<br /> _ = �a,`.:a `� .�. _ =.. . - : .
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<br /> :� Y {ti,� �, . . . � L'`.t i _f i Z ,. .t � �c
<br /> c.�'- _ - � �-.' �y ; �s�- . : .�- - - . . ti -
<br /> F -. _ �� _ . �t . � -� z '- : .�`� ^ :t+- .c . . �: . - �r= �. . � �.t a�- `-s' 2
<br /> ;-'� i'-.-��.',.,,�}Lt �-4-�-x� �t;� =,r,c._-e. �'_..!._._. _� .�s � n,='�4' '_��L�.�_, -.� _ �..-..���-.�. T .2G..�..._..::� f S.. '_
<br /> - Y �J.c._.:�.�._�3:.n..�.� .�.._�. _.�:-.�`r.� ......`. .... .._ . - �.......-........
<br /> l.B$.'- . C., i,!.F� _
<br /> _ -`�. 'C.' c 4"4.t
<br /> �.�"�. .. .� � . .�a . -
<br /> � ." ,'<•i-.:�, . � TOCsETHB3 WiTH all the imprc�rements now or hereaRer�d on the property. and aU easemenls,aPPurtenances. and ` -,
<br /> ' s' tbRUres• row or hereafter a part of the property.M reptacements and aQdidans shaD aiso be cavered by this Seauity lnstrumen4
<br /> � ` � : AO of the foregoing is refe►rad to tn this Seeurity Instrument as the'Prop�tY' - `. ;r-
<br /> �:;` � � }�.3-:- BOi�lODUEA COVENANT3 tAffi BOtiOwe� i3�wfUAy SBhed Ot tAB eSfffie ABnBby COnvey9d et�d heS ffi9 dght t0 gtetlt ettQ o s
<br />_-�'`;� �. ;,._., corney the Property ar�d that the Property is unenambered. e�ept tor encumbrenees ot record earrower warrants and wa `°.
<br /> � s u ; detend generaDY the dde to tha PropaRy against aA cfaims and demands.subj�t to any encumbrances ot record. ` �* �
<br /> � � THiS S'ECUAtTY INSTk1UN1ENT combmes urtHOrm covsnants tor natfonal use and non�m�Tortn eovenents with Gmited °4`` �
<br /> =�=,'1:'. ..<:.,.� � `� �<- :. 'ir:`-:
<br /> .�.,� , .� � • v a r t a tlons by j u r t s d t c t lan t o c o n s t d u t a a un�o r m s e w r 3 y inswment cave�n 9�P ro P a R Y• •� >
<br /> - ;� . :. < <`F' •:- UNiFORM COVENANTS. 8ortawer and l.ender covenant and agree as toQnws: ^� �.�`:.`.;�'�. .
<br /> a�&:......� ., .. . _; , . . .
<br /> �� 7. PaymeM of Prindpai and InteresE; Prepayment and Late Charges.eorrowar shaU promptry pay when � �t�,` •�.
<br /> '.� . -.
<br />--:��`... . ` �``�`.7 due the princ�pel of and tntecest on the deDt avidenced by the Note and anY PrePaYmeM and fate chargas at,e under the Note. � r .��``�`•
<br /> --��: • '` '. � 2. FuRd8 f0�T8x@8 811d i1�8ufSRC@.Subjed to sAPlcabte taw or w a mtoen wa�+rer by tsndsr. Borrower shati vaY � r �; -
<br />—A� ` ' (`....ra�f(...� t•y :-'nr�:•.
<br /> to Lender on the day monthtY PglR�ents are due undEU tt�e Note,until th@ NOt9 1s Pa(d in lu0.•a sum ('Funds')for. (&)Y�Y �
<br /> �G:-_, `��=6` tazss aftd essess+nenis rfilch may eiffi5e Ptto[dy over this Securih i�stnument es a lien on ttfe PraP�S.(b) Y�Y leasehotd � � ` __
<br /> =`" `'^: harard or ra lnsurance premiums; (d)YeartY PAOd insurance
<br /> .. r . paymertts or ground rerKS on the Property,if any: (c)yeady p pertY _
<br /> `�`ii,_ �',' r;'i premtums.d any.(e)YeaM martgage insursnce prem�ums.d eny;and(f�any sums payebte by Bortawer to L�der n accordance � : t, ;
<br /> -' Y�; • _ '` ' :� with the provEsiorts of peragrapA 8, in Geu of ihe payment of mortgage insurance premiums. Tt�ase fie�ms are ealted'Escrow ;. �
<br /> �- Itmns.' l.ender may, at any time.coQect and hold Funds fi an emount not to e�xeed the ma�rtwm amamt a tender far a ,~ ` ,, •
<br /> :�,'; ' `. . F... , ' ..
<br /> . . • federalryl retated maAgage loan may requUe for Borrowe�'s esaow aceount under the taderal Rea1 E�te Sett�ment ProceQures �"-_�`.._,-_-
<br /> '�±�.:• .:•. , _ Aet of/9T4 as amended irom t6ne to tlme,12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq. ('F�SPA'� untess anothm ta�n tha!eppGes to the Funds >;:F-ti�,,:y
<br /> +,. � � � � sets a Iesser a�ouni If so,Lender may.at arry thne, cottect and hold Funds in an amount not to exc�ed the lesser amount " " �"�� �
<br /> �� r.:.:..`.�-'x�=._
<br /> �:_ �-__. :�. Lender may e�sltrr►am the amount of Furtds due an the basis of curtaM data and reasortabie esUrnafes of mcpen�res of funue `''• ��. ..
<br /> �: . ` Escrow items or othervvise in accotdance w@h appttcable taw. , -"���-,.:
<br /> � �= � TAe Ponds shaD be held in an inst�luUon whose depasRs ere Insured by a federal aBsneY, tnsbumenffii►Y. ot er�ty (inchiding ' ..`.L'
<br /> ,�i : �` � Lender. H LendBr is such an inst�on)or§� any Feder8l Home Loan Bank. L�der sfia0 eADhl the Funds to pay the Escrow �;�`r;:-,��°'�.
<br /> '�` �t�: ._c Items.Lwider may not charge BoROwet for halding and ePPtybng the Funds.annuaUy anarymg the esctow actouM. or verdY�B '—::�iE':...
<br /> ' ; ', �' Ler
<br /> . -- - , � - the Escrow Items, untess LenQer pays BaROwer interest on the Funds end appfr�b6a law permits Lendet to make such a �'•'`--•,� �
<br /> `: � r-�'.=�` fr b •.: r ti..
<br /> (.. , charge. However. Lender may requtre Bortower to pay a ane time charge for an tndependent real estate fex repoRfig service < .,`''`� � -
<br /> i�,:'. .,� _,. ��' used by Lertder in connecYton rr� this loan�unless apAfcab� taw pravides otherwise. LhUess an agteem�t is maQe or ��:;r:�-;`:_.`�:
<br /> appQCable taw raquUes interest to be patd.Lender shall not be requ6e4 to pay Bortower any interest ot eemfigs on the Funds. . '-:
<br /> :;4_._::��.'i.:
<br /> ;;� �.' -::,�_� earroti+rer and lsnd�may eg�ee in w�ting, hawever.that interast shaU be paid on ffie Funds. Lender shsD give to Bor►ower. ,...�_ . ..-,'_-
<br /> �•. .. wfthout charge,8n ennual aceourtt�g of the Funds,showing credds end debfts to the Funds and the purpose for whkt� esch : o`
<br /> L� ,;_ .• � dobtt to the Funds was made. The Funds ace pledged 8s 8dd'fionel secu�ity tor all sums secured by the Seairity Instr�menL z�`
<br /> �* �`< � �• . If the Furtds hetd Dy LettdBl exeeed the 3m0etnis pertnttted to be hEud bY ePPi�ebte IaW, lenCet ShSU eCCOUnt to BOrrower _.._Y...,��.`
<br /> `��;•`: • . . tor the mccess Funds in accordance with the require,ments of appficable taw.It the amount of the Wnds deld by l�der at any ::;�.�, ',-:
<br /> � t�me ls not sufficient to DaY tne Escrow Rems when due,Lender may so notdy Borrower iIi w�ainQ.end. f�SYCh C859 BOROw6I '' ;���;'
<br /> -'.��':?°.'"._,. �"""- shaD pay to Lendet the smovnt rt�essary to rnalce W the Qef�ieney. Barrower sha9 make up the�f+cienay in no more than .-r::' ,��*
<br /> � ��. �� tweNe mor�hly payments.at Lenders sote dLscreUon. �;.�' .,,!g
<br /> -�r�-: � - - --= Upon payment in tu0 ot a0 sums secured by this 3ecurity InsOVment.LenQer shell prompfly reh�nd to 8arrower any Funds ,�:�,�� _..
<br /> � :�"t hetd by:.e(Idet. tf,uRder p8[8�8ph 21,Lender shan acquire or seil the PtoDerty.Leeder pAOr t0 tAe 8Cqu1Sa10�10►SeIB Ot the F ni,
<br /> �� • . �` ProPeRY.s�80PN�y Funds held by I.ender at the time of acqu(sdion or 58te as a c�ad'rt agab�st the sums secuced by Mis r �'�
<br /> ` � `• 3ecurity fnstrumeni. ',� �
<br /> :,r G'� . � 3. Applicatton ot Paymenta. un�ss avv��e mw pravlQes otherwise, a0 payments received by L,ertder under :;
<br /> •�,� .�� pat&grephs / end 2 shall be applied: tUsL to eny prepayment chargas due under the Not�second to amounts payabb under �� u �';:,ti�
<br /> ,: , Pere9raAn�thtrd,to mterest due:taurth.to PmciDal due:end tasL to anY Iate charges due under the Nete. '..�;.. •.
<br /> � .r;.- . "' 4. Ch8rge8; U8It9. Bortower shail pay au texes. assessments. charges� fines and imposfttons atbi�utabfe to !he . •`,, .��i,-
<br />-.:'!`��� ._. "� _._ ."•." _
<br /> _ ..j -.,�.'y�,:t^_.
<br /> Property which may attain prlority over this Security Insuument, and teaset�oJd psyments ar groun0 rents.B any. Borrower sha0 1 n;_
<br /> ' � � '� �F pay thesa obOg�tians in the mannet prov(ded fn paregreph 2, or H not patd fn thai marmer, Borrower shaD pay them on t6ne .�.=�.:
<br /> .�°,;;`,.` • � d6rectry to the person owed payment BoROwer shall pmmptiy fum�h to Lender ali notices ot amounts to be pald under this
<br /> ;:n.:::=' paragraph. If Bortower makes these payments directly, Borrower shall promptlyr fumish to tender recelpts evldenGng the .�� r��. .-
<br /> i E�..r �... : � - DaymetitS. ::;
<br /> ' g�'�'i� ' � - Bortower sha0 prompUyr discherge any 8en whch hes priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower. (e)agre9s in '"�
<br /> ' � wl�g to the payment at tAe obOgaUon secured by the t�en fn a manner acceptabt�to Lender: (b)contests in pood(aith the �
<br /> ,�i.:.;; „
<br /> -• t'�en by, or defertds agalnst enforcement of the Ben in. �ega�Proceedings whkh fi the Lender's opinton operate to prevent the �.�'
<br /> '�°{.i;'� .• � � eniorr,ement of the lien; or(c)secures t�om the holder ot the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subotdinaUng the uen to
<br /> '° t-� •. � . this Security InstrumenL N Lender determines thet any part of the Property is subieCt to a�en whbh may attatn prbrdy over this �
<br /> �,�',. . � SeGUityr Insuument,Lender may gNe Borrowe�e notica iQentirying the Iten.BoROwer sha[!satlsty the Ben or take ane or more of •�
<br /> :;.;._. . _ .. _ •:� the actions set torth ebove wdhin t0 days ot the givhig of notiee. .
<br /> � � � +. "i 5. Neze�d or Proper�y la�sWenee.Burrawer st►all keep the bnprovements now�clst�8 or hereafter ereoted on the . ,
<br /> r�,�:f�. � � `.�} Property Insured against bss by fire. Aa�rds nCtudea wqhin the term 'mdended coverage' an0 eny otner RarerQs.hctudlne .. .
<br /> �.:.:.
<br /> 'a� ;�, ' • � ••.,� floods or flood6ng.for whlch Lender requires insuranee. Thb insurance shell be ma�ntained In the amounp and fOr the perioQs
<br /> -.�•:�_ .t. `,
<br /> ,, ; that Lender requ�es. The insurance carriar providing the Insurance sha�6e chosen by Borrower subject to Lende�s epptoval .
<br /> �`� �' ' � whicif ShaU not be unressortabiy withheld. It Bortower tails to mahtain Caverage desGbBd 8bove. LenQer rr�ey, at Lendefs .. � � �
<br /> ��"�;`. �.�'� opNan,obtetn coverage to protect I.enders r�hls 1n the Property m eccadsnce with paragraph 7. . .
<br /> �.", .
<br /> '`� � AO Insurance poitcies end renewats sha0 be acceptabie to lender and shall inelude a standard moRgagO c►ause. Lender _
<br /> ,i..r: .
<br /> ,��=.,. � . . ,� shall have the rlght to hatd the policies end renewals- If Lender requies,Borrower shall prompty ghre to Lender el1 recelpts ot
<br /> ''+•r ' , pSid pr6mhlms end ren9w8t notiCe9. In the 6v2nt of loss.80rrow6r sha0 give prompt notiC9 to the 1eSUrenC9 CBrtiBf 8nd Lender. : .
<br /> � : : Lentter rnay make praof a!loss H not made Orampity by Bonowar. .. � -
<br /> �� !'':, � • . '� Uniess lender and 8ortower othervvise agree in wrRfig, insurance proceeds Shall Oe appibd to restoration or repair o?the •-
<br /> • �°�'"` � � Property damaged,it the restora8an o► repair ia economicaly f6as�ia and Lenders security ls not lessened. If the restoration or � "-, r:
<br /> �. ��';;, ' repau is not econom�caly teasibte or Lender's securiry would be lessened,the insurance proceeds ahall be applied to the sums • : �
<br /> • . SeCUred by this SeCUrityr Instrument, whelher Or not then due, with eny euCess peld to Bonower. If Bor►owar abandons the �
<br /> ,:�.��.� , . � Property, o► does no! answe►within 30 days a notice from Lender that the tnsurance cartier has offered to s8ttie e clatrn, then
<br /> � Lender may ConeCt the insurance proeeods. Lender may use the proceeds to repa'v or restore the PropeAy or to pey sums �
<br /> '�`:'...�; ' secured by thb Securityr insbvment,whethet or not then due. The 30day peBod will beg�n when the not�e Is given. ' � .
<br /> � � , �� Unless Lender and Bonower othenvise egree in +H►iting. any appliCation o� p�aceeds to princ�al sha0 nat e�dend or
<br /> .�'�"'�l,• postpone the due date ot the monthy peyrtsents �e►ened to in paregrflphs 1 and 2 or ch3n0e the emount of the payments. If
<br /> � � under paragraph 21 tho PrOperty is acquied by Lendar. Botrower'S right to e�y �surence poiicies and proCe6ds resuRing hom
<br /> }t... � �: dam8ge to the Property prior to the acquiSAan shell pass to Lender t0 the extent ot the sums by thls Seturiry Instn�mgnt
<br /> � immedtatey prior to the acquisition. ,
<br /> �y��'-;� ' ' 6. Occupancy, Preservation, Maintenence and Protection oi the Property; Bonower's Loan �� �
<br /> r::.•:. • � AppHeaUon; Leaseholda eo�oWe�Snao oc��cy. esrabrsn, end use the Prope�ty as Bonowers prncipa�residence wan�n
<br /> #' i� � i saty days aner the execution of tnis $eturAy InStNmBnt antl S�all Continue to occupy the Proparty as Borrower's principai
<br /> ''� �` � � � �� residence}or at �east one year after the date of occupancy. unless lender otherw�se agrees �� wtlting, w�iCh cOnsent Sh811 nOt � ,
<br /> {�� �' � � be unreasonaby wdhhetd. or unless extenuating C�rCUmstanC95 ex�st which are beyond Borcower's control 9orrower shetl not .
<br /> �:_:�.. . .
<br /> .� ;� destroy,damage or 'vnpau the Property,a�low the Property to detertorate. or commrt waste on the Property. Borco+ver snalt be m ,
<br /> � dafauit A Gny tortorturo action or proceedng. whet�er cvd or er�mmal,is begun tnat N �enders good }arth�udgment could result
<br /> in toReiture o�the Property or othervrise matera�iy �mpair the I.�en created by tn3 SecurRy Instrument o� Lende's secu<ity e+terest. •
<br /> �.•' ', . . . .
<br /> . i,... .. . ..
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