<br />-- _`�.- ._:...G.�I:+ ids+ sr. �. e�x.._:: �___•.._ r....._.-- ......._....._..w_..-
<br />RE[FA�F C1F RFC+ FsrA trlr 94...,_ 106593
<br />Map) ALL M SY 7MM pRF5II3'1:;, that SMALL BL'SUUMS A(>)IIN1'nMT1CIN,
<br />for valuable consideration, in hand Paid, dose her&Y relOasa and disdlarge the
<br />Real dlstata Piortgage dated October 10, 1980, naft ar4 executed by P4936rt
<br />Sicaim and Betty J. Siemers to Small Business Administration and recorded in
<br />the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall COUnty, Nebraska, as Instrmmt No.
<br />80- 006310 an Mvetiber 5, 1980. 20 released mortgage describes the following
<br />rwi estate: A tract of land comprising a part of the North Half of
<br />the Northwest Quarter (NhNw%) and Part of the Northwest Quarter of the
<br />Northeast Quarter (NANE)i) of Section Thirty -One (31). Township Twelve (1:
<br />North. Range Ten (101 Nest of the 6th P.M.. Hall County, Nebraska. and
<br />more particularly desmitied as follows% Beginning at the Northwest corner
<br />of said N%tf4%1 thence Easterly aln"ig and upon the North line of said N)INW;
<br />a distance of One Thousand Smvnn 11t►ndced Eighty -Throe (1783.0) feet. thenr
<br />s 1' 09• L7 a distanra of Tijr?A 1fan.3cP�4 Spvpnty -Two (372) feet= thenr_A N
<br />88' 571 E a diatancw of Six liundrPd Seventy -Fight and Two Tenths (678.2)
<br />feed thence S 38' 311 E a distance of Six Hundr ?d Sixty -Five and Seven
<br />Tenths (665.7) Feet; thence, S 821 231 E a distance, of Thre,e Hundre,li Eighty
<br />Seven and Six Tenths (3R7.6) feot; thence S 64' 52' E a distance, of Eighty
<br />Nine and Four Tenths (89.4) feet; thence S 89' 01' C e distance, of Four
<br />Hundred Twenty -Eight and Forty -Two Hundredths (428.42) P-et to a point on
<br />the East line, of said NWW94; thence, S 0' 291 E along and upon the East
<br />line of said NWIjK2 t a distance of Throe Hundred Thirty -Eight (338) feet
<br />to the Southeast corner of said NW1jNE4t thence S 89' 40, w along and upon
<br />the South ling of said NDi4NE: 8 dl -�t'n" of Or' HurArm,i ?::'l 3 = -; 3::d
<br />aunuradtiis 11.56.7S) Fottt; thence N 43' 241 W a distanrA of
<br />Two Hundred Fifty -Eight atut Thirty -Three Hundredths (258.33) Fe-tr thl ■nce
<br />N 72' 431 W a distance, elf Seven Hundred Thirty -Five and Thirty -Two t;-,indredt
<br />(735.32) Fne,t; thence N 35.' 40' W a distance of Five Hundred Forty -Two and
<br />Ninety -Eight (iund:redths (542.98) Feet; thence S 89' 52' W a distance of
<br />one Hundred Fifty-Two and Twenty -Fier° Humirpdths (152.25) Feet; thence S
<br />52' 4T1 W a distance of Eight Hundred Seventy -Five and Five Tenths (875.5A
<br />Teets thence S 89. 32' W a distance of One nunir ?d Eighty -Nine and Five
<br />Tam -Trms (189.5) Feet; thence N 691 371 w a distance of Six Hundred Two
<br />and S'tatty -Four Hundredths. (602.64) feet, thence S 69. 341 W a distance of
<br />Eigtrt Hundred Sixty -Five and Seven Tenths (865.7) feet; to a point on the
<br />Weste,rly ling of said NyNW�; thence Northerly along and upon the Westerly
<br />line of said N)Mla distance of One Thousand Sixty -Nine and Forty -Five
<br />Hundredths (2069.45) F.pet to the point of beginning and containing 46.7
<br />acres mare or less.
<br />'The aewcdiM official is hereby authorized artd directed to discharge
<br />said Real Estate Mortgage of record, and after recording this release, to enter
<br />Cn the margin of the record of rxald rl Ways the ,' "...,''. :rd page 'dme tIL
<br />release is recorded, in accordance with the provisions of the statutes in such
<br />case mode and provided.
<br />j
<br />'• iFi.l ��,.
<br />Dated at anatha, Nebraska this _S!dMy of -•L+ , 1990.
<br />i
<br />F. R. Bachmann, Acting Chief
<br />Portfolio Management Division
<br />SS
<br />00(lhll'Y OF DOLWAS) (.
<br />Before . me, the undersigned, a Notary Public In and for said County and
<br />State, persorraJ lye (--dm F. R. Bac bmarmir who be M by me duly sworn, did say" that
<br />ke is Actu -q - alief, Portfolio Managm)pe nt Division of - tLia . amaha District (2f ffoe
<br />of Small aas #hE s Administration, .'.art Agency of the United States of Amer
<br />end is. wddiirized by SB23 °s . Rules, and Regrl.ations, Fart 1(3 L„ Revision 2,
<br />purlidi6eE in tl!m Fer3era pizgister Ilmuary 15, 1982, 47 FR 23.45, and that. tile .
<br />rdbeve and fo egorrlg instrtzmnt iris signed by him on behal f of said S=L1
<br />Business Add- nisstration and said F.R. Bacbmann acknowledged safe£ instrument to
<br />be the free a=t and deed of said Small Business Administration. ,tS
<br />sub in my. presence and sworn to before me this � day -
<br />Of 1990.
<br />WEMt /QV4W 0Mrlllb
<br />DOW ft.
<br />Public
<br />My Oanmissicn Expires ' ) 3_
<br />