+rwrr evidenced. whetltr by mots:, book secoust or otierwir►.4 Thi 1 wtartpte shalt rennin is WD fora sad Meet ba(W it
<br />OA pnetiss 1010+100 end alive heirs, parwl8 np ONOWtivse, sutxseeas and saaWW anti! all amuuets BMW hwsxuadsr. ineirdiutp !atone=,
<br />abruma. am paid is felt wit" imr�mat_
<br />The easatpap w-6 — hereby woipts__._ to acid mF eggs; aU ;sate and a mono awing; at any coil aU times !tart a" .:property and
<br />hereby WO NORM .!*!fpayn nr iva Ogee, at i!x, option, upon default, to thke charge of said property rotes collect ail_ "vita and Insane
<br />theesbeen and a*piy' Ilea tenor to the psymsot at !awe". priselpai. insurance premiums. taus. aaasi oMp. rspolm or improvements
<br />msmesrrY M kanrau�tdwpatf i twamtsYa rapi(Iliwt, rut crochet fimrpw -er pryrtemte- Mnsvided for heesim s6 iii the scats irwady otu tend. This
<br />reuse smiplemaat efem>f oarfimoa Ir titaea taulti tae xuipttkli bolance of eaW met. is, wy paid. Thr 00kimg d pessasaioe hmnwauiw oitxiiil i. no a+mnner
<br />prowl or retard acid aertpapn is this edlec ion d ;�sid sums by loredoerre or otherwise.
<br />Ile l" d tie wsrtpmpee to aaod nay d ita rights hwwnder, st any time shad not be ononfted sea waiver d ite rid%t to onset the
<br />new at my later time, and 00 insist open ad enforce strict atmpliaaee with all the terms and provisions d amid note and of this mortgoge
<br />It raid matpnper s tda antes to Alm paid to said matpiagn the scone saaoun doe it ho wofiar. and under the tame red previsions
<br />of ail saw haeiy mausi. WehW g twww adv sae, said nay eaNSeior or reaearels thereof in saard/aoe with the teraes and provisions
<br />lien#. sad it sail 004eger s _,._ eheido 0*0 With all Oise pmwimw of sold rota end of tW mot~. then these presents eMY be void.
<br />aehorwioe 00 moats in %a /swami - pk— 'jfMll•ui W maryynohrU beeat W tP the p oin" m of all of acid p vpny, and cony. at ke ep4m,
<br />Alit" tie sub to of mK nab and all b"abom a mp m mted tiarsby to �a'ftua o is * due and payable, and may fseeelaoa this m 4fte
<br />ar Is10e soy ether' irpM ataWeem M peMer:a its cwt. Iipprrieswese wutirrsd.
<br />This arsetpapr boll be binding open rem sMU ware to the boask d the hairs. executors. administrators. suroeeasors ad ensign of the
<br />Mspseutiw (�aNke theratet.
<br />IN WITNKU WHERCtli, said Wxtptpors- -. ha.ue- hmsrato set -their—, hands_ the day and yaw first above
<br />wttielam.
<br />a
<br />its L ?arras,/
<br />y/
<br />i
<br />_._J__-
<br />