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c <br />AIDDMNtL PWVMWNS <br />r <br />OUT= W" awn AM <br />.. Ill Tkat emespt far tM aaeant>, laletssit tteatled. kttolY aabt0r Woo? is the rarest that.-this <br />sgrss� fat ataltaa am tks 40111111060W to is t►s aeetefsedi after• aria "a tart Will be, W eiwaar at me awisteral trsa trila saw ""Me 114M M. <br />Oft ttat *L¢ar =— *!::lion- —" praixnls at sa -r IIne CU in n>f <br />the saw ere abby (weirs! tktrtls t2) That tw fiaahcina ab ~_ 111 tW►erlab Irks Qallsteral or say me"" thov"4 N to file is am public "(sere <br />and toy sa ilea requim of Saewewd,1 . Debtor will jais with seemed Party Is axteatiag me or me" fibabelse statements Dumont to Ike <br /> <br />u�sL�Metf4as!�we1�t l�Ma tklera sstMtseta►y is ltreurrl rwrty rlait woe far tk+r tort Of mlar ,Merl ellu►wNMr. st�trwle.t, 1tr1...ewttY <br />sgp0asaat' 4 aa�'Mit afatli" ar itettihAdt shitroieat, to all pttute offices W.homer filing is deems! by iearred Prrtr to be peorssarr or <br />dastraiee: ant K the cwktww is atlstIkes to rent estate rem to lltt of foetiot of the We tY Wariest grassed hereby or it the Collaaral <br />t.efs&H Craps or ail. ilia or latshMIRto be extrwtfd of timber to be cat. >Dsbfar will. on demand of Seeien# Forty. tarsinl Serve#& Party <br />a dta mww err d aw-ora, r .s blordwatma asmcmeat signed by all Iftratlts Mv!!mg an Intertat in INe real 'stall, (JIMWNWW or gala. <br />MMAW &sir N"mn k1 tie tl%t>l I re" whkh Is Kier to the Interest at Rsewri d P*Ar- f!t Met to sett. it&W- or or dle"" of the 0414tlrM. <br />Use !ale ilea rants air atterspa to labia the grime frame the eeaaly w)we ispt as' shays stated. wfthitat tLt 0#1104 written ealtaeat of Use liieenif <br />Party. N) To My ail taxes sat sassi amtswq of terry mtatore" whkh nett be lerid ne mf♦#aaed nplmof the Cellawral. ISI. Not to peralt or arle or <br />mar adrene Ilea, security tatinst or escumtiraa" whatse"er apuat the Collateral, and met Ur permit the same to be, attjehrd or repletropc <br />t>F� 1!1114 tho Cailaterai is Is Rood coetition- and that he will st G1s own ettprmae, keep the sane In good cohdit:dn sad foram tints to tiara <br />st1lrAt17dl. tt/faes and - Wr all steel parts at the Collateral ae may be 1►rokes, worm out or dastiijed trltNdYi allrtwimS.rtflll lien. W .IM ¢LptH <br />Walla +Y;a'"lister" om setaumt at such trpraeesantt ar feWnt. ant that thin l4rurerf !arty may esiminm and Ihapscldhir Ciilfitnyl:il#waiF gitae. <br />whrreroe isemed. IT-s TRat ifs will at his avert ttikrrue keep the Collateral itigutt¢ in a company ast~ory to ge vrfd Pattljr' <br />apprttgrtsaw, by Ilr~ft. criiltalow fi/te and lrtetttfrsf #uv #rage. with tee fttl'tbfii RD Stourod !arty as Its interewt may. sppiipn :.alld .. J rn#;.'tyetsaaA <br />Qell <br />+!r asld ia:ici4t ;;nwrabee or luroLN pidit" of such Insunaee to geeuled,ji'ony, Iii► At Its optlot SMfW }trtw mW ptoeair! isNrr• .;:. <br />srct•'dkpivast=e tRars, ti#no or aentr:.ty inV~# or Otker rmtylittranies at'iteg time iwvftd or plac*d an the. Callmtttrsldkt�'i�6m)' ply. tiati� tie`, wt, <br />St silcy-,A tote oe injury to or f t•sr)e .prefelvaGCAI and malurMtli;nce Ut ttit:�awaterat. Debtor agrees; lv eWmlpurllr niieN rattaF „►ml.i�llasa& <br />- <br />for i1!ty' IMY wat qe losprase jMrI.tQ; -V); - SOCUZ#f44!a4ty Pill isk to titer. ti)lk Otlif luthorlsatinn, trh til -.euffi,relmbultliritemt,'thir smt:i itt of any <br />such NYw",'With late” at the ritrof fhb Ii rr 'laum from date of- paytatwt• until reitnburaitnient, slhilt;;ti+e added to ih! Indelatedaua owed <br />by Oehler sad shall be secured b,t -:t�Is aat,eeirwilit tai T11at ire will not txt the Caltatt!dl I" rtaimtltitw i raw apWtr►tAts atatate, cegttlatiaw of <br />eNisamee and of any .a life Cel atcti 4,it actor vehicles the same will mot be rented, ureic an t'tntal servicl. nor tit onyx !speed or endurance eon- <br />test. 00) Debtor will pay Sm eft ".fly any Mid all calu and expenses 3xel)e'red is teroverni yuaa►eflo� of .the Collateral and incurred In <br />enforcing this aaturijX,.,gre*taewt, y014 the Saute Walt be secured by this mrtuitly agreement. <br />UNTIL DlR7ei;rti 'fjebtor,tueiy race poasresion of the CclIsItral atilt, Ira# it in any lawful mr+mra+.;iot ineomil; teal with this agreeataat <br />and sat iwcteral. erit� any �rildrGq- of Iaeuriince' thereon. aftiA. �igoli defilaft Strured Partlt &hill hair the immwdtei4 (r=ift to the pefoetsiep <br />of its i;Nister�L <br />DCJZlbjR SHA{.L St 2N rJFri1Cl.T under this agreement upon tRe happening of any of the firlb -sin= event& or conditions: 411 default <br />In the Wynttnt n7 perinrntaace of an) c.bus, tun, roierant or !lability rr,htahted ar refeerod to Leivin r.r In shy not& eridencing the sabre: f!r <br />SAY warranty, eepresent4ti6n or atatelnent mndr cr furnished to Secured &'arty t+f or on behalf of Debtor prom to have been false in fay me- <br />ter"' rfsprrt wren "Ad# or (urrl +hid Ili any runt widen results in the arreferattom of VIA, Matunti 4 the indebtedness of Debtor is others <br />under any taileftture. /gt#tm #rat or undetttkimY /tl I:ao thefl damage dtetrucuc,ri title oh�iRl'>.RrGf9Ci"r. to tor nt any of the Collateral. or the <br />making of am) tfe►'. 0e)suee or attarhmeat th#n f i.r thereon: 15t death Aiasnluti:.h. terrranab�tt .•f •lutta«rc. m+Gheaey. biwineM Ms 1t►te. ap- <br />piintittent of a recelvvr of am) Part n! the panfr Y nl salgeeseat tot the twnt•lrt of rrediture h), ur tl,i: Wlrimencentemt of ally" proiF±t.114 under <br />say baaliruletty or tasotvenl•I• lass by or gainN t;wbtcr or any guarantor or alirtty for I:Wtaor. <br />UPUW rice DtTAt'LT and at omy ttttw rhrr•,flrr or it it dlema ,atif atsecult+: %,rured #'arty mad' declare all Obligations secure , <br />ft*rr+by "Nsisdsttiy due and paysbis still Mall ha+r the remedito Of • secured party under the :Ytbraekn Uniform Coiwturts-a Code. Speured <br />Paely array r#tuire Debtor to aapertrble the Cnitstgal cad del+cer or make it avallabie to fierurrel PAM at 6 blare to he designated by Secured <br />etr <br />P+ wlhWb Is nssomably tostomient is butt: parties Ual #as the 001111ttta; Is t4rishable i;r threatens to decline speedily U) value or,,* of a tope <br />ruatoemseity 0614 ea a rneoghiord iparkN. Skier #d ftf" will give htbtnr reasonable mtitr r•t tl:e erne And glare of any public sale th~ or <br />of the times after which say prii.4W aAto or shy other intraded dttpaaiL r•n thereof If to I- made The requirements r.f remsonwble males shall bw <br />met If such notice to mrslitd. pnsly(jiy:;rnp1A. to in* aad►#aa of Debtor shnwm M trim Mgmninrt of thin agreement i.t least fl+l days befog the <br />time Of the sail or dltposil lfitl - <br />No walcer WV ewwred }arty of any dKsUil shalt opeelte ss a aunt", rat any other default or of the sane default on a future•occaslan <br />T'he taking r t this et+urlty agrooff tt shall nnt•wsice or IMDA,r amy otter securuy tail Enured Party may have or iirreafier ariluire for the <br />My"nrst 6f the aW+/ indtbtMaea . *tor shall the taking of nay such additional a#turity waive or Impair this serutir agrt#hwait: but sold <br />Sacuted ratty aMy resort to asp sWUrity It mtay hats In the order it may doom proper. and anlwdhstsmding any enjisteral #~F7,, gsevred <br />Paelr Owl ralats its rights at ntiatY agatsat DiMtor. <br />All right's cf Sri;yell >l!r4r linift sd#y diatl )bites to Its benefit of Its siccasors AIM assigns. and all Parr- Pr(Mi. send duties of Debtor <br />sirs!! hlmd his tieitt, ep4yiprn 2i! aRlti Itilim ators or his or its surtewtorif or amignir tf Ihrte4 be mnrw titan ono Debtor; their liabilities Rehr_ <br />usraw "I be foist and aevtral, <br />This agr,op. t ,hall beta me #fftttire when It is signed by Dehtnr <br />CA <br />N h _ IL <br />ri _4� J <br />a <br />f nj cv. <br />e. <br />�t <br />r -+ <br />1. <br />__j <br />