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ii <br />• j, <br />t). Thai as ad,�i,ortal and :,•flateral ":;UZ_a bur rite t'nsnrent of <br />:he nntr drsfribed. and all •,an1, to he'tirti0' .:..e un,fel this ui,t, u <br />11aer•t,thc Borrower flerufty ;i < : :rnstti the Lcnda't cif profit,. <br />*e+ <W'g:11t�,, royalties, rift[, al:�t ter, :F ;its ac man¢ To the Iformwer <br />undi:r.any ;ind all oil and ga :. 1r=;Mi Am s ;tld prcrntscs, %kiei: :Ile <br />right to rciei+c and receipt f.1r 'Inc. same and a ;�)±fy ;kern ro +and <br />indebtedness as well before at, after default `:t +he corddums of <br />this instruinent. and the i.cader nt3y drtitai'% ;. ;:(c for and recoscr <br />any such payments when due and payable, ',,w tr, It raot ( *e re, <br />quired so to do. This assij!nizrent is to tcrniru.ite :111,1 htc, ;v51 ::u!; <br />and sold upon release of chi-, m%'- rmncnt. <br />10. That the ilorrimer Sall keep the buildings uVen said premises <br />in good repair. and nether 4, 01111111t nor pcintn waste upon sawl <br />land. 11OUsuffer the said prcnvu cs to Fee used for any anidwful <br />purpose. <br />II. That if the ; ; :rinses, tv any pair tier +elaaf, iuc condemned <br />uttdet the power of cmittent :Ivntatn• of acifW! ci for a public use, <br />the damages awarded, the pro:eeds for the taking of, or the con• <br />siderstion for such acquis;tiott, try the extent of the full an +arsunt cif <br />indeWr_dntss upon this ins(ru.? olf: and the note which it. 4,s tliKen to <br />secure remaining unpaid, arc "0itf!•/ asslgre±,,by the lion',., ser to <br />the lender. and s?:;,II be partf .;'rsw:lswith t.�. 1111;9, i';. -,err cis be ap <br />Plied by the tatter en account aft he nett �iw.1,s < „�i;. :,f;tflments of <br />such indebtedw”. <br />asona a attorneys fees and costs of title evidence. <br />If the )+osier of sale is imoked. Trustee shall record a notice of <br />default in each county in which any part of the Property is located <br />and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner presctibed by <br />'applicable la % to Ilorrowcr atld to the other persons precribed by <br />:,npli..ahk lays. After the ante required by applicable lave., Trustee <br />t".•:7 f;isc liubhc nfm.c of sale to the persons and in ilii�-ir(anner <br />7yr"vrihed fly appAsatile f.i,s. 'frustec, without demand �,ti Bor- <br />rt""r, sitatf aril the Property at public auction to the highest bid- <br />der d: the titre and plaice and under the terms designated in the <br />iles:ice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee <br />determines. Iiustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the <br />fruperty by public announwiticnt at the time and place of any <br />pretinu,l% s,rltcdulyd sale lender or its designee may purchase the <br />Property at any sale. <br />Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee �ha:1 deliver <br />t;;, the pur:hascr Trustee's decd conveying the Property. 'f' ,,e <br />nsxrrals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evideskr -,,f tAe <br />:r�rath nt the statements made therein. Trustee shall apply the pro - <br />ctrds of the sale in the following order-. (+ )•:o all expenses of the <br />including, but not litnired to. 'Truvt.�sr's. ees as pettxna. ;;d by <br />altil:d cabtt law and reasonable an:tirncys' tees; (b) to cif sh ;ws <br />s,gcttrtd by this Security lasaizatgent; and (c) any excess i& the per- <br />or persons legally entitled to it. <br />Pai,•e 3 40, >340421430T <br />ip <br />t .* <br />(!r <br />z., <br />} <br />t.� <br />r- <br />made shall be added to the principal sum owirsg on the above <br />12. The Borrower further agrees that should this instrunvent and <br />Me. shall be secured F.ertby. and shall bear interem at the rate set <br />forth in the said note, until paid. <br />the note secured hereby n6t be eligible for insuranm under the Na- <br />' <br />tional Housing Act within eight months from the date hereof <br />%. 'chat the 801rowcr hereby assigns, transfers and .sett over to <br />(written statement •of any officer of the Department of Housing - <br />and Urban Devetoptrtent or authorized aWt of the Seer"ry of <br />the.Lenda, to be applied toward the payment of the note and all <br />silm& secured hereby_ia Lase roc ;.a io - - <br />Housing and Urban QevtBo tatat_dated sublet uerte te±.,h. �_. ___, -__ — -- - - - <br />.;nom <br />-any of the terms and conditions of this,instrurrtent or the said <br />mnrttTis trite from the date asf this insttvttwtttt.• dedinino to insure <br />said note and this mortgage, being deetned.conclusive proof of - <br />note, all the refits, revenues and utcome to fse derived from the <br />said pftmises durinff such time as the indebtedrtis�s shall <br />Sufi ineligibility), the Lender or hokler of the note may, tit its cep. <br />remain <br />unpaid, and the Lender shall have power to arVomt any agent or <br />tiaa, declare all sums secured.hereby immedilftely due and payable, <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing, this opti`ori triajt..itot be exercised ' —: <br />agents it tray desire for the purpose of repairing said premises and <br />of renting the same and collecting the rents, revenues income, <br />by the Lender or the holier of the note when ilir ittelgibility for <br />and <br />and it may pay out of said incomes all expenses of repairing said <br />insurance under the National Housing Act. it, dati'to the Lender's <br />failure to remit the mar/gage insurance prernitim-.tWthe Depart - <br />prem nd iw% a necessary commissions and expenses incurred in rent. <br />ing and manalimg the same and of collecting rentaIN therefrom; <br />rnent of Housing and Urban Deseapin ntlt, <br />the balanIX remaining, if any, to be applied toward the discharge <br />of said indebted <br />13. That if the Borrower fails to make•ang 00mettts of money <br />.m. . <br />when the same become due, or fail.& to.conforrn,to and comply <br />R. That the 8ortntitec will keep the iniprovernents now existing <br />+with any of the conditions, or agreetuanti, Cantnint+cl in this instru- <br />mint, or the note whitb it sc.• -urea, them tNt eniittn principal sum _ <br />cif hereafter erected on the propetty, insured as may- be required <br />from time 10 time by the Lender again:* loss bs fire and <br />and accrued interest shall :al once became due and #Ayabk� at the <br />other <br />hazards, casualties and contingemies in such arnounis and for such <br />election of the Lender. <br />periods ai inay be required by the ( ender and will pay promptly. <br />wtsen due, an} premiums on such insurance for <br />Lender 4mil•givvt notice to Borrower priris t@ a: - eleration <br />prasision payment <br />of %hick has not been made hereinheforc. All i:uurame shat: be <br />following 8onowra's breach of any td, ,erllm fir agreement in this . <br />iststrument (but not prior to acMerarion andt:T•'pW —A lgpll :IZ <br />carried 111 companies appm:cd by tttc I.crdur and the poli :sea and <br />renewals thereof shall be held by the Lender and have <br />unless applicable h1ty pravidev atherw•fse). T:16 notice fha�f) specify: <br />atta :hcd <br />thereto loss payable cfausc' in favor of and in form acccptahte :o <br />in) the default; (b) the *action requited to ctild %ht' defafif;-(c) a <br />dzte, not less than 30 days from the daattt the notice is <br />the Lender. In went of loss Borrower w-dl grse tmntediate ro,.,:c <br />by mail to the fender, who may make of loss if <br />given to <br />D - rower, by which the dcfqult must, Ot c;itiJ. and W. that failure <br />. proof r,ot trade <br />Promptly by PlimoiAct. and ca.h iwairan :e company concerned n <br />crab) authorized direc <br />uY cure the default on or. Ware the date specified in thir ttcitice <br />nt2y result in acceltration oUthe Sums secured by this r,mrument <br />c' and %d to make pa%4ircnt for such logs <br />Directly to the Lander instead of 13 ;►;e )f:- r,nscr and the 1 ender <br />, <br />.ind 4ale of the Proprtt ;-. Tice notice shall further inform Borrower <br />of the right to reinstate after acceleration <br />jointly, and the insurance proctvdf , sir are part therruf, may he <br />apAl;Vd.-bS the Lender at it, yr ^:' sr, either to the reducnott <br />and the right to bring a <br />court acnon ill assert the non - existence of a default or any other <br />of the <br />indOWMness hereby secured c•i I* .he restoration or repair tit the <br />defense of florroucr to acceleration and sale. If &.c default is .tot <br />cured on or before the date specified in the notice. Lender its <br />property damaged. In event• of tore0osure of ihs. in4lrunicnt or <br />other transf;r Of title to the nlongaecd u1 itinftuishment <br />at <br />option ntay require immediate payment in Nil of 1111 sums secured <br />proper. a <br />of the hcrebv, all rrgfa. tit!- anJ interc,t o' <br />by ills. 1115trunlCnt without further demand and may invoke the <br />power of sale and any other remedies p+er^n = by applicable law. <br />tie %.,r rower in, and. to anv iusur,m.c p,llme% then in tk,r,e shall <br />pa;: ;the purchaser or er,erree. <br />,�ted <br />lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing <br />the reuedies prt+vidcd in this Paragraph 13, including, but not <br />1•11ned to re bt <br />ii <br />• j, <br />t). Thai as ad,�i,ortal and :,•flateral ":;UZ_a bur rite t'nsnrent of <br />:he nntr drsfribed. and all •,an1, to he'tirti0' .:..e un,fel this ui,t, u <br />11aer•t,thc Borrower flerufty ;i < : :rnstti the Lcnda't cif profit,. <br />*e+ <W'g:11t�,, royalties, rift[, al:�t ter, :F ;its ac man¢ To the Iformwer <br />undi:r.any ;ind all oil and ga :. 1r=;Mi Am s ;tld prcrntscs, %kiei: :Ile <br />right to rciei+c and receipt f.1r 'Inc. same and a ;�)±fy ;kern ro +and <br />indebtedness as well before at, after default `:t +he corddums of <br />this instruinent. and the i.cader nt3y drtitai'% ;. ;:(c for and recoscr <br />any such payments when due and payable, ',,w tr, It raot ( *e re, <br />quired so to do. This assij!nizrent is to tcrniru.ite :111,1 htc, ;v51 ::u!; <br />and sold upon release of chi-, m%'- rmncnt. <br />10. That the ilorrimer Sall keep the buildings uVen said premises <br />in good repair. and nether 4, 01111111t nor pcintn waste upon sawl <br />land. 11OUsuffer the said prcnvu cs to Fee used for any anidwful <br />purpose. <br />II. That if the ; ; :rinses, tv any pair tier +elaaf, iuc condemned <br />uttdet the power of cmittent :Ivntatn• of acifW! ci for a public use, <br />the damages awarded, the pro:eeds for the taking of, or the con• <br />siderstion for such acquis;tiott, try the extent of the full an +arsunt cif <br />indeWr_dntss upon this ins(ru.? olf: and the note which it. 4,s tliKen to <br />secure remaining unpaid, arc "0itf!•/ asslgre±,,by the lion',., ser to <br />the lender. and s?:;,II be partf .;'rsw:lswith t.�. 1111;9, i';. -,err cis be ap <br />Plied by the tatter en account aft he nett �iw.1,s < „�i;. :,f;tflments of <br />such indebtedw”. <br />asona a attorneys fees and costs of title evidence. <br />If the )+osier of sale is imoked. Trustee shall record a notice of <br />default in each county in which any part of the Property is located <br />and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner presctibed by <br />'applicable la % to Ilorrowcr atld to the other persons precribed by <br />:,npli..ahk lays. After the ante required by applicable lave., Trustee <br />t".•:7 f;isc liubhc nfm.c of sale to the persons and in ilii�-ir(anner <br />7yr"vrihed fly appAsatile f.i,s. 'frustec, without demand �,ti Bor- <br />rt""r, sitatf aril the Property at public auction to the highest bid- <br />der d: the titre and plaice and under the terms designated in the <br />iles:ice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee <br />determines. Iiustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the <br />fruperty by public announwiticnt at the time and place of any <br />pretinu,l% s,rltcdulyd sale lender or its designee may purchase the <br />Property at any sale. <br />Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee �ha:1 deliver <br />t;;, the pur:hascr Trustee's decd conveying the Property. 'f' ,,e <br />nsxrrals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evideskr -,,f tAe <br />:r�rath nt the statements made therein. Trustee shall apply the pro - <br />ctrds of the sale in the following order-. (+ )•:o all expenses of the <br />including, but not litnired to. 'Truvt.�sr's. ees as pettxna. ;;d by <br />altil:d cabtt law and reasonable an:tirncys' tees; (b) to cif sh ;ws <br />s,gcttrtd by this Security lasaizatgent; and (c) any excess i& the per- <br />or persons legally entitled to it. <br />Pai,•e 3 40, >340421430T <br />ip <br />t .* <br />(!r <br />z., <br />} <br />t.� <br />r- <br />