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—=r�- - '� .v�.✓.G..."Qi .. . . . _ . :<.'�_ ..e <br /> �]� —`r_ {� . . :' " _� — :C Ti :i-. �. <br /> j -t-� � , . . � c ._ � . � . � W� � 6 . <br /> c r. . � . . � 1 i : 6 . .' r �« <br /> �` .r k � - , ':f�:�.._. _ _.e, �-.z ��""c r.< < r� , - � -.'Y .`, . <br /> _ -' � �'� - . . - �2 - - - • _ -_z.-t . -.:R :���':. <br /> t <br /> .`-- - ' e c n-_�_;Y: ,- . ,� :. ; e - ti .: � E� - . - - r : . . tt."�- o,- ��� . o---. <br /> Fa"� � � z e._ . .i `i; �. � .. ic � r .�X a y,a � e�r.<� '.'�•q',� -�. _ -, r-�'i. ev� ,,��_.__.SF�-• - ,u <br /> �.,-�e r :��^ w.z:r 3�� �.�' �r�� _.�, . �..- - --�-- _ <br /> ---' - , _^:�:r,` .:- _ ..f>,..=.�. <br /> —ati' �: '- tS<i�.�_ �.� L'r+,. <br /> t'. _ 4 . C�.. <br /> F •;� i- <br /> i` { . C � '�U � - <br /> � ' � ` �� •` <br /> .;,� r�.-,.. , � in the artginaf prh�dpat amouni of$ t 50 a�0 00 .and any and all modfications.exter�sions and renewals <br /> ..:. ti. .:tz<._'�." �•3�.:� <br />—`-�..- _ . ;' .°•E-�. thereof ar thereLo and any and�It tuture advanoes and teadvanoas to Borrower(or any of them it more tttan one)harewider Pursuant ``,:.:..�. :�t:;: <br /> ;.: f -`- < - to one or moce promissory notes or�xedit agreements(herein cafled'�iota`}:(D3 the Payment of othe�sunns advanced by Lender to • <br /> #_�•. � ., ^� � Q � V��� <br /> .{... Protect tAe serurity of the Note:(c)ffie pedortnanoe ot sU oovenar�s and agreemerds ot Tn�stor set toAh herein:and(�eil present and � <br /> � .. : . , `� fuDure indebffidn�s and obligations ot�orrower(or any o!tl�em N more than onef to Lender whether direct.inr6red.aDsoh�te or oontin- .s�:_• <br /> _�,�. ;.. :...G�:., � .z` � <br /> = �- < �' � "= gert and whstl�er adsing by rtote.9uarar►LY•avecdraft or othervuise.The Note,tl�Ls Deed ot Tnist and anY and a!t other doeumerrts that � <br /> �:-. •:�..,:;�."..��' ..�•.: secure the Nate or otherwise e�cecuted in wnnectton fnerewlth.inctu�ng wiit�aut limilatton guarantees.setxuiry a9reements and � .� <br /> °- �.��. -.. `"• .< �, sssdgnme�rts of teases and be ceterred to Aerein as the'Lcan instrument�. � `:�'� •:• � . <br /> rt � . <br /> �Q. � TnuOOr cmrenants and agreea with lender as toitow� � `� � <br /> _:�:.� • �...� 1. Paymeitt af tnQa� tndebte�tess secuted hereby sha0 bs paid wtien due. q t - <br /> -"* .` � 2 Tftla.T�ustor is the axmer of Me Property.has the right and aWhority to oonvey the Property.and wartants that the tisn creat- � .:tG�,.;� <br /> � F�, ` �-.r ed hereby is a first and prior fien on ths PropeAy,exoeDt tor iiet�s 8nd encurt�set totEle by Tn�sior in writirtg and deliveted to � -- <br /> --y�`��'�•" <<:. r` `. Lender 6eTore exeartion of this Oeed ot Tn�st.and the execution and deGvery of this Deed of Tnut does not violaLe any oortlract or � -- - � ° <br /> .v_Y�"� � - � ' 4 'f� <br /> �-� -s.�=�.' - .- other ohNga�an Lo whi�Tnutor is subled- �;Y��� <br /> + �; :: 3.Te�oee.As�ssmenta To pay betare delinquencY ali taxes.speaai assessments and all other charges a�inst the PropeAy <r `` <br /> , �;` ` .. , �' now or h8reaf0er[sv(ed. < `;' �; <br /> ` � �- 4.Insuranoe.To keep the PmpeRy insured a�ir�R damage by fire,hardrds induded wiihin fhe term'e�ended oaverager,and , r ,� <br /> :�� :„ '. ; such hazards as Lender may amounts and v�ith oompanies aooeptabte to Ler�der,r�aming Lender as en adEfiffiona!nanted ;-�. <br /> E <br /> •i.', <br /> - �=;: . - . ...��`` insured.with foss payahte to Uie� case at toss under such poGcies.the Lender is suthorized to,ootled and campro- '.;'_`,`: ; ,.. <br /> U <br /> ��°� � � mise,a11 ctaims thereunder and stmU have the option of apPtyir�9 all or part of the insuranoe prooeeds()to anl►indeb�ness s��ed - - <br /> r , r _ <br /> _ �' � � �. ' hereby and In suc��order as Lender may defeRnins, u to the Trustor to be used tor the repair or restoration at the Property or��tor <br /> < �� - , arry other pucpose or object�a�ery to Lender widtout aftecxing the tien of this Deed of Trust far the futf amow�t secured hereby ; <br /> � �{Y'- �'�� ' betore sucfi payment ever taok Ptace.M!►aPAfic�ions of prooeeds to indebtadness shall not excend or postpone the due date ot eny ,� �. <br /> . •� � �` .;�,`� paymerrts under the Note.or cure ai►y deisult thereunder ar hereunder. '., . <br /> �. .:� <br /> 5,Esc[o�.Upon wriuen demand by 4s�nder,Tnistee shall pay to such manner as!Br►der may designam.sufficiern <br /> ��` � sutns to enable Lender to pay as they�me cf�e one or more of the btlowing(ij all taxes.assessmeoffi and other charges against }�� ' <br /> �,,4��f `- � , ..::::.�- the PropeRy.(ii�the premiums on the pcaperry insurance r�equired hereunder,(ii'�the premiums on ar�y mort�ge U�suranoe required by =• ^f'_��., , <br /> :'�"�y:.. :. . : Lmtder �. <br /> -•Yu.::�Yf � 4 r.' '�. ���.! <br /> �. u�� �. - 6.Maintenance.R�talrs and Compiianee wtttt Laws.Trusior s h a l l keep t he P r o p e ri y i n g o o d o o n d rt i o n e n d r e p a►aaU �', ,i. <br /> , r •. „ promOtill�eAair,or repface arry imp�aveme�whic�may be damage�or destroyed;shaU not commtt a permit arry waste or detedora- <br /> ,s�t�� • .. .�►: <br /> Uon of the PmpertY shatl not remave,demolish or su�atty a►ter any o1 the impravemerts on the ProPertY:shaU not oommit.suHer '��• <br /> ;,,�: 't- '' cr pennit any act W be done in or upon t he P�opeAy in v io l a t lon o f an y I a w.o r d i n a n c e,o r re gulatlon:and shail p a y and pmmpriy dis- �, ;:' <br /> -°`-��" -';e ch^a�rg�{e. at T�usWfs cast end expet�s�e ali Hens,ertcumbranoes and chatges levied imPosed ot aec�ssed agatnst the PrapeRf!or�Y ..4.:..V�;'•.' <br /> .�c�, ! - � fJ�.:t pOa`Y�B��. <br /> !G.�' <br /> ,,,�,�':. -- c , _ T.Emtner�t Domaln.Lender is hereby assigned ell compensation.awards.damages and other payments or re(ie1(herein8fter , _•- <br /> � - � �Proceeds7 in oonnecdon with condemnatlon or ather taking ot the P�opeRy or part thereof,or tor cornayance tn Ueu ot wnQemmation. + .��«_ <br /> �� �' •;h- lender shall be ertGtled at fts option to oommenoe.appear in and p�te in its awn name arry action or praoeed'mgs,and snall atso � .;: <br /> ti <br /> ,' ��. ,'': °°� ,: be enUUad to make arry compromise or settlemertt ln oonriection with such tak�ng or the eveM arry portion of the Properry is �' _ <br /> ��` l�<y'.._. <br /> �',:::>`• ` � � so taken or damaged.Lender shall have tt►a option in its sofe and absotute� aQPty all such p r o c eeds. after deducttng : ,,;,,'�; .. <br /> � thereirom ail oosts and expenses incurred by it in connecUon with such Proceeds.upon any indebtedness secured hereby and in such �., • -, <br /> �;'� .' ' order as Lender may determine,or to appiy al1 such P�oceeds,after such the restoraUon ot the Property uPon such oon- . <br /> ' .. . _ � : - cGttons as Lender may d8termine.MY aDPficatlon of Proceeds to inde0tedness sha►1 not extend or postpone the due date of aay pay- <br /> .r��-�'`��, - ments under the Note,or cure any detauR thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplied tunds shail ba paid to Tnistor. _ <br /> ,�;�;,�� . 8.Pedormanee by Lender.Upon the oxurrence of an Event of Qetauii hereunder,or if any act is taken or legal proceeding ; � <br />_,;�`'•: commenced wh[ch matedalty at[ects Lenders interest in the Pmperty.lender may in its own discreUon,tiut wfthout obligation to do so. - <br /> -si��: .��• . • , `. and�vithout natIce to or demand upon Twtor and witl►out reteasing Truscor irom any any act w1dd�Tnrstor has agreed ��� �• : <br /> . ?;, •� . but}sited to do and may aiso do any other acl it deems necessary to protect the security hereoi.Trustor sha0, immediateiy upan - <br /> '' ��'�� � � � " demand thecetor by Lender,pay to Lender all cosffi and expenses incurred and sums expended by Lender in oonnection witD the exer- �• ••�: - <br /> ;. :,, , , •�` ,: <br /> '�:. :!'..� . . . � 1....i:�, <br /> . :x. , . � - ,,. ., clse by Lender ot the foregoing dghta.together with interest thereon at the default rate provlded in tria Note.wt►icA shaf!be added to <br /> ' ,�r the indebtedness secured hereby.Lender shati not incur any Gabitity because of anything it may do or omit to do hereunder. :• � . <br /> 9.Hams�dous Matestata.Tn�sior shaU keep the Property(n comptiance w(Uf all appticabte laws.ordlnanoes and regulations �;...',.,.`�. <br /> -'���`._'; .'� .• �•. .,�'�,;,� relating to industtia�hygiene or environmenta�pro2ectten(coilecUvety reterred to h�rein as'Environmentai Laws'�.Tnistor shali keep • - <br />_. :•,�,,., .. . . _ <br /> •:=�k.., � • tha prcperty firee hom all substances deemed to be hazardous or Wxic under any Env�ronmernal Laws(ooliectIvary nferred W herein - <br /> ��� � � , as'iiaiardo�Matedats').Trustor bereby waaarets and represents to Lender that there are no Haxardous Materlats on or under the <br /> ��"��� �' " �� • PropeRy.Tnistor hereby agrees to Indemnity and hold harmless Lender,its directora,otflcers,emptoyees and agents,artd eny suooesr , <br /> � `,� �'�: � ' � , �� sors to Lenders interest.hom and against any anA ai!dalms.damages.losses and liabillUes arising in oonnection wil�the presence. . <br /> _ v.s�_.b�. . • <br /> � REPRESENTA710NS.ANOHTRUSTO S 081.IGATtONuS PURSUANT TO T E�FOREt�IOING IONDEMNITl. SHA�L SURVI�VE � � <br /> "�.�.., ' . � <br /> ��"���°''� ` • - RECONVEYANCE Of THIS DEED OF TRUST. _ <br /> _.�''`"�.",'_' , � . 10.Aaslgnmenta o1 Reata Tnutor hereby ass+gr►s to�ender:and granb Lender a security interest in,all present,tuture and . <br /> ���.;_ after adsing rertts,issues and profits of the PropeRy:provtded that Trustor shall,until the accurrenoe of an Evem o!Defauft,hereunder, . <br /> •F�•;: �� ' � � �� � have the right to co��ect and retain such rents,issues and profits as they beoome due and p8yabte.Upon the oocurrence ot an Event ot _ . <br /> � {"'•' �� Defauit,Lender may,either In person or by agent,with or without bringing any actlon or proceeding,or by a receiver appointed by a . <br /> � . . . ,. <br /> ��., :� oourt and without regaM to the adequacy of its secudry.enter upon and take possession of the Property,or any paR thereot,in its own � • <br /> .� name or in the name o!the Trustae,and do any acts which it deems necessary or desirabte to preserve the vatue,marketebiliry or , � <br /> � �'� • ' rerrtability o1 the PropeRy.or any part thereo!or interest therein,or tp increase the income theretrom or protect Ihe secarity hereol end. . <br /> ,. ���'�`' ' with or without taking possess�on ot the Property,sue for or othenvise coilect the rents.issues and profits theraol,induding those pas� <br /> ' � � • • due and unpald,by noUiying tenants to make payments to Lender.Lender may eppry rents,issues ansl protiLs,less oosts and expens- <br /> ��:��-. • � , es of oasraUan and coltectlon induding attomey's fees,to any indebtedness secured herehy,ali in such order as Lender may deter- , <br /> .�• ��: � . , mine.The entedng upon and taking possession of U►e Property,the coltecdon of such rents, issues and profits, and the app�ication , <br /> '•i•.'"�� � thereof as atoresald shall not cure or waive any defautt or notice of default hereunder or invaiidate any act cSone in response tn such <br /> _`�" • defautt or pursuant to such notice ot detautt and,natwithstanding the contlnuance in Oossession o1 the property or tha collection, � <br /> : �t'•�= ; ' receipt and app�icatian of rents,issues or profits,Trustee and Lender shall be entitled to exercise every right provided br in any ot the <br /> `l�' Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event of Detault,including without limitation the r�gflt to exercise the power of sale. <br /> •_ §�� ;� � ' � � .� Futther.Lenders Aghts and remedies under this paragraph shall be cumulative vrith,and in no way a tfmrtation on. Lender's rigAts and <br /> i,� ,' ' rvmediss under any assignmen t v f t e a s e s a n d re n t s r e c o r d e d a g a m s t t h e Pr o p e rt y.Lender,Trustee and the receiver shall ba tiable to <br /> �".., �. - � � account only for thase rents actua�ty received. <br /> ;--`.-� - 11.Eventa of Datauit.7he fo!lowing shall canstiNte an Event of Detautt under this Deed oi Trust: <br /> :���;'�. . � . ; (a)Failure to pay any installment ot principal or interest of any other sum secured hereby when due: � <br /> .;,. . ,, E <br /> . (b)A breach of or de}auH under any prov�sion contained in the Note.triis Deed o1 Trust,any of the Loan mstruments.or any ` <br /> <<,'•�:, p �: <br /> • - other I�en or encumbrance upon the Pro e � � <br /> '4��'i, . (c) A vmt Of exeCUtion or attachment or any s�m�tar proCOSS shall be entered against Trustor which shall become a hen on <br /> •��: �' the Praperty or any portion thereof or interest tAere�n: � <br /> ' : (d)There shalt be filed by or against Trustor or Borrower an act�on under any present or future tederal,stalo or other statute. � � <br /> �......,......��i�nnn roiahnn m hankruottw �nsolvencv or other rehel tor debtors:or there shall be ziQpointe d any Iru s c e�v e r O r : <br /> :�� -- ........ ...�_..__.. __. . . ` <br /> . liquidator of Trustoi or Borrower or ot all or any part of the PropeRy.or the�e�ts.�ssues or proms mereoT,or iru�tor vr ov��a+zo+ <br /> snall make any generat ass;gnment for tne benetd o�creddors. ; . <br /> ..'�. • . , � . <br /> �, ! . <br /> ..�' f <br /> '. �r.--r-�--�rC"- .'-z _ . <br /> _� .. . . , fi i� .� -1 <br /> . =�A.:� i . . . �.`', �.. t, f•` �� _ . ;'-� . � � . . <br /> �. . - ' - .. . - . . �. .. . .. _ ... . . . SI.'. ... . . . . . ! . - , . • . . . .. . _ • ' . .. . _ � . t .. . ._... .. . ., . <br />