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,wr $9.... 1050$5 <br />'!leis lfatyyt itsMtwi into bitwsfa WWI, K . Atcxandar _ a ,zlogit. person <br />.. - (bawtia "Msttpr/oe") tsd .. <br />Ebra_ Paint ^Bank_ Crand tsldnd N�eb • «two <br />- aWetg�erir -i.irliaite'aiaeNtoiat� . i8.- <br />— - _ +iwtat...►�Ll�l3.i� _���� "liirl�'lsnnitlllt[farMt� ----- _ -- -- wiib -tb.�ret.� -. _ _ _ - -- <br />indabaitam,. K wd aaawae � dut tsd padabte +�. t>�aimim,t►. t 2 � -1 �;:_. _ . <br />ittiiikAp jim rwiita�t ali athtrrwat, with into". <br />silmmod h ad move to pow low mommy 0(:t1* Fit.1 1" rrrpterttw�e .sttlnooM.r.a«uii�.rserb6f, <br />w" UP lltpst 6011010�04 Welk 11 -00ta dos tai tenor to Us' -pate dw dasaibtd <br />K <br />fruity: !ohaad is _.__.Hall._.._.._._ __._. coYtit�►�. t�iehrmlrt: <br />Lot The to (3), Park Gardens Fifth "Subdivision, Grand island,' Halt County, Nebral tat '. . <br />! 'tloptther with oil briflliagR, Improvements, futwrrs, $turn. tltm p1mmorl aye, eNOUN na, dioa. 11""Im mad <br />�.beeled. tberooa Or in aaywim p"Walfli thenta, awd tht teats, bum ind- prop* aerfraioa and' Aden <br />Climeot; ittdw*& but not limitei too' heeft told coming equipmmt and web penoaai papKy that it attached to the <br />ittptavtsrt MU so as to com6tate a tixtun; all of whicb, including trpimmentt m d &MUoua Uwma► b hetvby demand <br />to be a part of the red asate secured by the Ilea of this 1Kortpape and ail of the fon d ft brim referred to herein as the <br />"property". <br />{ ilort0rpr ltirrther cofrsvaaatc awd agirfee, with I,Wrtltpe, r tarif►era: <br />1. padrwnt. To psy the iwdebAMm and do iatrreet tberroo U provided to this Marlow ad the Note. <br />2. Tift Mcrtpslor is the cm.or of the hoperty, hm tb# M&t &m&, "thorny to morifyt the property, sod <br />( warmth tint the lien crated berebyr W a Ut.t and peter lien on the Aopertg, except m my otherwise be aft fortis Herein. <br />0 TIN property b af**t to a iiottppe wbtrein # <br />k the lont" r, rrotrdti M DO* . hr--- -- 01W <br />Mattpsla Retordsot County,- s� <br />P%brrtRt. wbftl lioet/rpe Is • Itva ptlor to the lift noMed hereby. <br />(306n prior liens or encumbovem: <br />L 'iiwiw, Ataaarsriaittts, 7`o jry watt due all taxef, 40*14 the property <br />ate. egret NiitMa few a PAY Merfdtpre, too" o" tot" psym its negufrtd uadinr, isr .Mote s�crrrd brwliy;,ateei att0" m <br />:. <br />tMiM f► M md&k t to fissile, den moclowe to pay amb tmum. amfarr�seapr Ora**' s9Neprs as they beets 11w, <br />i ftwaat. ra %rfp for iagravvatsts tow or b"%iftt loratad oft Of r/d` atMe dseedbfd baria !tweed <br />rMw 'Qgts W1by awe" ad otber iiep" r Marlowe may; nrgvim, is amamts aat ;.*C% ooarprtitf meeptwe td the <br />tiit�ttprMet, and with loafs: prwMf to the �: is care at law w Wbr � poimm the Marlow to aothorined to <br />- **NA, a�ietti_i d coil mft#1 Is to drr Kitims tbtvemmler at L%'eale option, autbodod trttithetsppiy the <br />prt�wt+/t M It1t stiletillisi!ri' <br />at for rMaty at stet Or fan! bb tort mewed bobby, but Ill Nor1 % baft"I dM =w <br />Owe, No at Nmt "mumd baton On pdd In td. <br />am" ire ' ff T t•a tai tsnwnr& NotwitbstsaiiM atrigtia� ctwttiaat a ptesMwpisa 9 srwdl hereof to the <br />may. Mmift r dWO py to dw MC low a the titre tf paytag the mmddy iae dlu aft of psindpal ad lsbn t, <br />"I bb Of ibe yfarfy awes, tmaarwetMa, board tatatasee ptemittmt, fwd posmd nett (it any) which tale &UWM a <br />/tiwkf f►wr tWs We100 sM M mrtasM) estieaated from tier tothm by the Mortprpte. The &Wow* so paid than be <br />Add by dw MtelpW wtllbtstt brlrrwt aN "Olod to the paXmewt of dW hewn is aspvet to Wmeb sub aomb won <br />4sp0fit4d.1%W wtma•paid 10 lfattMsatf bawfsaitet 00 #40ad as OddN ad asewity for the Jftd&bk4WM Wpw t y thi< <br />WmW <br />• 1"N' rie>t day tq Maetrrptt for +nnowat of nay ditfeNaey bKwveft the setwal taxis. arteaeaneets, iasuram <br />pwmtatm aM 00"d nwAs awd tit drpttik Wmader w0him 10 do" after demand b made upon Mapapgor requesting <br />/airwMat tMtswf <br />ii~ Nw/+i►,1taY Norm aril UN- TO pfumrttY fvgrir, stow ar ftbudd anY bfsildeega ct imptorfrnents now or <br />bmmhw evs Ow IMPI M; er bra/ file I`rfertY Iw lewd 000111tiow ad rep air. witboiut wage, aid five firer rtwh Ws or <br />a" (Hail ad t*mmY d ISO* bm behaf: wet to wralte. aftirt of permit any nvimce to exht, nor to dimin. <br />teb wr 400or d* Vdut of the Pm*t ty by My set or omiwm to act. and to eoarpiy ritb ssll regviternrttts of taw with <br />mp"t to tats ll+oltetiY. <br />.. is <br />v <br />i� <br />