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— —i*�� .. ... .._.. . � �:�iOTa"�K`lY�.� �_...e.� . - _ <br /> , � � n �, -- •' =__:c,__:y.�r, _ ti�p : <br /> q � �r y .-� J� .. <br /> i L �. !i :� ' ` _ . .6 — y4 . � i��s..� �Q�_�y✓ <br /> S-..^..+.� i,. . c. ,. �f _ -� 3c.1_'. < _ _� c 4 a.�c <br /> '. � , ( . ' rr' . � t - �. - i .� � 5� - - y <br /> c t _�.1� - S F_.. F r �., c .o c .< 2 � �c i _ r = , c . L - ' f <br /> f_.II. . .,. _ Y l4 L�F r � t' � .�f �y c _� 1 ( ��t _ V �cYr� � �t 4-0 v <br /> -`4 `-� ��c� %� - _ �t _fl �-= � .q t�- �:€ ._t �b = .�:'c- .{.F. � - -�. _ i 4 :�,���;. ' - �c- - <br /> �" ' f•_ ' rtC:. ..f` _ ..� :� u .Y .� <br />-' ' , - `.c.;.'� :Y �'`4..^A;�:t_.6. <br /> --"_F�, :�:.5• :� c ;�.i.. <br /> .Rg�-k�:. Y.� '.FS?� '��•i� ;� 1,� - <br /> �` C` Fc :r4. <br /> �i'`�c` •i. `��, � . ..S' .�•.r%� <br /> :�r_ - :' �� -� � - <br /> .L`,'.�--'',4, ti .� f f. Cttrrdamnetlan The pmceeds cf a�ry award or payme»t w e/aim tar damages.Alrect or coius9uential,in cannection with anY f` r� ,�.;.� �i:. <br /> S`�� condemration o�other takiny oJ the Tiust Propertf,a�anY Aart the�eof e�+er tempoeaii/y or FemranenUy,or lor convesrance in freu of oF in . <br /> '� .� ,,:s .:; <br /> � c�T.y;:�„�, �•,;<� anda�oation ot eondemaarion aie hereby essigne0 to aad shaU be paid to BeneAciary. Tiustor wiil file and proseeute,in gaod taith and witli .., : 4 ';,�Y ;� <br /> ;��: :_: . .�� ;�-,�:,;; due drTigenee its c;atin/or any aucA awaid or paymen4 a�+d wiU carrse the sar»e ta be co0ected and paid to Benefciary.and sAou/d it�ail to �•,. . <br /> ,- t:,• do so, Tiustvs irrewcatr/y autdariz�and�npoweis Benefitiary,�n the aame o�Tiustor or othenvise,to fi/e,prtuecure,sen/e or compromise �" ;_:;<i� . , . <br /> .��. any such clairn arrd to eo!lect,raceive for and retain the procseds.If the Tiust Properry is abandoned DY Tiustor,or,atter noBee Dy :•t � � <br /> �� Benefrciary to Ttusto�that the condemnor of/eis to make an awa�tf o�senle a claim tor damages,Tiustor far7s ro iespond to 8eneflraary � <br /> -� r `� L° Yvilhin thirty/301 deys atter tAe date sueA notiee is enailetl,8enafieiary is authodzed to collect and epply the proeeeds in the manner indicated �` ". <br /> 4� _- - _ - heiein. TAe Om�eeds ol any awd�d or claim may,after dedaeting a/J reasaaable eosts aad expe�ses,includmg attomeys'/ees,wAich may � r, <br /> - � have been ineurred by Benefniary in the eoQection thereot,at the sole d'isc�eTion of Benefieiary,DB seleased to Tiustor,appred to restoration � '';� <br /> __ s;;' . � of the Tirist P�ope�ty,a�applied to Ute payment of tde Ob/' tions.t/Ness Beneficiary and Tiusto�otherwise agree in�vriUng,aey sueh � •� , <br />-- - �. ` .. .' �.° apPlicarion ot proceeds to the Note or apA1+���+a0 not erte++d or postpone Me due date of anv reHufar mstallmenrs ealfad � "•_;�:,�'� :(:.-r� <br /> < � _: ` '' /or the�eunder or change the amouat o/any sucA instaUmenb. , �.� <br /> � �� � • � , 12. Envfionmerrtal RepresernsLtorts end Wena�Fer,lnde�em�eetfon:Irapeclfon end Testlrtg. Tiustor re�iesents an0 wairants rhaL exaeAt � � � : <br /> :` � �� as disclosed in wdting to Benefrciary and e�cept where 7Stistor Aas obtamed Me requisite local,stata,and/or Iederdi perrr+its and approvals, � � � <br /> �� �r.., Truster does nof and will rtot generete nor have in its possessinn ei+Y hasardous oi toarc wastes,chemita/s o�o t Aer su b s t ances, the i � �, <br /> �� � generaaon or possession of which are govemed by loca/,state and/or en+dromnentallaws,ordinances,decrees,regulations and statutes <br /> �- �`_� z• ,-,. t--'4�. fheieinaftei Fnvimnmentat Wastes 1. Tiusror turther represents an d warrants t ha i i t rs no t prese r►U Y t h e s a b�"ec t o f a n Y e nvf r onmental � � r o <br /> 'r. �yt� • inqulry,�trgatian,administra�va proceedng o�Chreat thereof Dy a govemmemai arrthoRry and Nat Tiustor s h a l/pm�nptlY notily Beneficiary � -.���.'-, <br /> .v'.�_•.• � :��,Z-�.!': 1.YY.��. <br /> �- � of same iJ arry o/tAe toregoing does accur.Tiustoi a/so rvpresents and K+arranta to Benefrciary thal it is not srrOject to any%udgm ent,decree, ,,�.�', <br /> �C, , ,. :.''..-, g g � l also Rrovide ,. .. <br /> „� �,,; -- - orde►or citafion relaun to or ansrn out of a violation ot lacal,state or federal envfionmentel Jaws o� ulatlau. Trustor slral :r___: <br />-- ' ` Benefrefary when applitaD/e widi eopies of al/appropriate enviranmental permits aad approvals. .•, ` . <br /> .. �� L... <br /> ��' Tiusror warraMS and represents that there are not now,nor ro the Tiustor's knowledge after reasanable imrestigation have tAeie evei been t ;�. <br /> �: Fmironmental Wastes siored,deposited,deated,racYcled or disposed o1 on�under,or at the Trust Pmpeity fincludmp tanfcs or othar e � <br /> <•. =f;` °� facdiHes fhereon eontainin such materialsl,wAich materials ar eoniained materials,i/known to be Aiesent on the proPertY o�prese►►t in sails � <br /> ,,t,.,,��: .. g :.- <br />, , ^ o�ground water, wou/d require clean up,removal,oi other remedra/aetior�w+der envlionmenta!/aws. � s`- <br /> �:;. ` <br /> a f - ..�.:i Tsusta�wi7/iademnity end hold harmless Beneficiary,its suctessors.asslBns.emp/oyees agaras,paven�ef6Gares and su6sid'iasies,and each � <br /> �': 'f, . , ��� ;��,.?� of them,from any and ell c/aims,suits,damages,/iabifrties and expenses aiising aut ol or in cannecaron witl�anY alleged or actual pollufion .,�,.r,Y• y__ : <br /> e=-._ _ <br /> :'_: ;�;`,. ,: ; " -?c;;.� or eantaminaAOn ot tlie ground,watei or ai�of,on or near the TrLSt Properry• '. <.•�-t'-_- <br /> �.; <br /> 3 v` � : BeneTiciary mey at eny ame hire the services oI an environmerttaf eonsul8ng andlor testing company to inspect ihe Trust Property with the � <br /> � ,�_�., y r• costs themoJ ro be taarged to Tmstor. Trustor sdall not rely o»such inspeefion noi SAaI/Tiustor tre isl'reved thereby ol cpnducting its own �-� <br /> •:.. �,,.•., °. •-^ e»vrronmentel eudit o�tak/ng sucl+other aYeps as are necessary to eampty wrth emrronmante!/aws and regulations. _ _ <br /> < <:'. 13. Tiustoi Not Releases Ertension ol the time lo�Payment ar rrtodficatron of any amortization of the Obhgat'ons granted by Benefrciary to <br /> ` ' F - any successor in intemst af Tiastor sha!/not operate tn refease,in any manner,the liabibty ol7rustor and Tiustoi s successors in interesG _ <br /> �.�F ' , -`�z=. Beneficiary shaD not be re4uired to eomrnence Praeeed'm9s a9ainsf such srrccesso�or refuse ta extend time tor payment ar otheiwise modify . .,~_:_ <br /> ��t; ; ;:` . :;, � amoi0iatlon o/the Obligations by reason o/any demand made by l'autor and Tiuslor's successors in inrer+est. � `. y'.v�= <br /> = ' L:' "" �- ' '��r:'�. �, 14�, qdd�tlonef CoveRSntt M add�uon to any otAer covenanro ol Tna�or made in any other agmement,rnst�ument or document,Tiustor i�• �.!� :�`'�� <br /> . ... .............�:�rs �p c�pty�A ihe tove»a�rts ser lorth in any Rider anached and made a pa�t of tlUS Oeed o!TiusL w:.:'<— <br /> �.. � _ - -. <br /> ���''' ^ � f5. Schedtde ol lessex INRhin ten!f 0/days after demand.Tnistor sha//tumisA to Beneficiary a schedu/e,temihed tn 6y 7nrstor,setting �#� <br />- �' 4 to�tA all leases of the Tiust PropertY,or any patimi thereof,inc/udng in eaeh case,the»ame o/dre tcmants or oecupants,a description ol �-r�;_ <br /> ��°�� "� the space aecupied by such tenam o�oceuDant,the renta/payable fo�sucA space,and sucA oiher Information end docaments witA respect ,: : �- <br /> �, ;.`,;.:.. . . <br /> -- to anch/eases and tenanGes as Beneficiarymay�easOrtabry request � "� _ <br /> .:i;: _ ,. � ''�1.:.-: �,. <br /> .;•' .. 16s CovanaMS of Tirata wlth ResFeet to/,esses WitAo�t the prior wiitten consent o!Beael/c/a�!►.Tiusio�shal/not,drrectlV oi indriectly, � <br /> � - . ,_ • wirb respest to any lease e1 space in the 7rost Propeny,or any portion thereaf,whether such/ease is now a heieaftet in existence: • <br /> . .�� � <br /> ' /aJ Aceept o�pen»it any pmpayme�»distount or advance�oayment of rent hereunder in excess ni oae month, <br /> 3 .. ;, l6J Cancel o�terminate rhe same,or accept any cance!la6on,terminatmn or suaender rhereof,or pem+ir any even�ro occur wAich would � <br /> - - accur thereu»der ro temrinate oi canee!Me same,ofher than terminaUOn for mm�payment of ienf, <br /> -• �1-��� � !cl Amend or modity ihe same so as to reduce the tean iheieof,tAe�ental payable thereunde�or to tAsnge any renewrat piovisions � <br /> '�' , theiein Gontalned, � <br /> '���,t��{,: . �_ . _ /di Waive any default thereunde�or breach tAe�eof, � <br />-';;;n•,,r•� , • 'r �� (e)Give any consent, weive/or aDO�va1 tAeieunder m take any other atdon rn connectlon fkerewith,o�witA a lessee thereundei wAicA `' <br /> woul0 have the efleet of impe�ring the va/ue of the lessors interest thereunder or Ma properry auDject.rAe�eto,or ol impalNrrg Ne <br /> �y.�.� ' posroon of inteiest ol BaneTc�ary thBrein,or � <br /> ,��`. �� ' . _ fl1 Sell,assign,pledge,mongage or otherwise disA�e ol,or encumber its inteiest in any said fease or any rents,issaes,piofits lssuing _ <br /> , • , or arising the�eundei . . °- <br /> .`•�_�� ��� ' s�� 17. Wetvar of Statuta o/Llmttedons.Time is of the essence in al/of 7iusror"a obGgatians and dudes hereunder,and to tAe extent pe�mitted <br /> - - �• '-.s by law Tiustor waives al/prese�t ar Jutare statutes of Gmitatian wtih iesDeet io any debt,demand o�abliga8on secured hereby and any _ <br /> ; � acnon or proteedqg 10�the pu�pase ol enfoicing this Deed ol7rust or any ngNts o�remed�es canta/nad herein� <br /> ..f` .,r <br /> ' 1 � f8. Att/grunent of Oeposits./n the Bvent construation af improvemenis rs contemplated by tAe Obligadons secareu!heieby,as addet/onal _ <br /> ����� '• ' � � ' ° � secwiry rAeieloi�iustor herebv transta�s and assigns to Beneficiana all righL ta/e and inte�est t�any and a0 mon+'es daposited Dy or on , . . <br /> beha/t nf 7rustor wirh eny ciry,county,public bod y or agency,san;tery drstnct,util�ry company,and any othei boCy or egency, lor tAe � <br /> ' � ,��'�..:�:� .... .. , <br /> , installation oi to secare the installarion ol any udliry by Trostoi parla�n;ng to tAe Trost Pi'openV- <br /> �.r'_•.- <br /> 19 Oiganhadonal Erlat�2nte.1!Tiusto��s an organization organized under the laws of 8 atate,lt will do aU th/ngs necessary to p�eserve iis ��,.. <br /> �,�;��,` ; - existonce and ell dghts and privileges unde�the laws of the stafe ol�ts organ;sation. . <br /> ��;:':.� ,- r_ , 20. FoiDearorreo Dy Bon�etary Not a VYalwi Any de/ay by Beneliciary in axe►clsing any dght or�emedy hereunde�or otAenrvise bllarded , '`�: <br /> �'' • � by app/1cabJe/aw or epuiJy,aha/I not De a waiver o/or proc/ada�he exeitise o/such righf o�iemedy or of any otAer Nght a ramedy granted • <br /> .';,;`:�, • � . ' hereunder or at��aw or equity. 7Ae/aJure o/the Beneficrary to exercise an y oDtion to actele�ate maturity of the Obligations secuied by Mis <br /> :�.�;.;:• - 'r..,. , Deed oI Tiust,tAe faibearance by the Bene/iciaR7r belore a aftai Me e�e�cise of such option,o►tho wifhdrdwal or abandonment of . . <br /> '•'''` � • proceedings provlded/o►bi fhis Oned ol Tiust sAa/l not be a waiver o!the right to ereic/se secb oAtian or to aceelerata the maturity of sueh <br /> �`ft���`` - ' ' ObligaGons by reason ol an y past Aresrat or futuro event which would pe�mit accelerat/on unde�tAe Secaon entitled'Accele�at�on ol De6�; , <br /> �� �t•- �� Foreclasu�e'hoiein. The proturement ol insurance,the payment ol taxes or the discharge of liens or char�es by 8eneficiary sha/l nol be a <br /> `�'` , � � waroer o�Benelic�ary's nght to accele�ate tho maturity of tAe Ob/rgations he�eDy secured. The Benellciery s reCeipt ol 8ny ewJrds,O�oceeds <br /> . �?:..���.� • . or damages unde�the Section en;itfed'Haraid Insmance"and rne Secnon entitled'Condetmnatron'heiem shaJ1 not opeiate ro eure or wa�ve <br /> • • ` ' delauJr Dv tne 7�usrw under rno Secnon enr,tted'Events of Detault'he�o�n. . . . <br /> , .�'-1, ; � , 21. Rem�e!Cumulative.A!/remedfes p�ov�ded rn rh�s Deed ol Tirrst ara distincf end cumulative ro any ofhe�ngAt or remedy onder Mis , . <br /> Dood al Tiust or allorded Ay law or eqmry,and may bn exerc�sed toncanentlg�ndepende�Uy oi successive/y,and as olren as tAe oteason <br /> t` �:` . • �Aerelor anses. • � <br /> .;.�°�,''' . • � ??. Sueeessors ertd Ass)gns 8ouad,•Nuatber,Gendec Jo1nf ond Seveiol Lleb(lity;CepBons. 7ho covonants and agfeements heiem contained . <br /> `. '� shaU Dirtd,and Me i�gAts AsreundCr sha/1�nure to, tne rospechve represarttatrvcs,suceesso�s and ass�gns o/Bene%C�ary, Trustee, <br /> • ' • end Tiustoi. Wherevvr used.tho s�ngular number shap�nclude tAe plwal,Ihe plma/the singula�,and tha use o/an y gonde�sAa//be app/icaD/e . <br /> � "�'�-",�I � � to a/t gendvJS• A/l covenants and egreements o/%�s1oi s�a11 be�omt and sovvral,•provrded,Aowever.Mat�l the Trusto��s�n indrvldual, • <br /> '��. � " '' �OtRing eonfare¢d�n th,s Oeod ol Trust shap�n any way obl�gete a Spouse o/tAo Trusfa�ta pay thv Obligahons unless sucA spouse a150 slyns <br /> " rho Note oi tho Gueranty. Tha capdons and�eadmgs ol the Secnons oI th;s Deed ol Trust e�e�or convenrenca on/v and aro not tn De used to .�� <br /> : _` � ,.� inle�p�et o�defino fhe prowsrons heieol. <br /> �'t����•��>' 23. NoNce.Fxcepr lo�an y naUCe�eqwiod undor avPl+cab/o r3w to be g�vOn�n another manner.!al any nohce ro Trusto�provided Ior m fAis _ . <br /> ���"-�• �� •• Deed ot Tiusf shaN be g�ron Av ma,l�ng such nobce Dy cead�ed mad.return recerpt requested addressed to fiustor af rrs mad�rrg addiess sot <br /> t� ` lortn above vr ar sucn oMer add�oss vs Trusror mav dos+gnato by nohce to Bene�%t�ary as piovided Ae�e�n,end lbl any notr�o to B�no/.cre►y <br /> ' ;�'° � � or lrustee sAa1l De gfven by cert�l�sd ma�l,retum rece�pt r�uosted,ro BenehuaN's and Trus�ee's maJmg address srated here�n or to suen <br /> �••��•� ' ' oMer address as B��ef�crasv or T�usteo mav desrgnate Dv notrce to Trusror as prov�ded he�em.Any nooce p�awded 10��n thes Deed ol t�ust r". . . <br /> - �=---:�.--- • - snart De deemed ro hive trecn grven te 7r:sto�. Benel�r.�v��o� r�ustee wnPn g�ven m the manne•�fes�gna�od here�n . <br /> ' ' 24. poveming taw:SeveieDility. Th�s deed o1 Trusf sAall De governed Dy the�aws o!iho Staro of Ned�as�a In�he ovent any provis�on Or , <br /> ,` :�� ' � Gause o/th�s DeeU oJ Trust rpnfhefs�vnh applrcaDle law.Such conN�cf sha/I nOt a»�c�oMe�p�ov�sfo�s ol tMS Deed o!�rusf N�h�ch can D� <br /> ;t ' g�ven P/�ecr w�fhout tne conlhcnng w�v�e�ons and to thrs end the nrovrs�ons ol this Oeed o/liust me deda�ed to tre seve�able M the cie�r �.'. . <br /> � � rhat any apn��caDt�tJW u1 C�ICr.�on Me daro o/rne e,acunon o/rn�s Deed nl Trust>>m�ts Me dmOUnl ol�nle�CSt or ufher�Iems v�n�ch rrrav be � <br /> . . . �dfl/Jlly�hd�qP�J dR/�,<�nre,prr��d m,�m�nner su[�that dny P�YmPrlf O�Owdfd/O��n thr.5 OFfd Ol 1rys1 Or�n MP NOfP C�fAA Cu��vn�i ,. • <br /> . . �wnerne•cp��s,dnrnd sPp.a�atelv nr to4='MCr lwlh othC�p7'lmenfs that arP conc,de�ed e vart or rn�c UneJ o�T�us!and fh�5 f•J�s��cPVn� <br /> - - ., . • � n��dtes s�,M�.r.v. suM oaimrnr�s ner.•bi•eda.ced�o ihe?ytenr nocess.�ry��rrn.,n�re c�cn,,,,ur�.�,l.rr ri�,am�,,�r�ed n m� pcne�nt . <br /> � ,�'�:s.�.; . .. Ol SuC��JY+ �� " . <br /> �—..—._ --___ . .__ _ -•_ <br /> . � <br /> ;'`, . } -�1.-�.,�5 i <br /> �� �.,,�. . . <br /> ._, •`t--.�v .. ., ._ . . . _ . . .. . .. ... . _ ""."':"r—.:'�."�'°v�.�w^�4�' . - . . . .. •'_ °'.. .n--�r-.•:.-.•-?'.--...�u�,�} . _. . ._ ..• ��7.enr�� . . .� � .. . <br />