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Ott gft —Itday , a944 , before me, a notary public in and for said county, personally came <br />and - - -- <br />a known to me to be the identical persons who <br />j0W Me bngofrrg Deed of Trust and acknowledged the execution Merecrl to be their voluntary art and deed, and the voluntary act and <br />deed of said sorponbaft <br />WITNESS my hand and notanaf r al on thus the day and year last above wr. »en <br />(SEAL) <br />MyCU= 'lvsitKrllipulf <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA } <br />COUMYOF HAIL ) <br />pun tho 11 d&y (g-' 5011, aber 19 &9 , before me. a notary public in and for said ccuM, , personally cameMich�e1,D. _ Go 'nzales <br />and �,�tr!f_�Y1 K. G+d�azaleai _ -- . _ _ trncwn to me to be the tdentcca: persrur „^ MMr; <br />s9W ft itxegwV Deed of That and acknowledged the ex&. -ution thereof to be their voluntary act and deed. <br />t+Yt MESS my hand and notarial sear :n this the day and year last alcove written. <br />MAU ILA <br />. r c� Y*ss,x, saWu <br />s <br />a <br />r:i <br />iMl <br />;•f <br />—J-- <br />(d) Battallciaty +nom fact w cam ft Mat P ropenY or tiny part thenrot ro Oe sold under rM power a sad►. and in such smR, <br />Bertefro" a► ruaMe MtW piw such soft of dehattlr and rtofiee at sale as may be then nqt~ by law. Thw*MW . upon V* <br />ewproon of such time and ffte 90AV aauch notice of sate "may than be requwvd bylaw. Teusfee. at the (iota and place specif cl <br />by the Move otaetb, &W n# such Trtnt Pf+apa►ty, or any part tharrof spec0ed by BeneAft itry, st pubic atiewn to UM IN~ <br />bidU - fbr Cash h Upvltrl ntortey of due t /iwd Stags o1 Artrenica. VPM Mcaipt of P#YM&N of d* pvtce bid. Trrxtbe shaft al*y tFte -- -- <br />protwda in tfte IoNawkV order., (i) to the cM and expWso$ of exeMktirrg the power of sate aid of the sale, trtcludirtQ but not Antiflbd <br />to. how's Am or not mote 0wr $$M.00 plus oft -h4N 0Icno patMW of 00 grans sate p+ ice, and nasortable attrxrtey lice. (ii) to <br />tfte M*~ 8M. and (iii) dte Oxon. if any. to the person or petsonta Iagat aytblted tttereb. <br />tMl ones and •ttpirtaea ft-cared by aft -a deny M enforcing any right under the Deed of Trust, inckx" widtout lint Otion, abstract or rifle <br />fiW appraiad ibis ptomitirns attorney M" &V caws coats. shah t» and conMM etdebtednim secured hereby. <br />- - <br />27 orONof Ih*M. Ttu*wMQW V;W <br />- -- - - <br />- � �- r�is an�ToG ^- `aMOns oFTnsu�s s a�hTt b-i � -�ro>� > f��x�ss�Pibi�t��eaD ►TrabrandTrrr3ma� <br />- <br />MWb xa* *j ft Momarice -dsuch duties andobagabons as are specifically set fort herein; and no implied covenants or <br />0 <br />_ ._ �. o�J�IQa�onssf�aMbearttjtoaadulgonFnrNa� .• .. . , ,. _ <br />.. ........... . - -... <br />(b) No p oWsion a tMs Deed of Tnnt srtttir rogu me Trtrstee to expend brisk its own funds, or dhorwise incur any financial obf►Qaeion in <br />:,, <br />� tfMe� a any aiis dulic herruatder, or in the exercise e# 1fn)r of ib rfgitts a powers. .:, <br />:.:':. <br />(c) TitraM� rtty►eoriatttt wrri totabY.aits owti cfaoswrg and the adu+rar. rif s pounest shag be lull anal cartptets authortzatit�rt arc <br />in die raepect ae:ataitsrt talaart a sgtlferer(by n iter+etxttfe►'ih good Mid► enrol reliance thereon, and <br />(d) Tnnfee * N rW be Diable "action taken by 11 0; good MM and masonst0y believed by it to be authorized or wittin its <br />obcr9t0n or rights or porn porttierrad upon it by this Deed of Trust,_ <br />20. Sam* Agrees wlt and R A Fiirrg. This Deed of Trust shag constitute a security agreement and fixtuttf Tiling under the provisions of <br />dta ANbrt M a Urvkarrt Con m—tial Coda *Wh respect ea those Mires' described in the preanrbtes hervd acs constituting a part of the <br />a• : . <br />Trtt;ptPvoperty, togeftw will: all other property of Trustur,: etcher similar or dissimlkv to the same, now cr14 t►faflpr located at or on the <br />t `. <br />29 F, brit Advatxmw� � ipon request of Trwwp enefiiciary. at BerreT►cr�!'n .option, Arian to fWl rtorrveyence of the Trust Pit +iy by <br />. <br />Thr�ae..Jo TrurtAar -: y mafre tYKurrs �s to TndW' Such f&A t►ft!,e(6ances, W*h,ineereat ttter�aort, & W be sactx '`t 'iTAfa Deed d <br />,< ;<•'; <br />T?rt A< no trrtMrr dte periloteti bt the lndebteMness seCiirt'bYtfrs Doed of Trust, riot /rtcluakrrg sums a "10 ft <br />the" tcurity. a tfte.tat t:of S Advances 0d4butMOM made by Beneliclaryloprotect*0 too <br />under the ten shall not be deemed to be m6w* ices., <br />- 3Q ReCOn rtiti *'J.aIl;' dness secured b this Deer/ of Trust twieFk4 tri�n7 request Trust <br />ThatPwperY&..ud ;, Trust and all notes ev!dencing /ndehtedrtessra+ gain -;edbyMiAPeeddt'tnrtiy�tp.Ti i; . - <br />; ;.`• <br />TrUgl" shad racorwey the warranty and wk t charge to the per5o'rtarversorts IOWA, otrbtiecf(ff�etnCCV.J <br />} pvrxn of persons shah pay, avauft :rg !W.*Mfatron, t <br />31. Sr bsfihree TruslN. Berts/iciary,'461S off,. tney from brne to time remove Tiust+re 04144.40ickeq .5uccessor 1'nrstee to any Trustee <br />appointed hen Aftf by an instnrttent recorded in Me county in which this Deed of Moms ivwrded. WNW conveyance of the Trust <br />_ <br />Properly, ft Successor TnM" shut succeed to all title, power and duties conferred upon Trustee herein and by appRashle law: <br />4 <br />32. AGWONaIMa Nights of Beneficiary. Bend ieiary may at any (me and from time to Mrs, witfraut notice, consent to the Malone of any . <br />plat of the Trust Property or the creation of any easement thereon or any covenants restricting use or occupancy thereof or agree to <br />; <br />agar or amw)d ttte terms of this Creed of Trust. Any pmonal proper y remaining upon the Trust Property alter Me Trust Property has <br />bean poaseased or occupied by Beneficiary, its agent or any purchaser following Trustee's sale, foreclosure, or under any deed in lieu <br />of Trustee's sale or Ibreciosttre, shat be conclusively presumed to have been abandoned by Trustor <br />33. NoMc+e t0 TruMW. TfWsw hereby requests that a copy a any notice of dNeuN and notice of sate made or executed by Trustee pursuant <br />b the provi im hereof be senr to Trustor at its mailing address set ifDrth bovs. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Mrs Deed of Trust has been dory executed � aFtove riven. <br />- M c eI -li. Gonzales <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) ,�— Cheryl K. Gonzales <br />COUNTY OF"` t . ) <br />a� <br />Ott gft —Itday , a944 , before me, a notary public in and for said county, personally came <br />and - - -- <br />a known to me to be the identical persons who <br />j0W Me bngofrrg Deed of Trust and acknowledged the execution Merecrl to be their voluntary art and deed, and the voluntary act and <br />deed of said sorponbaft <br />WITNESS my hand and notanaf r al on thus the day and year last above wr. »en <br />(SEAL) <br />MyCU= 'lvsitKrllipulf <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA } <br />COUMYOF HAIL ) <br />pun tho 11 d&y (g-' 5011, aber 19 &9 , before me. a notary public in and for said ccuM, , personally cameMich�e1,D. _ Go 'nzales <br />and �,�tr!f_�Y1 K. G+d�azaleai _ -- . _ _ trncwn to me to be the tdentcca: persrur „^ MMr; <br />s9W ft itxegwV Deed of That and acknowledged the ex&. -ution thereof to be their voluntary act and deed. <br />t+Yt MESS my hand and notarial sear :n this the day and year last alcove written. <br />MAU ILA <br />. r c� Y*ss,x, saWu <br />s <br />a <br />r:i <br />iMl <br />;•f <br />—J-- <br />